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Infinite Craft (neal.fun)
1177 points by kretaceous 12 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 675 comments

My friends and I have played so much already that the list of elements on the sidebar is unwieldy. You can paste this little js snippet into the console to add a basic search feature

  items = () => [...document.querySelectorAll('.items div.item')]
  show = (elt) => elt.style.display=''
  hide = (elt) => elt.style.display='none'
  search = (text) => (items().forEach(show), items().filter(e => !e.innerText.toLowerCase().includes(text.toLowerCase())).forEach(hide))
  inputElt = document.createElement('input'); inputElt.type='text';
  function handle(e) { search(e.target.value) }
  inputElt.addEventListener('input', handle)

This is really cool, thanks. I was just using ctrl+f to find things. I've got like 1200+ words right now so I totally understand the unwieldy-ness.

Thanks for this! I ended up hitting refresh because of how long my list eventually got, I wish I'd seen this comment 10 minutes sooner!

Oh well, I guess now I'm forced to sink in another half-hour this evening! ;)

I couldn't find any information but does this use some kind of LLM to derive the combinations from? It makes a request to the backend every time you combine items which sometimes takes >500ms, and also supports some really wild combinations that I highly doubt someone has taken the time to come up with. It would also explain why the icons are emoji's, it would be fairly trivial to ask ChatGPT to give you the result of Fire + Water and an accompanying emoji.

You are correct according to this tweet [0]. That may become inaccessible as Nitter dies, but the text is:

> Working on an endless crafting game with llama 2

along with a video of this game.

[0] https://nitter.cz/nealagarwal/status/1747284257582506102#m

Ahh, neat application of it. Explains the somewhat dubious combinations I was seeing.

Forest + fire = smoke

Mud + water = swamp

Swamp + plant = Venus Flytrap

Okay, okay.

Venus Flytrap + Smoke = smoke detector

<confused smile meme>

Tree + Water = river was also pretty baffling.

Unfortunate. I can see the appeal of using an LLM for this but the results are pretty mediocre.

Tree + Water = River

This is a great result, a branching of water/wood.

I also got Dandelion + Engine = Helicopter, along these same lines.

I got s'more + smoke detector = captain hook

low-key genius or high-key misunderstood

As this is powered by an LLM, you are exploring its latent space. That means there isn't one logic behind everything - any association is fair game. Here, probably the strongest one wins.

LLMs are a great way to prompt human ingenuity in mental gymnastics

Great point.

I got “edward” after linking “vampire” and “eclipse” so yeah.

Not sure if this is the point you're making, but that is probably due to "Edward Cullen" of Twilight.

And "Edward" + "Love" is "Bella".

how do i create love?

To make love you have to put together Prison+Venus= love

oh my got same

That's weird, I did the same thing but I just got "Twilight".

As usual with language models, you have to put in the work yourself to have fun with them.

I laughed when "Vindaloo + Bubble" gave me "Burp", and "Burp + No Bacon" gave me "Sad"

Ham Solo + Darth Bacon = Pork Star

Ninja + Pig = Pork Chop

The rewilding guys would probably say 'that tracks'. Many of their efforts to get rivers to flow year round usually involve trees. Moss, bugs, rodents and grasses first then trees. Usually can help many areas to have year round streams again. As roots help water linger longer in an area. Which leads to streams.

Obviously the prompt to the LLM is just to create the most obvious association. It may not mention "crafting" at all. Maybe it does though. Is there something obvious to craft that uses a tree and water in the process?

To design a game like this you need to do a lot better than just creating the obvious association. It needs a mix of obvious recipes and clever recipes, so that there's challenge and a sense of achievement. Also, there's a starting point. What should the graph look like?

I'm sure Neal has done hard work in getting it right.

If you look at a river system from space I guess it looks tree-like with branches.

the tree of water is the global river system." very hydrological

Weed + tree = bong!

how do you make weed lol

Meh, what would be your great response to Tree + Water?

A human can only generate a small fraction of the combinations and would have a hard time coming up with most combinations which are already nonsensical.

What is your non-disappointing idea for, idk, Tears + Pottery (AI: Bowl) or Money + Salt Lick (AI: Cow) or Skull + Lake (AI: Loch Ness) or Dracula + Pirate (AI: Vampirate) or Curse + Money (AI: Debt)? Now do that thousands of more times.

The infinite aspect is the thing that keeps it interesting, I think. The fun is getting a new, weird result like "Dracula" and "Pot of Gold" and seeing if you can generate new weird results from the existing set.

I somehow got to Mega Evolution which I got from megalodon and some pokemon, but don’t ask me how to get to Pokémon.

Anyway, once you get that kind of a modifier, anything’s game for megaification.

Tree + Water is easy: Mangrove, Bald Cypress, Rhizophora, etc

I wouldn't consider those to be better. You're enhancing the tree side of the equation but gave no examples of the water side.

And why didn't you do the rest of my examples? ;)

Loch Ness? I skipped to the Loch Ness Monster. Got the Lake only later on. And then I got Nessie.

This is a Quagmire

Yeah Loch Ness Monster + Water gave me Nessie

Porkosaurus, Soup Nazi, Sphinxie, Sodium Chloride, Abdominable Snowman, Baconator and both Yeti and Godzilla. And Yogazilla which is a "First Discovery".

Found myself: Thomas the locomotive

Some of my favorite first discoveries:

- Cactus Missile

- Mammoth Marula

- Super Lizard Wizard

- Cheesethorn Bush

- Cheesnado Lizard Wizard

- Cheesnado 2: Cheesnado Strikes Back

- Cheesewolftrap

I got Gay Bachelorette Party, first discovery

Glitter ketchup, same

> Tears + Pottery (AI: Bowl)


Money + Salt Lick makes sense, if it’s a Cash Cow.

Did you figure out how to get math? I’ve been trying so hard!

Tree + water = canoe





Window + Dune = Sandwich

That one surprised me.

Sandwich + Sphinx = Sphinxwich

This one delighted me. The Sphinxwich doesn't combine well with other stuff though.

I got Atlantis + Spongebob = Atlantis Squarepantis :D

I found fish + fire = sushi amusing - it isn't necessarily wrong, but it also doesn't feel right either...

How did you get to fish? Because boy do I have a story for you.

Mine starts in Atlantis, then Poseidon gives me a fish. Then two fish turned into a shark and I ended up with a sharknado.

Then I found the titanic, we hit an iceberg, I found a treasure and then pirates chased me, but I got away, sold the treasure for money and became the richest man, then climbed Mt Everest, and later had a tea party.

Anyway, there has to be a better way to get fish than Unda da Sea.

Just add water like 5 times, and you get fish

Bankrupt + Pirate = Captain Jack Sparrow

Bacon + Judaism = No Bacon

holy water + wine = catholic church

My favorite was Lotus Flower + Mud = Buddha

Oh, that's a good one! I'm trying to collect religions and countries.

Lotus+Flower=Buddha Buddha+Religion=Nirvana Nirvana+Music=Kurt Cobain

I got bob marley, reggae, ska, bob marley and the wailers, and flo rida the rapper

I've also got a few where it just mashes adjectives together; so far I've found Time Poseidon, Rainbow Steam Robocloud and Broken Unicorn, among other similar ones.

My best so far is Superninjaghostmansnowghostman

North America + Fire = Canada. Naturally.

And if you set Canada on fire?

Maple syrup.

Fish + fire = sushi

Did you know that Bill Gates is the richest samurai?

Nuclear power station + Tsunami = Fukushima

Mountain range + Pollen = Hay Fever

volcano + fish = sushi

I got swamp with plant + water.

Then swamp + fire = dragon

Megalopolis + Volcano = Pompeii

Sushi + Asia = Japan

Japan + Destruction = Godzilla

Godzilla + Megalodon = Cthulhu

<drops mic>

Catholic Church + Pride = Pope

how do you get an ICBM? (Inter-Continental-Ballistic-Missile)

Smoke detector + fire = Firefighter

I got (hurricane + crocodile = hurricodile) lol

Cthulhu + richer = Richthulhu

I think it’s the first time AI has made me chuckle. I ended up with “Riddle”, so I combined that with “Tornado” and it gave me “Twister” which I thought was a great Christmas Cracker pun, and then when I combined Riddle with “Bottle” it gave me “Genie”.

Here’s all the combinations I’ve came up with so far: Swamp + Mud = Quagmire Divorce + God = Odd Sun + Hourglass = Time Glass + Hourglass = Time Ice + Oasis = Penguin Sand + Stone = Pyramid Mirage + Time = Illusion Dinosaur + Lightning = Godzilla Oasis + Water = Mirage Egg + Time = chicken Golem + tide = Titan Titan + time = Chronos Poseidon + lighting = Zeus Titan + Chronos = Cronus Time + Fire = Sun Sun * Titan = Apollo Ash + Mud = Clay Godzilla + Love = God ? + ? = Spongebob Unicorn+Gold=Alchemy Unicorn+Alchemy = Philosopher’s Stone Gold+Alchemy=Midas swamp+chicken=duck duck+roast=goose goose+goose=flock flock+wind=flight Narwhal+time=unicorn Lightning + Treasure = lots of stuff (Rich, idk Narwhal+unicorn=narwhalicorn Jonah+time=narwhal Whale+oasis=jonah Plant+seed=tree noah+ark=flood curse+jesus=cross bank+intrest=money dandelion+cactus=desert Back to the future+riddle=time travel back to the future+time=delorian Desert+indiana jones=tresure

Astronomer + Hangover = Astrologer

Nice. At some point I got " Crypto-gangbangasm + Cthulhu Lilith Porn".

My favourite was: "Chuck Norris" + "a-hole" = "dead a-hole"

Might be worth using farside for the link, which I found out about today on HN.


just link to the real thing :) [0]

[0]: https://twitter.com/nealagarwal/status/1747284257582506102

Such that it's already dead?

Off topic, why is nitter dying? I've noticed the main instance's SSL cert is down for a bit now, and other instances are pretty rate limited. Did something happen/change?

All (non-paid) Twitter accounts are now rate-limited, which makes a shared Nitter instance untenable. It's probably still possible to host a personal instance for yourself, although they might ban your account for it.



Campfire+sushi took about 10 seconds before it gave up and did not combine them.

The request looks like "https://neal.fun/api/infinite-craft/pair?first=Phoenix&secon..." so it's probably typically caching the combination of phoenix+seeds but if there is no cache entry it would use llama to make up something. If there's a lot of attention on the site the llm service might be down or overloaded. And given the exponential/factoral (?) amount of combinations this may be reached surprisingly quickly. Just a guess.

As an aside, the game is technically interesting, being a really simple example of using llm generation for game mechanics. But it is not engaging at all and feels nonsensical to me, especially when compared to little alchemy https://littlealchemy2.com/.

I'm not trying to be negative and this isn't a dig on creativity of the wonderful Neal but more points to the immaturity of llms applied to games, maybe to my overexposure to chatgpt, and maybe a prediction that human touch will always be required to make something entertaining. I'm curious how llms will fit into an engaging game experience in the future.

>As an aside, the game is technically interesting, being a really simple example of using llm generation for game mechanics. But it is not engaging at all and feels nonsensical to me

You just gotta make a game out of it.

For example challenge yourself to try to craft "pizza".

Can even try to do it in as least number of crafts as possible.

Point is, just crafting random things to see what it spits out is OK, but trying to use your own logic to combine things to get to an arbitrary solution you come up with is much more engaging, at least to me.

Challenge your friends to craft some specific "thing". Think of something you might think could be hard to craft to, and ask them to do the same and see who can get there first, or in the fewest steps.

I tried your challenge to create pizza. My goal is to get some kind of food, but combining combinations of water, plants, fire, etc are way more likely to produce dragons and universes. I eventually got to chestnut which got to bread, but it was a lot easier to get to "Toast Toast Toast" or "Chestnutzilla" or "Treasure" + "Toast" = "Pirate". I finally got "Tostzilla" which has a pizza emoji, and then "lunch", and "breakfast", and "party"+"toast"="celebration" ?? but it feels random and illogical at some point I just gave up.

So to me it feels like playing against a soulless vector database rather than something engaging and well-crafted. I think what gives me this impression is that things are commonly related to each other using words rather than their meaning -- getting from "pirate" to "captain crunch" to "serial killer" is obviously following lines of language rather than the core concepts that relate objects. This is directly opposed to the actual act of crafting which is 100% rooted in the material world and has no relationship to language.

Maybe I'm losing my imagination, but doing it like you suggest, creating challenges, is makes it more fun. I think I'm just tired of thinking in language.

I'm also seeing a lot of my favorite game creators on twitter enjoying the toy and I'll trust their taste over mine :)

That's a fairly big challenge since the game gets less coherent the longer it goes on. The early matches generally make sense, but after about 3 levels you start getting loops, and after 5 levels you start getting nonsense or outright failures from queries.

If you figure each of the things is an input parameter to a LLM this makes a lot of sense. They tend to have short memories and struggle with higher level introspection. Great for demos, but fraught with problems when using them to do real work.

Hmm, I’m not finding it to be too big of a challenge.

It’s a bit challenging yeah, but me and my friends are challenging each other to get to words and we can usually find a way to make it.

Things like “Godzilla”, “Universe”, “Vampire”, “Optimus Prime”, “Vodka”, etc are just some examples we did.

I don’t seem to be having problems going dozens of levels deep without loops and not running into many query failures. Results that are deep are still making some logical combinational sense to me at least.

Some words we haven’t been able to make, but that doesn’t mean it’s not possible. It just means we need to get more creative and sometimes think outside the box. There are so many ways you can approach getting to a certain result in my experience so far.

Doing this has been fun and challenging so far for me and my friends FWIW.

> But it is not engaging at all and feels nonsensical to me, especially when compared to little alchemy https://littlealchemy2.com/.

On the other hand, Little Alchemy doesn't have answers to the most basic combinations. Air + Earth = Dust, but Dust doesn't combine with Water. Earth + Water = Mud, but Mud doesn't combine with Air. Earth + Earth = Land, but Land doesn't combine with Fire.

It may be more sensical since it limits combinations to 0.01% of what's possible, but I don't think that makes it more interesting.

There's tons of combinations that take forever and nothing ends up happening. That's how I got around to the comment thread (clean+satan is why I'm here): I'm waiting for the latest combination to time out

Similar. Snowmobile Farm and Sandbox Farm both appear to timeout with no response.

However, that said, the idea itself is a neat idea, and could quite easily be turned into game ideas somewhere.

They seem to be asynchronous, e.g. you can actually combine several pairs at the same time.

