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The D.E.N.N.I.S. system: Résumé tips for Senior Devs (jacobbartlett.substack.com)
190 points by jakey_bakey on May 8, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 249 comments

> Impact is King

This seems to be common advice. Whenever I'm reviewing resumes, I can always tell when someone's been given it because their past job descriptions are littered with "...causing a 30% drop in whatever" or "...thus doubling our blah blah blah."

Honestly, I've always found those to be pretty content-free. I have no idea if those numbers were actually measured or if you're just guessing. I have no way to know if that project was actually your idea or if you were just implementing someone else's initiative. I have no idea what the team was like and what your actual contribution to the project was. The numbers are meaningless without a ton more context.

Sure, I can ask about all of that context in the interview, but I'd do that anyway. It doesn't add anything (for me as a hiring manager, at least) to have it on your resume.

> I have no way to know if that project was actually your idea or if you were just implementing someone else's initiative. I have no idea what the team was like and what your actual contribution to the project was. The numbers are meaningless without a ton more context.

is there anything that isn’t meaningless, then?

their idea of knowing X, Y and Z likely differs from yours, as well. what will you believe or trust from a resume?

(personally i don’t trust any specific element and just look for an overall tone, and then ask about the specific interesting bits.)

> is there anything that isn’t meaningless, then?

Invert a binary tree.

I wish there was a job board where the interview process only entailed actual context specific take-home tests (think create a real-time analytics board consuming an example internal API), instead of these leetcode games which I can memorize and then spew out like a mindless robot.

Once I sunk a day into a take-home test. It went well, and I got to chat with a manager for half an hour. They said they weren't interested with no added context. Setting aside that take-home tests favor people who have time on their hands, the time investment can be very asymmetric, and it doesn't scale for the candidate.

> Then spew out like a mindless robot.

I think you just explained extremely clearly, why hiring managers aren't really into that sort of candidate.

What do you mean? Forgive my lack of nuance

Pretty sure GPT4 can do that trivially. Think harder.

> is there anything that isn’t meaningless, then?

Well, now that you mention it... no.

But that's just fine. "Meaning" doesn't have to be some big ol' thing. So the whole universe is meaningless; so what? Big whoop.

And in this big, empty universe, maybe all that matters is finding something beautiful, something rare, something brilliant and destined for greatness, something like... a candidate who can code a few lines worth of decent code on the spot.

The truth is, if you give the candidate a moderately realistic problem and a blank canvas, the first 5 minutes of watching their hands on a keyboard (or equivalent, if they don't have hands) will probably tell you 80% of what you need to know. If you know what to look for.

The number opens up the conversation to:

* Why this metric and not another? How was this number related to the overall goals of your company?

* What was the initial benchmark for how much you wanted this number to change? Did you meet, exceed or fall short of this benchmark? What do you think was the reason for that? In particular, what did you learn about your org's benchmarking process from meeting, exceeding or falling short of the benchmark?

* What resources were required to make this number change? Who were all the people involved? Why was it logical for their involvement to be a part of this number changing? More crucially, were there any people not involved that, in retrospect, you wish could have been involved and why?

* Knowing what you did now, if we were to put you on a similar effort within our company, what do you think you would do differently and how much do you think that would have an impact on that number?

The bullshitters will quickly wilt under the pressure of not knowing enough details to give well thought out answers while the people who drove real impact will get excited to talk it through and lay out both what went well and poorly.

edit: A big part of what I'm looking for with "Impact is King" conversations is the ability to take ownership of impact even in the face of dysfunctional organizations because, surprise, all organizations are dysfunctional!

I don't care about the actual impact you made because that's driven much more by the environment you were placed in than your individual performance. I care that you have a good mental model on how to drive impact and that you can perform at a reasonable baseline where you're significantly above average vs peers at your experience level.

>reasonable baseline

>significantly above average

I don't mean this in a confrontational way, but I am curious how you establish what a reasonable baseline is.

You have enough of these interviews with people across a range of experience levels and you kind of get calibrated to what to expect at however many years into a career. Usually you get a small group of people who are operating far and above the level of their peers and it's pretty obvious.

The purpose of providing statistics in my resume isn’t to convince you of any one thing, but to exhaust your critical reasoning capabilities

“The numbers are meaningless without a ton more context.”

Just keep thinking in this direction and apply it to any and all hoops you make employees jump through.

It’s the same with coding challenges, quizzes, and any other evaluation you give. They are meaningless without more context and the only way you can get those is working with a person for a few months.

I find percents bad, hard numbers are much better.

- Automated process 'x', saving company x thousands/millions per year - Automated process 'y', reducing engineering time from 1 month/year to minutes per year.

"Automated process 'x', saving company $10,000 per year" is meaningless without knowing whether $10,000 is a significant figure or a drop in the bucket. Also, if they paid you $100,000 to automate it, it'll be 10 years before they see a return on that investment, and by then your code/process/system may have been rewritten.

