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Yeah...and the article in the op is saying we shouldn't rush to attribute excess deaths to the new vaccine.

Yet all year it's been the opposite with covid. Why have we been attributing every excess death to covid but we shouldn't be in a rush to do the same with the vaccine?

How does this make sense?

The deaths the OP references are specifically NOT excess. An effective vaccine would reduce the number of excess deaths. No one is saying we start ignoring those when the vaccine rolls out, if anything we should watch the number even more closely to make sure it is working.

You have it backwards. You say:

> Yeah...and the article in the op is saying we shouldn't rush to attribute excess deaths to the new vaccine.

That's NOT what the article is saying. Excess deaths are those beyond what are to be expected. The article specifically is saying not to attribute the many, many usually expected deaths to the vaccine.

The article's own words:

> And about 14,000 of that ten million will die, out of usual all-causes mortality.

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