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Do you live in your rig full-time? What part of the world are you parked in now?

And, I wasn't aware I could have things shipped to a FedEx store. I've considered getting a mailbox at a FedEx store in places where I stay for more than a week or two, but so far have not. But, if I can just do a "general delivery" type thing to a FedEx store, that'd be awesome. Will look into it. Though, Amazon never tells you how they're shipping an item; could be UPS, FedEx, courier, DHL, USPS, nobody knows until you get the tracking notice. So, that probably won't work for my Amazon Prime shipments.

Here's an explanation I wrote about how I handled my mail: http://twelvemonthsofsummer.com/get-mail-on-the-road

I lived in it full time for about a year, inspired by Tynan's posts on the subject. However, I've now gone overseas to Bali and left my Winnie parked in Maryland. It's actually quite a bit cheaper to live here and the internet still works fine :) Have you written up anything about your travels?

Cool. I still have a lot of the American continent to explore, but when I finish that, I'm waffling on whether to buy a sailboat and float around some islands, or fly to Europe and buy a motorhome ("caravan") over there. I thought I'd go for a year and a half, tops, and then buy a place in Austin or some other nice city. But, I'm 20 months in, and I just don't see any reason to stop. Every time I think, "I could buy/rent a place here." I start to get itchy feet and want to drive again. Even awesome places aren't awesome enough to keep me permanently content. I blog very rarely at http://nerdnomad.com and tweet at http://twitter.com/nerdnomad and post photos at http://flickr.com/photos/nerdnomad

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