I'd much rather see percentages, and if they can want to clarify with hard dollar amounts, so much the better.

that's a good callout, My resume has more context I removed too much trying to anonymize it.

Agree with this to some extent - I was careful not to parrot the common advice of "use numbers as much as possible" because I always smell some level of BS. But qualitative stuff gives you enough to go on to ask about in the first-round interview.

These sorts of claims tend to appear on the lowest quality CVs I've reviewed, often with suspiciously round and large numbers that suggested guess work.

> It doesn't add anything (for me as a hiring manager, at least) to have it on your resume.

Sadly without it it doesn't get through the recruiter / HR before it even reaches the hiring manager. Recruiters will tell you to edit your resume and add all sorts of things also.

> I have no way to know if that project was actually your idea or if you were just implementing someone else's initiative

This is huge for all resumes, especially product manager resumes. I've seen some PMs get through interviews by talking in depth about their previous company's product, just to end up flopping on the job because they can't function without top-down hand holding.

First, I love Always Sunny, so this is amazing. Second, could I get some perspectives on this:

> While senior engineers are individual contributors; the best engineers’ best work is rarely code.

Aside from technical non-code tasks, like diagrams, knowledge sharing, etc., presumably code is the reason an engineer is hired. I understand there are leadership responsibilities as you get more experience within an organization, however it seems common for organizations to push engineers towards more and more admin and business related tasks as they gain seniority. Is this common across all or most industries? I'm wondering what is the underlying incentive for companies to do this, is it the perception that younger people should do most of the contributions?

I studied computer science because I love coding and not even a decade into my career it feels I'm supposed to do something completely different I didn't train for and personally I strongly dislike. I kept moving towards more and more technical companies, but it seems there is no escape from this in the software industry.

There are two types of senior engineers. One is the type talked about here. Someone who loves to design and code, but wants to have more impact, and finds that guiding other engineers is a more effective use of their time. See the examples in the article: Creating a new RFC process, introducing a post check-in hook for security audits, setting up a new platform team that builds libraries for everyone else.

All of these things multiply the work of everyone else. They make what everyone else is doing faster/more effective/easier.

Then there is the other kind of senior engineer -- the one that can output well structured, efficient, self documenting, code quickly. The one that you give the thorniest problems and they surprise you with a solution a few days later. Solving things that junior engineers simply couldn't.

There is value to both kinds of senior engineers. The first kind is much more valuable though because most orgs aren't doing the deep tech that the second kind of engineer is good at solving.

I'm the number two and must I agree, the need is punctual and there's quite some networking required to be able to reach to those corners of the (big) organization where they feel lost. It's almost always about some legacy thing and it's way cheaper to get me to fix and document it, right before thinking of rewriting/replacing.

Realistically you want a little bit of A and a little bit of B as well.

The best is a senior engineer who can spit out the skeleton of B for junior engineers to work on; at the end of the day, sometimes parallel workstreams are more effective, and relying too heavily on a senior engineer can create a bad bus problem.

> The best is a senior engineer who can spit out the skeleton of B for junior engineers to work on

That's what person A does.

Agreed that having a super senior engineers is bad for the bus factor (FYI people are calling it the lottery factor now, as in "what if they won the lottery and retired") but sometimes you don't have the luxury of having backup people.

That's silly though because even if they won the lottery they'd probably at least have an exit period while they sorted out their winnings, and you could potentially pay them to work a reduced schedule or something, especially if they like working there.

If I won the lottery I wouldn't stop working immediately, I'd give notice and could do some hand over.

Bus factor though - if a bus hits me I am immediately gone and people have to catch up without hand holding

The “lottery” framing is the normalized and gentle way of asking “What’s our plan for when Stripe / OpenAI offers them a $1M/yr Staff role but only if they start immediately?” Think about the great engineers you’ve met, and how many of them would say “Sorry, but no - my current team relies on me, and I should help them transition”.

I feel like a team that won't accept

> Sorry, but no - my current team relies on me, and I should help them transition

as a reason to allow a transition period is setting themselves up for failure. Isn't that the kind of engineer you want?

> only if they start immediately

Maybe this is a cultural thing, but here it's pretty well understood that people have notice periods built into their contracts. Absolutely no employer would be hiring any staff with any expectation that they be able to start the next day if that person is already employed.

In the US two weeks notice is the cultural norm, although there are horror stories about bad employers who don’t respect that all.

Probably the more relevant framing is “what if person just suddenly quits/takes leave?” Which has a whole host of valid reasons for happening.

Lottery framing is the gentle way of saying, what if they die.

But sure, go with the "other" lottery.

That's why we called it a Truck number.

It's just a nicer way of saying that they left without implying that they died.

