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The Human Cost of Tech Debt (daedtech.com)
234 points by BerislavLopac on Aug 3, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 94 comments

I recently became CTO of a company with two moderately successful SaaS products. The second one is a fork of the first, but has been maintained by more competent people than the original product. Both are still monuments to technical debt.

About 4 million lines of PHP code, written by underpaid, sometimes not well meaning, freelancers and students over the span of 8 years. The CEO wrote a large part, but stopped learning new techniques around 2004.

I'm bringing competent and well paid people in through my network and try my very best to give them as much freedom as possible, I allow and encourage greenfield modules/services that run on separate and new infrastructure for anything that is possible to be rewritten in the timeframes, but the larger part of the job is still mind numbing to my team and that makes me question my wisdom.

If anyone has tips on how to steer such a ship in a direction where the work is less frustrating for my devs I'm very open for advice.

I've run across this situation many times (I'm a "senior" team lead, meaning, I've been working for 25+ years). I've witnessed companies that overcame tech debt, and seen companies fail because of it. There's basically three approaches that people can take.

One is the "big re-write". They start on a new code base, and try to develop it in parallel. It takes a very long time, and the teams have to work on two solutions for some time. It's a big bang approach, and it often fails, or drags on for years.

The second is massive refactoring. It requires intensive testing and best practices. This strategy requires that the teams focus on testing intensely. However, often the testing culture is not there, which is why the code became unmanageable in the first place. It's kind of like starting over. And the new focus and discipline on testing is hard for teams to do without strong leadership, training, or new talent.

The last, and most effective in my opinion, is to go with a service-based, incremental approach. If the code base is not already using services, APIs must be built. Frontend/apps must be de-coupled from the legacy components. A clear domain model has to be agreed upon, and then parts of the legacy codebase are put behind APIs, and de-coupled from the rest. Over time, sections are refactored independently, and the APIs can hide legacy away. Maybe the legacy parts are refactored and replaced, or they stay around for a while. But the key is, that this approach allows multiple people or teams to work in parallel and focus on their areas. This is domain-driven design in action, and it works. New features can actually be developed sooner, even though the legacy is not replaced yet.

In the end, overcoming tech debt is about people. And on larger code bases, it's more of an organizational problem than a code problem. Developers need to be able to move forward without having to navigate too much code or too many different people.

Do you subscribe to the microservice philosophy? I ask because you come from the era of shared objects, and I personally still consider libraries with well defined APIs to be much simpler than dealing with multiple processes possibly running across different hardware.

I do break my infrastructure apart, but far less aggressively than some advocates.

I'm curious what 25 years had lead you to believe.

I'm not the op and I don't have 25 years experience but I'm a manager/architect with 18 year's behind me. My take:

I very much believe in microservices. I've repeatedly seen small library based approaches fail because one of the key and near universal truths of tech debt IME is code being tightly coupled. When you force an API interaction to happen via an outside protocol, you force a clean contract and a culture of coding to a contract. Decoupling the code allows yet team to move faster and more independently.

>The last, and most effective in my opinion, is to go with a service-based, incremental approach.

I was once handed a project where the original architect drank the microservices kool aid. It didn't stop the different services from being tightly coupled to one another - it just made the pain of that happening worse.

It made testing a pain - you needed to set up and run 11 different services on your machine to test anything.

It made debugging a pain - you had to trace calls over multiple different services with code often written in different languages. Debugging became more and more like detective work.

It created a multiplicity of irritating edge cases. The 'calculation server' could time out if it took too long - and it sometimes did. Serialization/deserialization was also an area rife with bugs.

The code quality got worse due to this approach, exacerbated by the team lead at one point giving people 'responsibility' for different services to different people.

I think microservices where they've "worked" has typically been a path of least resistance to realizing Conway's law - a tacit acknowledgement that different corporate fiefdoms want to write and deploy code in their own way and won't communicate effectively with one another. In that respect I think it's effective because it's easier to draw up REST API contracts between disparate often different-language-speaking teams using microservices than it is to draw up library API contracts.

Surrounding technical debt with integration tests and incrementally refactoring (decoupling modules, deduplicating code and adding assertions) is the only way to approach technical debt.

>In the end, overcoming tech debt is about people.

No. It's a technical problem. People problems definitely exacerbate it - deadlines, politics, etc. but it's still a technical problem in the end.

> It made testing a pain - you needed to set up and run 11 different services on your machine to test anything.

That is explicitly not the "microservices kool aid." The first thing a microservice needs to be is independently testable, so it can be independently developed.

All you had there was one monolithic service.

