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For comparison - I'm getting solid 120fps with Brave on Android.

Did you already check Garmin watches? They have great battery life and allow local data access via their FIT SDK [1].

[1] https://developer.garmin.com/fit/overview/

You could also go down the DIY route and build one yourself. I did just that and am really happy with the outcome. Check out https://ben.akrin.com/plottybot for a great design and instructions

You can do just that on Steam with family sharing: https://store.steampowered.com/promotion/familysharing

Steam's family sharing is definitely not as convenient. Especially because their system doesn't so much share games but entire libraries: only one person can use a library at a time. I could be playing a free game like Dota 2 and my entire library will be locked out of my family share. This makes it impossible to actually build a big library that you can share with multiple friends compared to a physical game collection.

You could also try the Bitmovin MP4 Inspector chrome extension: https://github.com/bitmovin/MP4Inspector

I have my password file on google drive. Works seamless between all my devices

I'be build pretty much the same thing using an esp32 an 3d printed enclosure and a small custom pcb. You can connect via websocket from a browser and upload images, text, ect.

I've also managed to implement OTA firmware updates and a similar Wifi based setup as this product has.

If anyone is interested I'm happy to put it on Github.

https://photos.app.goo.gl/ajAbJ3fqqYQV5sd98 https://photos.app.goo.gl/PHzq1P7uWkJgAtPb7 https://photos.app.goo.gl/gX3ydYRVdm5nqbGm6

edit: I'll cleanup the code and update this comment with a link to the repo tomorrow

Love it! I did a similar thing, 64x64 pixels with a LED diffuser. Everything is packed up in the IKEA picture frame: https://imgur.com/a/cLXGWWd

I'm lazy, but I plan to do the full write up and to open source everything. I use it to display pixel art, and during the night it automatically switches to the clock mode.

I love yours as well and it would be great if you can put the code on GitHub. Mine is using ESP32 as well (Adafruit's MatrixPortal M4). It is running Circuit Python though. I love it dearly and I played with an idea of making it as a product.

Using a pictureframe is a cool idea! I actually have an 64x64 matrix in my drawer that I havent used yet. Should you decide to open source your code I'd be very interested too.

I'll update my comment tomorrow with a GitHub link, just need to tidy up the repo first. This was my very first time writing c++, so the code is probably not the cleanest ;)

Same story with me and python, so don't worry :) I'll make the repo public during the next week.

Diffuser also makes a difference as the controller I'm using doesn't allow me to control the brightness. I should really write a blog post :D

> I'be build pretty much the same thing using an esp32 an 3d printed enclosure and a small custom pcb. You can connect via websocket from a browser and upload images, text, ect.

This is why HN is so special. Not only is the submission very interesting and inspiring, there's also someone who already done something similar sharing their work.

Thank you for sharing.

As promised here is the source code, PCB Gerber file and the STEP files for the case: https://github.com/hanneslinder/esp-pixel-matrix

Hope you find it useful and don't be too harsh with the code quality as this was my first time writing C++ :)

I won't judge, especially as I don't know cpp either :)

It seems great and way more user friendly than what I have. I might steal your code for the next iteration.

I'll write a proper readme and make my repo public today.

EDIT: Here it is: https://github.com/Stanko/retro-frame

Awesome, there are some really cool ideas here. Are you planning on adding any sort of license? Would love to use some of the feature ideas in another github repo.

Which RGB library are you using for esp32? I was doing some initial LED stuff with a Pi with hzellers rpi-rgb-led-matrix library, but I am having to switch over to esp. Also that PCB looks really nice for avoiding the pain with wires. Do you plan on releasing the files for that?

I'm using this library: https://github.com/mrfaptastic/ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-D...

And I'll add the pcb files to the repo, good idea!

Looks great, would love to build one too

Please do!

I just switched from Linux to mac and not being able to close windows from mission control is super frustrating. Speaking of frustrating things on macOS - can someone tell me the reason why seemingly every single tiny utility app costs money? Just does not feel right to pay for features that ought to be system functionality.

I think they cost money because people put time and effort into making them, and being an alive human costs money. That + macOS users tend to be happy to spend a small amount of money to make their life easier

And that's totally fair, but this app is honestly rather trivial.. I think the surprising thing is that there are fewer Mac devs spending time making free software. I don't think Apple makes things better either by forcing devs to pay for a dev account to sell signed apps through official channels.

Exactly. I really don't mind paying for apps in general, but with macOS even those tiny trivial utils are mostly not open source / free. I'm talking stuff like changing mouse acceleration, add a "new xxx file" right click menu to finder or closing apps in mission control. Compared to Linux (and even Windows) I really miss some sort of open source movement.

If it’s too expensive, don’t buy it? Personally I think it’s awesome there’s tons of small creators making a living improving macOS. What you get in return is incredibly polished products.

I fully agree (as someone who buys other small Mac apps as well).

It’s a small product with a small price and you’d be supporting indie development.

In a world where most paid software revenue is being made by big corporations, it makes even more sense to support indies.

Here you can find many FOSS utilities: https://github.com/serhii-londar/open-source-mac-os-apps Also, check r/apphookup on reddit for discounts (every day there’s a couple iOS apps that are made free and they’re often compatible with the Mac too thanks to Catalyst). If you have an iPhone you can use the Pager app and set monitors for the subreddit to receive notifications.

Eventually you can pay for a SetApp subscription (10 whatever your value is + 3 for any additional device).

Unfortunately no mention of Playready DRM support.

The Mac version didn't have it so there was zero chance the Linux one would.

This looks very cool! How well does this play together with browser APIs, specifically anything that uses the media source extension?

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