JSON is basically perfect if it allowed trailing commas and comments. TOML is not a replacement for JSON because of how badly it chokes on nested lists of objects (being both hard to read and hard to write), due to a misguided attempt to avoid becoming JSON-like[1].
published data standards having version is so wrong.
now if you see "config in yaml" you know nothing, zero, nada, about the format because all versions are so different and everyone implemented the version at the time and didn't bother to mention version. not to mention you can use a dozen syntaxes for yaml/toml and each application may not understand them all.
all this is so silly. we will stick with json and informal-ini forever one way or another.
It's not ideal, I agree, but it solves real problems for people, so there's that.
Many commonly-used standards today weren't created by a bunch of wise men in a room thinking how to bestow their wisdom upon the rest of us, they often originated in real-world applications, were refined over a period of time based pn real-world experience, and then became a standard.
TOML is the same. I hope it will become an RFC some day. We just need to fix a few outstanding issues first.
Most commonly used TOML parsers support 1.0; adding 1.1 support should be pretty easy as the changes aren't that large (I did it in the parser I maintain, and it's 10 lines of code or so that had to be changed, most of them quite trivial).
You don't; you check the library or application's documentation.
TOML went through some substantial changes in the past with 0.4, 0.5, and 1.0. As I mentioned in my other comment[1], it's not ideal, but it is what it is.
I wouldn't be surprised if 1.1 would be the last version. Maybe there will be a 1.2 to clarify some things, but I wouldn't expect any further major changes.
As much as it pains me to say so, this is probably fine for configuration languages so long as they’re backwards compatible. Eg toml is used by rust’s cargo tool. Cargo can just say “hey Cargo.toml is parsed in toml version 1.1 format”.
In fairness it's probably not too bad as long as everyone actually migrates to the newest version eventually... But that isn't guaranteed - look at YAML. Or even JSONC. VSCode has a hard-coded lists of which `.json` files are actually JSONC. Gross.
JSON’s numbers are not IEEE-754. They’re numbers with an optionally infinite number of decimal places. It’s up to a parser to handle it. Python can parse these into integers if there isn’t a decimal place.
It’s in the name, but be careful not to get confused with JSON being JavaScript.
You wrote this as if it’s a defense but honestly I feel even more terrified of JSON numbers now than I was before entering this thread, and before reading your comment.
Not following a set standard is undefined behaviour, leaving it up to the implementation is a large problem in other areas of computer science. Such as C compilers.
Yes but this is a necessary limitation for all human readable numbers. The context decides what to deserialize into and different contexts/languages will choose bigint vs i64 vs u64 vs i32 vs double vs quad vs float, whatever is convenient for them.
Heck, some of them will even choose different endian-ness and sometimes it will matter.
I still remember the first time I dealt with a Java developer who was trying to send us a 64-bit ID and trying to explain to him that JavaScript only has 52-bit integers and how his eyes widened in such earnest disbelief that anybody would ever accept something so ridiculous. (The top bits were not discardable, they redundantly differentiated between environments that the objects lived in... so all of our dev testing had been fine because the top bits were zero for the dev server in Europe but then you put us on this cluster in your Canadian datacenter and now the top bits are not all zero. Something like a shard of the database or so.) We have bigints now but JSON.parse() can't ever ever support 'em! "Please, it's an ID, why are you even sending it as a number anyway, just make it a string." But they had other customers who they didn't want to break. It was an early powerful argument for UUIDs, hah!
It also means you can use JSON for incredibly high precision cases by making your parser parse them into a Decimal format. You couldn’t do this if you specified these limitations into the language.
Edit: Omg that story. Eep. I guess if someone provided too-large numbers in a JSON format, you could use a custom parser to accept them as strings or bigints. Still, that must have not been a fun time.
JSON isn’t intended to narrow all details. That’s up to the producer and consumer. If you use JSON you will specify these details in your API. JSON isn’t an API.
I wonder how many times this gets violated though, and how many times this “I dunno… you decide” approach causes problems.
You could invent a language that represents data that is very explicit about having integers, the implementation in javascript would still spit out floating values, because that's all the language has.
So either you don't target javascript (which would be a bit silly in the case of JSON), or you go the other way and forbid integers, even in languages that do support them. Which is also kind of silly.
Ultimately the real issue is that javascript doesn't have integers and if you're interacting with it, you need to be aware of that, JSON or not.
The baseline is anything written in C and C++, which don't have bignum or decimal types and so more or less always parse JSON numbers to either int64 or double, at best.
JSON allows you to store arbitrarily large integers/floats. It's only in JS this is a problem, not if you use JSON in languages that support larger (than 54-bit) integers.
If both sides are using a language with integer types, this is a non-issue. JSON does not prescribe the number types in use, so the implementations may just say that the field contains 64-bit integers, and just parse them to and from the usual int64 type of their language. It is also legal for JSON parsers to parse numeric literals into an arbitrary-precision decimal type instead of IEEE 574 floats.
Only if you are both sides of the transmission. If you're sending JSON to code you didn't write you will eventually get bitten by software lossy re-encoding. Lots of places use strings for this reason.
