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I have most of the Frank/STEPS code still running. I posted a lot about it before on HN.

Yes, its a lot of fun to play with it, I invite people to join in the fun. 20.000 Lines of code for almost all of personal computing.

Thanks, do you have any of it publicly available or would you prefer an email?

Not all is publicly available and most needs recompiling and explanation. I prefer email.

The email address in your profile is bouncing:

  [email redacted]
    host mx02.mail.icloud.com []
    SMTP error from remote mail server after pipelined end of data:
    554 5.7.1 [CS01] Message rejected due to local policy. Please visit https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204137

you can try morphle73 at gmail dot com

This Apple mail server seems to reject your emails because it thinks its spam.

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