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I want to bump a few things that folks linked to below:

[1] Will Wright (designer of SimCity) will be interviewing me about the book on July 19th at 2PM ET. We thought it would be fun to turn the tables and have him interview someone else for a change. On Twitch, free, online, and live. Hosted by ROMchip. RSVP here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/romchipajournalofgamehis...

[2] Stewart Brand wrote a brief review on X I'm still in disbelief over ("It is one of the best origin stories ever told and the best account I've seen of how innovation actually occurs in computerdom."). Read more here: https://twitter.com/stewartbrand/status/1800941614287946003

Have you ever read 'Sim Cities and Sim Crises'?


Very interesting, but please try to read it on a mobile device to understand how hard this is, would strongly recommend to let someone look over it and apply a more mobile friendly design.

For what it's worth, this page works great in the mobile Chrome reader view.

Yes, it's great!

Will the interview be available on any other platforms, after the fact? I'd love to watch the interview, but I am not sure I'll be able to catch it live, and Twitch is not my favourite platform for watching livestream recordings.

Should be! ROMchip posts recordings on their YouTube channel afterwards: https://www.youtube.com/@ROMchipJournal

Congrats about Stewart Brand, that’s a ringing endorsement. Can’t wait to read the book.

Stewart Brand's twitter review was reason I went out and bought the book right away. So far it's an excellent read!

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