Thats what we do, and its working reasonably well. Using microservices instead of libs makes working in independent teams easier and faster, and we can decouple better (different internal domain models, managing their own persistence).

It definitely is a drag, but there's just no way around that.

I look at services as being an admission that we haven't really evolved language design into the Eli Whitney era. It looked for a time like we were moving that way with VBX, workflow engines, and mobile agent style divisions. Everything we do seems external to the languages we use.

The last scenario you outline has a lot in common with the Strangler Application pattern: http://www.martinfowler.com/bliki/StranglerApplication.html

I'm finding your service/API suggestion interesting,in light of Steve Yegge's somewhat infamous post about Amazon's initiative to acomplish this ssome years back.

I think one important step is to recognize that bugs can and will happen in the process of cleaning up this tech debt. There are 2 things you need to do, to handle this.

1. Tell your team that cleaning up the tech debt is a major company priority, and even if some mistakes are made along the way, that's an acceptable price to pay for the benefits involved. People shouldn't let the fear of breaking something, dissuade them from cleaning up the mess.

2. Have your team invest heavily on building test/QA infrastructure, so that if they were to break something, it would get automatically caught and flagged, before it reaches production. If the advice given in bullet 1 scares you, then you need to double down here to make up for it.

I've been in teams where pull requests that significantly cleaned up the code base were literally rejected, because people were paranoid that any change at all could break something in unforeseen ways. People just bunkered up into a "if it ain't broke, don't touch it" mentality, which meant that the tech debt problem never ever improved. Ultimately, the only way to get yourself out of this hole, is by encouraging people to take risks even if it involves them sometimes failing, and building better safety nets to catch them on the occasions when they do fail.

>I've been in teams where pull requests that significantly cleaned up the code base were literally rejected, because people were paranoid that any change at all could break something in unforeseen ways. People just bunkered up into a "if it ain't broke, don't touch it" mentality, which meant that the tech debt problem never ever improved.

Was this in a project with or without unit tests? Usually you can win over people like this by writing a test harness around the area affected, getting that through their desks, and then pushing for change.

If even that is rejected you take it upstairs and make an ultimatum or straight up quit and pat yourself in the back for a job well done, regardless of which one you picked.

It's usually not simple to add unit tests to a project that weren't built with them.

Sometimes the unit tests are the technical debt...

There are other ways to test legacy code rather the applying unit testing. If no testing is present at all, unit testing is not likely the correct approach and function/integration testing (using a PhantomJS for example) might be more suitable.

None of the options being discussed are "simple". There isn't a simple way out of technical debt. If there were, it wouldn't be debt.

Unit tests rarely contribute much to the technical debt, because worst generally-seen case is that you can just throw them away. I've seen that, unit tests so bad they weren't usable for much. I'm yet to see a code base destroyed by trying to make it testable, whereas I've seen a ton of codebases that were made quite powerful and flexible, yet also fairly pleasant to use, because they were built to be testable.

Also, in the end I'm far more interested in "automated" testing than anybody's pedantic definitions of what "unit" or "integration" or whatever testing is. That's not the point. The point is that I ought to be able to set up an automated built server and run useful, meaningful tests on it.

Tests are great as long as there's a strict discipline (you usually need to enforce this with tooling) of never committing a change that causes any tests to fail.

Then anyone who writes a test has to make it pass, and anyone who makes a change that breaks a test has to fix it. No rotting tests that passed long ago and have been failing for months that everyone ignores because whatever

I once encountered old code where many of the functions had an argument "bool isUnitTest". Counting the number of things that have to be wrong with the workplace in order for this to occur and to be acceptable is left as an exercise for the reader.

Worst codebase I have ever seen. The incumbents had zero interest in paying down technical debt. Unit tests were just another thing that could be used to game metrics and justify budgets.

Metaphorically speaking, the group issued predatory high-interest payday loans to keep the customer paying increasing amounts of interest on a growing amount of technical debt, forever.

I found that in some of our code the other day, even that wasn't enough to stop the tests from randomly failing.

I have been in such a project (nuclear waste recycling). All the refactoring have been postponed until the Y2K project. All the tests had to be performed for this project. This project should have been boring (very few code was involving date), but because of this huge refactoring, it was interesting. We have removed almost all the technical debt.

This approach will fail.

Unit tests are by their very nature tests that are tightly coupled to your code.

Tight coupling is usually the biggest component of your technical debt.

You want tests that are more loosely coupled - integration tests.

Often really awful code is covered by really awful tests.

Also without mutation testing you can't have any real confidence in the quality of your tests to begin with, if they exist at all.

