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Stories from August 24, 2008
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1. Git: the minimum you need to know (sorta like a cheat or nutshell) (kernel.org)
69 points by gtani on Aug 24, 2008 | 26 comments
2. The Economics of Pay Incentives: a 116% Productivity increase (slate.com)
50 points by smanek on Aug 24, 2008 | 29 comments
3. Deschooling Society (ournature.org)
50 points by whalliburton on Aug 24, 2008 | 45 comments
4. 6-Year-Old Stares Down Bottomless Abyss of Formal Schooling (theonion.com)
46 points by Eliezer on Aug 24, 2008 | 22 comments
5. Russians dent Google’s world domination (timesonline.co.uk)
37 points by nickb on Aug 24, 2008 | 24 comments
6. Arrows in Javascript (notes-on-haskell.blogspot.com)
36 points by nickb on Aug 24, 2008 | 1 comment
7. The Worst Colleges in America (radaronline.com)
33 points by ksvs on Aug 24, 2008 | 30 comments
8. Folding Paper in Half Twelve Times (pomonahistorical.org)
31 points by dcminter on Aug 24, 2008 | 10 comments
9. Why Yahoo Japan Is Worth Nearly As Much As Yahoo (techcrunch.com)
30 points by nickb on Aug 24, 2008 | 7 comments
10. Alan Kay on 'The Camel has Two Humps' (nyud.net)
25 points by nickb on Aug 24, 2008 | 6 comments
11. Ask YC: What's your day job?
24 points by 42flicks on Aug 24, 2008 | 86 comments
12. Corn and Software (heroku.com)
23 points by sant0sk1 on Aug 24, 2008 | 8 comments
13. Stopping blog spam or Why I started to block Internet Explorer 6 (homelinux.net)
21 points by raganwald on Aug 24, 2008 | 9 comments
14. 10 Free Python Programming Books (coderholic.com)
20 points by Anon84 on Aug 24, 2008 | 6 comments
15. Related pages widget shown on Wikipedia using Directed Edge engine (directededge.com)
18 points by wheels on Aug 24, 2008 | 3 comments
16. Erlang/OTP, Manning beta book (manning.com)
15 points by gtani on Aug 24, 2008 | 6 comments
17. Ask YC: Feedback on usabilityfeedback.com (usabilityfeedback.com)
13 points by nonrecursive on Aug 24, 2008 | 44 comments
18. Ask YC: How important is it that your investors are into what you're doing?
13 points by wheels on Aug 24, 2008 | 6 comments
19. Carbs kill cells that regulate appetite (sciencedaily.com)
12 points by gasull on Aug 24, 2008 | 5 comments
20. Lessons from a Startup Acquisition (gigaom.com)
12 points by profgubler on Aug 24, 2008 | 3 comments
21. Companies Try to Extend Researchers' Productivity (wsj.com)
11 points by nickb on Aug 24, 2008
22. Anne Trubek on Why We Shouldn’t Still Be Learning Catcher in the Rye (goodmagazine.com)
11 points by robg on Aug 24, 2008 | 19 comments
23. Erlang: Make, Rake and Emake (medevyoujane.com)
11 points by gtani on Aug 24, 2008
24. Is F8 being used for phishing? (laserlike.com)
11 points by mspeiser on Aug 24, 2008 | 7 comments
25. Ask YC: Payment Processing
11 points by scribblewiki on Aug 24, 2008 | 12 comments
26. Another to do list... (reallygoodtodolist.com)
8 points by LookSeeProof on Aug 24, 2008 | 14 comments
27. WidgetLaboratory Strikes Back At Ning Where It Hurts (techcrunch.com)
8 points by nickb on Aug 24, 2008 | 7 comments
28. Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains-- of his technology. (nytimes.com)
6 points by robg on Aug 24, 2008 | 2 comments
29. Startup Fundraising. Never do just enough. (tpgblog.com)
6 points by theproductguy on Aug 24, 2008 | 2 comments
30. IE Death March - Time to stop supporting the 7 year old IE6 (iedeathmarch.org)
6 points by danw on Aug 24, 2008

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