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Infosec is already a discipline plagued with tools that are useless at best and harmful at most when users don’t have background knowledge into what they’re securing.

Hopefully there will still be enough people who do know what they’re doing to notice when the AI says the wrong thing confidently.

I've yet to come across any tooling where i've said "yeah, i'd rather use this than run my code against your API and do the things I want to do".

Like nearly everything else in tech, security becomes much more impactful when the practitioner understands computer science, architecture, distributed systems etc.

I’m surprised to hear that. We had an entire job tracking system in a large factory running off of them and they lasted years. This was with daily handling by factory workers.

I have a friend who has two children who are now allegedly young adults. They smash about one phone each per six months and one laptop screen each per three years. Their iPads are somehow intact, but dented to fuck. I, myself, broke a laptop screen when I was 16 (1999) by kneeling on it while it was open and concealed under my bedclothes. In the intervening 24 years, I have broken zero (0) laptop, desktop, PDA, or phone screens except by activities that I knew might result in their destruction (i.e. disassembly without proper tools under an understanding of 'either I manage to fix this right now or I order a new one and it arrives tomorrow’).

All this to say: kids are just rough on shit. They're inexperienced with potential failure modes and thus fail to anticipate what precautions might need to be taken in trying to avoid them. But they mostly grow up (after killing a few pieces of hardware).

Same here; multiple broken phone screens (and we're not buying him a new phone every time it breaks, he gets hand-me-downs at best), laptops (he managed to cram a power cable into the HDMI port in a panic, closed a laptop with probably something like a pen in between shearing the hinge, he probably punched it out of frustration / wanting a new one and blamed it on "some kids that used it as a shield"), multiple broken bikes, etc.

Crikey. Mine all have iPads and iPhones and have for a long time. They haven't broken anything yet!

I think the students are doing more "system integration" work than your factory workers are doing with their day-to-day handling. So they're touching all of the GPIO pins immediately after shuffling across the carpet to rub 18 balloons against themselves, connecting every GPIO pin to every other GPIO pin just for fun, rebooting by unplugging the power, etc.

If the Raspberry Pi had 5V compatible GPIO and SD cards stored data permanently immediately after fsync() returns, the Pi would have been much more successful in the educational environment.

While I can’t say my factory workers were keen on opening them up and poking around they did have a habit of hitting them with forklifts.

Imagine monkeys on meth and you basically have the school environment.

Was going to say this. My one gripe with HN is that people say incorrect things with complete confidence pretty regularly and you can only Detect it if you know the subject matter.

HN used to show vote count. In the past, you'd see something like your GP having a vote count of 14, and your parent (the correction) having a vote count of 53. It was super useful and helped to combat misinformation.

You're right, and I just now realized the crux of why I was so miffed by that change. It indeed helped me better understand (while skimming)... but only for those topics that I don't enough about to make my own judgements.

I undersand the reasons to do it, also, but I think you clearly elucidate what was lost... (T_T)

Vote counts indicate post popularity with the subset of users who are in the thread, they don't indicate truth.

Post that there's no verifiable empirical evidence for aliens in a thread about Navy pilots spinning tall tales and you'll get a lower post score than the people saying that Navy pilots are unimpeachable founts of truth who would never lie, much less get confused. All this reflects is the fact that people who want to believe are more likely to be drawn to a thread about aliens, and people who are skeptical of it tend to ignore those threads or actively stay away because they're afraid of what might happen to their worthless internet point score.

If only we had some way to weight votes from folks we liked!

And I’m going to add, confidently, that low serotonin is just a marker and not a cause.

Any type of inflammation will cause tryptophan to be pushed down an alternative pathway instead of going to make serotonin.

Also, it’s very possible that low zinc after Covid would cause the lack of serotonin as well.

To be fair, this person clearly said it was a "gut" feeling, and it is also ok to be wrong about things, since being corrected on saying a wrong thing is a wonderful way to learn.

Forgive me, because I don't want to pretend I understand this. No one does. It is still a mystery. This is just a "guess" based on what I've read and experienced first hand. Also, isn't the brain/gut/nervous system all connected anyway. What makes you think only the serotonin in the brain affects mood?

My god... WE were the LLMs the whole time.

And so now, how do we tell if you're the person that we should listen to? You're making your point with complete confidence (as is the parent comment)?

References people. Especially when it comes to anything related to subjects outside of tech.

One finds the Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect in the strangest of places

I cringe nearly anytime I see anything about neuroscience on HN, and yet I keep reading. I almost wish I had studied something else just to avoid that feeling.

“6% of what” is where the answer lies.

Part of communication is knowing your audience.

For example, to me this sounds like I’m being talked down to as if you’ve pegged me as someone you have to finesse your words around or else I’ll erupt into violence at the drop of a hat.

I get the purpose, to not sound adversarial in your response. Just a thought though.

I agree with you, but all the downvotes I get don't!

Ugh, I hope that’s not a symptom of the future we’re looking at. Sites that run users comments through LLMs with strict rules to make them more “amenable”.

Well, it's one thing to do it yourself and another thing to have it done by someone else whether you like it or not.

While we’re on the subject of social media I feel the need to point out that you don’t need to keep saying this and it also doesn’t make much sense to bother. This isn’t a debate club meetup. People can latch on to parts of the conversation and focus on that if they want.

I do not agree with your characterization of what's occurring here.

See the person above us:

>You're a fool if you think that the way reddit handles content moderation does not create angry people.

I never said that. And they're making personal attacks based on this thing I never said. That isn't what you just described.