Campfire + Sushi = Fish

I love silly and pointless web pages, here another one: https://sharkle.com

It seems it doesn't work on my side

First click brought me right back to neal.fun lol

An LLM seems like overkill for a project like this. Why not word2vec?

The open vocabulary aspect seems important. Word2vec would never let me make "Pirate Pope Wars".

I had the same thought.

Some of the surprising discoveries I made with word2vec embeddings:

human + robot ~= cyborg

silicon + electricity ~= solar cells

virtual reality + reality ~= augmented reality

As reported here: https://web.archive.org/web/20160806040004if_/http://blog.yh...

how do you get human and robot?

I thought this would be very simple to do, so I tried it. https://silphendio.github.io/word2vec_alchemy/

That simple demo took me way too long and all that time is wasted because word2vec simply sucks for this use-case.

More dimensions?

This might explain how I got “Super volcano” and “Supervolcano”

One’s really big, and the other is really cool?

The dumbness of the LLM inference ruined this for me. Fossil + Fire = Dinosaur? Okay.

it also get's caught in stupid loops.

this game is fun for a bit, but shallow once you realize the gimmick.

you can go completely random bullshit go and get "super cyberwolfman zombie phoenixman" that's nonsense, of course it's "first discovery!"

Wouldnt it be worth caching the results? For the first couple of million combinations at least. I suppose that would take away some level of serendipity. But I imagine it would make this a lot cheaper, considering its popularity.

I thought they were using some kind of vector space searches like embedding.. no idea if that's the case

Yeah I'm pretty sure you could do this just with the classic word embeddings (king =queen + man - woman). Maybe it doesn't work as well as with a full LLM.

Addition won't work for things that depend on the order of operations. If salt + water is ocean and water + fire is steam, what's salt + water + fire? Is it salt + steam or ocean + fire?

Associativity and commutivity in vector addition doesn't translate well to semantic meaning. Extrapolating your example, it'd also mean:

    v_king  - v_queen   ~= v_father  - v_mother
    v_king  - v_royalty ~= v_father  - v_parent
    v_king  - v_father  ~= v_royalty - v_parent ~= v_queen - v_mother
I don't see why those should all be true. Intuitively, trying to satisfy O(N^2) semantic pairings with vectors that are optimised for a very specific and different numerical operation (cosine similarity) feels like something that won't work. I'd imagine errors get amplified with 3+ operands.

Isn't the reason for lack of associativity/commutivity is that you're doing operations (addition/subtraction) that have them, and then snapping the result to the closest one of fixed number of points in your output dictionary? The addition is fine, loss of information is in the final conversion.

There's definitely some lossy compression when you snap it to the nearest known vector: enumerating every word ever written in human history wouldn't even come close to the 2^(16*D) representable points for a D-dimensional float16 embedding vector. In fact, even adding two float16 values is a form of lossy compression for most additions.

But I'd be surprised if either of those were the primary reason. The words "sea" and "ocean" are different vectors but they'll be very close to each other. salt + water = sea and salt + water = ocean both sound correct to me so the problem is more about whether the v_salt + v_water can even get to the vicinity of either v_sea or v_ocean.

If we constrain our selves to a pool of words of say Wikipedia entries, minutes names and maybe some other stuff, and use a "super node" like "addition" to kind of act as a math operation.. maybe this makes more sense?

I knew this was powered by an LLM once I crafted both "seahorse" and "sea horse"

For me it was when one of my early combinations of Pegasus (might also have been unicorn or flying horse, the latter already being a duplicate of Pegasus) and water became hippocampus, but with the hippopotamus emoji ().

I'm sure it was fun for the creator, bit I'll stick with non - AI games for now.

i really hate it when you are crafting something and get the same thing as another thing in your side bar but it has one CAPITAL LETTER!!! like what that dosnt change anything you fuggly rat

Yes Jimmy I feel the same way say if you have fence and prison it becomes fence I

rag just because of it.

I don't get it; maybe it's broken in my browser. I can drag 4 types of items to a floating grid that connects them but then nothing happens.

EDIT: Ah, you drag items on top of each other for them to change. Instructions unclear, and I am dumb.

> Instructions unclear, and I am dumb.

You're not dumb -- it's not only unclear, but the interface actively suggests the opposite of what you're supposed to do.

One of the best lessons I ever learned was from Don Norman's famous book, The Design of Everyday Things. Which basically teaches you that the user is almost never dumb, but rather human. And that the responsibility of understanding how to interact with an object, or program, always lies with the creator of that object or program. The designer. It's their job to design something so that it teaches you how to use it. (His most quoted example involves how a plate on a door invites you to push it, while a handle invites you to pull -- and this way you'll never try to pull a door that needs to be pushed open, or vice-versa.)

In this case, the interface invites you to drag things among the various pre-existing points, to continue the "constellation". It does nothing whatsoever to suggest that it would make any sense to drag the labels on top of each other. Indeed, previous experience suggests that this would simply lead to overlapping and obscured labels, so we actively avoid it. And the lines that get drawn between nearby points and labels goes even further to suggest that this is a game or experience about connecting things in a graph-like way -- which, once again, overlapping does not fit into conceptually.

I would never have thought to drag things on top of each other if I hadn't come here to the comments.

The lines are misdirection and need to be removed.

What's with all the lines to the little moving dots? Haven't figured out what those do yet.

Nothing. They're completely confusing. At first, I thought maybe the little specs is where the combination happened, so as they passed between a set, they would automatically get crafted based on that set, in a neat chaotic way. Nope. Then I thought maybe I had to set up the "recipes" and wait, or click things, or I don't know.

I didn't realize it's just a basic drag drop combination thing until I saw the video, after coming here to see if anyone else was having trouble with Safari.

I wonder if that's how it worked originally but was dialed back because you'd have n^2 queries per UI interaction

Thank you to know how to spell correct you are my best speller that I seen. Me to I do not know what is that I was mad for a second but once I have seen this I cooled down a bit. Thank you!

You are not dumb at all, I think it's not terribly clear indeed.

Thank you! Yes the instructions were missing, and it's hard not to assume that Firefox isn't supported. I was having the same (bad) experience as you.

Yep, at first i tried to make geometric arrangements out of multiple items too.

Water surrounded by 5 fire in a circle - ish - did absolutely nothing.

Only by checking the HN comments i figured out you have to combine items.

haha... the lines and dots never bothered me actually... i was scrolling throught this saw the thing about the lines and had to open the tab back up to see the lines... i never noticed they were there

Sorry but your first letter of your sencetce is wrong because the first letter is has to be big.

Not dumb at all. It's bad UI.

I didn't have a problem understanding it, but then again, I've played these Alchemy games before. It was one of the first games I ever played on my first Android back in 2010.

Yeah this is what I thought of and I fell back on my old Alchemy habits trying to get to Life to create man and all the other stuff. maybe I'm forgetting or it's different with this game but I haven't gotten there yet, but I've gotten several greek gods and a cyborg, so that's sort of life.

Just makes me want to play Alchemy, though. Even Doodle God doesn't scratch the itch Alchemy did in 2011. I found it on StumbleUpon. Oh those were the days. I wonder if I still have the APK on my SkyDrive...

As usual, an actual game that was made by an actual creative with some intent and thought and FUN behind it is more memorable for the average person than miles and miles and miles of procedural (in this case, AI) generated garbage.

You can just click / tap on 2 items consecutively, without drag and drop.

I don't understand what you mean. Clicking does absolutely nothing for me. Clicking items in the right column does nothing; clicking items I've already placed does nothing. Clicking items consecutively does nothing, in either part of the screen.

I don't see how to use this at all without drag and drop.

On mobile you click, on desktop you drag and drop.

On mobile it's just tapping, no drag and drop required.

Yes, it'd be better if you could just tap two items, and they filled the useless central pane instead.

I was very confused at first too, and didn't understand the difference. As the other comments in the thread allude to though, this instead an LLM to allow for a much much larger number of combinations, which is the "neal.fun" twist on it.

I do wish it was a bit better stated on the page itself.

Once I play I was confused to, but I was thinking was it like little alchemy. You should play for like 20 min so you can be more better just giving a tip for because it is the right thing to do

Exactly, and I just couldn't remember what it reminded me of! How much time have I spent on Little Alchemy

So did I love little alchemy it was so fun

This was one of my favorite online games in childhood. Came here for commenting the same!

Doodle God was also a very popular one.

I do not know what that is but it sound incredble

I am going to sleep it is 1:oo am

My team and I were ghost developers to many companies, developers, and book authors in the hay days of Macromedia/Adobe Flash.

We were approached to build a bunch of learning lessons for teachers to teach kids - primarily focusing on human anatomy. Instead of building separate lessons, we built a generator tool for the teachers to drag and drop various combinations and permutations that produce almost infinite lesson variations.

The end customer was Pearson Publishing, and I heard they won awards and stuff. Our client was a good person and even paid us extra for doing the better version of the product they had in mind.

That tool was like this and a few others, as mentioned in the comments. But all in ActionScript Flash, complete with sounds, laughter tracks, and ever-expanding sprites of body parts. It was one fun and fulfiling product.

I miss Flash and all the cool capabilities it had. At a previous company, we built a tool that would allow a teacher to record a video review of a student's animation work, while showing, scrubbing and annotating that work simultaneously. On playback, the annotations would be synced with the video. Good luck pulling that off with Javascript.

There's some work on this on the web space - our company is doing something not too dissimilar using the still experimental API called WebCodecs.

And that pretty much says everything unfortunately - it's still an experimental API with limited availability.

You can do some parts of this using Canvas[0] but there's lots of caveats.

[0] https://github.com/bwasti/mebm/tree/main

The game state clears on reload, so here's a wee console snippet to export your list of elements:

    console.log(JSON.stringify({discoveries: window.$nuxt.$root.$children[2].$children[0].$children[0]._data.discoveries, elements:window.$nuxt.$root.$children[2].$children[0].$children[0]._data.elements}))

I'll figure out how to re-import the state later, but it's past midnight for me now.

The state can be re-imported like this: ``` a = (insert JSON output here) window.$nuxt.$root.$children[2].$children[0].$children[0]._data.elements = a.elements; window.$nuxt.$root.$children[2].$children[0].$children[0]._data.discoveries = a.discoveries; ```

I made a bookmarklet that loads the state from localstorage and also autosaves the state on each new craft

        const exportState = () => JSON.stringify({
            discoveries: window.$nuxt.$root.$children[2].$children[0].$children[0]._data.discoveries, 
            elements: window.$nuxt.$root.$children[2].$children[0].$children[0]._data.elements

        const importState = (state) => {
            const { discoveries, elements } = JSON.parse(state);
            const gameInstance = window.$nuxt.$root.$children[2].$children[0].$children[0]._data;
            gameInstance.discoveries = discoveries;
            gameInstance.elements = elements;

        /* Set up a MutationObserver to listen for changes in the DOM and automatically export the current state. */
        const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
            const state = exportState();
            localStorage.setItem('gameState', state);

        /* Start observing DOM changes to auto-save the game state. */
        const startObserving = () => {
            const targetNode = document.querySelector('.sidebar');
            observer.observe(targetNode, { childList: true, subtree: true });

        /* Check for a saved state in localStorage and import it if available. */
        const savedState = localStorage.getItem('gameState');
        if (savedState) importState(savedState);
        else localStorage.setItem('gameState', exportState() );


I used this to import my own terms.

This can be used to get a novel starting point (disregarding the original starting point).

It can also be used to start from unreachable elements, although it isn't clear to me exactly how the "First discovery" works, e.g. will your unreachable elements pollute the neal.fun datastore, or only the byproducts? Either way, it is interesting.

By the way you missed a semicolon after `(insert JSON output here) `

Thank you!

These were my discoveries:

["Leviathan Shark","Burnzilla","Burnado","Chocolate Tree Shark","Cybersharktopus","Toadatorzilla","Bacon Sharktopusnado","Rainbow Hooktopus","T-48000050","T-48000050","T-19800050","T-19800050","T-64000050","T-83800050","T-83800050","T-121800050","T-121800051","T-185800001","T-185800002","T-185800004","T-185800008","T-82980058","T-121800051 + T-160000"]

Seems like I've stumbled across a self reproducing AI, although the emojis went from robot emoji to universe emoji and then to poop emoji. I wonder at which of those levels of AI we're at currently :p

Lemme know if there's another way to press every combination:

let maxElementReachedForElement = {}; let totalElements = 0; let firstElement = 0; let secondElement = 0;

setInterval(function() {



  totalElements = document.getElementsByClassName('mobile-item').length;

  secondElement = (secondElement + 1) % totalElements;

  if (secondElement == 0) {
   maxElementReachedForElement[firstElement] = totalElements; 
   if (Object.keys(maxElementReachedForElement).some(item => maxElementReachedForElement[item] < totalElements)) {
    let prevStart = Object.keys(maxElementReachedForElement).find(item => maxElementReachedForElement[item] < totalElements);
    firstElement = prevStart;
    secondElement = maxElementReachedForElement[prevStart]; // Start from previous end
   } else {
    firstElement = (firstElement + 1) % totalElements;
    secondElement = firstElement; // No need to repeat the previous combinations.

  document.title = firstElement + '+' + secondElement + '|' + totalElements;
}, 500); // TODO : Find a way other than delay

I think you can reduce state. Rather than tracking maxElementReached per-element, maintain a single maxElementReached for the first n elements. March the first n elements forward in lockstep, and grow n by 1 whenever you exhaust all available combinations for that set

  1. Combine the first element with every next element until exhausted.
  2. Catch up the second element to where the first element got to.
  3. Combine the first two elements with every next element, until exhausted.
  4. Catch up the third element.
  5. Combine the first three elements with every next element
  6. etc.
In pseudocode...

  n = 1
  maxElementReached = -1
  while(n < totalElements()) {
    while(maxElementReached + 1 < totalElements()) {
      maxElementReached = maxElementReached + 1
      Combine each of the first n elements with element[maxElementReached]

    // we've exhausted all possible combinations for the first n elements.
    // increase n by 1 and catch up the new element to keep going
    Combine element[n] with each element from n to maxElementReached
    n = n + 1

minified version courtesy of GPT-4 (disclaimer I have no clue how this works)

let m={},t=0,f=0,s=0;setInterval(function(){document.getElementsByClassName('mobile-item')[f].getElementsByClassName('item')[0].click();document.getElementsByClassName('mobile-item')[s].getElementsByClassName('item')[0].click();t=document.getElementsByClassName('mobile-item').length;s=(s+1)%t;if(s==0){m[f]=t;if(Object.keys(m).some(i=>m[i]<t)){let p=Object.keys(m).find(i=>m[i]<t);f=p;s=m[p];}else{f=(f+1)%t;s=f;}}document.title=f+'+'+s+'|'+t;},500);

Thank you! I've let your script run for near 20 hours. It has discovered 3000 items including

`One Does Not Simply Walk Into Mordor`

Your Welcome!