Tbh the newspeak version of this is terrible. If someone immediately quits their job (presumably without transition so you can hire someone else) you have failed as a leader

The first sounds like an architect or engineering manager in disguise without the title (and probably without the pay), but probably gets to skip out on some of the more boring meetings

That leads us to wider communication problems for hiring:

1) pay is usually searched by title

2) job postings are also posted with titles

3) with those titles as ambiguous, you have to dig in to find out what kind it is

The link from title to pay and the confusion around it is advantageous to companies because it means calling someone a Senior Engineer, but giving them more responsibilities, still justifies a lower pay range

Excellent, thanks for the input.

The further up the ladder you go, the less this is true.

I tell people about a senior plateau - after this point, the growth gets smaller. Everything is just another framework, just another language, just another pattern. At this point, unless you are a spectacularly proficient programmer, there's a limit to how much further you are going to improve.

Further, as organizations grow larger, there are more implications to every extra feature. That is, all of the easy stuff is done and the hard stuff means a change in multiple parts of the system, introducing fragility and cross-team coordination.

In some cases, the effort in coordination outweighs the effort in code. And that's what I need a senior developer to do - can they understand multiple systems, work with multiple teams, or do they need engineering managers to figure it all out and give it to them bite-sized?

And that is the impact that engineering leaders look for - someone who can code faster than everyone else just means there's a giant bottleneck everywhere around them.

Good points. It makes sense overall. I'm wondering if the perception is that high level engineering doesn't have as much business value as lower level engineering that allows teams to work in parallel.

> Everything is just another framework, just another language, just another pattern. At this point, unless you are a spectacularly proficient programmer, there's a limit to how much further you are going to improve.

I believe this is mostly a business decision, although one that could be justified. In theory, systems can be built such that changes and updates are simple configuration changes, including new features. Another example is using advanced techniques to guarantee no bugs. So while any given feature could be coded by multiple teams of mid-level skill, it could also be coded by a small team of high level engineers. As the system matures the cracks become visible and unless there are sophisticated techniques, codebases tend to deteriorate and that introduces otherwise unnecessary business costs to fix issues or even build a new system. The main reason I can think of why this is an accepted "sacrifice", is that a team of high level engineers cannot be as transparent as multiple teams with lower level engineers and managers. High level engineering is often opaque to everyone except others that have the knowledge.

> And that is the impact that engineering leaders look for - someone who can code faster than everyone else just means there's a giant bottleneck everywhere around them.

So yes, this makes sense but I think it's only a bottleneck if others are not as technically proficient. Speed comes as a result of more technical knowledge, and it seems to me at some point software companies are cutting that off in favor of using that experience to get everyone else up to speed, instead of continuing to leverage the direct skillset and building teams of highly proficient engineers, which in my opinion would deliver exponential business value (by coding sophisticated systems that can do virtually anything).

> In theory, systems can be built such that changes and updates are simple configuration changes, including new features.

Taken to the extreme, that's a low code platform. However, the complexity I am speaking of is the intersection of what a product should do today, what it does do today, what it should do tomorrow, and what technical debt prevents this from being obvious.

(For example, if the system has grown in a way that what was one team is now four and they are all trying to work in an intermingled codebase that made sense in a smaller organization.)

The solution may be 1,000 lines of code, but it takes the analysis from someone who provides a 1,000 line rather than a 10,000 line solution. That 1,000 lines might even be obvious once the problem is defined.

A senior developer, in this case, is someone for whom the mechanical translation of an idea to code is not the limiting part.

> So while any given feature could be coded by multiple teams of mid-level skill, it could also be coded by a small team of high level engineers.

That's entirely true. However, there are more organizations than high level engineers. And how do you manage to build those high level engineers if all we (as an industry) do is keep hiring from a small group?

> And how do you manage to build those high level engineers if all we (as an industry) do is keep hiring from a small group?

Right, scaling teams would be a problem. The alternative would be a company entirely led by engineers since most projects would eventually become too complex for others to manage. Great points, thank you.

Add extra features... because of the implications

Job levels are tied to the amount of business value one provides. At some point in one's journey, for most developers, they will hit diminishing returns in terms of what they can provide from just their hands on keyboard contributions.Thus at some point people will tend to either peter out level-wise or need to find ways to augment what they bring to the table in terms of coding.

As an example, senior devs can be spending time mentoring, teaching, and guiding the junior devs in their team/org. Bringing up those around them will often, again not always, provide more business value than what they could have done on their own in that time.

> Job levels are tied to the amount of business value one provides.

The other replies have told you already this broadly isn't true, so I will ask this: Do you have an example of a company where what I quoted is the truth? Normally promotions are almost entirely political, I'd love to see some examples (or even one) where this isn't the case.

> Job levels are tied to the amount of business value one provides.

How do we measure business value? Do all those new products that Google launch and kill off add value? But they create promotions...

It's more like the illusion of business value.

> Job levels are tied to the amount of business value one provides

In many companies they aren’t tied to anything besides a meaningless title someone negotiates

It's not true everywhere but it's pretty much rewarded everywhere. Software engineering is pretty difficult to evaluate and managers will default to evaluating "soft skills" because they haven't looked at a PR in a decade. Also, the problems most organizations solve don't require much ability.

