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Do you know anywhere where one can look into dynamicland more deeply? I've been interested in playing around with it for a while (hopefully I can get my hands on a projector lol) but have never found any details. Omar Rizwan's website had a cool post on geokit but that was all I managed to find.

Omar has a new project in the same vein as DynamicLand called Folk - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39241472

I found out about this a few months ago through Cristobal's blog: https://cristobal.space/. Somehow didn't notice how the post mentions Omar's involvement at the top lol. Thanks anyway tho.

you'll probably have to talk to the dynamicland folks; i'm not sure what their current strategy is for getting it out into the world, but it doesn't seem to be the obvious 'upload the software to gitlab and hope for the best' approach

Bret plans on publishing everything this Spring - https://twitter.com/worrydream/status/1753116042254340526

that sounds very appealing, but it doesn't say he's publishing everything

> Dynamicland's new research website will be up in the spring.

> current status:

> 1156 pages

> 11,120 images

> 693 videos

> 56 pdfs


noticeably missing from this list is source code, unless that's on the 1156 pages

i'm sure i'll devour them eagerly, though

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