I think it is not needed? Or did you mean something other than this?
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In [1]: !cat /tmp/x.toml
x = 10
In [2]: import tomllib
...: with open("/tmp/x.toml", "rb") as f:
...: t = tomllib.load(f)
...: t
Out[2]: {'servers': {'alpha': {'x': 10}}}
How do you convert it into a nested object then? You could use deeply nested objects like JSON or YAML does, but then it defeats the purpose of an easy to read configuration format. This is also a feature of Java property files.
To the very best of my knowledge, Properties are merely Map<String,String> (see: https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/11/docs/api/java.base... ) and any subsequent interpretation happens in the application (e.g. Spring treating `foo[1]=bar` as a list-ish assignment but the actual key returned from `getProperty` is the string literal as written `foo[1]`)
is error prone. An sub heading shouldn't need to know about its parent, much less to have to copy it entirely.