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Stewart Brand's twitter review was reason I went out and bought the book right away. So far it's an excellent read!

Why not? Google's only been a powerhouse for the last decade or so.

All models are wrong, some are just less wrong than others.

For chemotaxis, while they can't observe the underlying processes directly, they result in phenomena that are observable, which can be compared with the same phenomena predicted by simulations and models (the same is true of all scientific fields).

And it requires a different return that needs to be filed a month earlier.

Bret Victor's DynamicLand seems to be a direct descendent of many of these ideas. RealTalk's reactive DB combines Linda tuplespace ideas with LISP 71 pattern matching and reactive semantics. Each Realtalk object is self contained and can't be 'messed with' externally. It's all introspective and reconfigurable, etc

Do you know anywhere where one can look into dynamicland more deeply? I've been interested in playing around with it for a while (hopefully I can get my hands on a projector lol) but have never found any details. Omar Rizwan's website had a cool post on geokit but that was all I managed to find.

Omar has a new project in the same vein as DynamicLand called Folk - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39241472

I found out about this a few months ago through Cristobal's blog: https://cristobal.space/. Somehow didn't notice how the post mentions Omar's involvement at the top lol. Thanks anyway tho.

you'll probably have to talk to the dynamicland folks; i'm not sure what their current strategy is for getting it out into the world, but it doesn't seem to be the obvious 'upload the software to gitlab and hope for the best' approach

Bret plans on publishing everything this Spring - https://twitter.com/worrydream/status/1753116042254340526

that sounds very appealing, but it doesn't say he's publishing everything

> Dynamicland's new research website will be up in the spring.

> current status:

> 1156 pages

> 11,120 images

> 693 videos

> 56 pdfs


noticeably missing from this list is source code, unless that's on the 1156 pages

i'm sure i'll devour them eagerly, though

yes, agreed. you may or may not be aware that bret was a principal investigator at yc harc, along with vi hart, dan ingalls, john maloney, yoshiki ohshima (who posted this video), and alex warth, at least three of whom were at vpri. yc harc was sorta kinda headed by alan kay https://www.ycombinator.com/blog/harc

Yep, was definitely aware. It just seems like of all the projects at HARC, this is the only one that branched out from Alan's earlier ideas. The set of papers on https://worrydream.com/refs/ gives a good idea of some of the inspirations behind DL.

btw, is there a lisp 71, or do you mean larry tesler's lisp70?


Agreed about the Quora interface. I have a Jupyter notebook that scrapes all of Alan's answers and comments into a json database - he's answered a lot of questions!

Sadly the work from the STEPS project seems to have disappeared, especially the Frank software he used in some talks. That looks like it would have been very interesting to play with.

I have most of the Frank/STEPS code still running. I posted a lot about it before on HN.

Yes, its a lot of fun to play with it, I invite people to join in the fun. 20.000 Lines of code for almost all of personal computing.

Thanks, do you have any of it publicly available or would you prefer an email?

Not all is publicly available and most needs recompiling and explanation. I prefer email.

The email address in your profile is bouncing:

  [email redacted]
    host mx02.mail.icloud.com []
    SMTP error from remote mail server after pipelined end of data:
    554 5.7.1 [CS01] Message rejected due to local policy. Please visit https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204137

you can try morphle73 at gmail dot com

This Apple mail server seems to reject your emails because it thinks its spam.

> Sadly the work from the STEPS project seems to have disappeared

Unfortunately that phrase -- steps project -- is effectively un-Googleable.

Do you have a link at all please?

It's also a limitation of human-human communication, and why nation's have ambassadors (who presumably have a shared context from which to start from when dealing with a foreign nation).

I don't think diplomacy and ambassadors are there to handle ambiguity in communication.

There are there to handle conflicting interests and goals.

To that end, ambiguity in communication is something they use on purpose, not something they're there to solve.

It's a bit unfortunate that people can't look past the projections and the dot frames/QR codes. Those are just a means to an end, which is trying to simulate a world where all objects have the ability to compute and can be easily reprogrammed on the fly.

Imagine a future 20 years from now where color e-ink is as cheap and ubiquitous as wood pulp paper, and microchips are so small and cheap they can be embedded in everything. Folk (and DynamicLand which inspired it) seems to be a peek into what living in that world could be like.

Bret plans on publishing all their experiments this Spring - https://twitter.com/worrydream/status/1753116042254340526. I for one cannot wait.

It's a bit unfortunate that people can't look past the projections and the dot frames/QR codes. Those are just a means to an end, which is trying to simulate a world where all objects have the ability to compute and can be easily reprogrammed on the fly.

Imagine a future 20 years from now where color e-ink is as cheap and ubiquitous as wood pulp paper, and microchips are so small and cheap the can be embedded in everything. DynamicLand seems to be a peek into what living in that that world could be like.

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