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tl;dr My manager can use TortoiseSVN and can't use git.

Get them a decent GUI for git. SourceTree for one is very nice. Or get a manager that's willing to learn new things. :)

Ahem... mac only, for a moment I had some hope there.

Do managers really need to use version control? Give them Dropbox if they just want to share files simply.

At least in the start-ups I work at, the team, who should have access to all the version-controlled files, is more than just developers.

There are the bosses who want to do a quick wording change, there are the wording guys, there are the designers changing images, there are the HTML people, there are the operations people, there are the translation people who are entering Arabic or Chinese strings into the translation files.

If they are not able to do these changes directly, they all have to go across a programmer's desk which is a waste of their time. Further, these other employees are not as empowered as they could be, to do changes themselves.

Sending such things to the developer as email attachments, meaning they have no idea which version had been changed, isn't this exactly the problem that version control was designed to solve?

It sounds like someone should make him or her a cheatsheet with the 3 commands that he needs to know.

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