>I've been in teams where pull requests that significantly cleaned up the code base were literally rejected, because people were paranoid that any change at all could break something in unforeseen ways.

That's why you need to surround the code with realistic integration tests first before changing anything.

>Ultimately, the only way to get yourself out of this hole, is by encouraging people to take risks

No, that's absolutely wrong. You need to first de-risk changes by creating a test harness that catches the bugs that terrify your developers.

Don't be afraid to break stuff yeah, as long as breaking something is a deliberate decision. Many times the root source of your technical debt is the design of your public API, it might be so bad it's hard even to create a wrapper for it. In order to ever get rid of that debt you must remove the entry point to it which means unhappy customers, make sure you have a new api ready and a transitioning path before depreciating the old one.

Unfortunately big test suites won't help for this type of refactoring though, on the contrary they might even be in your way.

Check out the book "Working Effectively with Legacy Code", by Michael Feathers[0].

I believe the basic approach is to write tests to capture the current behaviour at the system boundaries - for a web application, this might take the form of automated end-to-end tests (Selenium WebDriver) - then, progressively refactor and unit test components and code paths. By the end of the process, you'll end up with a comprehensive regression suite, giving developers the confidence to make changes with impunity - whether that's refactoring to eliminate more technical debt and speed up development, or adding features to fulfill business needs.

This way, you can take a gradual, iterative approach to cleaning up the system, which should boost morale (a little bit of progress made every iteration), and minimises risk (you're not replacing an entire system at once).

I've used this approach to rewrite a Node.js API that was tightly coupled to MongoDB, and migrated it to PostgreSQL.

[0] https://www.amazon.com/Working-Effectively-Legacy-Michael-Fe...

The key point for me is the fact that you're allowing your developers to actually fix the issues. Most developers I know love improving old code, even if the end-users will never notice.

Personally I don't mind having to deal with the technical debt, but I absolutely detest being forced into technical debit. This is especially true if I have not yet been allowed to deal with what ever debt that already exists in a given system.

The worst thing to hear in a meeting with manager or project-leads is "We'll deal with 'that' issue after launch" or "Yeah, we need to hit the deadline, so let's just get this thing working, and deal with the fallout later". Dealing with problems retroactively is always going to be more expensive and some problems simply aren't fixable after a product launch. If you're going into product with known bugs or defects, at least let the technical people choose which bugs.

Refactor. Joel says it far better: http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/fog0000000069.html

I see sibling comments on big rewrites. No. I see sibling comments on service based replacements. Still no.

Put structure in. Add tests. Rinse. Repeat.

Have you looked into Facebook's Hack? From what I've seen, Facebook created the language to help with exactly your kind of PHP technical debt problem.

That's a technical thing you can try, in addition to any of the social approaches the other comments are suggesting.

Using Hack makes the incremental approach more bearable on your people, and bear more fruit than just staying in plain PHP.

Make sure there is time dedicated to cleaning up the bad stuff. All the platitudes about code quality are worthless without dedicating time to improve things.

And reward people for improving things. Formally and informally.

Formally: in performance review. Informally: acknowledge their work.

have the team come up with a list of achievable meaningful milestones (eg. 'eliminate use of nasty obsolete library X'), ensure some time is spared to progress them; it'll become clear if the team is net paying off or accruing

also, find someone who thrives on eliminating crap and let them get stuck in

Also make sure that person's work is recognized as being important.

I really like to eliminate crap, but I also try to avoid doing it as much as possible because it's something that never earns any recognition or praise. Historically I've had to really push to even get my boss to recognize it as an accomplishment during my quarterly reviews. Maybe management says they don't like technical debt, but that doesn't mean anything if incentive structures are designed in ways that encourage me to pile it on ever higher.

that's where the milestones can help; it gives concrete visibility to stakeholders of what the technical debt actually is

"oh we've loads of technical debt, it's such a pain", becomes "well we ticked off 4 big TD milestones last quarter and accrued a new small one"

This is a tough spot to be in. From the perspective of a tech lead / individual contributor (I don't consider myself in the company of a Fellow or C-level exec), I've witnessed this kind of situation before and learned a few lessons from it, which I'd like to share here. (Bear in mind, I use the phrase "lessons learned" here loosely, as I could have drawn incorrect conclusions from my experiences, so please pay more attention to the explanations of the points more than the takeaways.)

