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Only mentioned can reply was a good feature add

They are even louder than fuel burning cars over 50kph due to the extra weight. I would still rather hear loud tire noise than breathe exhaust as a pedestrian though

Do you have numbers to back that up?

I can hear ICE engines accelerating roaringly from miles away. I do not hear the same from electric cars.

The test in this video demonstrates it https://youtu.be/CTV-wwszGw8.

Obviously this applies to the ~average~ car. A hellcat or sports bike tearing down the highway will be louder but the consistent drone of tire noise increases slightly for electric cars.

Due to the extra weight you also breath in more tire dust.

Most cell phones are leased already today

No they're not. Leasing implies a limited, fixed term. Financing and leasing are two different transactions.

That is only untrue because owning the phone would be disadvantageous to them. It's vastly more advantageous for them if you own it and are obliged to pay them for it because you own both pieces if it breaks.

I think Dyson benefits from the same effect as Apple/Tesla/Beats/etc. Their products are good but their triumph is upselling. Dyson cordless vacuums are like $800+, was your previous one that expensive?

My dyson cordless vaccum (v7) was 399$ (CAD) so it was not insanely expensive and I would not go back.

Their tech can probably be imitated at a lower cost, but I won't take chances with the cheaper knockoffs, the tradeoff is not worth it.

Their tech probably can't be imitated at the moment because they've got it patented up the wazoo. Luckily patents have a sane lifetime and once they expire I'd expect many competitors to show up with similar designs at lower price points and possibly better engineering.

Is there a Dyson-equivalent cordless vacuum that goes for less than $200?

Perhaps, but just like Apple they have a refurbished category where you can get very good deals - and that's on top of them having sales regularly.

I should add that I called Dyson once for my 7 year old wireless vacuum which was having battery problems. They mailed me a replacement completely free of charge. The upselling might be there, but the up-service also seems to be there.

Maybe for a key hire with a specific skill-set. Principal engineer level probably can leverage severance since the hiring pipeline at that level is much slower

With the KFC crocs [1] and the lifetime movie turning out to be a real thing, I am holding out hope for a real life KFConsole as well.

[1] https://www.crocs.com/KFC.html

Or just blatant click fraud.

They will make money on the vaccine too

They made money off benzos too

The deaths the OP references are specifically NOT excess. An effective vaccine would reduce the number of excess deaths. No one is saying we start ignoring those when the vaccine rolls out, if anything we should watch the number even more closely to make sure it is working.

On trade ins through tesla yes. They account for paid features in trade in value but then remove them and require used buyers to repurchase them.

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