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I'm not a native speaker and I feel a similar effect to have happened to me very often with song lyrics: Parts I could not understand clearly are like text that makes no sense, I hear other words than the real ones. Once I read through the lyrics, I always hear the right words, the real text.

I'm not a native speaker too and I often experienced what you described. Interestingly the "The Constitution Center is at the next stop." sample didn't work for me at all. Sounds like gibberish no matter how often I hear it.

I am in the exact same boat. One note I'll add is that the first time I was already trying to make sense of it, and sort of interpreted the sound as something like "Perhaps you should <gibberish>". I still heard that after knowing the real sentence, so it may be a case that our own brain can supply that prior knowledge, even if it turns out to be incorrect.

Even at the first listens I could make out "at the next stop", but hearing the real one seemed to made no difference. The beginning still sounds like gibberish. Maybe we have brain damage?

I see my previous post twice, as regular comment and as dead comment. Does that mean I'm shadow banned?

It means you double-posted and the second post was killed.

Ok, thanks. I have no idea how I managed to double post but that is the most likely explanation.

Typical causes:

HN timing out on a submission of a comment, but it got saved anyway. Then you click 'back' or 'refresh' and it posts it again.

The second possibility is double clicking on the submission form (most browsers will not allow a second submission to be sent in that case).

In either situation one of the two comments will be dead, the other will survive because HN checks for exact duplicate comments and marks duplicates as dead.

Reminds me of this youtube clip that gives an example of exactly what you mean: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQ4c54rCJ_k

I am a native Spanish speaker and the only thing that I hear is what the caller said. I get the joke that the song is saying something else, but I can't figure out what it is.

"Misheard lyrics" is an entire thing on youtube. Some of them are quite fun: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iefStFNywPE

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