- Don't bite off more than you can chew. You could "replatform" and try to replace everything that currently works with new tech. In my experience, while the result is an admirable amount of sophisticated technology, the value for the business is unrealizable for a significant amount of time (which usually results in "bad things," like your stock going down, employees being unhappy/leaving due to thinking that it's not going to work out, sales not hitting targets because they don't believe in the product they're selling, customers having more "strength" during contract/sales negotiations, etc). I have observed ~4 years of significant (maybe over a hundred engineers) investment in an effort to replace the entire technology of a relatively young company. I have read many stories of companies doing this and going belly-up as what appears to be a direct result (few companies survive the process; Uber would be an example of a company that is doing this and will survive[1] -- Steve Blank has some particularly appropriate reading material[2]). The problem is the business must continue to grow and sell its product during this time (stable business is important, but growth is critical -- and you can't focus on growth when you're rewriting your technology from the ground up). This seems obvious, but the moment I hear someone say "greenfield" when they also have significant tech debt, I raise an eyebrow of suspicion.

- So, following that, do bite off very small chunks and slowly decompose your tech debt into whatever your well-paid, highly-competent team lead(s) recommend in terms of architecture. For example, if you have a huge legacy application, slowly separate each logical component into its own microservice (assuming your team leads believe microservices are the best architecture for your use-case, etc).

- Freelancers/students/interns/contractors are great! But don't let them design anything. I say this not as a jab to anyone in this category. I work with people in these categories daily. However, it's critical that their work is only implementation and that it is written in a way that has absolute minimal cognitive overhead. The reason is because if you hire someone temporarily to produce a hoozit that does Thing, then in the absolute best case, they will produce exactly that, but you (and your well-paid, highly-competent staff) will have absolutely no idea or understanding as to how or why the hoozit does Thing, or how to modify the hoozit to be a whatsit, or make the hoozit do Otherthing. Sure, you could figure it out. But I posit the cost of doing so is greater than the cost of having done it yourself, even if it takes longer. And now that I think of it, this point is supported strongly by your very own experience already: temp workers always produce technical debt, even in the absolute best case (an example of a worse case is that they produce an unmaintainable/incomprehensible/unmodifiable hoozit that does not do Thing or only does Thing in some conditions a.k.a. being riddled with bugs). Competency or compensation has little or no effect. My belief is that this is often because temp workers know their position is temporary and will strive to achieve exactly Thing when building your hoozit -- they are economically motivated to do so. They are not economically motivated to build your hoozit in such a way that it can become a whatsit later on.

- Remember to deliver value -- in particular, drive growth. This is super important in the technology industry. You should always have some amount of your engineering muscle focused on delivering new value. Sometimes that is reducing technical debt, or decomposing your legacy application, or building new products. Sometimes it's integrating a third-party's product with yours in some way, as "uncool" as that may sound. Sometimes you are in a bind when you can't produce new value without dealing with technical debt. So deal with the technical debt in the most sensible way (i.e., not producing additional technical debt, but also not foregoing any work to reduce your technical debt in the pure interest of improving the top line). If you think of your legacy application as delivering some value, but you don't ever add new features to it, consider your competition and whether your business will lose critically due to lack of innovation.

- I believe that the best engineers care a lot more about understanding the business and how their work aligns with it. If you ask your team, I expect they will tell you that they would rather work on the mind-numbing effort, in some way, if it is the best thing for the business. Junior software developers will always prefer greenfield. More senior software developers will seek the optimal solution. (Similarly to how junior engineers will prefer Shiny New Tech X, whereas senior engineers will only use Shiny New Tech X when it really, really makes sense to do so and there is a strong alignment with the business and/or low risk to doing so -- like in a new product/microservice that is less critical than your core product offerings, for instance.)

- Don't fall into the trap of believing that the only way to grow the business is to abandon/migrate away from legacy applications. At the least, move your users/customers as you decompose/replace legacy software/services. Avoid trying to make big migrations, especially wholesale. (OK, maybe I'm repeating my first point here...)

Separately, I'm curious why the CEO having written any of the code matters if he is no longer contributing code (I'm assuming he is not, since you mentioned he stopped learning new techniques). Or did you mean that he stopped having free time to learn new techniques and therefore stopped contributing code? I would think the CEO needs to stop contributing code as soon as you have enough engineers to meet your minimum desired sprint points (or whatever metric you use for productivity). I certainly don't think that not having learned new techniques necessitates the cessation of contribution, although learning new techniques is a likely byproduct of contribution (due to experience, research, implementation itself, code reads, etc). But, I'm digressing from the topic.

Anyway, hopefully my commentary/experience is helpful to you. Best of luck!

[1] https://eng.uber.com/soa/

[2] https://steveblank.com/2011/01/25/startup-suicide-%E2%80%93-...

