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This particular "fact" actually has a known source. Someone made it up as an example of the kinds of things people will believe: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/swallow-spiders/

Volantio (YCW09) | Full Stack Engineer | Atlanta | Full-time | ONSITE

Volantio is hiring an experienced full-stack developer to help us fix travel tech for airlines.

We make some of the world’s biggest travel sites suck less, by providing technology products to airlines and other travel companies (and drag them kicking and screaming into the 21st century). Everything we do improves the airfare search process for millions of people in at least some little way. One of our airline partners likes what we do so much that they made PriceWatch (one of our products) a core part of their brand identity. Here's an ad spot they put together: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWn8-QbRUKU

We’re a close-knit team and have a variety of challenging work on our plates. A typical day can consist of everything from optimizing the Fare Prediction System in the morning to putting the finishing touches on a CSS animation in the afternoon. Our work spans multiple technologies, cultures, and languages (both programming and spoken!), so we value high quality communication and a continuous process of learning from each other.

We're looking for someone with at least a few years of professional software development experience that wants to work with us. Most of our products are built on the Django framework, with Redis, a Postgres database, Coffeescript, and countless other technologies used as needed. You're not expected to be familiar with everything - that's what the 'continuous learning' is for! You'll be a core member of our team - able to develop the role and technology in a direction that you find exciting as we grow the company.

If this sounds interesting, we would love to hear from you. Please include whatever info you believe is relevant: resume, GitHub profile, code samples, links to personal projects, etc.

You can apply by emailing directly (jobs@volantio.com)

I'll start things off. When I've used recruiting firms, they get something between 15-30% of the first year salary of a successful hire. I have the conceit that you'd get better applicants via the HN ad than a recruiting firm, so I'll value a successful placement at $30k. On the other hand, a job listing on a jobs site could be as little as $100, but this low cost would be due to a lower quality of skill in the applicants and a lower chance of actually making a hire. I'll swag the chance of actually making a hire due to the post at 1/3, so I'd say the final auction price would be $10k.

The UI gets in the way of an interesting product. Nothing a little user testing couldn't solve, though!

I thought I'd suggest that you remove the underline from all of the lines at the top of the page, as it makes them all appear to be links and reduces readability. They will be just as prominent without that decoration, and it will actually make your sign up link more visible.

You may want to consider moving the sign up link to the entire phrase: "save your meal plans and make a grocery list ". People will probably click on that more often than the non-descriptive phrase "Sign Up". The latter phrase requires additional effort on the part of the user to read to text next to it, remember the sign up link, and make the decision to go back to the sign up link at the beginning of the phrase. It's worth a/b testing.

Interesting site!

For some reason the underline hadn't been showing up on my laptop and I had to check it out on my phone when you mentioned it to actually see it. Should be fixed now.

Thanks for posting! I live in Minneapolis and rely on the bus system for transport. So far it's easier to use than the NextTrip website on my phone.

For my usual trip each day there are several buses that work for me, and what I was hoping for is a site that centers a map on my location (from my phone gps) and shows me all buses in my general vicinity. I would use this to select a route.

That's definitely something I've been thinking about. It adds another level of complexity though, so I'm taking my time with it.

Do I add some type of "sign-in" functionality to save bookmarks to a profile? Or just let people save bookmarks to a cookie? (by bookmarks, I mean stops)

While this is far from perfect, it's my attempt at doing geo-location: http://mtransit.herokuapp.com/geo

Ideally it'd plot on a Google Map all germane results.

Then you will be interested in this case being argued today in front of the Supreme Court: http://www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/united-states-v-j...

Here is the issue: Whether the Constitution allows police to put a tracking device on a car without either a warrant or the owner's permission; and whether the Constitution is violated when police use the tracking device to keep track of the car's whereabouts.

Non american here, what part of the constitution says they can't track a cars whereabouts?

No part states it explicitly (such technology didn't exist when it was written). People who are arguing against this practice cite the 4th amendment, which reads as follows:

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

People are arguing that putting a tracking device on a car constitutes a search.

