| | Ask HN: I've lost faith in myself as a developer, how do I get it back? | |
318 points by cwitty88 on Dec 15, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 235 comments
| | I've been a software developer for about 12 years, the last 8 of which I have been the CTO of a company that is growing like crazy. Recently I have been doubting every move that I make and have lost all faith in myself as a developer. When I look at a new feature I just think that I will make it shitty or get called out on not doing things the "right" way. The thing is, I know I'm a decent developer but I find myself doubting every single decision that I make. Is this burn out? How can I get out of this funk and move on? |
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Leadership is hard and it's hard because you're making bayesian calculations on suboptimal choices. Almost by definition.
Say a Jr. dev has a problem that they can't solve. They kick it to an intermediate.
The intermediate can't solve it so they kick it up to a senior.
The senior can see a couple of solutions, but want's to run it past the architect.
The architect takes these options, weighs them against n number of considerations + the dev roadmap and sees strengths and weaknesses to all of them.
They package those pros and cons and brings them to you, the CTO to make a decision between these sub-optimal choices.
In this kind of environment EVERY move you make is going to be a little bit wrong. You just kind of have to minimize the wrongness