I've been in this situation many times. Hit me up at [my username] @ gmail.com if you want to talk.

"They know that they’re going to have to manufacture endless explanations for why seemingly simple things take them a long time." This is what kills me. You can't say to the boss, "Your beloved senior dev built this arcane and fragile system, so everything I do takes forever." Instead you have to find diplomatic/meaningless explanations for why you're moving so slowly.

I've found that I can win over my immediate superiors with low level grumbling about real technical issues in the code base. They eventually internalize the state of the code base and have realistic expectations for how long things will take. The key is to diplomatically voice all your WTF moments, and have a boss technical enough to get it.

Problem is their bosses still think that the spaghettified joke that is the internal framework we have to use is manna from heaven and would take a very dim view of anyone caught trashing it in the open.

From the bosses' point of view it is very difficult to tell the difference between "we have a crap codebase" and "the new guy sucks at reading code and is going to want to rewrite everything he touches".

If 5 different people are all saying the same thing, that makes it a lot easier.

It's not rare that a company hires 5 bad developers (or more) for each 1 good one.

> that makes it a lot easier.

Should make it.

I'm convinced that the issue overall is lack of transparency about design quality. In an org with non-technical leadership, technical staff should periodically present assessments of their systems' readiness for change. Non-tech people need to understand technical debt and see how it changes over time.

In my experience, companies with technical founders tend to have cultures that handle this issue better.

> ...lack of transparency about design quality

Totally agree.

Technical debt isn't a problem as long as the team has good communication & low levels of political behaviour.

IMO articles like this that paint Tech Debt as a universally negative thing (without trying to balance the view, or mention the context in which the tech exists) do more harm than good.

Update: Recommend reading "5 Dysfunctions of a Team" for guidance on improving communication and reducing political behaviour in an organisation.

Funny I get the opposite take on this article in terms of meaning, yet I still think it is off base.

"Technical Debt" is a dangerous analogy because most of what people call technical debt would best be called "ignorance" or "wishful thinking". Debt is a complex social invention that includes methods of accounting, a repayment schedule, etc.

MBA types will have to negotiate with banks, senior executives, the board, etc. about the debt taken on by a corporation.

Worse yet, ignorance often takes the form of overengineering, so what is done in the name of "saving time now" is often completely wasted.

>a complex social invention that includes methods of accounting, a repayment schedule, etc.

Isn't that the point?

There are similar reasons to take on real and technical debt, like expanding into a new market. You also come up with a "repayment schedule" for technical debt, which involves allocating time for checking/updating the documentation, refactoring code, etc.

Some people use "technical debt" to mean "no one knows how this works", but I think the actual debt there is in the documentation or the lousy quality of the code, not the ignorance.

It's a metaphor and it can definitely be taken too far. One of the abuses I don't care for is the notion that Technical Debt can be quantified and calculated for a code base. That's wrong in a number of different ways.

Agreed. It's another instance of making a tech to finance analogy that just doesn't hold up. It's really nice when you can just put a number on something. And it really sucks when you can't, but that doesn't prevent people from trying.

Why does the sales guy get to go play golf after closing a big deal? And yet the developer still has to show up and sit in his seat after he performs some equivalent wizardry? Because the sales guy's effort has a number attached to it, that's why.

My takeaway is that the crucial component of tech debt is the interest you pay on it, which often gets overlooked. It's not just that it takes longer to do tomorrow what you could do today, but you also face developer unhappiness and attrition.

This is just part of how you communicate about technical debt. It does not address the context, business interests, etc., but it doesn't need to. It doesn't imply anything about the value of debt, and discussing a negative aspect of it does not exclude what value it has.

> ... but you also face developer unhappiness and attrition.

I don't think this should be assumed. The unhappiness and stress around Tech Debt are directly caused by sub-optimal communication, not by the debt itself. The debt is just the stage on which the poor communication is played out.

I wonder if it is also the case that if the code quality is high, people are happy and they stay. This means fewer openings are available in those teams. Therefore, if you take a new job, it is more probable that the code is bad and there is a revolving door of developers who have tried to make it better, failed, left and created an opening for you. The vicious cycle of bad jobs.

Personal Anecdote:

Was employed, but searching for a new job. Interviewed a few places that required coding on whiteboards (ugh). Then interviewed at a place where they asked me only a few technical questions, but mainly about what I did at my previous position. Then one of the technical questions was what did HTML5 change about using <b> tags and such. And I said, uh, just use CSS. No, "HTML5 introduced <strong> for better semantics". Didn't disagree at the time, just said, "Interesting.", and looked it up later. Yeah, the strong tag has been there since at least HTML3.2

Whatever, they offered me nearly doubly what I was earning before, plus a sizable bonus. I figured it couldn't be that bad.