That said, I also do not think the author means admin/business related tasks, but non-"coding" things like software design, technical vision, etc.? You might want to look at earlier stage start ups that don't need the management/pseudo-management positions (if it fits your life). Warning that you'll have to jump ship as the startup becomes successful and you get pushed into non-technical roles. :)

I hear you. The so-called (full stack) jobs they have you doing everything under the sun not necessarily because you are proficient at any given assignment but because you can identify risks and bad practices quickly out of experience. The worst the job the more experience developers they need. I only once had a job where we were doing things right. The customer received our solution and it was so good, the customer said: "This is great, your solution is well put-together and well documented, your API's work out-the-box as expected, and they are fully tested. We can take it from here, thanks". Layoffs started a month later.

Note that the examples of non-code output are ultimately still code - just not code written by the senior engineer. Part of what an effective senior person does is to take their own knowledge and wisdom, and externalise it in ways that let their colleagues take advantage of it without having to learn it from scratch.

One of the most obvious ways of doing this is writing reusable code. Maybe you know the ins and outs of reliably spawning a child process in OS/2; you write a spawn_child_process_os2 function which does it, so others can take advantage of it.

But there are less obvious, and sometimes more powerful ways to do this.

The example of an RFC process externalises the engineer's understanding of how to rigorously think through and effectively communicate large changes.

The example of security check-ins externalises the engineer's understanding of how to write secure code.

The example of a platform team externalises the engineer's understanding of all sorts of code and build details particular to the organisation.

I am very glad to hear you liked it :)

That's a really good point - I suppose you could rephrase to say "the work that's easiest to discuss achievements in the first round interview is rarely code"

Basically, it's hard to explain, even to a technical person, how hard a code problem was, even if your solution was brilliant. But being able to do stuff that isn't code is a really easy way to showing you can 'getting shit done'

I actually cover this in my follow-up post, around the difficulty in detecting strong technical proficiency in a short first-round interview.

Would you rather the person making the decisions about the code you write be a developer too, or not?

I’d rather be managed by developers, and you only get that by promoting developers into management.

You can stay an individual contributor if you want, and the pay is still very good. If it doesn’t work at your company, you can find others that will let you stay an IC.

That's funny. I studied information sciences because I loved systems but didn't want to get stuck coding all day and (no offense?) was less introverted than many of my fellow tech majors (to where even my professors would be surprised when I'd take on a coding role in a project because they stereotyped me as not fitting the part.). We studied things like documenting systems, workflows, use cases, project management, networking and introductory programming courses in databases and several coding languages. In theory it sounded great. But I the job market it's actually extremely difficult to get those code-adjacent jobs when you don't have coding experience.

Your job isn’t to code, it’s to solve business problems. To make more money for the company. That’s it.

“Your job as a bricklayer isn’t to lay bricks. It’s to solve building problems.” If you’re actually looking for an architect or designer or salesperson or manager, hire them instead of berating developers for not doing all of those jobs at once.

Also in most countries devs don’t get paid enough to solve business problems. American tech wages are the exception.

Which would actually lead to an awesome job description:

   "Full Stack bricklayer."

If the title is software engineer, it is though. Solving business problems is not engineering. I get that at the end of the day it's about making money, but these expectations are not clear and the title ultimately reflects your expertise. I think part of the problem is the lack of standards in software engineer compared to other engineering, which have code of ethics and often require a license to practice. Those other engineering jobs are probably not doing management or solving business problems.

I personally know a senior mechanical engineer who’s basically doing what other posts are complaining software engineers end up doing — managing and solving business problems.

I think this is more common than you’d think.

Disagree with the latex point. If you are using latex just to put your resume together, you are wasting your time. Just do it in google docs or word. Anyone reviewing your resume won't even care unless you brought it up for some reason.

I used to have a resume in fine-crafted LaTeX, and it even once led to a discussion with a designer interviewer about typography.

But I noticed that applicant-tracking systems tended to not know what to do with the PDF, and I started to suspect that some companies weren't actually seeing my resume as a result. So I redid the resume in LibreOffice, and using a boring layout intended to be parsed easily by lousy ATSs.

This was my experience, too.

I had a sick 2, and for a second 3 column resume, and that always got mangled.

Even the single column LaTeX resume had challenges.

Never had an issue with MS Word. If I'm sending a resume to a person I know (e.g. met at a Linux User Group, etc.), I'll go with the LaTeX resumes, but otherwise you gotta get past ATS and that means MS Word.

> I noticed that applicant-tracking systems tended to not know what to do with the PDF, and I started to suspect that some companies weren't actually seeing my resume as a result.

That’s a feature as far as I’m concerned. Companies that use these monstrosity ATSs that can’t be bothered to parse a valid PDF CV and that require hoops just to apply (create yet another account in their ATS, copy my cv into hundreds of text boxes, can’t proceed without a salary expectation or past salary history etc are places I want nothing to do with.

