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If you've ever listened (from the outside) to an electric car going 50km/hr even, they're not quiet.

I live next to a boulevard, 5th floor. The amount of black stuff that gets onto my balcony every day is absolutely insane. And to think that we are breathing that! I would fully embrace a full conversion for electric vehicle for that alone, this isn't just CO2, this is our air quality in cities.

Keep in mind that electric cars still have tire and break dust. Its not all tail pipes, tho clearly it’d be great to eliminate that.

Due to regenerative breaking, electric vehicles (well at least Teslas) rarely use the breakpads, so less break dust.

Tire dust will still be a problem.

My VW ID.4 has two different breaking modes, one doesn’t use regenerative at all and the other is not nearly as aggressive as Teslas. Probably overall it’ll be less, but I expect variation depending on the manufacturer and consumer preference.

They are even louder than fuel burning cars over 50kph due to the extra weight. I would still rather hear loud tire noise than breathe exhaust as a pedestrian though

Do you have numbers to back that up?

I can hear ICE engines accelerating roaringly from miles away. I do not hear the same from electric cars.

The test in this video demonstrates it https://youtu.be/CTV-wwszGw8.

Obviously this applies to the ~average~ car. A hellcat or sports bike tearing down the highway will be louder but the consistent drone of tire noise increases slightly for electric cars.

Due to the extra weight you also breath in more tire dust.

Is that a bad thing? Warns pedestrians...

Previous comment talks about reducing noise pollution.

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