Well, it's bad. 4 people quit in my first week (out of, say, 20-25 devs). One was one of the persons who interviewed me. Months later, about 5 more people have left and been replaced. We've also added new members. My project isn't a trainwreck, but the main headache is the main project with a 30 year old codebase.

It's a mess. They are trying to revamp it in situ, but it's ASP and SQL and most of the business logic is in SQL stored procedures. They've really done some nice code* in the revamp but all it does is add layers on top of an eventual SP call.

So my project is humming along nicely, it's scheduled for a few years and I'm only going to be here a couple years anyway, so it's a nice step in my career to me. I just got lucky. I'd hate to work on the main product. Evidently everyone else does to because they keep churning through people.

*They don't believe in comments. The methods and stuff are clearly written, eg. CreateUserAndReturnUserRef and verbose stuff like that, but for some reason they don't have comments. Guess what other code doesn't have comments? The classic ASP and store procedures. Great habit to keep! Even my new project lacks comments. I add them, but no one else does. It's very odd. I've brought it up and gotten various excuses ("Comments rot, so we don't use them," "I just don't have time for comments" "Yeah I should add those")

but it's ASP and SQL and most of the business logic is in SQL stored procedures.

Can someone explain to me why this would be considered a bad thing?

Let me be more clear: The entire application is written in SPs. They have a 3 tiered arch, but the FE and MT see 5% usage and the DB sees 95% usage.

And they constantly have timeouts, table locking issues, errors, CPU usage problems, etc. I receive, literally, 10,000+ emails a month from automated error reporting from the DB servers.

Luckily it's not my project so I just have a rule to delete all of them.

As I currently work at a company in this exact situation I can confirm it is very true.

And to validate the article even more I am currently searching for better opportunities where I can work with better and more modern technologies.

There's a big difference between "better and more modern technologies" and a fragile, brittle code-base that is difficult to change. They are not necessarily related to each other, either.

Not if it's written PHP and went through the hand of multiple developers in its early days when standards were less well defined.

Coding in PHP has become a lot better over they years but if you have the misfortune of having to maintain legacy code it' s pretty much guaranteed to be a bad time.

No MVC, no templates, no PDO hell it's one step removed from the early days when everything was in 1 big file and nobody seems to be bothered by it or willing to budget time to rewrite it and eliminate the technical debt incurred every time you need to modify it.

Honestly, I would get bored working at a place where everything is "easy". I actually enjoy the challenge of working on awful code-bases, and trying to improve upon it, while still preserving the functionality and not breaking anything.

That said, if I had to work with awful code and I wasn't allowed to touch it or make it better, I would definitely leave in a heartbeat.

I used to enjoy the thrill of the refactor, especially on applications where there weren't a lot of users or the product didn't generate much revenue. Or better yet, refactoring before the product has even been released. When the stakes are low, you can be much more fearless, and it is fun to rearchitect and introduce new patterns, etc.

But when the stakes are higher, the risk/reward ratio just isn't there. You can refactor the code to make it more sensible or pleasing to your eye. Two problems with this: 1) Someone else may disagree and refactor it again. 2) When it blows up or has unintended consequences, and you are now on the hot seat, you find yourself working on Saturday asking yourself if it was worth it at all. Thus the fear sets in.

Is it really that different to put that energy into new features? I guess you lack the 'archaeological' aspect of deciphering old code, but there are still plenty of challenges.

I think it's also implied that, in a situation where technical debt isn't appreciated, it's unlikely that resources would be given to pay it down. Instead, it sits there making all work more frustrating, whereas a shop with minimal technical debt spends more time creating new, more robust, code.

I took that attitude with my new job, but the more I get to know the codebase, the more I dislike it, and there just isn't the time to rewrite everything.

Bad management, oversight, and architecting returns bad code. Often team leads know better, but are driven by deadlines and the lack of a skilled workforce (with little time to train them) to produce a product. Of course this leads to turn-over...eventually. People will work for a year, realize that nothing they want to accomplish will happen quickly because of resourcing, then they'll run away. I really don't agree that the human cost of technical debt is a new concept. It's foremost in my mind when I think about giving tools to employees to add new features. Well written article, but not really anything new.

Stuff like this is why I wish you could review the companies code before joining. Getting hired, discovering how bad everything is and then starting the job hunt again is awful for everyone.