It’s internet points. Is it truly worth moderating the entire thread?

If you see the alternatives as moderate the thread or ignore it all, I agree with you. But for me the alternatives are moderate the thread or allow them to drag me into a hundred debates about a hundred different things. I was going to participate in the discussion either way.

But are you writing to write or are you writing to convey a thought?

As someone who grew up in a poor family as an unplanned child I have to agree.

Obviously anecdata, but:

1: I’ve been scripting for 5 years using Python. I purchased a subscription to use GPT4 to see if it could assist me.

In the end it took me more time to fix its mistakes than to just apply my knowledge of knowing what to Google and reading docs.

Additionally the largest hurdle I encountered was when it hallucinated a package that didn’t exist and I spent time trying to find it.

2: I don’t know about most people but I’m terrible at cancelling services that are “cheap”. I used ChatGPT for a few hours that first month and didn’t cancel it for another 5 months.

Plenty of people have an incentive to report higher numbers of crime. Why would they stay silent?

Even the news would love a higher crime rate and they the most capable to sell the story and extract the profits.

Because you report shoplifting or any other property crime for the Nth time without the police even bothering to show up, why keep reporting it? Even an assault on the street isn't worth reporting these days. Unless you have some sort of immediate danger, you'll just be shunted around the phone system and maybe a cop will contact you a few days later at 10PM at night.

It sounds like you're just making it up because you are refusing to cite any evidence and you have been asked multiple times for evidence

I've cited plenty of evidence. It looks like some people have a certain reality that they want to believe is true, while the rest of us just suffer from having to live with the actual reality.

I'm not the original poster but I can confirm that in many maybe even most reporting crimes makes little sense.

I chased off an ex coworker who was literally throttling another coworker in a Walmart parking lot. The police arrived after and declined to take a statement, or evidence, or pursue the matter even though the attacker had a known name and address.

A local yokel tried to burn my apartment building down twice setting a fire in the interior stairwell at the top of the building around midnight endangering 50 some apartments. He lost his phone at the scene of attempt 1 and 30 days later came back to try again but nobody put any serious effort towards this. Locally the perp is throught to be a local drug dealer who..

Assaulted a neighbor in the parking lot on a different occasion before I pepper gelled him. Police actually showed up for that one again after it was over and threatened me with prosecution for pepper spraying the fellow that attacked someone.

In Seattle I dealt with multiple dangerous situations with looney tunes that are literally mental patients wandering the streets committing crimes many times by GTFO a few times by standing up to crazies that were threatening me or mine and once with judicious application of pepper spray vs a fellow that had already got physical. In no case would it have been possible to get a cop during the situation nor useful to consult thereafter. They literally announced in 2022 that they had no detectives to handle new sexual assault cases THAT YEAR


They sure as fuck aren't assigning any resources to figure at which mental patient tried to punch a citizen. This is the same reason you see property crime unreported unless such a report is specifically required for insurance purposes. No law enforcement nor prosecutorial resources will be tasked if its reported. For instance I witnessed hundreds of cases of attempted or successful shoplifting that certainly exceeded the figure required for it to be a felony but I myself reported zero to the police nor was I allowed to do so and I know for a fact few if any were pursued for the same logical reason. There is no reason to believe that the city or state would carry such an endeavor to completion.

Then there was the fellow that broke into our building and pushed my wife down and tried to steal her keys. Had to handle that one myself too and put the fellow on the ground. To their credit the cops did show up again after the fact to actually haul the idiot off and charge him. If you gift wrap an incredibly clear cut case and apprehend the bad buy the cops will after the dangerous situation is over act as a glorified taxi and move the bad guy for you. A whole lot of work to move one addict from a cell to a drug treatment program he hopefully completed.

Anecdotally it does feel like its getting worse in the last several years.

Why is that any less of an incentive to report than it was, say, 2 decades ago?

Doesn’t it make more sense that the numbers are accurate?

2 decades ago we were a bit more heavy handed about actual prosecution rather than announcing that the police had so few resources that they wouldn't be handling any new sexual assault cases in 2022.


The cops didn't take that long to take your report 2 decades ago.


Please back this up with some form of proof.

It isn't rocket science:


We simply have less cops (and more people) in 2023 than we did in 2003.

Friend, I asked for proof -- not conjecture. With everything related to policing, these things are never as simple as "simply have less [sic] cops". Reporting requirements change, dispatch systems change, unit composition changes, etc etc.


1. Many less police than 20 years ago

2. Police still have to take reports for these things, not to mention they have other things they have to do.

3. Overworked police have to prioritize what parts of their jobs they get done.

There is no conjecture about it, it simply is. And it explains how Seattle reported crime was down 4% in 2022 while homicide was up 24%.

> With everything related to policing, these things are never as simple as "simply have less [sic] cops". Reporting requirements change, dispatch systems change, unit composition changes, etc etc.

Those things change very slowly, if at all, over 20 years. They still need people to pick up the phone, and online reporting isn't applicable to larger crimes (they'll tell you that you can't file online and must call the non-emergency number).

Again, I've asked for proof and you've given me handwaved personal interpretations. So let me ask directly: what is your proof that dispatch time/reporting is less than it was 20 years ago?

Mind you, I professionally do reporting work with police/jail data and I have intimate and often granular familiarity with much of this. Like I said, this stuff is never as simple as a couple numbers here and there. I wish it was, since that'd make my job a LOT easier!

So as a courtesy to me and yourself, please raise your standard of proof and give me something with actual substance.

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