How does it waste time? There are hundreds of templates you can use and they tend to look nice without much work.

I’ve once seen a résumé where someone meticulously crafted something out of multiple nested tables in Word - you could tell because the spacing was always a little different.

It really made me question their competency, not because proficiency in Word matters, but they obviously wasted so much time with something they had no idea how to do and could have just left out and the result would be better.

I don’t want to know what they’d do to the codebase.

Naw fuck that. LaTeX is the shit for resumes. Doesnt take very long at all especially if you start from a template. Its actually easier then word because word is super unintuitive when it comes to formatting spacially.

I used to have a flow where I wrote my experience in a master yaml file, then when I applied for a job I'd copy the yaml, delete everything non-relevant, and then feed it into pandoc. It worked great and I could just paste everything into those terrible "enter it twice" web forms. I even had a git repo with my job experience and I'd make a commit after major projects.

Last time I was job hunting it occurred to me I could just dump all that info into a Pages document and do the same process with instant WYSIWYG feedback, which I now do.

It's definitely a case of, me and probably 1% of hiring managers are super opinionated and will be massively biased towards it, and the other 99% who aren't nerds will just think I used a nice template

agreed that I don't think it makes you stand out particularly just by virtue of using latex, but it does look nice, typically much nicer than most word templates. And it is also much easier to get looking consistent and well organized imo.

And that’s the 1% I would avoid.

While in undergrad I wrote a modular resume script that picked a set bullet points based on the tags I gave them, rendered those bullets into a LaTeX template, and then spat out the customized result with a PDF. With this I could quickly spin out slightly different resumes that showcase different tech stacks, emphasize/de-emphasize military service or defense contractor work, drop (or add) bullets that imply I was an older-than-usual grad, etc.

I still use the script out of habit, though I wouldn't write it now.

Speaking from experience, Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) work only ideally with Word. Don’t use LaTeX unless you know for sure the individual receiving appreciates it.

But regardless of whether you wrote your resume in word or LaTeX, 99% of the time you'd send it as a PDF, correct? So are you saying LaTeX pdfs will parse worse than Word PDF's in automatic systems?

What I am saying is when I last ran this experiment a few years back word .doc formatted files (didn’t check .docx) returned the most calls from recruiters in comparison to .txt or .pdf or .html.

In my experience, yes.

Came here to say this. It’s definitely a bad idea given that so much first stage screening is automated these days. If your CV parses badly you’re just as likely to be silently binned by an algorithm. I say this from personal experience, and now having begrudgingly rolled my CV back from LaTeX to Word.

On my recent job search, I basically only got responses from smaller companies, and I'm now suspicious that this was the reason.

Latex is a shibboleth that will get you points in the minds of certain types of engineers looking at your resume. Its a bad signal to evaluate candidates on, but it probably does have some effect.

You don't need to use latex to benefit from this though. Just use computer modern.

Every resume I've ever touched that was set in Computer Modern was from an academic type that was headed back to school in a year or two. Didn't matter if they knew it or not, their head was still in that game. They always go back.

I bias against those resumes now.

I make my CV with LaTeX (and compter modern) and a handmade template. I got an undergrad in business over a decade ago. I’m never going back to school.

We did build this resume software that is getting popular https://www.rezi.ai/

I have my LaTeX resumé on GitHub, and I have a GitHub Action that rebuilds it on a PR, allowing me to see a "staging" version of it. Then it gets deployed to its final destination on merge.

Actually I've used my CV but also its deployment pipeline to sell myself!

Why is it a waste of time? With LyX it goes really fast.

I use personally Asciidoc and asciidoctor-pdf to generate my resume as PDF. It's easier and less prone to funny formatting shifts typical of Word documents.

People care. Hiring managers can be nerds too.

What if your file won’t even get into the ATS?

Alles that you’re very technical, might even offer engineer any solution I want.

Hiring managers are usually not this kind of nerds.

> What if your file won’t even get into the ATS?

Why won't a PDF generated by LaTeX get into the ATS?

I don’t know but I’ve noticed too. For me it’s a feature, I’m invisible to companies that use shitty ATS software where I likely would enjoy working anyway.

You render it to PDF and upload that. You don't just send people a latex source file.

The generated pdf is what ats doesn’t like. Don’t know why but I’ve noticed too.

Which ATS do you use that doesn't accept PDFs?

It accepts PDFs. It can't parse LaTeX-generated PDFs. No idea why. And that's not a specific one, it has been most ATSs in my experience.

having it in git is quite useful

No one cares if you put your resume together in LaTeX. Hardly anyone working in the software industry even knows what that is.

The other tips are fine, but all pretty generic. Moreover "work for a big brand name company" and "don't do short stints" aren't exactly resume writing advice.

I definitely notice if a resume is written in latex, and while I wouldn't hire someone solely based on that, it's definitely a slight positive in my mind. IMHO it shows they understand the value of visual presentation, using the right tool for the job, and aren't afraid to learn a new programming language.