It's like API's that mess up the semantics of PUT/GET so implementing idempotency is extra annoying.
Right. I want to see an indication of what sort of numerical value it is. Big integers interpreted as floats lose precision. And floats decoded as integers truncate anything after the decimal place. JSON makes it way too easy to get this stuff wrong when decoding.
If it has a decimal point then it is a decimal. And if it doesn't (or if it only has zeros after the point) then it's an integer. JSON is absolutely unambiguous as to the actual numerical value - how badly that gets translated into the decoding language is entirely on that language.
This isn't right. JSON can also store exponential numbers (eg {"google": 1e+100}). You could decode this to an arbitrary-sized BigInt, but I can make you waste an arbitrary number of bytes in RAM if you do that. And even then, "look for a decimal point" doesn't give you enough information to tell whether the number is an integer. Eg, 1.1e+100 is an integer, and 1e-100 is not an integer.
One of JSON's biggest benefits is that you don't need to know the shape of the data when you parse. JSON's syntax tells you the type of all of its fields. Unfortunately, that stops being true with numbers as soon as double precision float isn't appropriate. If you use more digits in a JSON number, you can't decode your JSON without knowing what precision you need to decode your data.
Even javascript has this problem if you need BigInts, since there's no obvious or easy way to decode a bigint from JSON without losing precision. In the wild, I've seen bigints awkwardly embedded in a JSON string. Gross.
Putting responsibility for knowing the number precision into the language you're using to decode JSON misses the point. Everywhere else, JSON tells you the type of your data as you decode, without needing a schema. Requiring a schema for numbers is a bad design.
Ok so it allows e notation, but still the actual numerical value is unambiguous. You could parse that into a data structure that (for example) stores the mantissa and exponent as (arbitrarily large) integers. Again, that most languages try to shoehorn decimals into floats or whatever is on those languages.
In court you would be right, in practice it's on JSON. Requiring an arbitrary precision math library to correctly parse JSON is just not going to happen. The only language I know that even does this out of the box is Python with their automagic best numeric type. Even Ruby which is dynamic to a fault only gives arbitrary precision for integers and parses JSON numbers with decimals as floats.
True. But the spec also doesn’t provide a way to tell if a stored number should be decoded as a float or an integer - which makes it a right pain to use correctly in most programming languages. I’d love it if json natively supported:
- Separate int / float types
- A binary blob type
- Dates
- Maps with non string keys.
Even javascript supports all this stuff now at a language level; it’s just JSON that hasn’t caught up.
Eh, I'm happy with json as being explicitly unicode. Blobs can be base64-encoded. And date parsing invites weird timezone stuff—I'm happy to stick dates in strings and let the programmer handle that. I suppose a good json parser could insist number literals are ints unless you append a ".0", obviating the need for explicit integers, but that feels a bit kludgey. And I agree about the numeric map keys.
You can store the first 2^53 integers with either sign, and if you need accurate integer values beyond that size you can stringify them and parse as big ints.
> JSON is basically perfect if it allowed trailing commas and comments.
I agree, especially in regards to the comments, because sometimes the data itself isn't enough and additional human-readable context can be really useful!
In that regard, JSON5 is a wonderful idea, even if sadly it isn't widespread: https://json5.org/
It also supports the trailing commas and overall just feels like what JSON should be, to make it better without overcomplicating it.
JSON is trash and should never be used in any human-interfacing context, so I'm super skeptical that there's any utility in trying to fix it; that would just delay its demise, to the detriment of humankind.
But if you did want to fix JSON, the yes, trailing commas and comments are the absolute minimum bar, but single quote is actually probably the the third absolute must-fix.
The reason is just that so much JavaScript tooling is now configured to autoformat code (including the JSON bits) to swap " to ', thanks in large part to Prettier (which also should almost never be used, sigh, but that's a topic for another HN bikeshed...)
As much as I think it's annoying I think no trailing commas enforces good coding hygiene and basically forces you to use a real encoder rather than as hoc string manipulations.
I kind of like the text property list format from NeXTSTEP, used in GNUstep and (formerly) in macOS.
Apple's XML plist format seems like a mistake, though maybe the newer JSON format is OK.
> JSON is basically perfect if it allowed trailing commas and comments
Apparently Apple actually supports JSON5, an extended JSON based on ES5 that allows trailing commas, comments, and (my favorite!) unquoted key names, among other convenient features.
If I were on the YAML board (?) I would push this or a similar subset (JAML? DUML? DUMBL?) to be implemented by parsers in every language: yaml.parse(yamlString, { jamlMode: true }). But it already works today anyway if you stick to the format. And that's what I use for my apps.
Multi-line strings in YAML are also very similar to TOML and you can ignore all different character mixups and stick to '|' (w/ newlines) and '"' (no newlines).
# same as " hello world! "
str1: "
# same as "apples\noranges\n"
str2: |
Most numeric TOML examples work too, minus a few bells and whistles like numeric separators '_':
I think JSON syntax is more prone to user syntax errors. And we are talking about syntax errors by the kind of user that neither knows what a "syntax error" nor "JSON" is.
