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I would recommend reconnecting with the fun of being a developer.

Make something purely for yourself, just because you want it for yourself (whether an app or a website or a desktop program, a game, etc).

Design and code it how you want, focusing on making it work without obsessing about doing it the right way.

I think that will help you recapture the pure joy of coding.

Once you have recaptured that, then I think a lot of other stuff will kind of get back into the right perspective.

I do miss hacking away at stuff just for the joy of it. I'm a little OCD so I have to be mindful about not attempting perfection as I go.

Maybe I need to mess around with some personal projects.

Do Advent of Code. It's the first time I've been drawn into extracurricular programming in quite some time. It's been fun. They're bite sized problems and you're only committed as far as you want to be, and no later than Christmas.

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