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While the announcement was silly, the insistence that it’s a real product is absolutely bonkers.

But ultimately I think it is vaporware and they are just pushing the “it’s real” narrative for social media reach.

The Lifetime movie "Recipe for Seduction" was all the way real, believe it or not [0]. I thought it was a gag too but it was playing last time I turned to that channel.

CM could be taking the piss, but it would be kinda neat if it was real. I don't see a price or ordering information on the page, yet. So 50/50 chance this is legit.

[0] https://ew.com/tv/mario-lopez-colonel-sanders-lifetime-mini-...

They’ll probably make a 1000 or so units and hand them over to influencers and maybe sell a few.

It may become a collectors item in certain circles just for the meme of it.

I expect they'll make a few units and give them away as a sweepstakes, or maybe a few dozen/hundred to be sold as a novelty.

It can be a product without being a mass market retail product.

Their Japanese division offered a custom keyboard in ~2014 as a contest prize.

With the KFC crocs [1] and the lifetime movie turning out to be a real thing, I am holding out hope for a real life KFConsole as well.

[1] https://www.crocs.com/KFC.html

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