Hence the "O" in "TOML" ("Obvious"). And this is the use case for TOML, simple user facing configuration that they are very likely to just get right.
JSON is fine for more intricate data structures or very complex configuration, but if you just need them to enter a few numbers and booleans it is overkill.
Maybe you could even skip the commas entirely (or threat newlines as commas if possible?) That, along with unquoted keys, would make JSON perfect for me.
In such a hypothetical format, eliminating nulls entirely should Also be considered, the difference between a missing key (undefined) and a null value is significant in JS, but other (particularly statically-typed) languages struggle with differentiating those two cases, and this leads to `serialize(deserialize(a))` representing a different document than `a`.
They could if you parsed it into syntax tree wit some methods to access keys instead of parsing into native struct. I think I saw YAML parser doing it...
I pretty like the idea of a superset of JSON that supports (1) comments, (2) trailing commas, (3) unquoted properties, (4) optional {} for the root object, (5) multi-line strings, (6) number separator.
JSON6 proposal [1] supports all of this, except (4). Unfortunately it also supports more and make the spec a bit too complex for my taste (JSON has a compact spec; any extension should honor this). Same issue with JSON5 proposal [2].
EKON [3] is certainly the best candidate. However, it didn't get any traction.
I strongly dislike the idea of optional {} on the root object. It’s weird special-casing that adds complexity (code and cognitive) for no adequate reason, destroying the neat contextless recursion of parsing. Remember also that objects aren’t the only valid JSON values; and why should objects be privileged over, say, arrays? You could make [] optional too without introducing actual grammatical ambiguity, other than deciding what to do about the empty string (which “optional {} on the root object” would make valid, unless you special-case it further). But all of these cases require that humans and computers alike look ahead, rather than seeing { and immediately knowing what they’re dealing with.
The matter of literals being interceptable due to using the current value of globals like Array was fixed across the board over a decade ago. You don’t need to worry about it in the slightest.
(Exploits also depended on a form of cross-site request forgery that (a) has been well-understood and avoided for fifteen years now (and with a perfect solution available for five years via the SameSite cookie attribute), so if you’re affected you very probably messed up in other exploitable ways too, and (b) is often even protected by default now: Chromium switched the default to SameSite=Lax in early 2020, so the sensitive cookie would need to be explicitly set with SameSite=None in order to be vulnerable at all. Safari and Firefox haven’t yet shipped this behaviour, though they all agree they want to, since it does break some older sites.)
In the decade (or more?) since that was a problem, ES added JSON.stringify(). Nobody runs eval() to parse JSON anymore, and moreover, the root cause of the exploit (CSRF) has been addressed with CORS and sane default browser policy.
CORS only stops you from fetching and reading resources, not from evaluating JavaScript with <script src="…">. (Fun related topic: JSONP.) This vulnerability depended upon the fact that a JSON array literal is a valid JavaScript program that just does nothing (unlike a non-empty object literal, since its opening { will be treated as a block, and so `{"key":` triggers a syntax error). Thus, you could use <script src="/path/to/json/array"></script> and it’d run just fine, doing nothing—except that back then you could intercept array and object creation. That was the crux of the vulnerability, and that was fixed in ECMAScript 5.
As for sane default browser policy: the only policy that has changed here is SameSite=None → SameSite=Lax on cookies, and that has actually still only shipped in Chromium-family browsers.
JSON as a computer-generated serialization format doesn't need any of those features. But for human-written configuration files, at the very least trailing commas and comments are basically a necessity. The question then is which features to pick beyond that (in my humble opinion, none), and how such a new standard would gain traction. JSON5, JSON6, JSONC all basically attempt to solve the latter problem by branding, but so far, mostly have failed.
It doesn't help that there's an insane amount of bike-shedding going on in this space. The people who have forked JSON5 to create JSON6 for example have created an endless amount of confusion over which standard to use, harming both of them. I think they might want to think really hard whether the inclusion of octal literals was really worth the hostile fork.
I like Google's Jsonnet [1], which has all of this except for 4.
Jsonnet is quite mature, with fairly wide language adoption, and has the benefit of supporting expressions, including conditionals, arithmetic, as well as being able to define reusable blocks inside function definitions or external files.
It's not suitable as a serialization format, but great for config. It's popular in some circles, but I'm sad that it has not reached wider adoption.
>I pretty like the idea of a superset of JSON that supports (1) comments, (2) trailing commas, (3) unquoted properties, (4) optional {} for the root object, (5) multi-line strings, (6) number separator.
You're 90% way there to YAML.
And YAML 1.2 cleaned up most of the annoying YAML edgecases too
Among types and other useful properties, CUE supports everything you asked for. We're even considering adding a "data-only" mode to CUE which would be exactly what you asked for.
No, we do have a spec[1], but it cannot be as concise as the JSON link posted because the JSON link is mostly only about syntax, and our spec discusses both syntax and semantics. And of course, we are a much richer language than JSON, with many more features and computational behavior.
That being said, it would be nice to use railroad diagrams to describe syntax in our spec.
