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Chrome fades as users return to IE, Firefox (computerworld.com)
16 points by nickb on Sept 24, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 24 comments

It's still too buggy. I'll use it more when it becomes more stable.

I'll try it (for the first time) when its released on *nix.

I agree, although I'm still using it. Flash stalling the whole browser, some textboxes not working properly, and various javascript applications like FB not working properly are the bugs I've come across.

I'm still using it, I miss some extensions...but ff is just too buggy and slow.

Agreed. FFox is way too bloated, even with "8 gazillion tricks to speed up ffox!".

The only must-have extensions are Firebug and Web Dev Toolbar, so I keep firefox around for debugging purposes. For everyday browsing it's chrome all the way.

I agree . . . and it is a shame. Never thought I would see the day when Firefox is the most troublesome, aggravating, and downright crappiest app on my machine, both on Ubuntu and (yes, I still have to occasionally use it, so I dual boot) XP. Actually thought it was just MY problem until now . . . ahh I miss the 1.5 days . . . IE is still worse, but, not by much. Sad thing is, I think the FF guys KNOW it, and simply don't give a crap. I mean, if they did, they would have done something about it . . .

Return to IE??

My thought exactly. Who, of all the users on IE, has even heard of a different browser? And then of these users, they decide that IE is still better? Is this like some .001% that I can't find anywhere?

There was a ton of media coverage behind Google Chrome, a lot of non-techie people knew about it.

I just recently went 100% FF again, after using chrome for 2 weeks or so. Chrome crashed and made pandora stutter, plus the lack of add ons.... I'll give it another shot when it gets out of beta

I'll give it another shot when it gets out of beta

Given Google's beta coughGmailcough record, I wouldn't hold your breath on this one.

Yeah, but their products do generally improve. I have high hopes for Chrome.

The funny thing was how I had everything crash much more in Chrome (which was supposed to be crash proof), compared to Firefox 3 which to date has yet to hang on me once.

That whole "multiple processes" hype sure was cute though.

same here.. I guess it's flash, shockwave, etc not playing nice - but still --> FF stays up - Chrome crashes (and freezes often!)

I like Chrome, it's just annoying to have to pop open Firefox every time I want to run some Flash content.

Not to be "I don't have that problem" guy, but if anything I was annoyed with how much stuff worked. Java and Flash both worked fine for me.

I wonder if that's some kind of bug.

It is. Java breaks for me as well, though Flash works.

Not interested.

Do people really read computerworld.com, or is this just click-bait?

Not to mention their analysis is skewed. Could they not have compared the browser shares circa a major FF release? FF3 usage was way up, then declined slowly.

Yeah. You can't compare a browser coming out the doors for the first time to a major, dominant browser. Of course your results will be skewed.

From the article: Safari, the only browser to escape Chrome's impact

Translation: Despite Apple's very annoying efforts to shove Safari down everyone's throat through "iTunes updates", there is not a single Windows user out there using Safari, so Chrome could not steal any market share. Since, you know, there weren't any to steal in the first place.

I'm sure Windows Safari took a brief dip as well. But the majority of Safari users run OS X, and so there wasn't as large an impact.

There are people who like Safari, you know, for the fact that it's a good browser. And some of those people run Windows.

Well... Any non-Windows user uses a computer that's almost 100% Chrome-proof.

I won't try to run it on my Linux notebook, but I am still typing in Chrome on my Windows one. And IE sucks so badly I can´timagine anyone who _prefers_ it over Chrome.

I must admit I went back to Firefox 3, which for the record is awesome, after less than 4 hours.

Haven't really used Chrome since. Might prefer that over Safari for CSS-testing, but that's it.

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