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Stories from September 24, 2008
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1. 10,000 Mechanical Turkers work separately to draw a 100 dollar bill. (tenthousandcents.com)
115 points by shafqat on Sept 24, 2008 | 48 comments
2. A hacker's loneliness
70 points by maryrosecook on Sept 24, 2008 | 68 comments
3. Posterous: I went to etc., can I still work for you?
63 points by MicahWedemeyer on Sept 24, 2008 | 176 comments
4. Ask YC: Why is emacs a great editor?
50 points by mixmax on Sept 24, 2008 | 81 comments
5. Project 10^100 (project10tothe100.com)
43 points by newsit on Sept 24, 2008 | 25 comments
6. The Two Classes of Airport Contraband (schneier.com)
40 points by raju on Sept 24, 2008 | 14 comments
7. Rich Kilmer: Ruby's Best Feature (richkilmer.blogs.com)
40 points by luccastera on Sept 24, 2008 | 17 comments
8. GTK+ on OSX is finally available (gtk-osx.org)
37 points by nickb on Sept 24, 2008 | 37 comments
9. Why do people discount the importance of a formal education in computer science? (news.ycombinator.com)
35 points by pius on Sept 24, 2008 | 30 comments
10. A family member wants to invest $25k into our startup, what do we do now?
34 points by perezd on Sept 24, 2008 | 48 comments
11. Rubber ducking - solving problems by describing them (c2.com)
31 points by marketer on Sept 24, 2008 | 13 comments
12. 12 Add-Ons for PuTTY (thegeekstuff.com)
29 points by iamelgringo on Sept 24, 2008 | 12 comments
13. Digg Raises $28 Million in Series C Funding (gigaom.com)
29 points by jkopelman on Sept 24, 2008 | 26 comments
14. Audi detects when lights will turn red (wired.com)
26 points by robg on Sept 24, 2008 | 17 comments
15. Looking out for number one (maths.org)
24 points by sanj on Sept 24, 2008 | 10 comments
16. $100B "Internet Idiot" Industry Set To Explode (tekpopuli.com)
23 points by jackjack1000 on Sept 24, 2008 | 21 comments
17. Science beyond individual understanding (michaelnielsen.org)
18 points by michael_nielsen on Sept 24, 2008 | 8 comments
18. Commercial Open Source in Europe Vs. the US (lmaugustin.typepad.com)
16 points by makimaki on Sept 24, 2008 | 4 comments
19. Chrome fades as users return to IE, Firefox (computerworld.com)
16 points by nickb on Sept 24, 2008 | 24 comments
20. Automatic Rails at Slicehost (fiveruns.com)
14 points by nickb on Sept 24, 2008 | 1 comment
21. Ask HN: django vs php: a hard choice
14 points by kamme on Sept 24, 2008 | 27 comments
22. Detailed summary of MIT's OCW course "Introduction to Algorithms", part VI: Search Trees (catonmat.net)
14 points by jarold on Sept 24, 2008 | 1 comment
23. Hadoop + Python = Happy (code.google.com)
13 points by colinhevans on Sept 24, 2008 | 5 comments
24. Rososo: ultrasimple RSS (rososo.com)
13 points by unalone on Sept 24, 2008 | 17 comments
25. The worst misuse of the term 'load balancing' ever (f5.com)
12 points by lmacvittie on Sept 24, 2008 | 7 comments
26. Critique my startup - licensekey.net
12 points by maxklein on Sept 24, 2008 | 30 comments
27. Clever comic strip explains Wall St. meltdown (slideshare.net)
11 points by browser411 on Sept 24, 2008 | 8 comments
28. The Traditional Workplace is Broken (37signals.com)
11 points by fusionman on Sept 24, 2008 | 9 comments
29. [O'Reilly Radar] Is Google Spreading Itself Too Thin? (oreilly.com)
10 points by Anon84 on Sept 24, 2008 | 2 comments
30. Matt Groening's Apple Ad From 1989 (mac.com)
10 points by nickb on Sept 24, 2008 | 3 comments

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