I wish this were an actual game!

Like keep showing me a desired item to craft, that requires crafting 2 or 3 items to get to -- e.g. combine 2 existing things, then with a third existing thing. Or combine 2 existing things, another 2 existing things, and then combine those.

And obviously it keeps getting more complex the more items I acquire along the way.

And each time I play it's randomized.

(And let me play entirely with the keyboard by autocompleting each item as I type... dragging gets old real quick on a touchpad...)

I remember there being a few phone games with this format. Joining elements together to make other things and using those to make other things.

Quick google search tells me the game is called Little Alchemy (there’s a sequel now too)

Yes! Shoutout to Zed's Alchemy, a gem of an ancient iOS game with the same premise.

You’ll probably enjoy Scribblenauts.


The impressive thing about Scribblenauts was that of course, it didn't have anything like an LLM. They went through a dictionary and added everything they could, then they went through several rounds of playtesting and added everything the playtesters managed to think of that they didn't already have (minus copyrighted characters and other things that would get them into trouble)

I played a game like this once, it was called "cow evolution:idle merge game". It wasn't randomized, but skinnerboxxed. Perhaps that is not quite what you meant.

Ah yes, Random + Malice -> Skinnerbox.

Doodle God works exactly this. Very satisfying, fully polished.

Some of my First Discoveries:

* Frankenstein + angel = Angelstein. (Then Angelstein + Baby = Angelina Jolie.)

* something + Something from Michael Jackson = Dangerous.

* Dangerous + Sherlock Holmes = Moriarty.

* Multiverse + White => Dark Multiverse + Law => Dark Law.

* Dark Law + us Constitution => Dark Constitution.

* Quark + Ocean -> Neutreno

* Thor + Guardian -> Heimdall

* Batman + vet => Batvet

* Avengers + Multiverse => Endgame + Dark Multiverse => Dark Engame

* Iron man + Star Lord -> Iron-lord

* Wandavision + Groot -> I Am Groot

* Cleanest + Terminator -> Cleaninator.

* A series of werepigeon, Space Pigeon, Mars Golem, Werehand, Icepigeon, Werechristmas Tree, Dust pigeon, Snow pigeon, Dust mosquito.

Some fun ones:

* us America + hole = Donut + hole => Doughnut

* Money Water -> Vodka + Casino => Roulette + Vodka -> Russian Roulette + Certainty -> Suicide.

* Toxic Waste + batman -> The Joker.

* Divorce + Ex-wife => Splitting headache.

* Lake + Batman -> Aquaman + Batman => Justice League

* Captain America + Thor -> Avengers

* Avengers + Justice League -> Superheroes + Galaxy -> Marvel + Galaxy -> Guardians of the Galaxy

* Guardians of the Galaxy + Guardian -> Groot

* Guardians of the galaxy + Nebula -> Gamora

* Guardians of the galaxy + Gamora -> Star Lord

* Time Travel + Iron Man -> Terminator.

* Government + Terminator -> Robocop.

* Terminator + Divorce -> Arnold Schwartzenegger.

Confusing ones:

* Darth vader + Toxic Waste => Superman?

* Pirate + Superman => Captain America

Super not confusing:

Lincoln + Wife = Lincoln's wife

Should have seen that one coming.

I went down a Kaiju rabbithole. Here are the monsters I created

- Dragon + Lazer = Dragonzord

- Dragonzord + Sandpunk = Sandzord

- Dragon-Rex + Hippopotamus = Hippodragon

- Mega Dragonzord (didn't see recipe)

- Hippodragon + Mega Dragonzord = Mega Hippodragonzord

- Mega Hippodragonzord + Flying Circus = Mega Flying Circus Hippodragonzord

- Zombie + Mega Dragonzord = Zombie Dragonzord

- Swan + Megazord = Swan Megazord

- Sandzord

- Steam Dragonzord

- Swan Dragonzombie Megazord

- Mega Swan Dragonzord Megazord

The more ridiculous this gets the more fun I'm having! Everything after dragonzord was a first discovery.

Perhaps you'd be interested in my research:

Ultrazord + lord of the salad = saladzord

Dragonzord + Godzilla = godzord

Godzord + lord of the salad = Godzord of the salad

Lord of the rings + godzord = gozord of the rings

Gozord of the rings + godzord = godzord of the rings

Godzord of the salad + godzord of the rings = godzord of the salad rings

Godzord of the salad rings + pirates of the Caribbean = godzord of the Caribbean

Godzord of the Caribbean + donkey Kong = donkey kongzilla

Megazord+megazord= mega megazord

Donkey kongzilla + mega megazord = donkey kongzilla megazord

(I forgot how lord of the salad happened)

Mostly playing around with stacking "powerful" words:

  King Kong + Power Ranger = King Kong Ranger (first)
  Megazord + Power Ranger = Power Megazord
  Megazord + Power Megazord or Artzord + Megazord = Ultrazord
  Dragonzord + Art = Artzord (first)
  Groot + Mega Artzord = Grootzord
  Megazord + Grootzord = Gigazord (first)
  Godzord + Giga Artzord = Giga Godzord (first)
  Giga Godzord + Giga Titanic Gigazord = Giga Titanic Godzord (first)
  Giga Titanic Godzord + Mega Power Godzillazord = Super Giga Mega Titanic Power Godzillazord (first)
I also got firsts on both Earthquake Laser and Laser Earthquake, but I'm not sure what the recipes were.

Trying to get Zebra was an interesting sequence.

  Tamer + Africa = Tamerlane (first)
  Tamerlane + Terror = Timur (first)
  Timur + Asia = Genghis Khan
  Genghis Khan + Bellerophon = Alexander the Great
  Alexander the Great + Unicorn = Bucephalus (first)
  Alexander the Great + Bucephalus = Horse
  Horse + Africa = Zebra

What happens if you combine Superman + Incredible Hulk?

I don't have the hulk, but Superman mostly refuses to combine with other superheroes (Deadpool, spider-man, wolverine, aquaman) or turns into the justice league (batman). Though Superman+ghost rider= super ghost rider.

I'll also accept:

Superman + Hulk

...as well =D (instead of `Incredible Hulk`).

Thanks for "the hope" on ghost rider combining with Superman.

Oh dear... Sandy Hook + Cereal Killer = Adam Lanza

Tangent: there are some incompatible words that don't add up. So far, I found:

- Dragon + Angel

- Train + Star

- Fish + Yin Yang

- Orc + Ninja

This shows quite well that AI has zero common sense whatsoever, the results of most combinations I made are just nonsense. The associations are really vague and to me it is not interesting at all to look at random pictures and words appearing out of totally unrelated stuff. I really like man-made alchemy games though where all combinations are pre-defined and actually feel right.

One person's specific usage of AI, in a specific game, where the AI was constrained to only coming up with words that have an associated emoji, is not a referendum on whether or not AI itself has common sense. That's like saying paint is boring because someone made a crappy painting, or code is limited because someone made an app you don't like.

>where the AI was constrained to only coming up with words that have an associated emoji

Sorry but clearly the game description is about joining two things together into a logical craft and AI is contrained with that – not coming up with random words that have an associated emoji. In doing so the AI is not convincing, the combinations just feel random. And yes, you need common sense to come up with logical combinations which makes a game like this interesting in the first place.

Sure, its not a referendum, but its a prominent sign that even with this task AI can fail spectacularly.

P.S. Today I learned from AI that Sphinx + Drunk = Sphinxter.

That's a sick pun though - I'd definitely consider that a success

My computer programs always crashed in my first year of college, clear sign computers fail spectacularly

Did you tout your first year college programs as world changing and potentially a risk to the species because it's so intelligent/has awesome powers?

Is the author of this game doing that?

What would the right answer be?

Riddler, drunk game, no answer.

It's also pretty good at lots of combos. If you asked a human to come up with all of these, it'd be pretty hard.

I found it fun regardless. HN, I proudly produce to you my newest invention: Beer + Lens = Beer Goggles.

I wouldn't say that AI has "zero" common sense. Rather it has a lot of common sense. For example, I wondered what would happen with "wind" and "paper". Perhaps paper ... storm? No, "kite". It's better than me.

It also has a sense for puns sometimes. I somehow got Kaa, the snake from The Jungle Book, and combined it with money, getting "Kaa-ching" (new discovery)

paper windmill?

One man’s nonsense is another’s profound truth. mud + brick = Adobe, for example. Doesn’t seem to make sense, yet it does.

adobe is literally mudbrick, this is too easy – like fire and water = steam

Yeah, I probably should have googled that. In my defense, the emoji it chose was , so a tad misleading to the mudbrick-ignorant.

I just don't have enough time to do it manually. Writing a little script that automates crafting was quicker for me. It found me "Star Trek: The Rockapocalypse"

    const sleep = (ms) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); 
    let elements = [
        ' Water',
        ' Fire',
        ' Wind',
        ' Earth'
    let pairs = {};
    async function getResponse(left, right) {
        const url = `https://neal.fun/api/infinite-craft/pair?first=${left}&second=${right}`;
        return await (await fetch(url)).json();
    function getRandom() {
        return elements[Math.floor(Math.random() * elements.length)];
    async function run() {
        while (true) {
            let left = getRandom();
            let right = getRandom();
            if (pairs[`${left} + ${right}`]) {
            let result = await getResponse(left.split(' ').slice(1).join(' '), right.split(' ').slice(1).join(' '));
            if (result.isNew) {
                console.log('‼ new one ‼');
            result = `${result.emoji} ${result.result}`;
            console.log(`${left} + ${right} = ${result}`);
            if (result != ' Nothing') {
                pairs[`${left} + ${right}`] = result;
            await sleep(1000);      

A check has been added to the API. So you will be getting "Not allowed" as response now. I won't state what the check is, that would be an arms race. But it was fun for a day.

where do i put that

Got really obsessed with this, need to close the tab now. Some notes:

- In general, play the game as if you are asking an 11 year old, "what do you get when you combine X and Y?" The LLM likes rhymes and similar-sounding syllables, i.e. The Godfather + Goth => Gothfather.

- Some concepts seem to be "weightier" than others; "Dracula" usually becomes "Vampire" and vice-versa, no matter what you combine it with. "Chtulhu" is also difficult to combine with other things; it tends to remain "Cthulhu". "Darth Vader" is good for generating lots of "Darth" things but tends to revert to "Darth Vader" at the slightest provocation. "Santa / Santa Claus / Christmas" is also weighty and tends to cycle. Similarly, the Mario characters all tend to turn into Mario eventually.

- The longer your token gets, the harder it is to get it to combine with other things. "Bumblefrostycatpocalypse" + most things => "Bumblefrostycatpocalypse"

- The LLM knows lots of movie titles, and these are good for generating super long tokens, especially if you can goad it into inserting a colon, i.e. "The Fall of Star Wars: The Flying Crabster"

- Once your token gets too long, the game won't even try to combine it with anything else. I'd like to keep going with "Freddy Mercury vs. Jason + Jedi Mind Trick" but it won't let me.

Finally, a few of my favorite first discoveries: "Super Evil Jackie Chan", "The Best Halloween Costume Ever", "Postpornmodernism"

Apparently I made 2 first discoveries, Meteorism and Rap God. Seems interesting, but after a while of things not combining it gets a little stale. I agree with others I kind of would like to see the lineage of the elements. I know of this video where Carykh graphed is own combination game, but all new element names were user provided. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQWwfYSUckY

Well I guess I wasn't doing weird enough combinations before, I now have (Hip hop + Crusade) Crusade Hop, T-Pain, (T-Pain + Painting) T-Painting, Haikupoid, Rapping, Slim Shady and the others already mentioned. I do like that I can convince it to make completely new concepts as long as the 2 inputs are weird enough.

Okay truly done at this point, I have work to do. https://i.imgur.com/96rl0Ul.png

You won the internet, last night, fren.

Best of luck in your attempts at working.

I've the entire solar system is there a way to know if it's a first?

It says "First discovery" e.g. https://i.imgur.com/iagu3WZ.png

aw on mobile doesn't have that panel

i discovered monkey pox :(

Was working on the very same idea alongside a friend of mine, we happened to launch a few weeks ago. Quite a lot more fleshed out than Neal's version, if anyone wants to check it out!


Edit: sorry if anyone is bumping into errors! We're running into bottlenecks with our supposedly auto-scaling database - working on it

I think the slow animation + fullscreen notification removes a good portion of the fun of the game. The stats are neat, but I wonder if using a log feed (like a killfeed in call of duty) would be a more enjoyable experience for the user. I love how fast infinite craft is to iterate through the combinations while the "allchemy" approach makes it feel like I have a crafting time attached to every new combination

Just tagging here to say I enjoy the site, but I agree with my parent ^ the popup slows me down

Absolutely +1 Came here to say this

I love it and agree with other commenters on animations. Any traction on subscriptions? I'm always curious if there's a biz model that works for this kind of game on web (besides ads). It's funny because I think you could absolutely sell it for $4.99 on the app store if you throw it in a native shell but I have a hard time imagining people paying for it in their browser. Would be happily surprised if that's not the case!

Love it. Would it be possible to speed up the animations?

Will add an ability to speed up/outright disable animations in the next update! Was a bit of an oversight on our part as once you start amassing a decent amount of items you encounter the new item animation less frequently - but in the early game it's definitely quite irritating!

is this completely independently developed? the literal exact same idea at the same time? crazy

They're both inspired by Little Alchemy 1 & 2, PopCap's Alchemy, or if we really squint, The Incredible Machine from 1993.


Come to think of it, LLMs with the right prompts would be pretty handy for a Scribblenauts clone: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scribblenauts

Probably outputting a format supporting the same characteristics as the Object Editor: https://scribblenauts.fandom.com/wiki/Object_editor

You have to reallllly squint to see Incredible Machine in these. These are basic associations, not physical interactions. The closest you get to IM is "what happens if I stick these two things together" but it's more guessing and less input output.

In IM, you know what each thing does and see the output of each action, so you can iterate: placement, angle, special attributes like fire or light. It's not just stack two possibly related icons to see what you get. With these you either know the association exists or you're doing conceptual guesswork. There's no testing and iterating on a hypothesis, at a point once all known associations have been exhausted, iteration looks like permutation.