I have zero issues if parsers choose to do this but I wouldn’t argue that it shouldn’t be a required part of the specification. If comments need to be preserved then they’re part of the schema and should be a (for example) string field rather than comment.
What's the connection? They can't be a string field because semantically they're tied to another field they're commenting, and they need to be preserved because that info is valuable
Hi. I am the author of EKON. I realized YAML was doing too many things. EKON was meant to be an extension of JSON5. Although right now I realise its also doing too many stuffs under the hood.
I should rewrite the project again. But be as simple as possible.
That was my first C project ever during my University. :P
I have a wish I think is superior to trailing commas: Optional commas, like semicolons are optional in JS. Human-readable objects and arrays, like JS instructions, are nearly always already newline-separated.
Ah yes, the language where a string can magically become a boolean and cause an error. And you can never be sure what is legal because of so many changes in parsing legality between versions.
Prior to YAML 1.2, unquoted numeric values containing : were interpreted as base 60, a common trip-up for Docker Compose port mappings. The intent was to make it easier to write times, i.e., 2:00 == 120.
I use TOML and JSON for everything. I like them both quite a bit. TOML gets a lot of criticism for not being JSON and JSON gets a lot of criticism for... not being entirely fit for it's stated purpose. However, they're both fantastic if you use them for what they're good at: TOML for human readable configurations that you expect a user to modify, JSON for representing data that a machine will read all of the time but that you want the user to be able to look at and grasp. I don't think either of them really need to grow to be good at both, they're fine as they are, just pick the right tool for the job.
I don't understand the appeal of TOML. Why not use YAML instead? Seems a lot more "obvious" to read and write to me. And it's the best I know that is strong in both, human and machine readability.
YAML has a lot of extra stuff going on that can cause accidents if you don't take care. The classic example is the "Norway problem" where "no" (the country code for Norway) is parsed as "false" instead. If "no" is used as a key, this can cause the Norwegian data to disappear or to throw strange errors on load. The other big issue is that, by default, it allows relatively unrestricted code execution in many environments. If a user is ever able to submit data that is interpreted by a YAML parser, they can run arbitrary code, and potentially even commands.
The fixes for these are both fairly well known (always quote strings and keys, use safe_load or an equivalent API), but it's very easy to make a mistake.
TOML, by contrast, is much simpler - strings are strings are strings, they must always be quoted but other than that behave pretty much as expected. Similarly, there is no mechanism by which a TOML file can instruct the parser to execute arbitrary code as part of deserialisation, which makes it (a) a lot simpler, and (b) a lot safer.
Someone at work recently got bit by unexpected YAML parsing a git commit hash that contained a substring which was a valid number in scientific notation (IIRC 5e38031).
YAML is interesting, because at first glance it looks like a pretty convenient, human-readable syntax, it's got lists, dicts/mappings, strings, numbers, booleans... simple enough for 90% of the use-cases, and focusing on "human-readable, right? But look at little deeper and one uncovers some horrors.
In particular, the plethora of boolean values... here let me just grab the regex from the spec [1]:
At that point, you've exceeded the scope of "human-readable".
I'll admit there are some other, er, "complications" that I actually like. In particular, anchors (`&FOO`) and aliases/references (`*FOO`) [2] make it possible to describe arbitrary graphs, and I find it very useful to factorizing blocks. Also, "folding" [3] text, which allows you to spread value/text across multiple lines for readability, while respecting the surrounding indentation, is neat.
Language tags can get weird but they're ultimately just additional types implemented by your yaml parser you should basically always turn off/not turn on unless you know you want it. You can serialize classes in your language without it.
Tags are really good for readability if you use them thoughtfully
The reason that example is so ugly is it's using the "complex mapping key" syntax which is unbelievably ugly but if you're using objects as keys in your map you abandoned sanity long ago.
> YAML has a lot of extra stuff going on that can cause accidents if you don't take care. The classic example is the "Norway problem" where "no" (the country code for Norway) is parsed as "false" instead. If "no" is used as a key, this can cause the Norwegian data to disappear or to throw strange errors on load.
This was fixed in YAML 1.2, but the problem is that almost nobody uses (and there is patchy support for) it.
YAML is not reliably machine-readable, nor was it designed to be. TOML was designed to be machine-readable, but otherwise fulfilling a similar use case as YAML.
I assume neither of us has experienced these YAML bites that others have :).
I don't mind TOML but I don't find it either intuitive or obvious. The syntax for how nested things are flattened I just find really hard to read and write. It's fine though, not that big a deal.
I think it is not needed? Or did you mean something other than this?
Python 3.11.3 (main, May 4 2023, 05:53:32) [GCC 10.2.1 20210110]
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 8.13.2 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
In [1]: !cat /tmp/x.toml
x = 10
In [2]: import tomllib
...: with open("/tmp/x.toml", "rb") as f:
...: t = tomllib.load(f)
...: t
Out[2]: {'servers': {'alpha': {'x': 10}}}
How do you convert it into a nested object then? You could use deeply nested objects like JSON or YAML does, but then it defeats the purpose of an easy to read configuration format. This is also a feature of Java property files.
