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Clever comic strip explains Wall St. meltdown (slideshare.net)
11 points by browser411 on Sept 24, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

FFS, not that one again. I've seen it about half a dozen times on reddit, and once already on YCNews.

Uh... which comic is this again? It's not showing up in FireFox, and IE is reporting an error with the Flash Plugin. Any got a mirror to a non-locked down version? (Or the HN or Reddit article that discussed it in the past?)

Debated whether to re-post or not, but given the unprecedented fallout from the previous week, I thought it was timely. I always point folks to this when they start asking about the subprime mess--it's much more engaging than some of the long, dry articles around.

Apologies to those seeing it again. Hopefully it reached some new eyes.

It did. I thought it did a good job explaining things, even though it was a little (ok, a lot) childish.

<cynicism>Ah, but this time you get in inside Flash!</cynicism>

hey if you've seen it no need to leave a comment about seeing it. I've seen it and loled again.

fuck you.

fuck you.


Bad assumption my frigid Norwegian ass! What about the AAA rating from the agencies?

They fucked up too.


Well that's just great, asshole. What am I supposed to tell my villagers?

Tell them you fucked up.

It's not every decade that real estate takes a strong economy (3Q 2007) and throws it immediately into the toilet. This is what Bushonomics gives us: our recoveries are jobless and flaccid, and our "slowdowns" are disastrous, even when they fall short of being numerical recessions.

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