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Stuff like this is why I wish you could review the companies code before joining. Getting hired, discovering how bad everything is and then starting the job hunt again is awful for everyone.

For most job offers I've gotten I've asked to review the source code post-offer. I've even done this in a couple interviews -- can't recall ever being denied.

In one particular instance I came back to review the code for a product that required a level 3 security clearance; the hiring manager happily complied, letting me spend over 2 hours alone studying the code on a workstation in a side office. One reason I passed on that position was due to the code being more spaghetti than I would have preferred.

I like your idea. I would also like to add one I learnt through experience.

I usually meet with the team on a casual event outside the office before accepting any offer. I find that its a very good way to find out about the team dynamics. A lot of warning signs about management can be easily spotted within half an hour of talking to them.

A big warning sign is usually high turnover.

That's an excellent idea. How to ask about it cordially?

Inside of an interview, what usually happens is we get into a discussion of the architecture of the product I'd be working on. Then I pepper questions about the codebase itself, and after a few questions I'll say "Wow, that sounds interesting. Mind if I take a look?"

Post interview I'll talk to the hiring manager and express how much I enjoyed meeting with the team and love the product, then ask if it would be alright to stop by to take a closer look at the codebase, watch how the team works in action, just be a fly on the wall.

"I'd love to see some of your code while I'm here."

I would love to do that as well. But its taken me a while to understand our current system, and the code itself isn't bad, its just some really poor high level design decisions that have led to a lot more of it than is needed. 2 hours in it still looked decent to me.

...then the companies having bad code will make a few good ones for show. Interview is like first date both parties try to impress without mentioning the critical (i could have said important too) parts.

Well you'd want to be reviewing the code you're going to be working on. If they bait and switch like this then they should expect high turnover.

If you're not interviewing with anyone on your team directly they may not have access to whatever you'll be working on. That doesn't make it a bait and switch.

You should insist on a chance to speak to your potential colleagues without anyone listening over your shoulder.

I don't think that would help. A lot of them are oblivious to better ways of doing things so they don't realize the problems. Others are just suffering from stockholm syndrome.

If any candidate had done this at a place I was unhappy, I'd have told the truth. Honestly, a lot of candidates are drinking kool-aid by the time they walk in the door.

At interviews people get asked the classic, what's your biggest weakness question. As well as asking them to describe a typical day I always ask an existing employee what the worst thing about their job is. People often try to give a company approved reply but the underlying tensions with the tech/management/process are very difficult to hide.

and a lot of the are so desperate for a helping hand out of that dank hole that they will put on quite a song and dance. How much interesting work is going on, what an interesting, interested and supportive group it is..

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