To the very best of my knowledge, Properties are merely Map<String,String> (see: https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/11/docs/api/java.base... ) and any subsequent interpretation happens in the application (e.g. Spring treating `foo[1]=bar` as a list-ish assignment but the actual key returned from `getProperty` is the string literal as written `foo[1]`)
Graybeard opinion: all of toml, yaml, xml, json, kdl, etc., are ridiculously over-engineered for simple configuration files. You can nearly always fulfill all of your needs with a simple two-column text file of key=value pairs that can be parsed by a trivial call to fscanf(3) or whatever your laguage supports (yes, even correctly discarding comments). The world would be a better place if people just gron'd their jsons, xml2'd their xmls and so on, thus pruning the universal dependency tree by a considerable amount.
How does this deal with needing to represent nested data? (the example coming to me now is TOML as a list of libraries each of which has a number of dependencies). I guess you can always do it by duplication, but for a human oriented format, that sounds pretty painful.
> for a human oriented format, that sounds pretty painful
As a human, I prefer to edit by hand an unordered list of key-value pairs (even if the keys are long), than a json object. I often find myself using gron/ungron to edit json data by hand in a comfortable manner. The fact that several implementations of gron exist suggests that I'm not alone in this preference. Editing json requires a global understanding of the structure. But on a list of keys/values there is no order, and each line stands for itself and is understandable in isolation.
TOML is, indeed, a human friendly config format. Whereas INI is a simple config format.
YAML/JSON/CSV/XML/etc are not config formats at all. They are data serialization formats. If you don't know the difference, you probably didn't get a CS degree, or read or understand the specs.
Config formats should be tailored to the application, because the entire point of a config file is to make it easy for a human to configure one specific application. That's why there are 100 different config file formats for old UNIX programs. For each one, it's vastly easier to use that one config format for that one application, than it would be to force some arbitrary data serialization format to represent what the human really wanted the program to do.
TOML is better than YAML or INI for a config file, but what's best is rolling your own format. It literally leads to better outcomes. The user can express what they want faster, easier, clearer, and the application doesn't have to struggle with alternate implementations of the spec for some poorly defined data serialization format.
Where do you draw the line between config file format and data serialization format? The first paragraph of the TOML spec says:
> TOML is designed to map unambiguously to a hash table.
Sounds like a data serialization format to me. Besides the obvious differences in design and stylistic choices, it only really differs from JSON or YAML in that the top-level object of the data structure must be an object. If this type of constraint is what makes it a config file format, I am going to change the world with my revolutionary new config file format "JSON, but the first byte must be {".
As another evidence for the blurriness of this line: Cargo uses TOML for its config file (Cargo.toml) which matches the usage that you describe. But then it also uses TOML for the serialization of its internal locking data structure in Cargo.lock, which is a file that humans are specifically not told to edit directly because it just contains serialized data. It just so happens to use TOML, probably because they already had a parser for that available at the time.
> TOML is better than YAML or INI for a config file, but what's best is rolling your own format. It literally leads to better outcomes.
Disadvantages of rolling your own format:
- You now have to write your own parser, which costs at least a bit of time and is going to be more prone to bugs than a widely-used deserialization library like Serde. I see that you dunk on data serialization formats being "poorly defined", but if the popular formats are poorly defined, then certainly the average tool developer is not going to do a better job when they actually want to implement the tool and not the parsing for a config file format.
- Users have to learn the format, and have to mentally switch between formats for each application. I just hate how every homegrown config format uses slightly different syntax, esp. which character starts a comment. With `config.yaml` or `config.toml`, I don't have to guess.
- If the config file is YAML or TOML, I immediately have some basic syntax highlighting in my editor.
> Where do you draw the line between config file format and data serialization format?
It's a somewhat ambiguous concept. But generally speaking, config formats lack features that would be useful for a general purpose, and include features that are useful for a specific purpose. For example, it may lack a data type, but it may have some special characters that denote some string is a regular expression. The main difference being how easy it is for a human to deal with it.
The main purpose of a config format is for a human to tell a program how to operate. It is typically distinct from the actual input data used by an application to create output data. It's like the difference between **argv and stdin.
> You now have to write your own parser, which costs at least a bit of time and is going to be more prone to bugs than a widely-used deserialization library like Serde
Actually I argue the opposite. Parsers aren't compatible between implementations which leads to bugs. Specs aren't well understood by either users or programmers which leads to bugs. A home grown implementation doesn't need to be touched after it's first written, unless you're adding or changing the features of your configuration format.
> Users have to learn the format, and have to mentally switch between formats for each application. I just hate how every homegrown config format uses slightly different syntax, esp. which character starts a comment. With `config.yaml` or `config.toml`, I don't have to guess.
Most users never learn those formats properly, leading to false conclusions like the "Norway problem", which isn't a problem with the spec at all, it's a problem of users never reading the spec and attempting to write it (when YAML was never intended to be human-writeable, only human-readable; read the spec!).
Compare this to a home grown config file which is designed to be easy to write, adds functionality to make advanced behavior easier (without adding an entire Turing-complete DSL), and doesn't overload an existing format with broken and confusing changes (see Ansible's and other bastardized YAML hybrids).