The arguement is whether this is simply the same as reporting your position in public.

Or by tracking everywhere you go and correlating that with tracks of other known suspects and then extending that to tracking people that you travel near they are approaching "unreasonable search and invasion of privacy".

For example you can hardly object to the police office outside the bank seeing your car at the scene and radioing that in - but that's different to having a police officer follow you around 24x7 and asking the name and address of everyone you speak to.

Perhaps slightly off topic, but I was in a similar situation recently (a replacement phone was overnighted from verizon via Fedex and my motorhome was not at an rv park). I don't know if it applies to your problem, but I discovered that many Fedex stores will allow you to use their service to ship packages to them for you to come and pick up, like general delivery for the USPS.

Do you live in your rig full-time? What part of the world are you parked in now?

And, I wasn't aware I could have things shipped to a FedEx store. I've considered getting a mailbox at a FedEx store in places where I stay for more than a week or two, but so far have not. But, if I can just do a "general delivery" type thing to a FedEx store, that'd be awesome. Will look into it. Though, Amazon never tells you how they're shipping an item; could be UPS, FedEx, courier, DHL, USPS, nobody knows until you get the tracking notice. So, that probably won't work for my Amazon Prime shipments.

Here's an explanation I wrote about how I handled my mail: http://twelvemonthsofsummer.com/get-mail-on-the-road

I lived in it full time for about a year, inspired by Tynan's posts on the subject. However, I've now gone overseas to Bali and left my Winnie parked in Maryland. It's actually quite a bit cheaper to live here and the internet still works fine :) Have you written up anything about your travels?

Cool. I still have a lot of the American continent to explore, but when I finish that, I'm waffling on whether to buy a sailboat and float around some islands, or fly to Europe and buy a motorhome ("caravan") over there. I thought I'd go for a year and a half, tops, and then buy a place in Austin or some other nice city. But, I'm 20 months in, and I just don't see any reason to stop. Every time I think, "I could buy/rent a place here." I start to get itchy feet and want to drive again. Even awesome places aren't awesome enough to keep me permanently content. I blog very rarely at http://nerdnomad.com and tweet at http://twitter.com/nerdnomad and post photos at http://flickr.com/photos/nerdnomad

I'm visiting Mumbai this week as a tourist, but leave before the meetup. Would anyone care to meet early? I'd love to change things up and be a hacker-tourist for a bit.

Just a bit of promotion for my side project, I hope no one minds.

Visit www.hackerlunch.com

I built the site to help hackers meetup with one another without having to set up large(ish) events with fixed dates.

Sometimes a one-on-one lunch with another hacker is as much a great experience as a larger gathering.

i wudn't mind. more people attending the meet, the merrier it is.

Get in touch with ankeshk. he is organizing the meet.

I use msysgit locally on my machine with a svn repository upstream. Everything seems to work fine for me in my daily work. Like another commenter noted, the initial import took a really long time, and would stop seemingly randomly.

I've heard a different variation of the metaphor: I have box with two keys. When I use the first key to lock the box, it can only be opened with the second key, and vice versa. I keep the first key hidden, but publish details of how to make a box and the second key for all world to see. This means that anyone can send me a secure message by simply making a box to my specifications and locking it with the publically available key. Only I can unlock it. This is asymmetric key encryption.

Asymmetric key encryption is slow, and symmetric is fast, so we use the former to set up the conditions necessary for the latter: If we both have a box and keypair like this, then you can send me your secret phrase using mine and I can send you my secret phrase using yours. Now that we each know both secret phrases and nobody else knows either, we can combine the secret phrases and switch to symmetric. That's how SSL is set up.

This is the description of public key cryptography, or as you referred to it, asymmetric cryptography. It is a different technique and solves a different problem from the other metaphor above by asmithmd1, which is for Diffie-Hellman(-Merkle) key exchange.

Oh. Thank you. I suppose I'll go re-read the other post and learn something.

Is the term 'asymmetric key encryption' meaningful, or did I just make that up?

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