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Reverse Engineering Wipeout (phoboslab.org)
184 points by Donzo on April 14, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 27 comments

Reverse engineering old games is always plenty of fun, there are so many different and unusual approaches available. One thing I've found particularly effective is to add custom hacks and patch to the emulator itself.

For instance, when cracking the password algorithm of the original Crash Bandicoot, I came across a stack-based virtual machine for Naughty Dog's Lisp-based GOAL language. Since the game used a custom archive format for all its data and I really didn't want to start figuring that format out, so instead I patched the PCSX emulator to print out each executed virtual machine instruction and related state as they were executed: https://github.com/dezgeg/crash-bandicoot-password-cracking/...

This is very cool; thanks for sharing.

I wrote the GOOL code that you reverse engineered. It was probably only 8 lines of lisp code or so. The basis of the algorithm was simple modular exponentiation used to scramble the game state bits:

  h(x) = g^x mod p
where x was the entire game state packed into 24 bits or so. I mapped the output bit pattern to a button sequence -- every two bits mapped to one of { circle, square, triangle, x } -- to produce the output "password".

I don't remember the values for the generator g or the prime p, and no longer have the source code.

This kind of construction is very common in cryptography, and was suggested to me by Carl de Marcken, who wrote much of the lisp code at ITA Software.

Wow, what a coincidence to hear from the original author!

I never looked at (or even located) the actual password generation code, but only worked on the password verification code, as it's way easier to do it in that direction. What I initially did was to use the PCSX emulator's cheat finder feature to locate the memory address of the variable that holds the length of the entered password, then placed a memory breakpoint on that address in the NO$PSX emulator, which then lead to the discovery of the virtual machine. After some reverse engineering of the VM's instruction set and programming the VM tracer, as I knew the address of the VM instruction that incremented the password length counter, I could mash one button for 24 times, and then look at the differences in the instruction traces when the final password character was entered.

The function `check()` in https://github.com/dezgeg/crash-bandicoot-password-cracking/... is a bit cleaned-up version of the verification function written in JavaScript, mentally translated from this trace dump: https://github.com/dezgeg/crash-bandicoot-password-cracking/... . All the cryptic variable names in the JS come directly from the virtual machine's "registers".

The function make() in the JS is my implementation of the password generator, i.e. inverse of check(), which wasn't too hard to figure out. I never did bother to find a closed-form expression for the inverse of `mixAndPermute()` function, so maybe that's where the modular exponentiation hides, but I personally don't have enough number theory-fu to crack that.

Interesting... it looks from your code like maybe I broke the bitmap into chunks and separately permuted each chunk -- probably to make things faster on the (incredibly slow) PS1 CPU.

It's a weird experience for me to try to figure out what I did 20 years ago, without access to the original source. You have almost certainly put more time and thought into reverse engineering it than I did in writing it, and at this point probably know more than I do about how it works. :) Somebody at Naughty Dog must have the code -- maybe they can post a snippet...

(I also play the Crash games with my kids and hardly remember even the levels I worked on... it's like playing a new game! Maybe I am just amnesiac...)

mixAndPermute is actually 'RSA' encryption; the modulus factors as 43 * 47 and the public exponent is 5. Inverting it is a matter of computing x^773 mod 2021.

Hey, this is very, very, cool.

Reminds me a couple guys from the Sonic community who managed to get the old, unreleased Sonic X-Treme for the Sega Saturn to actually compile and run on real hardware.

Massive thumbs up for old-school reverse engineering/old console love.


I can't remember exactly if it was te first or the second wipeout for playstation 1. But, I remember poking around the CD in good old norton commander and I've stumbled upon those textures in compressed filea as well into which I have entered as if in normal zip file. I have also found NC batch files for compilation or something like that, meaning psygnosis also used NC and forgot to purge those files from final build.

Wipeout was the first thing i ever reverse engineered! Specifically, it was the files for cars - you could download more cars for it on the PC version, which had different stats, and a friend and i wanted to engineer a car where all the stats were maxed out. We got as far as being able to decode the files, but could never create a new one that the game would recognise.

At least, i think it was Wipeout. Either that or some very similar antigravity racing game.

EDIT: It wasn't Wipeout at all, it was POD: https://sites.google.com/site/nelsonspbr/games/pod . The cars weren't even antigravity.

Looking at the first few cars listed on that page – it looks like each has stats that sum to exactly 300, so this may have been a hardcoded limit preventing what you describe.

Amazing, I've tried to do this for Wipeout 3 in the past (extract the tracks) and was defeated - this makes it seem fairly easy!

Not at all. At least not for me. It's only in hindsight that everything appears obvious.

I spent a considerable amount of time trying to figure out the track textures. It was only when I looked at the game in an emulator again (psxemu[1], which comes with nice debugger that lets you record frames and single step through draw calls) that I noticed that the track faces are subdivided at run time. This gave me the clue to look for textures in different LOD levels.

Still, it feels great once you get it working. Reverse Engineering is like solving really rewarding puzzle!

[1] http://psxemulator.gazaxian.com/

Very interesting. I did this, as well. It was possible to put the Wipeout 3 CD into a CD player and play the tracks as though they were audio files. Realizing this, I used a simple audio ripper to extract the audio files. This was (I think) around 2001 or so.

I believe he meant the race tracks, not audio tracks.

I read somewhere that WipEout XL used a similar data format as the original WipEout, but Wipeout 3 looked like it had a completely new game engine.

Storing background music as CD-Audio was par for the course with a lot of PSX games.

And for PC games of the era. I know Descent did that.

The webgl viewer works smoothly, very enjoyable to witness PS1 games in your browser just like that.

It's a shame that there was never a good PC version. If I remember correctly, Wipeout 1 had proper timing, but it only offered software rendering. There was one version with hardware acceleration, but it used some crappy proprietary 3D API (ATI CIF).

Wipeout 2 used DirectX, but it used tick-based timing which was meant for 30 FPS. So, if you capped it at 60 FPS by using vsync and 60 Hz, it ran butter-smooth but twice as fast as intended.

2097/XL had a PC version which is relatively good and I still play it from time to time.

In "Silverstream - Rapier" the camera goes UNDER the road briefly in the beginning of the flyby, and then again a few seconds later.

The camera path is a cheap hack, extracted from certain track faces and has a lot of damping to smoothen things out. Going through the track in certain parts was a tradeoff.

Heh, I might use this in EarthSiege 2 when I manage to crack the compression algorithm used there... thanks for the idea!

"given the game's age, I expected the 3D format to be quite simple and straight forward." lolz :)

I always liked the music in Wipeout. It gives speed to the game. For those interested, check out Tim Wright (http://coldstorage.org.uk)

Wow this is pretty amazing! When I played the PSP version of Wipeout, I always wondered if I could extract the game, extract the track data and add my own tracks into the game.

That's quite nice, although I imagine extracting the graphics is less demanding work than redoing the physics and stuff, heh.

Awesome work! And I just realized it's the same guy who created ImpactJS. Awesome developer!

Amazing work, brings back memories playing that track!

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