"Simplified config file formats" are often just shitty generic DSLs that still lack functionality to actually make the user's life easier. Roll a custom format and hard things become easier [for the user].
TOML is nice as a kind of extended .ini format but I don't like the approach to avoiding nested elements.
I prefer KDL. It's like XML but with almost zero syntax. Probably not always the best idea because it's so niche but it's just really simple while having all the basics like comments and multiline strings.
Rather than a JSON replacement, I like TOML as a YAML replacement. It's a lot simpler, I'm not confused by things not having a preceding dash, indentation isn't significant, etc.
I disagree. TOML is an INI replacement. They both suck at nested structures but are good if you just have a load of top level sections containing simple key-values.
YAML on the other hand is just as good at any nesting depth. I mean it's pretty awful at all depths, but the act of nesting doesn't make it any more awful.
I spent a whole day debugging an issue because an extra - dash in yaml.
I had something like
- name: Only allow X
- condition: ip=123
The - in front of condition of course makes a new list element. So I now had 2 rules. One with no conditions and a name, and an unnamed one with conditions. Since they are or'ed together everything for some reason I couldn't figure out went through, as I thought I had a single rule..
Yeah I've had this happen to me too. Truly awful format. I think the only reason it has caught on is because it has multiline strings, which are usually not great in other formats. Of course YAML fucks that up too by having a gazillion different kinds of multiline strings, distinguished only by impossible to remember symbols. But it does at least have them.
Yeah I guess we're saying the same thing: TOML as an INI replacement is more of a YAML as an INI replacement. Re: nesting, I think TOML's dotting is pretty elegant as it flattens the nesting you so often need in configs. It took me a while to get used to the double brackets (and it is pretty confusing that you can put them anywhere, not just after their parent section--what are the edge cases that benefit from this...) but now I'm bought in, to the point where I don't know if I've just gotten used to the madness or what. I like that those two things essentially flatten the config--if you were using the new multi-line-inline-tables (from the forthcoming 1.1) you could actually nest things but now I don't know how much I even want that.
I wonder why text protobuf is not widely used for config. There is a formal description of the structure and the configuration structure can be statically checked.
Maybe because protobufs are specified in a language that’s different from everything else and needs its own parser and codegen? Also, there’s often more of an impedance mismatch with the basic datatypes of scripting languages. For example, people using protobufs will often specify int64 by default, when you don’t actually need 64 bits but need more than 32.
JSON support is often in a language’s standard library, or close, and its ambiguity around what numbers you can actually use can be seen as a worse-is-better approach.
(There are similar tradeoffs with not specifying a max length of a string. It’s awkward, nit-picky, and error-prone to pick a maximum, but there are practical reasons you don’t want to allow unlimited lengths in a UI.)
I've had the complete opposite experience. Neither YAML or TOML are very obvious to me. I always have to double and triple check that my syntax does what I assume it will do. I never have that problem with JSON.
Not adding comments to a config file is recipe for complete disaster. You can kinda fake it but it’s just a silly headache. Which is recognized given there’s now “JSONC” but now you’ve got even more confusion determining what systems can actually accept comments or not. That’s always fun.
I’m curious what parts of TOML do people find confusing? It’s such a tiny markup language.
I'm puzzling over where I would use this sort of thing, over say Json, or simple xml, and I realise that it's mostly useful in cases where you're expected to edit the configuration in a text editor.
That's not something I come across a lot - all my software (that I use) has a visual interface, and so raw editing of text/config files is not something we do.
So context really comes into play here. I can see how this would be very useful for some programs, and near useless for others. And more specifically useful for those who consume user-edited configuration files.
Curious at to what technologies you work with? The work that I do and tools that I use have all manner of configuration file syntaxes and languages and a big headache for doing sysadmin work is trying to remember if a particular .rc file uses INI, YAML, JSON, TOML or some home rolled nonsense.
At work, we needed a config file for some employees to sit alongside a custom (non-web) script I wrote. These employees have zero technical knowledge (like, they wouldn't know basic HTML), and I found TOML to be pretty easy for them to understand. It looks like this:
It's flat for them, but gives me a nice `$podcasts` array of nested objects to work with and they don't need to worry about curly braces, indenting, etc. They can just copy/paste three lines if they need to "add" a new one.
Of course, my use case is pretty simple and these are simple string values, but I found it pretty nice.
I moved some config files from json to yaml. Maintaining the documentation became a lot easier, because before I had a document describing every config option, which I had to maintain separately, instead now I have comments in the config file itself.
The norway problem is not a problem if you use yaml 1.2.
Which is 14 years old.
EDIT: this sounded adversarial which was not my intention. Plenty of libraries do not support 1.2 which sucks, I just meant that it's something solved in theory a long time ago.
Could you explain further? The link contradicts this:
> The most tragic aspect of this bug, however, is that it is intended behavior according to the YAML 1.2 specification. The real fix requires explicitly disregarding the spec - which is why most YAML parsers have it.
> Changes in version 1.2 (revision 1.2.0) (2009-07-21)
> [...]
