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[O'Reilly Radar] Is Google Spreading Itself Too Thin? (oreilly.com)
10 points by Anon84 on Sept 24, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Google hasn't built another business yet to rival its initial search franchise.

How dumb is that? No one has built another business on the web to equal Google's initial search franchise.

That is very true. I think Google has a go at a lot of tricky markets. So when it doesn't crack them (eg knol) its all fingers pointed. But I would guess they expect some to fail. They are experimental.

Anyway, Search/Adwords/Adsense are still growing. They're in sight of monetising Maps & Video. I think there's a lot of potential there. I don't think apps will ever be a golden goose, but maybe they'll pay for themselves & create a decent precedent for a "freemium" business model.

This is essentially a great follow up to the RRW article. Tim O'Reilly says it right

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