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World Clicking Championship TheElevatorGame.com (and experiment) (theelevatorgame.com)
18 points by joshwprinceton on Jan 31, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 18 comments

What is this you ask? a) it is a strangely addictive game b) it is an experiment for a blog post I'll be writing on user experience design -- particularly around offline IA. Some more info here: joshrweinstein.com

I still prefer the abstractness of http://www.clickyourlifeaway.com

-edit - but I like the submission by the OP too, I can see it becoming a meme XD

Lol, genius!! Wish I saw that before I put mine up :D, not the same, but pretty funny

So I'm guessing the experiment is either A/B testing of layouts of number pads, or it's testing to see if people can cheat the leaderboard.

Also, it must be a slow news day for this to get to front page.

I'd guess its an experiment about when people stop clicking. Most people either only click a few times, or stop right at 20 times, when they receive the easter egg buttons.

So, the lesson is: give your users a perceived reward for taking action on your site, to get them engaged long enough to get the reward.

Or maybe the lesson is: as soon as users perceive there are no rewards left they'll leave.

Yes, it seems to be A/B (or maybe multivariant) testing. Tried the site through hidemyass.com and got the numbers running in bottom-top order while loading it directly I got top-bottom order. I hope the creator will publish the results when finished :).

Ferster and Skinner would be proud.

Is there a goal of some sort? I feel like I just completely wasted my time

I just posted a quick description on this thread -- it's both a game and experiment

I completely missed the rewards having some 1280x800 laptop...

yeah I have no clue what it is... and I even read the blog. Pretty sure it does not count as a game or an experiment with so little explanation... who knows?

The app is primarily for data collection, the next post will explain everything


is there a way I could have disabled that?

Of course. Give the numbers a randomly generated id, and check for the winning value server side. You'd also want display the numbers in a way where it's tougher to compare them than checking the text values--the target value is $('#left h1').text().trim(). So that means using images (not named 1.jpg!) or canvas or something like that.

Also, your app is vulnerable to replay. I can keep POSTing the same request over and over and my score increases.

As it is now, you don't even need to match the numbers. Just find the form and submit it. $("#right form").submit()

Great, another Tiny Tower clone.

what is tiny tower?

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