Athletes who have a long career will sometimes take time out to reinvent their game. So do some software developers.
Your best bet is to do a project entirely different from anything you've done in a while. You can vary: (1) the domain of the project (what it's about) and (2) the technology behind the project.
When I was really sick and tired of programming I enjoyed playing with Scratch with kids. Many coders, including myself, have a blast with Arduino and other embedded boards.
Sometimes coding just sounds like the worst thing I could possibly do. I do enjoy thinking about writing some code but when I sit down all enthusiasm goes out the door. Maybe I need to tinker with something in the real world tangentially related to code and that will help.
Or just find some hobby that has nothing to do with software at all.
Years ago I took the Myers-Britt test and was an INTP. In the last year I picked up an art hobby (with a lot of coding skills) and have been doing a lot of reading and other work relative to art and relationships and I retested as an INFP. Now my heroes are people like Walt Disney and Jim Henson. I wouldn’t be surprised if I test as an ENFP a year from now.
Out of curiosity, why are you still coding as the Chief Technology Officer?
I knew some CTO's that wrote the initial code (ergo, code quality totally sucked), or would write a 1-off extension (where the code quality didn't matter much). Once the company achieved some size (>5 developers) they just didn't do it anymore / it wasn't a quality use of their time.
As they matured, they tended to focus on the data schema and the soa architecture, and less on the bits and bytes of functions and frameworks.
So when that sometimes happen don't force yourself into it. I'd watch some tutorial on YouTube and try to replicate that, watch videos from all angles: game development, frontend tools, 3D graphics, databases, protocols, talks from conferences... whatever comes into your focus.
For me the trick is to just begin, no matter how small the initial step is.
I think what really triggers curiosity is the ability to learn new things while making an okay progress.
Your best bet is to do a project entirely different from anything you've done in a while. You can vary: (1) the domain of the project (what it's about) and (2) the technology behind the project.
When I was really sick and tired of programming I enjoyed playing with Scratch with kids. Many coders, including myself, have a blast with Arduino and other embedded boards.