For most job offers I've gotten I've asked to review the source code post-offer. I've even done this in a couple interviews -- can't recall ever being denied.

In one particular instance I came back to review the code for a product that required a level 3 security clearance; the hiring manager happily complied, letting me spend over 2 hours alone studying the code on a workstation in a side office. One reason I passed on that position was due to the code being more spaghetti than I would have preferred.

I like your idea. I would also like to add one I learnt through experience.

I usually meet with the team on a casual event outside the office before accepting any offer. I find that its a very good way to find out about the team dynamics. A lot of warning signs about management can be easily spotted within half an hour of talking to them.

A big warning sign is usually high turnover.

That's an excellent idea. How to ask about it cordially?

Inside of an interview, what usually happens is we get into a discussion of the architecture of the product I'd be working on. Then I pepper questions about the codebase itself, and after a few questions I'll say "Wow, that sounds interesting. Mind if I take a look?"

Post interview I'll talk to the hiring manager and express how much I enjoyed meeting with the team and love the product, then ask if it would be alright to stop by to take a closer look at the codebase, watch how the team works in action, just be a fly on the wall.

"I'd love to see some of your code while I'm here."

I would love to do that as well. But its taken me a while to understand our current system, and the code itself isn't bad, its just some really poor high level design decisions that have led to a lot more of it than is needed. 2 hours in it still looked decent to me.

...then the companies having bad code will make a few good ones for show. Interview is like first date both parties try to impress without mentioning the critical (i could have said important too) parts.

Well you'd want to be reviewing the code you're going to be working on. If they bait and switch like this then they should expect high turnover.

If you're not interviewing with anyone on your team directly they may not have access to whatever you'll be working on. That doesn't make it a bait and switch.

You should insist on a chance to speak to your potential colleagues without anyone listening over your shoulder.

I don't think that would help. A lot of them are oblivious to better ways of doing things so they don't realize the problems. Others are just suffering from stockholm syndrome.

If any candidate had done this at a place I was unhappy, I'd have told the truth. Honestly, a lot of candidates are drinking kool-aid by the time they walk in the door.

At interviews people get asked the classic, what's your biggest weakness question. As well as asking them to describe a typical day I always ask an existing employee what the worst thing about their job is. People often try to give a company approved reply but the underlying tensions with the tech/management/process are very difficult to hide.

and a lot of the are so desperate for a helping hand out of that dank hole that they will put on quite a song and dance. How much interesting work is going on, what an interesting, interested and supportive group it is..

Copying my comment from the OP

> Analysts and project managers might account for technical debt when discussing slipped deadlines.

No they won't, you cannot quantify technical debt, it's a metaphor.

I completely agree with the rest of the post. But "technical debt" is not a cause, nor a valid metaphor to share with management. Other bad metaphors are "building" and "architecture". We are not building anything, we are only writing algorithms that computers will follow. When we write down those algorithms, we are also encoding the inner workings of the company. The true knowledge of how a company works is not only in its documentation or in the heads of their employees, it's also in its automated processes.

The automated processes are the reason why a company can be competitive nowadays. People need to be able to understand those processes, those algorithms, from the code, documentation is never enough, and is never up to date. The code is the primary source of information. If it's not legible, if it becomes arcane knowledge, a black magic that only a consultant can "fix", then the company grinds to a halt, it withers and is crushed by competitors. Be careless about the code quality is not about the suffering of the developers, it means that you are burying vital knowledge of your company, and eventually no employee, no consultant, will be able to dig it out.

If we are trying to figure out how to deal with managers who don't care about the company, but only about absurd deadlines that their managers gave them, then we need to start pushing back, start saying NO. Politics are unavoidable, and often necessary, not all decisions can be made because technical reasons, but we need to start imposing the reality of the code, you cannot rush it, our you are killing yourself.

> For a manager, a code base high in technical debt means that feature delivery slows to a crawl, which creates a lot of frustration and awkward moments in conversation about business capability. For a developer, this frustration is even more acute. Nobody likes working with a significant handicap and being unproductive day after day, and that is exactly what this sort of codebase means for developers.

The very same holds for managers and teams in companies that need to deal with organizational debt:


The concept of technical debt is easy to convey to management, the hard part is conveying the scale of the debt because it's an abstract value. You don't have x units of debt. And because there's no actual value to measure it's easy to keep adding it on, it's easily viewed as the same debt.