OH GOD THANK YOU! I was playing this on a Packard Bell Windows '95 PC with integrated loud speakers and a mic. Super high tech for the time.

BUT: The German-language full version of that game had been pre-installed in the Start Menu (?!), so if you deleted the start menu entry by accident, you'd need to reinstall Windows to get that game back. Or at least, that was young me's solution to the problem.

wow, I totally forgot, thanks! I remember playing that game or a derivative, I think on my father's 386 sometime around 1995?

This idea is pretty common, I remember playing a similar game on my iPod Touch nearly 10 years ago

Maybe this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caKj6rGEdyM. I was obsessed with this for about a week in high school.

Completely independently! We're a team of two University students funding this out of our own pockets. About 8 months work (on and off) from first prototype.

This idea is super old. There was a game like this that was popular like 10 years ago. This is a worse version.

This is so much fun.

I was just the first to craft MUCK ASTLEY... definitely gave me a good laugh

Glad to hear you're enjoying it - an excellent item to discover!

Good work! What kind of traction are you getting on the premium version? That approach is sensible given the underlying costs. Would love to get an idea of how it worked out in practice.

Does this also use generative AI to create the results?

the animations are tedious

This is like Quake vs. modern games.

In Quake, you get the story in the booklet and it's up to you to learn the game.

In modern games you're constantly interrupted with an explanation of what you can do, should do, and so on.

I love this one (Infinite Craft) because it's up to you to discover and discovery is really fast because nothing interrupts you.

allchemy.io should have a mode without animations and explanations, maybe explanations when you hover over crafted objects on the right pane.

> In Quake, you get the story in the booklet and it's up to you to learn the game.

Or any old console game. Part of the fun was cracking open the little instruction pamphlet and reading all about each enemy and each weapon with little pictures etc.

Worth noting that Allchemy lets you peer through every single item generated by anyone, via the Itempedia: https://allchemy.io/items

You can find some interesting stuff!

This. Duolingo is in the same vein which interrupts my flow. Animations shouldn't continuously block the interaction of the experience. The majority should probably be ancillary and be a visual flourish.

If you use Duolingo app on a phone that supports power saving mode, it significantly cuts down the animations.

I like them.

I assume these sites are about exploring lots of different things, even if they don't work as much as some would like.

You should be able to click right through them - but agreed. Will add an option to disable them in the near future!

Frankly I want to watch an animation of all the combinations as they are discovered/created over time from their backend. Seeing a growing 'tech tree' from the exploration and imaginations of users would be delightful.

Seeing a list populated of the First Discoveries along with the elements combined to make them would be a lot of fun to see.

Barackasaurus was fun.

I got some funny ones, like:

- Bread + Bread = Toast, + Fire = Burnt Toast, + Fire = Ash

- Toast + Disaster = Pop Tart, + Fire = Hot Pocket, + Coffee = Coffee Pocket (First Discovery)

- Hot Pocket + Cappuccino = Cappuccino Pocket (First Discovery), + Pop Tart = Cappuccino Pop Tart (First Discovery)

- Coffee Pocket + Disaster = Coffee Spill (First Discovery), + Pop Art (sic) = Jackson Pollock

- Jackson Pollock + Megadisaster = Jackson Pollock

- Artist + Disaster = Picasso

Apparently nobody else was insane enough to combine Coffee, Hot Pockets, and Pop Tarts. The AI is just confusing sometimes, though:

- Pompeii + Kaleidoscope = Mosaic?

- Burnt Toast + Water = Coffee, + Cake = Breakfast, + Mosaic = Cereal?

- Coffee Pocket + Broken Window = Coffee? (though idk what I expected)

- Dragon + Lazer = Dragonzord

I got Mega Dragonzord! First discovery. But I didn't see how.

Here is a list of new kaiju I first discovered:

- Dragonzord + Sandpunk = Sandzord

- Dragon-Rex + Hippopotamus = Hippodragon

- Hippodragon + Mega Dragonzord = Mega Hippodragonzord

- Mega Hippodragonzord + Flying Circus = Mega Flying Circus Hippodragonzord

- Zombie + Mega Dragonzord = Zombie Dragonzord

- Swan + Megazord = Swan Megazord

- Sandzord

- Steam Dragonzord

- Swan Dragonzombie Megazord

- Mega Swan Dragonzord Megazord

The more ridiculous this gets the more fun I'm having

I was surprised that Penguin + Werewolf = Werepenguin. I mean, it makes sense, I just didn't expect it to be a valid response.

I got Tea + Dinossaur = Tea Rex

Thought it was pretty clever

"Humor" was Sam Altman's response to the question "What one word defines `human`?" What happens when AI becomes the ultimate Dad [joke]?

I played around quite a lot and got many funny combos too. My memory is poor, but one of my favs was Gay + Vampire = Twilight

Oh my this is so addictive. Got some first discoveries such as...

- The Abominable Ramen Pigman - The Colorblind Lama - The Dalai Llama - Pig of Thrones - The Purple Monkey With A Laser Beam Attached To Its Head

how did you get monkey and laser beam? i assume that you need metal to make laser beam and I need metal

How do you get Bread

I have created the words:

- Slimy Palm

- Momfia

- Sand-T-Rump

- Stinkadult

- Cheesus vs Jesus

- Surfing Blues Brothers

- Gnomeo and Juliet

- Game of Thrones = Pornstar + Sword Fight

- Putin = Stool (with poop emoji) + Russia

I made this to play the game automatically. It's a simple WinForm application but I've left the JavaScript version in there too:


Its fun, but annoying that you have to do a lot of mouse dragging. Some more click-based interface would be better.

Edit: some measure of progress would also be good. I cant know how much I missed

Edit2: Megalodon + Cemetery seems to break the system, spits back nothing.

I don't think any measure of completion is applicable here: the combinations are generated by an LLM (and the game even claims to be infinite).

It seems like you can tap on mobile. I don’t know if the author changed this after your comment.

This would work better on mobile where dragging is easier and more intuitive

On mobile you don't have to drag, just click one and then the other.

sharknado + time travel=sharknado2 + time travel = sharknado3 +time travel=Sharknado 3 Oh Hell No!+ time travel= sharknado4 The 4th Awakens +time travel =sharknado5 Global Swarming+ time travel = sharknado6: the last sharknado: It's about time. black hole+ wormhole = time travel wind + wind = tornado water + water =lake lake + water = ocean ocean+ water = fish fish + fish = shark shark +tornado = sharknado

trump + wall = mexico, mexico + candy = taco, taco + mexico = taco bell, taco bell + mario = mario bell, super mario + mario bell = super mario bell, super mario + taco bell = super taco + super mario = super mario taco, mario taco + taco bell = mario taco bell, super mario taco + taco bell = Super Mario Taco Bell. Bowser + rainbow = rainbow road + bowser = mario kart + mario taco = mario kart taco + , mario + santa = mario claus, mario kart taco + mario claus = mario kart 8 + mario kart 8 = mario kart 8 deluxe + super mario taco bell = taco bell mario kart 8 deluxe. LOLOLOLOLOLOL IM LAUGHING SOOOO HARD RIGHT NOW

This is really clever. "Football Jesus" is "Tebow", so I am now happily exploring the Tebowverse. There is even a robot incarnation named "Tebot".

I made Ryan. I don't know who Ryan is or why you combine wind with _______ (I forgot)to get Ryan, but this is hilarious. Some of the other things I created and thought were funny: Tractor monster(first discovery!), Flying soggy toast, Flying dry toast, Abominable noodleman, Flying spaghetti monster, Unicorn toast, Iceland,

I love how you have several random descovires like Flying spaghetti monster and Abominable noodleman. Then just Iceland. Just. Iceland.

I know it's all LLM randomness, but some of these are pretty fun/quirky. E.g. sheep + murder gave me "silence" which puzzled me for a while until I thought of silence of the lambs.

teenager + apple pie = pregnancy

Saw this on Neal's twitter a couple of days ago, it inspired me to make the food version :)


The LLM that powers this is surprisingly well trained (for what it is doing). I don't know if it's using a pre-existing one, but if you open dev tools and find the api you can play around with any combination of things.

Just as an example, I put in "Protestant" and "Spiritual Experiences" and it gave "Pentecostal" which is exactly right, and I didn't expect it to know that. Now I have to find how to get that in the game.

trump + wall = mexico, mexico + candy = taco, taco + mexico = taco bell, taco bell + mario = mario bell, super mario + mario bell = super mario bell, super mario + taco bell = super taco + super mario + super mario = super mario taco, mario taco + taco bell = mario taco bell, super mario taco + taco bell = Super Mario Taco Bell

trump + wall = mexico, mexico + candy = taco, taco + mexico = taco bell, taco bell + mario = mario bell, super mario + mario bell = super mario bell, super mario + taco bell = super taco + super mario = super mario taco, mario taco + taco bell = mario taco bell, super mario taco + taco bell = Super Mario Taco Bell

Angel + Zeus = God. o_O

This little game is too entertaining. I hope the author open sources it, or writes a technical blog post on how it's implemented.

How many greek gods have you managed to get? I got Zeus, Hera, Athena, and Poseidon, plus Achilles if he counts.

I got Dionysus from God and drunk

I managed to kinda break it. I managed to get “Steam Engine” and “Hacker”. I combined those to make “Steam Punk”. (Fair enough.)

Everything that’s combined with Steam Punk ends up being stupid and boring.

Steam Punk + Zombie = “Steam Zombie”

Steam Punk + Hacker = “Steam Hacker”

Steam Punk + UFO, which you’d think would be “Zeppelin” or something, is instead “Steam UFO”.

Steam Punk + Illusion is, bafflingly, “Steampunk”, all one word, and with a different emoji!

I had a first discovery for 'Justice League of Mars', then one for 'Justice League of Moon', but not for the 'Justice League of Mars and Moon'

I got first discovery for "Doctor Who-lloweeners"

Terminator + Robot = T1000 T1000 + T1000 = T2000 I'm at T-32000000 and still going

The most unexpected 2048 clone

Same here with Monkey Island 2 + Monkey Island 3 = Monkey Island 4.

I'm now at Monkey Island 12357990.

I got Sharknado from shark + tornado.

Then Sharknado 3 from sharknado + sharknado.

Then Sharktopusnado 3 from sharknado 3 + octopus

Now I'm going at Sharktopusnado 9400000000000.

Great fun!

Woah this is extremely addictive and has a lot of potential, I love games like Little Alchemy and this goes to 11.

Surely some things are weird and are to be expected from the usage of AI, for example, I managed to somehow create Neon Genesis Evangelion (try to!) but I can't seem to replicate any more animes, mangas or shows.

I combined Fish and Fire and got Sushi, which is a dish that is famously made without any fire whatsoever. The game also decided to pair the Wheat emoji with the word Amber.

You should consider yourself lucky that you haven't witnessed the torched sushi craze [yet].

May be wasabi is fire?

I got wasabi by adding fire to sushi.

Wasabi == spicy == hot == fire?

There used to be webgames with a similar premise. Pretty fun.

I think some of the recipes don’t make sense and it would be a lot better if each thing only had one recipe to create it.

Jane + Library creates a Content-Security-Policy error in Firefox 122 for Mac (looks like it should turn into Book normally)

Also, ashes + water = soup. I need to try some more recipes

How many man hours this entertained or wasted so far! So addictive and most probably everyone who played this probably has something better to do.

This is fun. It would be interesting to build a single graph of concepts that all users contribute to. Then you wouldn't have to run LLM inference on every request, just the novel ones, plus you could publish the complete graph which would be something like an embedding space.

A lot of combinations return instantly, so I assume that it is in fact caching a lot.

oh I just realized that 'isNew' in the response refers to a global set, not the user set. So, I guess it's doing exactly what I said lol.

I just went back and did some new combinations with early ones and I'm still getting intermittent delays even though all early combinations must be done, so I assume part of this is just the server itself being a little overloaded and so even responses that are cached remotely but not locally may experience delays.

I played with llama2 for a bit to see if this was easy to recreate. It's surprisingly easy to get 90% of the way there but I have yet to get the results to be as appropriate. I wonder if there is some fine tuning or other forms of extended context (beyond a system prompt) to make this magic happen. Seems like most likely it's not just a vanilla llama2 model + a bit of prompt engineering..

I was playing with my friend and we wanted to merge our saves, so i got the script promiseofbeans posted here some days ago and i altered it to merge 2 saves and re=import them to one save. It's available here: https://github.com/Gabrielcouto1/inifnite_craft_save_merger

I'm still having a problem where after you import the save, you can no longer search in any way LOL. I tried both neal's search feature that he added a few days ago, and also procparam's script (he posted here 5 days ago)

Other "problem" i encountered is that in order to save the merged stuff, you have to craft one new element. After you do that, it autosaves and there is no further problems.

Games like this already exist and have comparable complexity, so calling it infinite and using an LLM backend feels overhyped.

For example, Castle + Fortress = Castle?

City + Town = Castle. Castle + Wall = City?

Metropolis + City = Megalopolis. Ok we're getting somewhere cool here, let's see how big it gets: Megalopolis + City = Metropolis?!

Finally, it just failed to combine War + Tunnel. It blinks for a minute and then gives up. I would have said "Sappers"? Edit: There are actually many such failures for higher-order combinations which is strictly not infinite. Other combinations described above might technically fit the bill but ceasing functionality does not : /

I just described it to my colleagues as

> this uses GenAI in order to attempt being truly infinite, or at least not bounded by their ability to design and input combinations themselves

It's fair to go for that name imho. Not strictly correct, but 100% fair.

That's just generative or procedural though. It's ok of course that it's not truly infinite, I'm just posting because it was disappointingly finite. There were concepts I was trying to build up to that simply didn't exist. So I'm not even sure if it's less bounded than human design, just less manual effort to build.

All I'm saying really is, if it had just been called "AI Generative Craft" I would have had nothing to say in the comments. I would have gotten what I expected.

>There were concepts I was trying to build up to that simply didn't exist.

They may not, but that you didn't find them precisely where you expected doesn't really convince me that they don't.

Couldn't build up to doesn't mean they didn't exist... it took me a while to make a "Sandwich". But after spending enough (too much) time with it, I was able to construct some things that show it's not disappointingly finite:

* "Bollygraff"

* "Teen Mom 12"

* "Hackimus Prime"

* "Billionaire King + Sushi Burger Venus" (sic)

One potentially frustrating part is that some things turn out to be black holes... for example, combine "Trump" with anything and it tends to return "Trump". There are also plenty of loops, and some that refuse to combine at all.

