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I don't know if it still works, but Google used to support network providers force non-ssl searches using DNS poisoning. BT's WiFi offering used to do this, which is one of the reasons I stopped using it.

So long as LTE is included in the UK models this time, I can see that being a big selling point as 4G is starting to slowly be rolled out here.

Especially with the strange way they sell it at the moment. In vodafone you cannot get 4G without going for the highest price plan for example. (or at least that was the case 2 months ago) Which may make sense to them, but for the customer that's a bit silly. They will actually use different software in samsung phones, so that if you buy a S4 on a lower plan, it's not capable of connecting to a 4G network.

So the fix for this then is to start our own country. I hear there's some unclaimed land in Africa which would do nicely - http://www.neatorama.com/2010/02/05/earths-last-frontier-the...

Maybe micronations count as countries?

Vim when I want to quickly edit a file

Geany for writing longer scripts

RubyMine for Ruby development (mostly Chef cookbooks these days)

Now we just need a little refactoring to merge these two. If only httpstatus.es was on github.

Do managers really need to use version control? Give them Dropbox if they just want to share files simply.

At least in the start-ups I work at, the team, who should have access to all the version-controlled files, is more than just developers.

There are the bosses who want to do a quick wording change, there are the wording guys, there are the designers changing images, there are the HTML people, there are the operations people, there are the translation people who are entering Arabic or Chinese strings into the translation files.

If they are not able to do these changes directly, they all have to go across a programmer's desk which is a waste of their time. Further, these other employees are not as empowered as they could be, to do changes themselves.

Sending such things to the developer as email attachments, meaning they have no idea which version had been changed, isn't this exactly the problem that version control was designed to solve?

The problems you had when trying to switch to git are the exact same problems I have as a git fangirl when trying to use svn. To a large extent the choice of version control system comes down to what you feel happiest with, but there are certain workflows which suit one or the other slightly better.

If you're making heavy use of svn externals then you'll find git submodules pretty horrible. But if your aim is to manage files between multiple users then git's distributed nature may make your life much easier if you give it some more time.

So I'm guessing the experiment is either A/B testing of layouts of number pads, or it's testing to see if people can cheat the leaderboard.

Also, it must be a slow news day for this to get to front page.

I'd guess its an experiment about when people stop clicking. Most people either only click a few times, or stop right at 20 times, when they receive the easter egg buttons.

So, the lesson is: give your users a perceived reward for taking action on your site, to get them engaged long enough to get the reward.

Or maybe the lesson is: as soon as users perceive there are no rewards left they'll leave.

Yes, it seems to be A/B (or maybe multivariant) testing. Tried the site through hidemyass.com and got the numbers running in bottom-top order while loading it directly I got top-bottom order. I hope the creator will publish the results when finished :).

It's a great time to be a good programmer in a language that is popular. Otherwise things aren't so great.

If the UK is anything like NZ, it is a great time to be a .Net developer. Unfortunately if you like working in a unix environment with languages more prevalent in OSS, finding work can be difficult.

If you are a good programmer you should be able to learn at least one such language (there are several that are popular enough to offer plenty of jobs).

Which languages are you talking about?

He glorified cluster bombs and marvelled at mass murder, if there's a heaven then he probably isn't in it.

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