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Was going to say this. My one gripe with HN is that people say incorrect things with complete confidence pretty regularly and you can only Detect it if you know the subject matter.

HN used to show vote count. In the past, you'd see something like your GP having a vote count of 14, and your parent (the correction) having a vote count of 53. It was super useful and helped to combat misinformation.

You're right, and I just now realized the crux of why I was so miffed by that change. It indeed helped me better understand (while skimming)... but only for those topics that I don't enough about to make my own judgements.

I undersand the reasons to do it, also, but I think you clearly elucidate what was lost... (T_T)

Vote counts indicate post popularity with the subset of users who are in the thread, they don't indicate truth.

Post that there's no verifiable empirical evidence for aliens in a thread about Navy pilots spinning tall tales and you'll get a lower post score than the people saying that Navy pilots are unimpeachable founts of truth who would never lie, much less get confused. All this reflects is the fact that people who want to believe are more likely to be drawn to a thread about aliens, and people who are skeptical of it tend to ignore those threads or actively stay away because they're afraid of what might happen to their worthless internet point score.

If only we had some way to weight votes from folks we liked!

And I’m going to add, confidently, that low serotonin is just a marker and not a cause.

Any type of inflammation will cause tryptophan to be pushed down an alternative pathway instead of going to make serotonin.

Also, it’s very possible that low zinc after Covid would cause the lack of serotonin as well.

To be fair, this person clearly said it was a "gut" feeling, and it is also ok to be wrong about things, since being corrected on saying a wrong thing is a wonderful way to learn.

Forgive me, because I don't want to pretend I understand this. No one does. It is still a mystery. This is just a "guess" based on what I've read and experienced first hand. Also, isn't the brain/gut/nervous system all connected anyway. What makes you think only the serotonin in the brain affects mood?

My god... WE were the LLMs the whole time.

And so now, how do we tell if you're the person that we should listen to? You're making your point with complete confidence (as is the parent comment)?

References people. Especially when it comes to anything related to subjects outside of tech.

One finds the Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect in the strangest of places

I cringe nearly anytime I see anything about neuroscience on HN, and yet I keep reading. I almost wish I had studied something else just to avoid that feeling.

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