I've been using Jira on a Starter licence since I was in university. Over time I've found that it's become steadily more bloated, heavy and costly. Several key features which were previously built-in are now plugins with a fairly high aggregate cost.
I've been out of the open-source bug-tracker loop for way too long. Are there any good alternatives to JIRA?
Essentially I need a bugtracker which can handle multiple projects and separate the bugs out on that basis. Custom workflow support would be good, but not essential (as nerdy as it sounds, I sometimes use JIRA as a digital to-do list).
Both front-end and back-end are open source. It can be customized easily and can be integrated with video conference, IRC, slack, CI, Gitlab, GitHub, kallithea-scm or just with git and mercurial easily.
Backend is built using Python Django framework with celery and front-end as SPA in angularjs. Give it a try I think it's also a very good example production system in Django with angularjs to learn from.
[1] https://github.com/taigaio