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The UI gets in the way of an interesting product. Nothing a little user testing couldn't solve, though!

I thought I'd suggest that you remove the underline from all of the lines at the top of the page, as it makes them all appear to be links and reduces readability. They will be just as prominent without that decoration, and it will actually make your sign up link more visible.

You may want to consider moving the sign up link to the entire phrase: "save your meal plans and make a grocery list ". People will probably click on that more often than the non-descriptive phrase "Sign Up". The latter phrase requires additional effort on the part of the user to read to text next to it, remember the sign up link, and make the decision to go back to the sign up link at the beginning of the phrase. It's worth a/b testing.

Interesting site!

For some reason the underline hadn't been showing up on my laptop and I had to check it out on my phone when you mentioned it to actually see it. Should be fixed now.

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