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"Better" for who?

I can't see almost anything Twitter has done in the last decade as being "better". Off the top of my head:

* Killing off tons of client by their changes to the API

* Switching to algorithmic timeline instead of chronological

* Infesting my timeline with "X like this post", "You might also like", and a ton of ads

* Horrible UI for viewing threads even though it's now better supported (ability to tweet a whole thread from the official UI)

* Podcasts‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽

* Twitter Blue, I still have no clue who uses this or why

* Moments or Topics (or whatever that one tab in the official app is)

* Their clone of that "podcasts but worse" service that I've already forgotten about. (Spaces! I had to go look it up)

Other than increasing the character limit (ok, there was 1 thing) there isn't a single thing they've done recently (or over the last decade) that I can point to and say "That made Twitter better!". It to the point that you have to be sadist to use their official clients, every time I open the website or the official client I get frustrated.

Now if you just care about stockholders then sure, shoving a ton of ads in your feed and filling your feed with people you don't follow or care about probably makes sense, in the short term, because that's all stockholders care about.

I pay for twitter blue just to get rid of the spaces icon in the nav bar. I don’t want to listen to what people have to say and it doesn’t need to constantly be in my face.

I too think these changes weren’t better. Wouldn’t going back on most of these constitute a “better” twitter?

Only mentioned can reply was a good feature add

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