Would you say you have LaTex sensitivity?

Fair comment. I did try to add tactical things someone could do in the short term to make it less "by the way you're screwed if you didn't do this", but I'll make sure to frame it more specifically in my next posts

markdown to html to pdf is another route for making a clean looking resume

LaTeX for your resume?! If someone sumgly sends me a .TEX resume I have to (struggle to) compile instead of a .PDF, then I'm deleting the email and never responding. Yeah, I know LaTeX, but you've totally over-engineered the solution to the problem of writing a resume, and you've already increased my workload instead of decreasing it, even before getting on the payroll! Hard pass.

Oh goodness, I hope that's not how it came across - I hoped the idea that it had to be compiled into PDF before sending was clear!

Don't get me wrong, I would also not open a TEX file in the ~10 seconds I give each CV

> Oh goodness, I hope that's not how it came across - I hoped the idea that it had to be compiled into PDF before sending was clear!

It was clear. You even linked your PDF resume as an example. The GP's interpretation is just bizzare.

Oh, okay. I just see LaTeX as a math academics thing, about as useful and difficult as writing HTML by hand. Now, if someone had leveraged LaTeX in a real system or automation, I'd find that interesting.

> as useful and difficult as writing HTML by hand

How else do you write html? I haven’t used dreamweaver in 20 years by now.

Was clear to me too.

I took this as meaning that it should be obvious from the layout that it was a LaTeX document, but I agree, this is not something that i've ever considered when filtering CVs.

> but I agree, this is not something that i've ever considered when filtering CVs.

As a proficient LaTeX user, this is the stupidest take I ever saw on resume tips. I mean, your skills and experience do not vary with the document system you used to generate your CV. Some hiring managers swear by MS Word templates, other hiring managers ask for Europass, others ask you to fill in a form and request a cover letter. It would be stupid to assess the suitability of any candidate on this sort of bullshit.

You can totally see when a résumé was created in LaTeX and I always counted that as a bonus.

On the other hand, that dude is going to write the FAQ in LaTeX and then complain nobody else contributes.

Write it in Markdown and let Pandoc turn it into LaTeX or whatever you desire

Yeah, it's more a case of, "me and probably 10% of hiring managers are massively biased in favour of LaTeX if we see it, and the other 90% won't care either way"

Uhhh..probably you and .2% of hiring managers. I've never cared when hiring, and have never heard this advice anywhere but this post. No offense, but if it was as common as 10%, recruiters and bloggers would be suggesting it left and right.

10% is being exceptionally generous I think. Anecdotally I've never heard of a single manager getting a crap how your PDF was produced, and a lot of the hiring and recruiting agencies will probably end up snapping the data out of your PDF and converting it to some standardized format, so the Latex will be completely rendered out.

To me this feels like a case of a publisher passing on a novel because the author wrote it using notepad.exe versus vim.

What are some signs a résumé was created in LaTex?

The font will be Computer Modern, that's the most obvious one.

Basically this; the advice could just as easily read "use Computer Modern font" but that wouldn't get as much controversy/engagement

Everyone seems to be missing the main benefit of using LaTeX: it creates professional-looking documents. That is its whole purpose. I use Adobe Garamond Pro in my LaTeX résumé, and while I'm sure nobody recognizes that it's LaTeX, the document just looks sharp.

Perfectly aligned paragraphs on the left and the right. Other packages produce ragged line ends and/or ridiculous spacing between words (Word’s justify)

I certainly acknowledge some degree of bias on my part, but it's definitely the quickest way to get me on-side before I even read the words

did i miss some part of the article suggested that?

nobody is doing or suggesting the thing that you’re freaking out about.

> LaTeX for your resume?! If someone sumgly sends me a .TEX (...)

I'm not sure you got it right. You still have a LaTeX doc if you compile it to generate a PDF. LaTeX can have a very unique and peculiar look and feel that pops up to those in the know.

I don’t think that is the message the author is sending. He is giving you tools to better augment the outcome. But not every organization gets 1k applicants. Some do not spend money on recruiting tools or advertisement. Some people might find tex funny or entertaining. Just saying. It is not intended to tailor to everyones needs.

"You based your resume tips on a sexual grooming chart?"

"As a joke!"

"I'm gonna go work somewhere else..."

I know cultures are different in different places, but in corporate America this post is all red flags. Always Sunny is hilarious, but I sure wouldn't want to be sitting in HR explaining "the implication" to someone who has never seen the show.

Get the hiring manager on a boat with you on international waters. Then they'll have to hire you... because of the implication.

yeeaah, this post is simultaneously hilarious (because the show is hilarious) and also demonstrates that the author is more interested in being edgy than promoting an inclusive environment for people who aren't tech bros.

This speaks to company culture, and to be fair, the more inclusive end of the spectrum isn't a given. There are plenty of companies like Kraken and Basecamp that have made it known they value just focusing on work rather than identity politics, and the author is waving a flag that signals he's part of "their tribe".

