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Wipeout was the first thing i ever reverse engineered! Specifically, it was the files for cars - you could download more cars for it on the PC version, which had different stats, and a friend and i wanted to engineer a car where all the stats were maxed out. We got as far as being able to decode the files, but could never create a new one that the game would recognise.

At least, i think it was Wipeout. Either that or some very similar antigravity racing game.

EDIT: It wasn't Wipeout at all, it was POD: https://sites.google.com/site/nelsonspbr/games/pod . The cars weren't even antigravity.

Looking at the first few cars listed on that page – it looks like each has stats that sum to exactly 300, so this may have been a hardcoded limit preventing what you describe.

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