You can combine Trump with the Empire State Building to get Trump Tower. Also I think Trump + Money was Bankruptcy. And there's Trumpthuluh obviously.

I forget how I got Trump (it was a different formulation than others mentioned though). But Trump + Titanic = Sinking Ship

I got

Rich + Rich = Richer

Richer + Richer = Richest

Richest + Poop = Trump

O got trump by making "god"+"a-hole"

Then I did "T-Rex"+"trump" and I got "T-Rump"

I was impressed by the creativity

I've found retrying after a bit will often return the new result. I suspect the frontend is timing out before the backend comes up with a result, which is eventually cached by the time of the second attempt

Others have mentioned the same - I tried several times the same combination and got no result. However, it's now clear from other replies that eventually there will be some result (even if it's just one of the inputs), so I guess that argument doesn't hold.

I mean, there are only a finite number of words in the English language, so of course something like this isn't truly infinite.

But I've wandered off into a space of fantastical creatures: rainbow + explosion = unicorn, from there I've gotten phoenix, "steam unicorn", narwhalicorn.

Others have gotten into food items? I don't even know how I'd get there. And you've gotten into infrastructure and war.

There's enough to explore here that I'm ok with it being called infinite.

not the OP but as a fun exploratory hobby project, you don't think the presentation is reasonable? seems totally fair to me

I mean, not really, no. I'm not trying to be super critical here, just, it's not even presented as a exploratory LLM project. It's only presented as "infinite", and it's... not.

> There are actually many such failures for higher-order combinations which is strictly not infinite

I suspect a service error, either the service/LLM not responding fast enough sometimes when a combination isn't already known, or the LLM not giving a usable result.

I mean, there aren't infinite emojis or words so it isn't gonna be infinite but I think some of the errors I've seen have been more transient.

lolol, i somehow did: Bowser + rainbow = rainbow road + bowser = mario kart + mario taco = mario kart taco. and btw I discovered mario kart taco for the first time lol

This is a clone of Little Alchemy, a game (that I happen to know about because it's made by someone I know and respect) that's been out for about a decade. https://littlealchemy.com/

It's fine to clone existing games as a gamedev exercise and/or to iterate meaningfully on the design, and to be fair, maybe this game does the latter. However, it is good to pay respects to the shoulders you build on. Little Alchemy is not so well known that this is like making a game called Tetrizz.

(Can someone make Tetrizz please?)

Little Alchemy might have itself been inspired by an earlier game:


Ha, cool, thank you for the info. I was half suspecting (and hoping) that someone would point out something like this. Game history knowledge increased.

I got a few new discorveries. Silence of the lambs + Sharknado = Silence of the Sharks, Hannibal lecter + Quagmire = Hannibal quagmire, Hannibal Quagmire + Sharknado = Sharknibal.

Hannibal Sharknado, Sharknibaldo

Classic game, but there is some merge that make no sense to me, how does fire and whale make a dragon ?

Its driven by a LLM. Apparently fire + whale = dragon according to multiple LLMs I was able to recreate the behavior with chatgpt https://chat.openai.com/share/a4b53cbf-904d-4f03-a8db-e7980d...

ah make senses

A biblical Leviathan has been depicted as a whale/dragon like fire breathing creature.


And there are definitely other (vaguely) biblical combinations like Big Bang + Clay = Adam

Big animal + fire = fiery big animal

I got dragon from fire + swamp.

Another strange one was puddle + rock = pudding + dragon = custard.

What do you think a better response would be to Fire + Whale?


whale sushi? also fire and sushi don't seem very related to me.

I am very proud to be the first discoverer of both Jerry Garcia and Trey Anastasio. It suits me. I also am the discoverer of a pretty good LLM pun - "Grateful Red," which I got by combining one of my various Grateful Dead related findings with "Mao Zedong."

I had some other interesting discoveries as well, including the "Abominable Crocodile", "Abominable Orc", and whatever the hell a "Pterodump" is.

How do you know you are the first discoverer? Does it highlight this in some way?

It says "First Discovery" under it.

Sadly the creator shut it down, but Elemental 3 was basically the same premise, but instead of AI for combinations it had user suggestions and ratings.

He made a video to visualize some of the final data though: https://youtu.be/rQWwfYSUckY

Also I vaguely remember a game with basically the same premise but the goal was to create life.

> fire + fish = sushi

Literally unplayable.

EDIT: apparently I'm the first to discover "Captain Tokyo"?

EDIT: and "Captain Tiamat". Had no idea those are even things.

Seems like I'm the designated captain discoverer. More to the list:

- Captain Penguin Universe

- Captain Penguin Planet

- Captain Penguin Multiverse

- Captain Poseidon Multiverse

- Captain Jack Poseidon

- Captain Jack Tiamat

- Captain Everything Jack Sparrow (which can't combine with anything, apparently)

- Captain Penguin Zombee

- Captain Penguin Zombee Universe (also can't combine with anything)

Seems you’re playing with it quite a lot for somebody who’s described it as “literally unplayable”.

I see jokes at the expense of cooked fish in sushi don't get past you :)

Very fun! Most hilarious result I found is James Bond + Tarzan = Jane Bond

First I discovered Slaughterhouse Five. Then Slaughterhouse Ten. Then Slaughterhouse Fifteen…

Kinda got tired at Slaughterhouse One Hundred Thousand.

Very cool. I combined 'double rainbow' and 'ocean'; thought I broke it as it loaded for like 20 seconds; then got Atlantis. Eventually I got to 'mermaid', combined it with 'fire', and got 'siren'. But the emoji was a police siren, not the mythical creature. I can see how the LLM would be confused, though.

The LLM was not confused. It just fed "siren" into the image generator and that's an ambiguous term.

Yes, that's the confusion I was talking about. Sorry, I meant to say the image generator was confused. The confusion how I came to the assumption that it was an LLM hooked to an image generator.

Interestingly, I did break it on flower + eclipse.

Hey! It’s that old game Doodle God!

Thank you! I swore that I played a game just like this, but was totally blanking on the name.

Also Little Alchemy!

Some of these combinations are really clever, some are really dubious, but still fun.

At any rate, the first 1000 or so that a quick python script found: https://gist.github.com/Q726kbXuN/6620a12ade4b77dacce93d1c96...

This reminds of Little Alchemy, which used to be popular a few years ago

super mario + burrito = burrito mario + mario kart 8 deluxe = burrito kart 8 deluxe

santa claus + mario = mario claus + taco bell = taco claus + nintendo = nintaco claus

I can't seem to make anything more complicated than "Divorce Hammer + Super Mothra Unicorn Batman". As in, that's the name of the item which was indeed the two components I attempted to combine. Trying to combine that item with anything else simply doesn't do anything.

I had a similar problem. I think the + in the item name is causing the backend to throw a 500 error.

The longer I got was: "Brusselsaurus Titanium Rex + Johnny Depp in Ukraine"

i got 2 first discoverys called pineapple taliban and little shop of jihad

We started years ago with the same idea but as mobile game app. And our product is more advanced - we mix up to 5 elements at a time, generate unique pics for every elements, have elements rarity, achievements and etc

Check it out - AlchemicAI:



This is like a solitaire version of a game I like called telepathy, where two people at a time will call out a word, and then two more people try to come up with a word that links the two… keep iterating until two people call out the same word! Super fun.

The game you mentioned was productized as "Medium: A Mind Reading Party Game." It is fun.

If you add trump + putin = bromance...

I seem to have discovered a "steam garage" and I can't imagine what that might be. That has led to a "steam palace," which seems to have already existed.

ETA: also the Cinderham and Louis Prime

Fun little game and pretty silly, thanks

Very fun!

I'm seeing tons of slowdown when I try to merge things like "Sagitarius" and "Archer" and "Storm" and "Centaur". I guess this is the nature of the build, but I'm at least a little surprised it's hitting this kind of performance issue after only tens of objects.

Anyway, all of that aside, I'm having a lot of fun seeing what emerges from the combinations and I love that the wackier the merge result, the more fun it is to try it against all of the previous objects. Quite an addicting little loop! Great job!

This is really cool. I was wondering if you could build a multiplayer strategy game out of this. I'm thinking players would compete to destroy each other with elements, kind of like chess. Metas would evolve where people race to powerful elements while keeping an eye on the other player to try and guess what they're building and maybe try to sabotage them in the process. Since the game is apparently backed by an LLM, there's a huge number of possibilities as well.

A friend asked his wife to create a horse and an accountant. It took her 1hr of playing to get the former, and 3hrs for the latter. I'm still laughing.

items = () => [...document.querySelectorAll('.items div.item')] show = (elt) => elt.style.display='' hide = (elt) => elt.style.display='none' search = (text) => (items().forEach(show), items().filter(e => !e.innerText.toLowerCase().includes(text.toLowerCase())).forEach(hide)) inputElt = document.createElement('input'); inputElt.type='text'; document.querySelector('.sidebar').prepend(inputElt) function handle(e) { search(e.target.value) } inputElt.addEventListener('input', handle) reply

Dragon + Narwhal= Dragon-Narwhal Werebear + Dragon-Narwhal=Werebearnarwhal(first) Werebearnarwhal + Yin yang= Ying Yang Werebearnarwhal Ying Yang Werebearnarwhal + Sea maid=???(literally says that and has space symbol)

Update - author has added two new features:

1) progress is saved locally so you can reload browser (helpful on iOS) 2) search bar added to discovered items list

I got curious how far one get using just one element as starting point. So far just Earth combined with itself gives you mountains, then volcano, weird semantic attractor with "Super Super Super Super Volcano" and "Super Super Super Super Earth", breakthrough with Stonehenge, then Druid, trees, books, knowledge, religion... Fun stuff.

I've some how managed to get down an infinite variation of "Ant-..."

One of the more interesting ones is "Ant-smoke"?

Edit: Another interesting one is combing "Batman" and "Robin" to make "Dynamic Duo"

Edit 2: I've now managed to turn the game into a number generator and by combining numbers together I've ended up creating some very large numbers. Doesn't seem to be a limit to the size either

This is really fun, there's some fun combos which output amusingly strange results.

Some of my first discoveries:

  - Meteor Pot
  - Meteor Soup
  - Meteor Shower Soup
  - Meteor Fish Soup
  - Jabba The Soup-zeus
  - Sith zeus
  - Jabba The Slimer
  - Sonic Chip
  - Cheech The Hedgehog
  - Darth Shrubber
  - Chewbuster
  - Darth Vader Fish Soup
I may have got heavily involved in combining Star Wars items :P

When I added "Bigchicken" to "Beauty and the Chainsaw King", I got "???".

How do I get eternity

At first I thought that I can use the elements from the sidebar to built something in the main area, since it is wider than the sidebar.

My favorite combo so far was Alien + Buddha = Yoda :D

Sunday + Hell = https://lgms.nl/p/cau/?b64&c84oLUrOUAQA (not sure whether to immediately reveal the spoiler because I feel it's kinda guessable)

And with the combination of Buddha and Ghost, I have reached Enlightenment. I will take that as a sign that I have completed the game.

I don't know how but I got "Dragon-maid-narwhal-rex + Yin Yang Wasabear Hyd" that is the literal name and I think it got cut off de to too many characters?

How do you get putin

Some of my first discoveries: -Big Little Shop of Mummies -Super Madagascar -Lemurpocolypse -Captain Lemur -The Mummy Returns to Madagascar -Captain Super Madagascar -Captain Lemurpocolypse -Black Pantherbeard -Black Pantherbeardbeard -Black Pantherbeardbeardbeard -Black Pantherbeardbeardbeardbeard

Ok, so I discovered the Zombatmobile 2.0, then the Zombatmobile 3.0, then the 4.0, and let's just say now we're at the Zombatmobile 1000000000.

Some more: -Black Pantherwhal -Captain Black Pantherbeard -Supernova Narwhalicorn -Super Captain Narwhalicorn -Narwhalicornbeard -Captain Narwhalicornbeard -Captain Hookbeard -Captain Hookbeard and the Narwhalicorn -Rainbow Narwhalicornbeard -Double Rainbow Narwhalicornbeard -Trumpicornbeard

Bug report: I got to 'Mega Mega Mega Mega Mega Mega Mega Mega Mega Mega' and it can't be combined with anything

I believe most LLM APIs prevent you from repeating (or asking to repeat) identical words. It's in ChatGPT's TOS (because it seems to occassional lead to revealing original training text).

Either that or the backend is completely overloaded and/or unable to handle more than ten of somethings.

It looked like an UI issue of some sort. It didn’t even try to merge.

It seems to be a limit on the input length of the elements, if they have a larger name then it does not work

It seems to be a combination of how many times it's been merged, and how long it is. I think sometimes the LLM just decides a word is a 'final' word and won't merge it. I've gotten final words that are just a couple characters, and ones that are 10+ words.

You can also put random character names in the API endpoint and get the result as well: https://neal.fun/api/infinite-craft/pair?first=dog&second=ca...

my requests return a 403 forbidden error. is anyone else having this problem?

I've had this idea that a game could generate unique crafting fields in some way like this. One of the things that I think limits simulation type games is that they are often restricted to real industries and recipes etc., but if they could make up believable fantasy industries, then there could be more variety.

But they'd also be riddled with bizarre nonsense like Flamethrower+Statue = Venus.

I think making it take a stream of thought approach might help here.

If you ask it to explain the chain of events it can guide the solution. I think that part of the issue here is that there's no context (well, at least that we can see) to these combinations.

But if you build up some context then it might make things make more sense.

E.g., if you imagine that you're prompting in the context of a "crafting type" for statues, you might have flamethrower as a "tool" and statue as an "input" and it might lead to a better solution (e.g., burnt statue, melted statue, etc.,). Alternatively if you said flamethrower and statue were both inputs then maybe the result would be a statue holding a flamethrower.

You could think about other context as well, maybe a welder with tool flamethrower + statue gets a metal statue welded to something, a demolition job with flamethrower + statue gets rubble, etc.,

Mine has just descended into Darth Maul madness, with an ever increasing number - usually adding them, but Dart Maul 114 + Darth Maul 114 just gave me Darth Maul 134, so it's a 'bit' unpredictable..!

Edit: and it's given up at Darth Maul 1310720000 combining no longer goes higher

Does anyone know how to make game? Im trying to make a bunch of video game titles (I got some through different means) but without computer, Nintendo, console, game etc its been tough

Ok I played this way too long, the most ridiculous straight up is `Steampunk Bahamut Batpunkestilla Rex`

Well, I broke it. I have crafted 93 different Lethal Weapon movies - sequels well into the million+ range.

I made Shrek 236144503

i got two first discoverys

We need something like this but with emergent phenotypes instead of hard-coded. How would that work?