> Only true and false strings are parsed as booleans (including True and TRUE); y, yes, on, and their negative counterparts are parsed as strings.
Underlines _ cannot be used within numerical values.
Naming it "Obvious" doesn't actually make it true unfortunately. JSON is still by far the most obvious format, and JSON5 fixes all the big issues with using it as a configuration format. I wish it had wider support. It's just so obviously better than TOML and YAML.
The one thing I wish TOML had added was null. Today many TOML configs still have “nullable” keys which means you need to comment them out to unset them.
> There is a big difference between configuration language formats and programming languages.
You're right! But in my opinion the difference is that a configuration file should have a default state that could be written to disk and loaded with no change in behaviour.
eg you can set `feature = "on"` or `feature = "off"` and if you don't set either it's the same as writing `feature = "off"`.
Having a secret third thing of `feature = null` should be outlawed and I'm glad TOML doesn't encourage it
There is a secret third thing called "feature not in file" and most TOML implementation encourage it as "key not in file" is typically returned as `null` or `None`. That's how so many TOML files in practice end up with all these secret values.
It's also particularly odd in lists where I have seen `["foo", "bar", {}]` show up in the real world with `{}` being used as a replacement value for null.
In my experience (Python and Rust) missing keys are errors, not silently converted to None:
In [1]: example = {"foo": None}
In [2]: print(example["foo"])
In [3]: print(example["bar"])
KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[3], line 1
----> 1 print(example["bar"])
KeyError: 'bar'
In [4]: print(example.get("bar", "sensible default"))
sensible default
If configuration values were arbitrarily nullable I would either need to deal with the possibility of nulls ending up anywhere in my program (back to The Billion Dollar Mistake) or have to have checks on parsing to say which fields are nullable or not.
I acknowledge people have done silly things regarding missing keys already - but I think they should be discouraged from continuing to do so, not enabled.
> There is a big difference between configuration language formats and programming languages.
In general: I agree. But configuration formats (including TOML) also need to map well to programming languages, so you can't seem them as entirely separate. One argument against Null is that it doesn't elegantly map to a data structure in all programming languages.
> One argument against Null is that it doesn't elegantly map to a data structure in all programming languages.
TOML has plenty of constructs that don't map well to many languages. Plenty of language implementations do not know how to work with the datetime type, some TOML implementations barf on objects in lists. In some TOML implementations you also end up with nulls showing up when certain empty table constructs are used.
Making it map to every single language is always going to be hard, but most (mainstream) languages come with support for these kind of things in the language itself or standard library. That's not a good reason to add more though. It also pushes the complexity the complexity to the people using TOML in their programs, rather than the people writing TOML parsers: in some languages like Python or JavaScript you can "just" use a string and it's nullable, but in other languages you have to muck about with pointers, special types, options, etc.
Unfortunately that's not what `unset` does and I feel like the confusion it causes and the complication it adds to any CSS parser suggests it's a bad idea!
If you are referring to Tony Hoare, the “billion dollar mistake” was not the existence of nulls per se, but that all references were nullable, with no support in the type system to distinguish between nullable and non-nullable references.
I'm aware of the discussions. I also gave up trying to get NULL into TOML and I think I'm reference in one of those issues. Personally I do not create TOML configs where absence of key has a meaning, but I'm also exposed to other people's TOMLs where this is an actual issue with all the consequences this causes.
And that ignores the issue of nulls in arrays which are sometimes needed. For instance I have been exposed to parameterized SQL queries in TOML where you need to use the empty object to represent NULL, a particularly absurd incarnation of this.
I'm not saying there aren't reasonable and valid use cases, there obviously are. But there are also downsides, so the question is how it all balances out. Almost every feature that has ever been added to anything has reasonable and valid use cases, but clearly not everything should have all the features.
Null is one way to represent such a value, but it’s hardly the only.
Option-style algebraic types are another, and more or less strictly superior if working in a language with first class support for such, because they force you to explicitly handle the null/None/Empty/whatever case if you’re doing something with it that could fail (basically anything besides assignment or passing it along).
Seems beyond the simplicity TOML was aiming for. Absence is absence in the file, in your programming language you can wrap in whatever trickier you like or is relevant.
No. Different ideal use cases, though they can overlap.
TOML is great for simple config files that don't need anything beyond key/value or arrays.
YAML is great for config files with more complicated data structure requirements.
JSON is great for self-describing serialized interchange.
SQLite is in a whole other class of technology. I suppose you can store config information in a table if you're already using SQLite in your app. If you're exposing it the way you would with a normal config file, the non-text format introduces friction.
Funny thing: TOML author/inventor calls it a mistake:
> TOML is a bad file format. It looks good at first glance, and for really really trivial things it is probably good. But once I started using it and the configuration schema became more complex, I found the syntax ugly and hard to read.
> I personally abandoned TOML and as such, I'm not planning on adding any new features
> If you're still reading, I'd like to put forth CSON as a format of choice.
It's another junk format in the sea of junk formats.
It sucks for describing data, its structure is too primitive, has wrong primitives, doesn't allow extension and has no mitigations for that.
