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Tell HN: Mumbai Hackers & Founders Dinner Meet - 6 Dec (ankeshkothari.com)
44 points by ankeshk on Nov 29, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

Hey, Ankesh. I just pinged you via email, but I thought I'd post this here as well.

I run the Hackers and Founders meetup[1] in Silicon Valley, and I usually make it a point to try and connect with other HN meetup organizers around the globe.

I also try to maintain a current list of Hacker News meetups around the globe as well. We'd love it if you added your group if you think this might be a regular event.

If there's anything that we can do for you guys, let us know.


[1] http://www.hackersandfounders.com

[2] https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AmQExXr67OcTdDBZZl9...

I'm visiting Mumbai this week as a tourist, but leave before the meetup. Would anyone care to meet early? I'd love to change things up and be a hacker-tourist for a bit.

Just a bit of promotion for my side project, I hope no one minds.

Visit www.hackerlunch.com

I built the site to help hackers meetup with one another without having to set up large(ish) events with fixed dates.

Sometimes a one-on-one lunch with another hacker is as much a great experience as a larger gathering.

i wudn't mind. more people attending the meet, the merrier it is.

Get in touch with ankeshk. he is organizing the meet.

Atlanta based hacker originally from Mumbai (Bombay!). Luckily, I'll be there on the 6th. Look forward to meeting everyone.

Dang, I get to Mumbai on the 13th after five loong years :) Too bad I'll be missing from this meet up but hopefully we'll have another soon after.

It would have been great if I could be arranged over weekend.

I am in! +1 to weekend next time

Why there is no such one in Banglore ?

Meetups have been happening in Bangalore too. Join the Bangalore HN Google Groups and you'll know when they happen:


From the looks on Hackerstreet.in , Bangalore has more HN users than mumbai. i guess someone has to go ahead and take the initiative.

Ankesh even sent us mumbai HN users an FB message. Nice :)

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