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Thanks for posting! I live in Minneapolis and rely on the bus system for transport. So far it's easier to use than the NextTrip website on my phone.

For my usual trip each day there are several buses that work for me, and what I was hoping for is a site that centers a map on my location (from my phone gps) and shows me all buses in my general vicinity. I would use this to select a route.

That's definitely something I've been thinking about. It adds another level of complexity though, so I'm taking my time with it.

Do I add some type of "sign-in" functionality to save bookmarks to a profile? Or just let people save bookmarks to a cookie? (by bookmarks, I mean stops)

While this is far from perfect, it's my attempt at doing geo-location: http://mtransit.herokuapp.com/geo

Ideally it'd plot on a Google Map all germane results.

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