That's what this is, it's driven by an LLM.

...with caching

Some stuff I found:

Dragon + Black Hole = Dragon Ball

Moonwalk + Truth = Michael Jackson

Then I don't even remember what I did to get super saiyan, but I managed to get to Super Saiyan 8192

Vegeta (I forgot how to get him or Goku) + Time Paradox = Trunks

Steamboat + TV = Steamboat Willie

Yooooooo I got a new few new discoveries, Super Saiyan Blue God 9 and Steamboat Gohan.

I got another discovery, Cactus Jack + Space = Astro Jack

i made a first discovery which was the super infinity stoned buddha

I've gone on an infinite crab island tangent of first discoveries.

I was able to get piranhaconda from sharknado and Jack Sparrow. Sharnado from shark and tornado and Jack Sparrow from sparrow and captain. I then got Ice piranhaconda (which was a first discovery) from iceberg and piranhaconda.

This is just gonna be a list of first discoveries. Ice Piranhaconda, Jackie Chan in Pirate Of The Caribbean 4, Jackie Chan vs. Piranhaconda, Chest Piranhaconda, Pirates Of The Caribbean 4, Jackie Chan vs. Sharknado, Jackie Chan vs. Sharknado 2, Jackie Chan vs. Sharknado 3, Jackie Chan vs. Sharknado 4, Fire Alexa, Ghostbusters 14,15,29,30,60,120,240, (I'm stopping Ghostbusters now), Fire Ahab, Ghostbuster Pan, Stinky Gold, Ghost Whale, Fido, Ghost Narwhal, Superdogman, Superdogman and the Super Justice League, Stinkfly,Super Apple Pie Man,Superstump, Iphone Peice, Captain Piece, and Captain America Piece

Just got Jackie Chan vs. Piranhaconda. First discovery as well.

I just discovered Curious SpongeBob so I'm wondering if any of you got SpongeBob or Curious George.

Also I have Squidward and Patrick too

As a additional twist it might be fun to also have the option to 'remove' one concept from the other.

Currently i have 'Wind farm' and I'd wish i could try going to 'farm' by removing 'wind' from it.

Hint: by going the Warrior-Spartan-King-Leonidas-300 route, you get the endless supply of numbers to combine, starting from 300. I wonder you can make it output anything with this, as it's definitely powered by a LLM.

How the heck do you find the fossil. Also a weird combo Statue + Rock = Sphinx

i think dino and death or dino and history or dino and lava or some other stuff with dino

yeh dino and history

Are some combinations just not possible, or am I doing something incorrectly here? For instance, "Dragon" and "Yin-Yang" do not seem to merge (yet logically seem ripe for combination).

The backend is probably overloaded right now. Wait some and try again.

Do I need to allow access through noscript to googlesyndication.com for this to work? If so, why? It doesn't seem to work when I enable the root domain in Firefox on mobile.

  Apocalypse + 2016 = 2017
  Apocalypse + 2017 = 2018
  Apocalypse + 2018 = 2019
  Apocalypse + 2019 = 2020
but ...

  Apocalypse + 2030 = 2030

how do you get the years?

Like most nifty LLM apps it's cool but fun for maybe 45 seconds.

Open source LLM's exist at the Family Feud brain stage (instinctive first pass human verbal intuition) so its depth is limited by that.

I don't know about you, but me and my co-workers have been playing with it for hours now

I've now managed to get both "Spaceship" and "Space Ship". I feel like this game really needs to have some logic to avoid having two words that are essentially identical.

I got "Santa" and "Santa Claus"

I'm sure there are others, but this reminds me of Stacklands


Haha, I got "Trojan Cannonball", and it was marked as "First discovery.". Although it's not that rare, you can create hilarious combinations.

I love this. No explanation, nothing. Just drag, drop and see.

If I could only store the state, maybe download a JSON file which I could later drop into the editor again to restore, that would be great.

love this! The sounds are great and the caching is smart. I'd add a little loading animation or something... as a dev I knew it was hitting the LLM but my friend thought it was just laggy. I prototyped a similar concept with a numi/soulver type of UI a few weeks ago :) https://twitter.com/_0_/status/1747756622494265397

What model is being used for the backend?

I noticed that mixing a 2 word item with something else will often combine the words instead of looking at the meaning:

super volcano + man = super human

but then it breaks if you mix further:

super human + giraffe = super giraffe ?

Well, that may explain dragonpope.

Heheh, my favourite has been:

Sailor Moon + Sashimi = Sailor Mercury

Gonna steal some recipes for mine: https://elemental-emojis.vercel.app/

Home alone seems to be perpetually recombinant. Over 10m :)

This is very fun.

I managed to make a "Captain Jack Ahab + Draculawhalezilla" that seems to refuse to combine with anything. Maybe because it has a + in it already?

sleeping beauty

I have made the monster of all monsters!!! Coffee Tractor Monster + Flying Spaghetti Monster (first discovery) imagining this irl is horrifying.

I made way too many new things. including but not limited to: 420gaystalin Steamlincoln Shark Mafia Lincoln Shark Mafia Steamlin Express Werebearowlstien Bowling With The Fishes ibowl steamlin mafia Underground Werebowl. GOD HELP ME I NEED SAVING FROM STEAMLIN AND SHARKS

Art+Phobia = artphobia (first) Pterodactyl+phobia = pterodactylphobia (first) Freddy Krueger + Snap = Freddy Snaps (first)

Very fun, and silly. I created a "snot serpent" by combining a "sea serpent" and a "snot ball". Works for me...

Always a delight to see a Neal fun link here.

I was able to get to Dandelion after many combos! Hoping it gets to human soon.

Will try to extract the full tree from the code :)

According to a tweet, this thing is actually using LLaMA II[0]. I guess he probably caches results so it doesn't recompute each time, but as you go further you start finding combinations that are apparently novel and take quite a while to generate (or fail completely).

[0] https://nitter.cz/nealagarwal/status/1747284257582506102#m

achieved with this:

wind + earth -> dust + dust -> sand + fire -> glass + fire -> lens + lens -> telescope + lens -> galileo

glass + sand -> hourglass + sand -> time + gallileo -> einstein + time -> relativity + einstein -> theory + time -> evolution + time -> human

There's probably a shorter and less convoluted path somewhere.

sanata clsudr

Double rainbow warrior and rainbow Dracula ninja

How to get humans, i’ve been trying for like an hour. I have been able to get Jesus before getting humans.

I must be missing something

Angel + crocodile = Angelina Jolie

I think I hit some sort of character limit with "Spongepunk Christmas Seapony + Steampunk Squidpunk Sph"

Well if you ever run into the 'Fresh Prince of Bel Sashimi', that's my world first combination :-D

They could have added a one piece reference when you put "Devil" + "Fruit"

Something looks broken. As soon as you join two elements into an unusual combination it stops generating a response.

I made a teenmummy and it said first discovery has anyone ever done it

one of my favorite first discovery is definitely "sharknado 3: Oh hell no!"

How do you make Twilight and vampire? and eclipse?

Please tell me

It appears that I was first to discover Mummy Statue and Zombie Pancake. Is it okay to put this on my CV?

I was first to discover Fishy News. Interesting.

Bye yall hope yall liked my help

i discovered a rainbow yogurt warrior, rainbow warrior, yogurt warrior,yogazen, rainzen and yogarainzen

A fun way to play this is to pick a specific result first and then see how quickly you can get there.

Amazing! The funniest stuff it came up with for me were Pengwoman, Sushi Bird, Jezus (Jesus + Zeus).

I got a sign that looked like infinity and had ??? as its label. Did I win the game?

Pirates of the Caribbean and Pirates Of The Caribbean

are different apparently, maybe add some logic to merge these

I somehow made Ryan. I do not remember how other than it's ______ + wind. Who is Ryan?!? lol

You created me, somehow.

It has A DOUBLE RAINBOW (I have no recollection of its creation, but it is a real emoji/combo).

Tutankhamun + Pirate = Captain Jack Sparrow

Tutankhamun + Captain Jack Sparrow = Pirate King

Pirate King + Mountain = One Piece

One Piece + Pirate King = Luffy


Shark + Hurricane = Sharknado

You apparently can't mix Unicorn and Double Rainbow: they won't stack on each other.

I need a mosquito in infinite craft how do I get it?

i made the first super infinity stoner buddha by accident

I'm hacking right now want to join me?

Super interesting. Who the heck is Neal?! Why and how?! hahaha

Fun stuff. I wonder what the codebase looks like

I’m guessing is autogenerated by LLMS completions, it’s non deterministic.

After just 30 minutes I've crafted an Apple Crumble Mudslide. My job is done.

Anyone know how to make a missile?

My mind immediately goes to video games. This could inspire some very interesting mechanics.

Like crafting in Minecraft? :)

I might be revealing my ignorance - is this how crafting works in minecraft? I've never played it before.

You craft in minecraft by arranging basic items on a 3x3 grid. If you do it right then a more complex item is created.

For example, a pickaxe is shaped roughly like that (two vertical sticks as a handle, and 3 other materials on the top row as a blade). You can make a better pickaxe by using nicer/rarer materials on the top row.

It isn't really improvisational, there are correct patterns and the UI has a recipe book now so you don't really need to use the grid if you do not want to. Back when the game was in beta these weren't documented and the community would just brute force the discovery.

I now have a "Pina Thorada", a combination of Pina Colada and Thor. This is fun.

"poltician + devil = democrat" Huh, what was the training data for this model?

They totally missed it by not allowing two rainbows to make a double rainbow.

My best so far are ‘Sharktopus Flytrap’… and ‘Suicide Bomber’, ‘Osama’ and ‘Terrorist’.

Not kidding!

Dandelion Patch + Gold = timeout?

i think i killed it with tractor + lava. Somehow that's a volcano?

This is weird without hard rules.

First discovery finally!!! I got Blush!!! Face + Tomato!!

This is another awesome Neal.fun experience!!!

Time Machine + Pyramid = Tomb Raider

Tornado + Fish = Sharknado

and Terminator, Dark Fate, Mad Hatter... but I forgot how.

As is usual for all things on the internet, fiddle around and you will find Star Wars.

I just got a "first discovery": Garlic + Vampire = Dinner | Darth Vader + Dinner = Dark Dinner (whatever that means)

And I don't know how, but how did I get from fire/earth/water to "racist"? How is that even a thing?

I don't get it either, you start with infinite energy singularity, and 14.5 billion years later you get Trump. Universe is stupid :).

Once you get to the Trump and Trump-related emojis ... that's when it gets properly weird.

Swamp + Prostitute = Politician

Kraken+ dragon=titan

I need to make god dude like i swear.

Siren+ fire= Phoenix

The sound is really satisfying.

Obsidian + Cook ... [thinking] took a few seconds and out popped: sushi! Love it

Holy water + Dandelion = weed

First one to discover Ghoti!

I somehow got Espanol, then I proceed to translate every word into Spainsh

Abdominal omelet +dark phoenix= phoenix omelet (first discovery by me)

How do you know if you're the first to discover something?

The strange case of origami Yoda

Batman vs. Prince of space sushi vampires

Darth Paper Strikes Back + Vampire

The last of us part 3: The last diabeetus rat king.

Good luck getting there.

It broke once I got up to "Baconosaurwolfthulhucornicornthulhu"

discoveries: surf bowie VR, fakecraft, vrcave, santa claus simulator, gifticorn, abominable gifticorn, cain + monkey bomb, chess sandwich, captain chess, captain coincidence

They have added a new search bar.

Once you get to Cthulicorn, anything added to that takes a minute or two

Ice cream+pirate = captain hook

Is there a way to keep your progress? If so please let me know.

Bug report:

Rainbow + Rainbow doesn't do anything

No double rainbow? Literally unplayable.

My first discovery

  Darth Vader+Postman=Darth Mailer

I managed to get both “Teapot” and “Tea Pot” at the same time.

This contains every story ever told and that will be told. Logos.

Some combinations seem to cause crashes, like Grand Canyon + Sea.

I was thinking they are combinations that haven't been generated and cached before (since this is llm powered (llama)) and the current load from HN front page is too much

My life won't be complete until I can combine big bang and rainbow bridge

Speed+light isn't Einstein?? Chariot+God isn't UFO??

Ok I stopped playing when Muslim+money was terrorist. Hard pass.

wait. bacon+destruction= "baconator" and i'm not the first to create a baconator. what. Edit: bacon+pirate is captain hook what is this

Reminds me of the first android game I played on my G1 alchemy

“Pirate” is my favorite result so far. (Alcohol + Steamboat)

In-Laws + Divorce = Outlaws made me chuckle a little bit...

Pretty addictive

I smiled at "Brexit + Politician => Chaos"

someone PLEASE tell me how to make optimus prime

Ash + plant = tobacco Tobacco + clay = pipe Smoke + tobacco = cigarette Cigarette + smoking = smoker Cancer + pipe = crab Statue + cavity = venus

How do I make chuck norris

lava plus stone equeals obsidian (i play minecraft) also is the reason there is a delay because of the LLM algorithm searching for new combos?

The sound effect for successful combination is 80% the fun

my main goal is just to make an ICBM from this game but i havent yet

I’m haunted by how much I love and hate crafting systems.

Curse + unicorn = narwhal, hahahaha. This game is so fun

Can't believe I was the first to find "boobs". The 12 year-old combined "tomb raider" and "jiggle". LOL. It's actually a useful word. I can change anything male into female.

Lots of other funny combinations: Burger King + Business = McDonalds Disney + Motive = Money Princess + Cleavage = Disney

Plenty of political ones: President + Dictator = Trump White House + Flame = Trump Trump + Bribe = Impeachment Trump + Impeachment = ??? (literally three question marks) Obama + Home = Change

And a few questionable: Slave + Plant = Cannabis Jamaica + Garden = Marijuana

This is actually great fun. I wish I could sort the words alphabetically. I also wish there was a save feature. Oh, and that first discoveries were highlighted in the word list.

My first discovery was "Santauron"!? - by combining Santa Claus and Sauron.

how do you make all the ingredients to make cocaine don't ask why.

i did snow and weed

Goddess and godess = god

How to make chuck norris

It invented narlwhalicorn from narwhal + unicorn, cool

Lightsaber + Jedi = darth Vader

“One of the hardest ones to get”

Water + Fish Stew seemed to break everything for me!

Kite + Mountain froze it for me as well. Refreshing then wiped all progress.

there's an issue with the algorithm, the more you play, longer it takes to calculate...neat example for time complexity analysis.