To some companies and people (such as myself) this flag happens to look red, but I don't think you can generalize to corporate america, because I think more companies are more interested in cultural homogeneity and having their worker bees looking similar and falling in line than they are in celebrating individuality and promoting diversity/inclusivity in their workforce. Even if most don't make this as explicit as Basecamp/Kraken.

This seems like a wild overreaction to me. The author just used the DENNIS system as a humorous starting point, but the advice doesn't have anything to do with manipulating women. I'm not sure how inclusion or diversity applies at all -- this isn't a corporate learning presentation, it's a blog post. He's allowed to reference a sitcom.

Frankly, your comment also reeks of the tribalism that's pervading modern political thought. Because he referenced a risqué joke from a sitcom on his blog, that means he's a "tech bro" who's anti-diversity? Come on.

Perhaps it's a bit harsh. I wouldn't judge anyone for joking about the DENNIS system in private. Blogging is a public platform though, and someone who is a hiring manager sharing their DENNIS system on a public platform with an explanation of why it's a useful thing seems like exactly the type of thing that would put some people on edge.

This is the culture war I'm talking about, there are different camps, and while I understand why some people want to be in the camp where joking about things that upset "sensitive" people is just fun and games, I think there are also a lot of people who see it as inappropriate in a professional context, and those kinds of jokes can feel exclusionary to them.

I'm really not trying to say anyone is right or wrong here, just that my own preference is to work in environments where most people who would lean towards passing up an opportunity for a joke that might make some group of people uncomfortable. I really hope you can similarly understand that.

My point was that this is _not_ a professional context. It's a personal blog. This would be inappropriate if he were giving this talk at his job, but... he's not. So I'm not sure how you can make any assumptions about how he behaves in a professional setting.

> Frankly

I see what you did there

I think it’s worth reading this post as a championship level ecosystem parasite getting his host to spread his resume widely within the ecosystem. If the message wasn’t itself a strong advertisement not to do business with this person, I’d suggest it doesn’t belong here, but as it is, this post is a valuable community service.

Celebrating individuality and getting offended at this blog post are mutually exclusive. There is no individuality without being offensive, because everything is offensive to somebody.

Apart from using the letters D E N N I S for lulz, this has nothing to do with the content of the show.

Yeah, it's as if this person read the first paragraph and assumed the system was the exact same one as in the screencap.

Anyone who read the article would see they're different in all but acronyms.

Why would you have to explain that in an interview? How would that conversation even happen? First they would have to ask you to explain the process of improving your resume, then you'd have to get into a conversation about how you read some tips from a blog post, then you'd need to tell them the blog post used the DENNIS acronym for humour, then explain the DENNIS system in its always sunny.

"Well don't you look at me like that, you certainly wouldn't be in any danger"

Anyone who follows an acronym for advice isn't cut out to be an effective manager.

You just don't understand BOBODDY

Many successful managers are people who blindly follow processes without understanding or caring why they're doing stuff. And many companies (and especially government) want wind-up dolls, not mavericks who think for themselves.

Sorry if that came across badly. I'm fairly new to blogging and still trying to strike the right tone with my content - trying to get a decent balance of informative and entertaining.

If it helps, I'm working on a 6-part series about unit testing with the new asynchronous features in Swift that's dry as fuck

There was nothing wrong with the article at all. Dont let people take humor out of life.

I didn't read the article (so hopefully you aren't advocating something nasty), but will give you a piece of advice I have read somewhere a long time ago which is attributed to Bill Cosby (I know!) and has helped me immensely.

`I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.`

So write with your own voice. Maybe you will rub some people the wrong way, but that is the path you should follow to resonate with your target audience.

I'm sure OP can just share his erotic memoir of his exploits to explain.

My memoir is the least erotic literature since The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Watch out for Sinbad

Why would this even come up in a discussion with HR?

100% with this. I love the show but this reeks of tech broism to an extent it almost feels satirical.

My favorite episode, but I think this is maybe one step worse than taking cues from "Succession"

Dennis is a master of dark patterns


Think of all the implications

I had to Google it... Yeah, not something you want to have to explain in an interview.


> E: Embrace LaTeX

How does a hiring manager know that a resume was created using LaTex? I downloaded the author's PDF resume and it pretty much looked like any other PDF.

It was immediately obvious to me that it was written in LaTeX because of the font. Sure, you could use Computer Modern without LaTeX, or use LaTeX with a different font, but that's pretty uncommon in my experience.

You can also check the pdf metadata and see:

Creator: LaTeX with hyperref

Producer: pdfTeX-1.40.24

This rule only applies to a certain percentage of people, but I've benefited from it as well. For my first internship, I later found out that the only reason they interviewed me was because I used LaTeX. On paper, I was a generic student, but using LaTeX for my CV made me stand out.