To give you an analogy imagine you have a credit card. As you spend you increase your debt but you never get to know want your balance is. All you know is how much you pay per month. In fact even that number would be blurry and fluctuate. That's what management sees from their perspective. As a result it's easy to keep adding debt because it had no real value, you don't see that you're $1000, $10k, $100k, etc in debt, just that you have to pay something each month. Yes each month you have less to spend but it's a lot less than you spent that month. Last month you had to pay $100 but this month it's $101 and you don't have to pay that $50 one Ike hit. The extra $1mth is easier. You kinda forget that in a year it's now an extra $2-$3/mth. And again you never see your balance, so you don't know how much you have in debt. Your spouse keeps saying your way in debt but you have no idea of the scale. It's very easy to increase your debt this way.

Unfortunately I don't have an answer as to how you can value the technical debt so that the business people can appreciate the scale. I don't think as developers we can even measure it ourselves accurately, it's more of a feeling, a scale if you will.

Most articles about technical debt should actually be about technical default. Tech debt is a good technical management instrument, it's just need to be paid and everyone involved must understand that. Delaying payments is as bad as delaying regular finance debt payments.

Completely agree with this sentiment. Not all tech debt is bad - and it's often inevitable. I wrote some stuff about this notion: https://medium.com/@MostlyHarmlessD/on-technical-debt-7bac65...

This article hits close to home!

What should be done in a company that's basically committed every error you could commit? What's an engineer to do? Just switch jobs?

I joined a company a few years ago that had hit a wall with its tech stack after 8 years. They brought in a new technical lead who convinced everyone to approve a "rewrite everything from scratch on new stack" approach (even though it rarely works).

2 Years and $40-50m later:

- The thing's nowhere near done. Customers all still using old legacy product that's not been updated in 2-3 years now since resources were diverted to rewrite

- 88% of the eng org has turned over

- current eng org doesn't know how 20-40% of the codebase works

- customers have caught on and started leaving en masse

- Rest of company has turned over as well as they realized nothing useful was going to come out of engineering for years more if ever

It's a bit confusing. What the heck should we do at this point?

I take some solace in knowing that I've seen firsthand what NOT to do in situations like this.

> What should be done in a company that's basically committed every error you could commit? What's an engineer to do? Just switch jobs?

Sometimes that's all you have the power to do. Why are customers leaving en masse if the old product is still functioning?

It sounds like the rewrite got stuck in the pattern where it has to do 100% of the original and then some. Just like a new product, a rewrite has to hit that MVP mark, just not as urgently. They also have to be able to throw out the cruft and not import every bad idea from v1.

Maybe competitors are providing a better product, so customers leave? It's hard to make a new version of a product that does less. Features were presumably mostly added for a reason, and customers probably use them. Removing them is a hard sell.

If there are better alternatives then sticking with the current technical debt may be a non-option as well.

>Features were presumably mostly added for a reason, and customers probably use them. Removing them is a hard sell.

Trying to make everyone happy is one of the big drivers of technical debt, a lot of stuff that gets added just to get that one critical contract. Sometimes you can refactor to better handle these variations that weren't anticipated, but sometimes you can't and you have to evaluate the complications versus that one customers business.

You say this most often in businesses that practice sales team driven development.

Heh I worked at a company that did something like that.

Tell the people above the tech lead, politely, that the failure is a predictable consequence of the decision to rewrite from scratch, and that what they need to do is abandon the rewrite and pour resources into the "legacy" version to fix it. And be prepared to switch jobs. Not necessarily in that order.

Fire the tech lead for one if he has not been already.

> Just switch jobs?

Meet the new job, same as the old job.

This is a great article. I've also seen tech debt exacerbated by poorly implemented agile practices. One of the worst projects I worked on kept kicking the can down the road because of a misguided idea that everything should be a customer deliverable. So not only were we forced to work with crap, but we were disempowered from making it any better! It was a nightmare, motivation and team cohesion was non-existent and yes, turnover was very high!

> everything should be a customer deliverable

And everything should be delivered in a 100% predictable timeframe and that predictable timeframe should be about a day.

> To tie this back to the tech debt metaphor, think of someone with mountains of debt trying to explain being harassed by creditors. It’s embarrassing, which is, in turn, demoralizing.

Seems that a more apt use of the analogy would be "think of someone with mountains of debt trying to explain why they can't afford to do the same things as their colleagues"

The human cost of unpaid tech debt.

"If you’re not already familiar with the concept of technical debt" ohh how I envy thee.

As much as I love the metaphor, it's been quite a while since I first noticed the "eye-twitching" among non-technical management types whenever the term "technical debt" comes up. I can almost hear them thinking, "oh, boy, more spoiled programmer bullshit for me to deal with".

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