Essentially, it's used because it's simple to parse and there are existing parsers. But the problems it creates are very complicated.
So, here's one example of a popular use-case: pyproject.toml. I mean, PyPA aren't the brightest minds around, so, they've created this joke. The stated goal of pyproject.toml was unification of dependency / requirements specification. But, what they ended up doing is this:
The problem here is that the goal was to unify, to specify requirements only once... but in practice, you still have to write them twice, and, of course, it's possible that "joke" and "clown_fiesta" don't use the same format to specify requirements. So, you have no way to specify requirements for both at once, and no way to process similar structures, to present them differently to different tools.
And so, PyPA has created an piece of junk software that today has to be used by hundreds of thousands. Because we live in the world of worse is better.
> It's another junk format in the sea of junk formats.
> PyPA aren't the brightest minds around, so, they've created this joke
You have some interesting and valid criticisms of the format. Why not just say them without all the harsh insulting language? Is this how you'd want someone to speak about you and/or your work?
I don't care what kind of language people use when they speak about me.
Also, I select what to say to say precisely what I want. Junk is something that is likely of poor quality, old and broken and therefore discarded, useless. This perfectly describes what TOML, JSON, YAML and the rest in the sea of junk formats are.
PyPA are awful at doing their only job: defining rules for Python packaging. In the post above I gave one illustration of the poor quality of their work. Something that could've been easily prevented had they applied themselves to critically assessing the outcomes of their work. And, if need be, I can find a dozen of examples of the same, and probably more. And they don't work in isolation, even in Python world the problem of packaging Python code is not unique to them. They can be compared oranges-to-oranges with other similar efforts. And, yes, they aren't the brightest by a wide margin. And they should be told about it, because they self-selected to handle the problem plenty of people who didn't nominate them for that role depend on in their daily lives. It's a moral duty of anyone who understands how bad they are to repeatedly remind them about it.
Can you share an actual example where you need to specify requirements twice. With pyproject.toml I know of 3 ways requirements are specified and they are all used by different things:
1. Build requirements - requirements needed to build your package from an sdist
2. Runtime requirements - requirements your library needs at runtime
3. Extra requirements - optional runtime requirements
Granted the toml format and what is used in pyproject.toml has its warts but I'm curious what your joke and clown_fiesta examples are actually from as from where I am standing each section currently serve different purposes.
Even in your list, there's a problem. I'll describe it first, and then will get to the one I had in mind when I gave my example.
It's common that your build requirements and your runtime requirements have a big overlap that has to iterate together. Here's a realistic example: NumPy comes with various build helpers that you need at build time, if you are making a native module. So, you need to depend on a particular version of NumPy both during the build and at runtime.
In other words, you would want to be able to reference the same package + version in two places.
You could say that this is a problem with "specific" package, where the developers didn't care to separate two kinds of requirements... and in some sense you are right... but: there is a value to having build helpers and the rest of the runtime code in the same package. It's simpler. It prevents those using your package from accidentally messing up.
Finally, it's NumPy we are talking about, it's not a "specific" package... it's like 50% of the entire Python ecosystem.
Now, to what I mean in my example.
This is taken verbatim from "real Python" site for the lack of a better example:
See how "python = ^3.9" is a dependency of Poetry? But what if I also want to make my project build with setuptools? Setuptools also depends on Python... where would I put that now? Not under [tool.setuptools.dependencies]? What do you think?
Could you list a couple of great formats? The various issues are indeed widespread across all the popular ones, and there are too many formats to find the greats (wish there were a comparison site with all the features so you could easily exclude those that fail at a specific task)
I don't care if I'm an asshole. The subject is PyPA's incompetence. And I don't see any point of tiptoeing around this fact. PyPA self-selected to handle the task they aren't up to. They keep doing it despite repeatedly failing at it. And they would not relinquish the power, nor would they listen to the criticism.
Regardless of whether I am an asshole or not, the impact of my actions is negligible compared to the damage PyPA has done and keeps doing to the very thing they are meant to support. They should be called what they are, without hesitation and euphemisms. This is the right thing to do.
My claim is that you _don't_ need to be an asshole to get your point across. It sounds like your goal is to change how PyPA works/what it does. That's great! I think you will be less effective in your goals by personally insulting the individuals behind the group; regardless of whether you think that this _ought_ to be the case.
> They should be called what they are, without hesitation and euphemisms.
You disagree with decisions made by the people at PyPA. I don't think you presented any reason to believe that these people were dumb? Or that they had a low IQ? Or anything else to that extent?
You disagree with decisions, and then concluded that this _must_ make them dumb. Is it possible that they are simply making different trade-offs from you? Or that there's some (possibly mutual) misunderstanding of the problem? As another commenter has pointed out, some of your claims about the state of PyPA tooling were spurious, yet nobody would say that "you're not the brightest" because of it!
You seem like a passionate person, and I genuinely hope that you come to the conclusion that empathy (especially in technical contexts) is a better route than hurling insults. I hope that you can direct your passion to making the world a better place, rather than putting people down. The world could certainly use the help.
[1] https://github.com/toml-lang/toml/issues/516