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More details in this blog post by a Wharton professor: https://www.oneusefulthing.org/p/centaurs-and-cyborgs-on-the...

My questions to naysayers:

* Do you or anyone you know use GPT-4 (not the free GPT-3.5) to do productive tasks like coding and found it to help in many cases?

* If you insist it’s useless, why do millions of people pay $20 a month to access GPT-4 and plugins?

Yes, GPT-4 is great for doing “boring work” and allows me to focus on the “fun work”. You still need to know what you’re doing though, you can’t blindly copy and paste.

And for the second one, although I am paying for it too, this idea is more or less flawed nowadays. Utilization is a very hand wavy thing when it comes to this stuff. Like a purse, millions would pay money for it, some even pay thousands. But I have no use for it and wouldn’t even pay a $1 for one.

> You still need to know what you’re doing though, you can’t blindly copy and paste.


> Like a purse, millions would pay money for it, some even pay thousands.

Expensive purses have intangible value for some. They are often bought to signal social status.

I'm pretty sure a significant portion of ChatGPT Plus subscribers are paying because it can help them with information or cognitive work that some people value.

Consumer behavior around monthly subscription services that can be cancelled at any time looks very different from behavior around one-time luxury purchases.

I have free access to copilot because I do some open source work. I haven't been impressed by what it can do and I wouldn't pay even $3/month to use it.

The second question doesn't make sense to me. There are tons of things I think are useless (or worse) that people pay for anyway. Meal kit boxes come to mind, and at least you can eat those at the end of the day.

Have you spent any time learning how to use Copilot?

Getting great results out of it takes a lot of experimentation and practice. I wouldn't want to give it up now I've learned how to use it.

I've spent some time using it and experimenting with different prompts, but to be honest it's hard to be motivated to spend more time on it given the disappointing results so far.

I need to see a glimmer of it being useful before I decide the investment is worth it, I guess.

Are you using it with Python 3?

not really, typescript and Rust mostly

Obviously anecdata, but:

1: I’ve been scripting for 5 years using Python. I purchased a subscription to use GPT4 to see if it could assist me.

In the end it took me more time to fix its mistakes than to just apply my knowledge of knowing what to Google and reading docs.

Additionally the largest hurdle I encountered was when it hallucinated a package that didn’t exist and I spent time trying to find it.

2: I don’t know about most people but I’m terrible at cancelling services that are “cheap”. I used ChatGPT for a few hours that first month and didn’t cancel it for another 5 months.

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