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I don't think that would help. A lot of them are oblivious to better ways of doing things so they don't realize the problems. Others are just suffering from stockholm syndrome.

If any candidate had done this at a place I was unhappy, I'd have told the truth. Honestly, a lot of candidates are drinking kool-aid by the time they walk in the door.

At interviews people get asked the classic, what's your biggest weakness question. As well as asking them to describe a typical day I always ask an existing employee what the worst thing about their job is. People often try to give a company approved reply but the underlying tensions with the tech/management/process are very difficult to hide.

and a lot of the are so desperate for a helping hand out of that dank hole that they will put on quite a song and dance. How much interesting work is going on, what an interesting, interested and supportive group it is..

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