No - it’s just the more you play, the more likely you are to run into novel, uncached combinations that require invoking the LLM

I like that ‘Lightning + Earth’ is ‘Tesla (car)’.

This is so cool, thanks for the tip! :D

life and evolution is human zombie and cure is human idk why I got flagged last time

Mirror + happy = narcissus Dream + oedipus wrecks = the simpsons?? Steam cyborg + glutton = fat man Curse + happy = sad

There are a couple of things that seem to combine with others in a very general way... "were-", "[the] Impaler" (!), "Rich[est]"...

I was able to get some things like "Were-jesus-pope-hamster-crusader", "Trump-jesus-trump", "Pope Impaler", "Trump Impaler", "Vlad the Werehamster", "Richest were-genghis Khan", and also "Were-were-werewolf"!

I think the willingness of the language model to make up character names like this is a bit of a defect in this context, but maybe it's useful for brainstorming movie sequels. :-)

I've found "Muddy", "Zombie", and "Frat Party" to work as universal affixes too. e.g. I'm up to "Muddy Werejesus + Muddy Zombie Jesus Frat Party" (the single phrase includes the plus sign). At this point the UI refuses to mix additional ingredients.

I got Trump Tower + Orange = Trump It used the 'pile of poo' emoji for Trump!! I love it.

Dragonpope was not easy to combine with anything.

I got osama bin laden

How do I get metal

also if any of you have found out how to make it tell me

I got vampirecake

how do you get stand or sit or walk?

looks like Pancha Bhuta concept in Indian spirituality

Prithvi/Bhumi, Apas/Varuna/Jala, Agni, Vayu, Akasha/Dyaus

neal.fun is just amazing. Man how awesome.

Evil + NewYork … was inadvertently funny.

Challenge: least moves to “Happy Ending”

Doctor Who + Sheep => Doctor Hooves

anyone know how to make gay if so could you please tell me its important

Cannot craft Pottery and Tobacco. Error.

How are you doing?

How do you get eve im trying to

How do I get Asia?

it says first discovery

alligator + statue = gatorade ... okay

My fav: donkey + pope = ass

Dinosaur + Clock = Clockosaurus Rex.

Dinosaur + Batman and Robin = Batman and Robinosaur

lake + phoenix=firebird

i discovered rainbow yogurt warrior

shut up

Unicorn + Steamboat = Steam Unicorn

In the beginning, there were four elements. Some asshole came over and banged them all together like rocks to see what fit together. The first life on Earth was dragons, plants, and vampires, somehow.

Stuff like this a harbinger of the types of game that will start coming out of LLMs IMO - things that haven't necessarily _not_ been done before, but things where an LLM can act as a core weakly-type "kernel" that can be run to generate new output from arbitrary input. The people pointing out the prior examples are sort of missing the point, as all those require explicitly declaring the bounds of the game, whereas the bounds here are more a limitation of LLM understanding instead of direct effort to declare valid interactions.

gollum + schizophrenia = smeagol

ngl this guy makes some greattttt websites! Always fun and informative! Thank you “Neal”

coral + coral = reef + apple pie = apple reef

now I can't stop thinking about apple pie with seafood

Lost City + Earth broke infinity.

The great wall of chine and moonwalk is Micheal Jackson

Car + Darth Vader = Carth Vader

Norway + Darkness = Black Metal

I have discovered Red Paint!


japan+ river=samurai

Isn’t that just little alchemy

albatross + river = amazon? im so confused but it worked for me

does anyone know how to make a human?

how do you make rebirth

Titanic + Iceberg = nothing??

how do you make an atm


Hike mamaju

My favouroute discovery was Mole King, Mole Queen and Mole Kingdom

hey guys i got racism

Why do i love this so much

Also I made 4 new items

Wine + water = holy water

how do you get mario

how do you get mario

hey anyone know what to combine to make weed/marijuana?

there is both a "pangea" and a "pangaea"

there is both a "pangea" and a "Pangaea"

how do you get sit?

I stopped at leviathan.

I was pleased with Prometheus

Once I got "poop" i went ham and made a bunch of discoveries

Poop truck, space poop truck, poop train, poop martini, fartdiana jones, fartman, poopacat

And my favorite:

poopacabra (from chupacabra)

Also got some interesting failure modes:

Got "Fartacus Jones + Fire Poop Train", "" (galaxy emoji) and "???" (galaxy emoji) all of which refuse to combine with anything else.

EDIT: Got chicken titty, nuclear porn, and pooporn

mud + rainbow = pig ? I’m not sure I am seeing the point.

I have gotten so many jesuses. Werewolf + Jesus = Werejesus, Zombie + Jesus = Zombie Jesus, and Minotaur + Jesus = Minotaur Jesus

Surprisingly addictive

skibidi dop dop dop yes yes

I don’t remember how I got to “pedophile”, but I think one of the names of Hollywood actors was involved. Later I did “pedophile” + “jail” and got “priest”. “Priest” and “pedophile” yields “Catholic”. This game goes into unexpected territories.


priest + diarrhea = holy shit

holy shit + diarrhea = holy diarrhea

holy diarrhea + sweet and sour = chinese food

anyone know how to make marijuana? (in game obv)

stone -> stoner + plant

anyone seen the new update its so cool and i dont have to use ctrl+f anymore it also saves progress

was anyone able to figure out a way to save the game?

new best: godzillazillazillazillazillazillazilla

how do you make a monkey?

1981, was the year that A̶̢̼̹̞̺͈̖͕̱̘̔̎͆͌͗̾̄ͬ̚͜͢͟ͅȨ̶͕̰̙̹̱̤̞̰̱̗̒̒͗́͌ͤͬ̌ͣ̄ͧ͛͒͝A̴̶͙̙͈̱͖̻̼̯̰ͧ̆͊̿͋̓͂͜͞͞͡E̛͚͓̳̫̩̹̮͛ͪ̃́ͩ͊̓ͦͫ̃ͪ̊ͤ̌ͭ͢͠͡͝͠_̤̀_̡̛͕͕̗̪̦ͤ̑ͥ̾̋̀̚Ā̶̵̢̪̝̖̭̻ͪ̅̈́͛̋̏͋ͯ͊͠E̴̠̱̽ͫ͑͟Ȧ̵͇̠̬͚̱̥̮̳͖̟͇͉̥̰͑ͨ͋ͫͥͥͧ͌ͭͬ́ͦͩͪͣ̓͆̀ͣͮͧ͋̈́̇͢͞͡͠͞EͧȀ̛̲̖͍̀̕E̴̛̘͙̯̦̖̮̺̣ͥ̍̐̀̽ͬ̄̇͢͠A̙̦͖̜̰̤̜̗͌̎ͦͥͯ͗͌̐̌̊͜͜EẢ̴̠͖̗͕̩̆̇̀̓ͫ̓͑ͣ̏̊̿Ę̵̸̸̣̭͎͙̞͈̹̮̘̫̳̹̞̎͒̀̃ͯ́ͭ́̐̓ͤ̔͐̓͆͋̒̍͛ͦ̀͘͡ͅA̵̸̛̘̗͓̤͖̫̥͓̲̻̮̤͈̗͕̩̭̥ͬ̿̔ͫ̄ͧͤ̌̔͑̋̿ͩͬͪ̒̕͘͟͟͜͡͠Ḙ̸̵̬̗̗̹̰̪̫̻̅͆́͑ͩͦͨ̔̈́ͤ́̿̑ͦ͊̈́͘̚͘͞Ą̸̷̪̱̤̮͔̪̱̘̬̟̩̘̥͙̠͓ͯ̿ͮ̔̉̅̀͐ͬ̈ͧ͆͂̉̔̒ͧ͛̕͘Ę̷̸̸͓̰̼̳̟̻͈̱̄ͥͧ̅̀̉̈́̾ͤ̚͟Ą̧̢̧͇̰͕͈͈̦̤͖̠̲̺͓̩̄̍ͥ̇͊̑ͧͦͮͫ̐ͧ̔̔̋̕̕͘͟͟͢͢͢͝͞͠E̋̆ͤ_̵͓̈̀̚A̛̛̘̣̱̣̓͌̈́͂̎̊͆ͯ͑͋̔ͩ͘͠͡E̛̙ͥ͂A͍͚̮̪̩͙̐͘ͅȨ̸͉͎̪̭̙̑́ͮͥ̊͆ͪ̄̑̌͊ͯ͢͜͝͝A̵̡̳͉̖̖̻̜̰͒͋ͮ͛ͪȨ̸̵̷̵̧̛̛̯͉̬̰̝̼̩͇͎̲̗̮͌̓̌͊̄̿̍͒̔ͦ̈̋͑̐̾̐ͨ͌̇́̕͟͜͠ͅA̶̛̪̥̪̖̤̭̩̩̟͔̥̙͉̞̜̼̰̖̜̼̩̼̥̯̔̃ͥͯ͛̂̈ͬ͑͗̏͛̐̂͢͟͠͡͞Ę̛̛̼̳̰̞̬͔̆ͣ̏̾ͪ͊ͥ̑̀͌͘͝͝ͅA̵̶̶̢̧̳̳͇̳̻͈̰͈̲̘̺ͬ̓̒̈́̾̄̈́̉ͧ̈́̄̄ͨ̂͒ͭ̎̎ͦͬͫͪͥ͘͘̕͠͞Ȩ̢̪͔͚̫͉̖̦̦͉̩ͧͦ́ͥ̌̈̌ͤͩ̆̎̿̓̏ͬ͊̉́͛̀̕̕̚͟͢͡A̷̶̙̞͕͕̤͚ͣͦ͆͊͘͡E̪͙͆́͢Ă̧̨̲̙̟͍̠͎͓̟͙̩̞͚̬̳͕̤͇̐̓ͭ͗̌ͧ̐ͥ͘͜E̸̡̼̮̮̿̐̊͞A̴ͤE̴̡̛͈̐̄̂̏͋_̶̸̻̖̠͕͓̩̳̾̓͆ͧ̍͗̐ͣ̋̀́ͨͨͪ̕͜͜A̡̙͇̻͇̗̯͔͉ͧ̑ͪ͗ͥ͞_͓̪͚̔͑ͫ̈́̍̈́ͥ͢͢Ȩ̺͍͇̣͇̙̪̹̂ͦ̎ͭ̔ͭͫ̂ͫ̓ͮ̍ͭ̃̕͞͠_̡̻̦͇͉͓̰̳̙͂̀̈̏ͪͩ̄̅͢Â̸̵̧̛̛̟͈̖̫͕̫͈̰͔͇̟͔̯̝̰̥͈̯̫̞̆̈́͋̄̉ͯ̏͌̂ͮ̓̍̃́̉̇͘̚E͇͂_̡̱_̖̯̟̣̽ͧ̂͑̓̽̎͢͜͝͝͝Ạ̶̢̜̥̞̫͔̍͋͊̏ͤͣ̔͟EA̴̢̪̣̝̰ͤ͗͆ͧͣ͌͘͜E̢̢̛̩̩̘̱̼͎ͣ̉ͧ͆̊͊ͧͬ̚͟͞_̨͍͛͂A̸̹͍͎̳̞̩̮͊̅ͦ͗ͩͬ̏̈́̔ͫ͆̿̂̆̉́̅͜͠ͅE̷̢̝̰̯̻̼̻̫͉̙̟͙̙̖̥͂ͮ̄̏̓̌̀̽̋̇ͧͪͦͨ̊̑̌̃̚͘͘͟͝A̶͙̤̩̍̅͟Ȩ̵̧̑ͦͯ͝A̴͙͒Ḛ̤͚͍̞̪͍̍ͫ̈́̀ͮ̑ͤ͋̈́͛ͨ͝Ḁ̢͕͇̖̩̯̻̈́͆̌ͩ̇ͨͫ͘Ḛ̲̓̊A̷̶̡̢̢̤͇̤͍͓͉̪̩̟͍̲̮̻͇͌ͥ̀͒̃͒̇̒̽̓͢͞E͞ͅA̢͕͈̲̞̼͔̮̔̈́̈̿̌̈͋̇͟E̷̡̡̱̦̹̼̮͎͍͍̫͕͕̮ͥ̅̔́́̌̑ͫ̓ͣ̏̇̈̔́̿̎͂͘͜ͅĄ̪̙̮̿̍̒̽͌̕͜E̸̛̥̦̭͉̟̦͍̗͙̪̩̩͑͋ͭ̓̃̋̂͊͌͌̍ͫ̀ͥ͐̂̄̿ͤ̕͟͜͢͟Á̢̪͚̪̺̾Ą̶̧͚̼̘͉͈̺̜̞̘̬̊̃̇ͥ̆ͤȆ̝̺̠͓̤̦̺͊̂̂ͤA̤͢_̹̬͇̓ͫͧ̓ͬ͗̐̏ͨ̚E̶̴͔͎͎̬̞̥̰ͣ͒̓̇ͬ̂͝_̦̹͚͖͓̭̞̲͇̃̈ͫͩ͑̆̀͛ͪ̾́̀́̿̓ͯͧ̚͜͞A̛̠͉̫͋̓ͥA̼̥̹̖͘͜͝EÁ̢̘͇̪͚̘̩̦̟̲͎̫ͪ̐ͪ͐̿̒͊͘͘̚͞͞A̸̸̛͉̪̱͔͇̹̺̩ͦͫ͐́ͬ̑̾ͨ͆ͫ̒ͬͫͦͮ͑ͣ̌̀͂̐ͥ̚͜͝͡ͅE̕Ḁ̷̜̪͍͙͙̻̬͍ͥ̄ͥ̈́ͧ̓̀̑̏͗͆̉͘̕͢A̵̷̰̰̘̟̖̞͙̲͓̖̼̳̥ͬ̓̆ͨͩ́̈́ͫ̔́̀ͨ͌ͧ̔̽͘͢Ȩ̤͖̱̖͕̣̼̈́͗ͭ̌̏̉ͦ͐̒̌ͤ͛͆ͦͨ̎̄ͬͧ̽ͣ̒̈͘͞_̗̥̗̼ͦ͆̚Ȇ̞͙̪̺͐̈́E̪̩͎͋ͭ͗ͦ̊͋̕͢͢E̷̡̧̧̛̲͚̥̩̞̠̹̠̬ͧ͛̌ͫ͗̌̓̓ͭ̃̈̉̃͘͘͜ͅͅE̮̳͎̱̤͙̰ͭͫͨͬ̀ͥ̚Ȩ̱̰͍̳̲̪̖̜̐̇̎̎ͨͬ͝E̟̱̪̱̺̗͈͉͑̿̽̿̈́͌ͦͬ̐͝E̸̗̜̫̘̙͙͓̺̞̩͋͛͌̀͐̓͋̈́̂̎̍ͩEA̸̮̗̰̳̱͔̍͗̉͌̓̐̄ͧ͒͌̚_̷̡̱̻̯͛̿̓ͧ̔̋͋ͭ͛ͬͪ̎̄ͫ̿̽̽̚͞͡͡ͅA̡̨͇̣̜̱͖̗̩̦̣͖̰̝̣̖̗̺̪̻ͬͨ͛ͧ̀̓͂̂͒́͗ͧ̈̆́̾͗̔͊̈́͘̕͠Ę͚̯̠̙̤̲̞̗̝̘̰͇̠̘̈̌ͪͬ̊̉ͯ͋̓ͦ̀̔́ͩ̋ͮ̌͋͊̋̃̈́̔ͭ̚̕͘͘̚À̜̻̯̪̮̼̬͍̩̥̻̩̮̠̦͕̺̹ͯ͌̓ͬ̈̐̎ͧ̀͋͊ͩ̎̒̾ͭ̉̌̔͞E̷̢̦̣̜̬̣̝͓̲̼̻͓͍͚̯ͥ͗̍͂̌̇̀ͬͫ̄̈́͐ͬ͑̒ͬ̊̌̆̊̓͋́͟͢͡Ą̦͜Ȩ̸̢̨̛͈͕̼̙̱̦̟̻̳͉̮̪̣̲̜͖̖ͥ͒̈́̊ͦ̾̀ͫ͋ͮ̓̑͊̑̑͋́͘͟͝ͅA̶̼͖A̴̼̥̮͉̱͋ͩ̔́͟_̸͉̳̣͙̹͖͗͂͐͐ͭ̅̍̕͞͠Á̷̛͇̻̳̭̺̅͌ͣ̀ͫ͜E͓̭͇̬̜̗͊̓̉̈́̐̅ͦ̔̐ͪ͝͝Ą̶̺̜͙̼̙͉̭̤̩̠͇̥͕̩̳̺̤̹̙ͯ̄̊͛͊̆̄̀̀͛͗ͬ̑̂̌̐ͫ̀̂́̑̓̚̚͠͠E͚̳͓̟ͥͮͫͯĄ̷̡͎͚̭̳͎͉͕̟̲̱̙̗̞͖̗̱͍͈͋ͬ̑̐̌ͣ̎̐̈́̂͒ͭ͞͡͝͡A̺̙̹̲͎̟͌ͨ̊̄̆̓ͦ͗Ą̷̵̶̨̤̞̦̭̰͎̹͖̻̪̙̬̥̯̰̭͌̽̎͗̿ͨͦͮ̾̒̽̋ͫ́̂ͨ̊͒̚̕͜͡͞Ḙ͇̩̻͌̋̃͌͘_̷̵̴̢̨͔̟̻̖̟̻͙͔͚ͪ͊͛ͬ͋̃̋̿͝EA̵͓̱̰͉̮̙̥͉͚̦̲̹͈͆̆̐̎ͪ̂̂ͩ̇̍̑̄̈̐̌͒͆̆̅̌̚͝͞͞Ę̸̝̻͙ͧ́_͚̣̥̦̣͙̗͌͊ͮ̃̃̾̀̃̀͛͂́̅͑̏̂ͦ͐͞͠͞͞Ḣ̷̴̛͙̙̞̪̫͍̱̓ͯ̇ͧ̂̀ͤ̆͂̾̓̽̾ͧ̉̚̚͠Ģ̵̸̶̴̦̖̰͕̜̱̰̙̪͖̮̦̮͇̊͑̓ͭ̓̂͐ͣ͐̂ͦ̊͊̓̾̊̔ͮ͘͜͟͢͡ͅA̩̓͆̈Ȇ̵̢̨̧̼̭̘̝͓̲͙͖̦̲̮̟͍̥̤̦̽̃̾̂͊̓͆͑̊̈͊̈́ͥ̆̍͑̓ͮ̈́ͪ̕͢͜͞͠V̸̧̨̢̛̟͔͓͕̟̹̥̣͇̘̝͕̩̰̗ͬ̽ͤ͛͛̏ͬͪ̍́͊ͯ̔ͧ̂͜͠ͅS̖ͫ̃_̵̒ͮ̊̓̈́_̮͓͇̑̂͗́́͜D̟̭̰͇͈͇̫̦͔͇ͫ̀̋͌ͨ͂͆͛̉̂͑̈́͟͠X̹̦̟̰̫̝͔̤̌͂̄̿̔͒̈͊ͅͅ_̶̧̨͙̭̗̯͖͎͕͇͓͖̝̂ͦͨ̀ͥ̇͒S̡̛̹͙̭̳̺͖͎͍̻͒͋̅͌ͨ̊ͪ̍͑ͬ͆͆̀͌́ͧ̓͘͟͞͡͠͞ͅF̶̧̖̞̱̝͇̻͎͈̖̙̙̰͉̱̯̣̝ͭ̍̔͌͗̓̅̾ͣ̓̔̈̕͘͟ͅͅD̵̨͔̹̪͈̘́ͥͨͪͣ̌͋̃͑̇ͫ͜͠V̷̴̢̨̖̘͉̮̙͎̩̘̖̮̯̣͖́̃̾͛̐̇̐́͋͊̅͌̊͆̅͠͝͠N̷͉̟̣͓̩̤̭̖̺̘̹ͥ́͂͂ͥͤ̎̓ͮ͂̐́ͣͪ̔͒ͬ̕̚_̸͖̙̎̔͊Ṫ̢̙̀ͬ̀ͬ͌_̡̟͚̰̰̗͕͎͈̘̄͋̅ͫ̎ͪ͆ͥ̄͟͠Y̶̱̟̭̩͔͇̌͊̃͐̈ͣ̏ͭͨ́̕͡H̰G̶̶̢̛̗̗͚̫̰̤͚͍̖̩̰̜͓͚̬̣̱̬̭͇̊̎̓ͦ̽͊̀ͦ̀ͫ̎̒̉ͣ̀͗ͨ̕̕͜͝͞D̬Ẹ̡̲̟͖͔̫͙̃͗̓̓ͨ̚_̛͙̲̠̒͘͢Ŗ̷̳̦̘͓̱̖̃̓̍̃̔́̄ͪ̄̽̓ͭͩ̉͢͡ͅS̶̛̛̭̥͇̘̻̱̹͌͆ͪ͛͐̒̅͐̀͌̚͟͢͢ͅ_̵̠̇ͪ̊̓̕͠V̨͍̌̅̉͘H̵̩͚̖̜̼ͪͭ͑̄ͯ̍ͪ̾̒ͬ́̕ͅ_̷̧͍̬̻̇ͩ͐͂ͧ̆̈̽̚̚͞C̤͔ͦ͗J͕͇ͭB͔͚ͤ̆̊͋ͅ_̱_̴̵̨̧̛̛̗͍̻̦͍̮͖̰̘̭̰̟ͥͥ̏ͤ̇ͥ͋̃́͐͢͞͝͠K̢̪͋̾̾̇N̷̨̢͎͎̠̠͙̘̯̖͆͐́̿͛̒̆͒ͥͮ̌͂̔Ļ̧̢̘̥͇̳͕̻̖͇ͭͤͣͫͨ͒̉̀͒ͫ̓ͯ͠͝M̶̬̭̲̬̞͕ͫ̍̽͑̀̂̀̔͋͜͝Ǒ̸̢͍̰̦̖̳̬̬͔̪͂ͣͪ̿̆ͩ̈̅̿̂̅͐ͥͦ̕ͅI̧̧͔̘͍̤̞̦̠̯̼̖̜̪̬͍̞ͦ̽́ͫ̏͌̉̔͌̔̇͂̅̑̃͗̋̀̋̑͐̀́̕͟͜͢͡Ủ̸̸̡̥̮̜͕̝͕̲͙̮ͭ͑̉ͩ̏͗̏̽̌̊͘͠͡!̜̱̙͉̭͈́͛ͤ̋̓̈͟

Some interesting finds.

Future + Time = Present (with a gift icon) Present + Present = Gift

(So it's using the words not the concepts)

Paradox + Snowman = Yeti

(Makes sense)

Arnold Schwarzenegger + Narwhal = Shwarzenwhaler

(Shwarzenwhaler has 0 hits on Google, it made it up)

Shwarzenwhaler + Time Machine = Hitler (with a crown icon)

(I kid you not!)

Unicorn + Hitler = Unihitler

(I continue to kid you not!)

Future + Germany = Hitler

Plant + Germany = Beer

Flower + Germany = Hitler


water + earth = plant

plant + air = dandelion

dandelion + plant = weed

wind + fire = smoke

smoke + weed = high

high + president = bush

Pornstar + Money = Politician


I propose Spock %

Restaurant + Empire -> McDonalds

Resort + Empire -> Disney

Obesity + Empire -> America

America + China -> War

China + Japan -> War

America + Japan -> Anime

America + Junk -> Trump

how do you make glass?

how do you make glass?

how do you make glass?

See anything from neal.fun -> upvote, then check out:).

i have discovered the mecha swamp witch

how do I get drugs

how to make pride

Swamp + Surfer = Crocodile


how to make human?

how do you make love and humans?

how to get wine



>Love + Fire = Passion

I'm impressed that it's able to understand figurative combinations like this. On the other hand, some of them are confusing:

>Steampunk Pirate Queen + Romance = Steam And Sorcery

What? Is this a reference?

fish + fire = sushi?

is my concept of sushi wrong

I think I broke it. America + Trump = ??? (with a galaxy emoji)

Edit: Also Trumpocalypse + Freedom = ??? (btw I got both of these in the game, not through the API)

first discovery:icefishman

I wrote a program to explore. Here's a "first discovery":

    'Jupiter' + 'Muddy Date' = 'Muddy Planet'
       'Foghorn' + 'Planet' = 'Jupiter'
          'Fog' + 'Ark' = 'Foghorn'
             'Smoke' + 'Water' = 'Fog'
                'Fire' + 'Wind' = 'Smoke'
             'Noah' + 'Dirt' = 'Ark'
                'Flood' + 'Fish' = 'Noah'
                   'Tsunami' + 'Rain' = 'Flood'
                      'Wave' + 'Water' = 'Tsunami'
                         'Water' + 'Wind' = 'Wave'
                      'Water' + 'Storm' = 'Rain'
                         'Wave' + 'Wind' = 'Storm'
                   'Explosion' + 'Water' = 'Fish'
                      'Destruction' + 'Fire' = 'Explosion'
                         'Tsunami' + 'Tornado' = 'Destruction'
                            'Wind' + 'Hurricane' = 'Tornado'
                               'Wind' + 'Tsunami' = 'Hurricane'
                'Sweat' + 'Dust' = 'Dirt'
                   'Sauna' + 'Train' = 'Sweat'
                      'Palm Tree' + 'Steam' = 'Sauna'
                         'Plant' + 'Hurricane' = 'Palm Tree'
                            'Earth' + 'Water' = 'Plant'
                         'Fire' + 'Water' = 'Steam'
                      'Steam' + 'Disaster' = 'Train'
                         'Tsunami' + 'Hurricane' = 'Disaster'
                   'Earth' + 'Wind' = 'Dust'
          'Earth' + 'Dust' = 'Planet'
       'Muddy Sushi' + 'Date' = 'Muddy Date'
          'Sushi' + 'Mud' = 'Muddy Sushi'
             'Eruption' + 'Fish' = 'Sushi'
                'Volcano' + 'Tornado' = 'Eruption'
                   'Smoke' + 'Tornado' = 'Volcano'
             'Earth' + 'Steam' = 'Mud'
          'Oasis' + 'Coconut Milk' = 'Date'
             'Coconut Water' + 'Dune' = 'Oasis'
                'Flood' + 'Coconut Milk' = 'Coconut Water'
                   'Tsunami' + 'Coconut' = 'Coconut Milk'
                      'Palm Tree' + 'Earth' = 'Coconut'
                'Sand' + 'Wind' = 'Dune'
                   'Earth' + 'Dust Storm' = 'Sand'
                      'Wind' + 'Mudslide' = 'Dust Storm'
                         'Hurricane' + 'Mud' = 'Mudslide'


i think we hugged it, folks

how to make lightning

how do you make people?

i got rainbow fischer

black hole + money = happiness

So deep.

i got rainbow fisher



Much sadness Hacker + News yields nothing.

My favorites so far (unfortunately HN stripped out corresponding emojis):

  Trump + Internet = Fake News
  Bitcoin + Jesus = Satoshi
  Bitcoin + Death = Taxes
  Windows + Error = Blue Screen
  Flying + Space Cowboy = Han Solo
  Captain Picard + Elon Musk = Captain Musk
  Borg + Cybersex = Borgasm
  James Bond + Tantric Sex = 007 Seconds
As you can imagine it kind of went downhill from there...


sharknado + sharktopus = sharktopusnado

this is neal fun

Aquaman + Amber = Amber Heard, lol

`???` seems to be almost apex. I discovered many new things. Thanks for the game.

Ah yes, the perfectly normal way to make a bigfoot. Cheese + Yeti. why cheese?

Needs a dark mode.


Rofl - Rainforest + Dragon == Amazon (like an Amazon box)

I don't even know how I managed to do this, but I got this:

Monkey > Ape > Gorilla > King Kong > Queen Kong

Yeah, Queen Kong. Queen. Kong.



- Gorilla Grodd

- Super Kong

- Tarzan

- Jane

- Jane Kong

- Woman Gorilla

- Super Gorilla

Knowledge + Mud = Politics lol these are fun

America + Tank = Freedom lmao

Too many Trumps :)

fire + president = trump (with a poop emoji)

"America" + "Emperor" yielded the same thing :(

I think Death + Obama also yields it. You can get Dino-Trump and T-Rump.

Burn + Santa = Coal. lol

also, I got to "Trumpcare" and the emoji is rather hilarious.

Funny that Putin gets a Russian flag emoji, while Trump gets a poop emoji

LMAO: Future + President = Trump, with Shit-emoji

Rich + Hooker = Marriage

Richest + Prostitute = Bill Gates

Bill Gates + Marriage = Divorce

Queen + Divorce = Behead

Trillionaire + Behead = Decapitalism (lol!)

Narcissist + Money = Politician

Peace + Trump = War

How do you make brick?

I can never get it.

How do you get an axe?

   You craft it with handle and iron. I just discovered   Super Fire Breathing SuperHero brand new discovery

Managed to get male productive organ . Lol

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