I think it creates an unconscious bias. If you've gone to university and read some papers, chances are all the papers were written with LaTeX. You spend hours reading and re-reading these papers and it creates an unconscious bias where you read things in the font more carefully because you're used to the content being insanely dense.

The typeface is Computer Modern, which is an absolute giveaway for TeX.

Personally, i find the use of LaTeX a small red flag. Using it certainly does send "a subtle but clear message", but it's not that you love software engineering, it's that you're willing to waste time fiddling around with abstruse technical stuff rather than doing something useful.

That is such an awful take. There are so many professional-looking LaTeX templates online, associating it with "willingness to waste time" and actually ditching a candidate shows that you likely don't know how to recruit anyway.

For me I would have to buy/pirate and install Windows and buy/pirate Office. Or make a Google account and learn to use Google documents for the first time. Both of those are companies I think are unethical and will violate my privacy. Libre Office doesn't make documents that look nice to me. I used LaTeX for hundreds of hours at university so it is really not hard to me. The laziest option to me is definitely LaTeX, and I am a lazy person that doesnt like to waste time fiddling around with abstruse technical stuff

> you're willing to waste time fiddling around with abstruse technical stuff rather than doing something useful.

Cough cough K8s/microservices cough cough jira cough

It's the least painful way to create a high quality PDF. And "fiddling around with abstruse technical stuff" (not that I agree with the characterisation) is something probably 80% of HN enjoy.

> it's that you're willing to waste time fiddling around with abstruse technical stuff rather than doing something useful.

Yeah, having an easily versioned plaintext format is such a waste of time. So much better to deal with constantly changing GUIs instead. /s

They won't--it's nonsense. It's something you can point out if you get a screen or interview. But in my experience (and I like LaTeX and the notion of programming with neat markups for documents a lot) it just makes it hard to adapt if someone wants another format (HTML, Word or whatever) and is more of a "quirk" than a positive.

It also had a number of lists and most of his jobs were short stints!

What they mean is that you should use the Computer Modern font, which causes everyone to assume that you used LaTeX (and then were too lazy to pick a non-default font).

I have a LaTeX resume, and the way to give it away is to use the \LaTeX command somewhere; hard to get that typeset well anywhere else.

If you've used LaTeX a lot it has a distinctive look.

I actually write my CV in markdown and use pandoc to generate a PDF from that, but pandoc uses LaTeX to produce PDFs and I've had interviewers comment on it.

Does that mean most of the formatting is still done in LaTeX and the only change is the input format?

Nope, I think I have about 2 lines of actual LaTeX, second is to ensure the pagination is correct. Otherwise I just let it use the defaults for headings etc

That's actually a great idea

I thought N: Name Recognition was going to go in a different direction. Frankly, what makes a bigger difference than having a known company on your resume (though that probably helps with respect to big Tech companies with known difficult interview processes, albeit for mostly the wrong reasons) is N: Networking. Getting a job through people I've known has worked for me since the last century.

For some reason, networking seems to be a dirty word in tech. I went through the same rigorous tech screening as anyone else would for a recent job, despite knowing from previous work experience a colleague that I would be working with in the new position.

I understand wanting to be able to cross your Ts and dot your Is, but why not save everyone a boatload of time and just go off a recommendation? I ended up getting the job of course but it wasn’t without jumping through hoop after useless hoop. It’s like they don’t even trust the people they hire.

I think it's a couple of things.

One is that having a network of people you know and have worked with gets conflated with "networking" events where people looking for work mostly uselessly pass around business cards or whatever the modern equivalent is.

The other somewhat related thing is that people who don't have or don't like to make connections see people waltzing into jobs and resent it. (In my experience it really can short-circuit the interview process, but my sample size is pretty small in that I've tended to stay with jobs a long time and the connections I had were at the highest levels.)

> The other somewhat related thing is that people who don't have or don't like to make connections see people waltzing into jobs and resent it.

I suppose then they don't make the connection that this person didn't just "waltz in", but instead was actually interviewing for this job for years prior by showing competence enough that their colleague felt comfortable vouching for them.

There is value in connections, far beyond getting jobs. People who are unwilling to do that are just hobbling themselves. Why let them hobble everyone else in the process.

> Getting a job through people I've known has worked for me

Maybe I'm the odd one out, but I've worked at 10 different places since 1992, and I've gotten roughly half through referrals and the rest through recruiters/monster/linkedin/etc. By far the more pleasant experiences have been the "cold" ones that I didn't get through a personal referral.

I'm sure it varies. But the three different places I've worked since the mid-80s have been (post-grad school recruiting) through personal contacts. But then that's a lot different from 10 jobs in 10 years.

This is a great comment, I definitely neglected the value this brings.

Ah this is about as douchey as I thought it would be. Congratulations, you wrote a yet another shitty tech article (YASTA).

I think my favorite part is right at the very beginning where you relegate anyone who isn’t a self important douche to banality. I’m talking specifically about the section where you send someone who doesn’t conform to the question “what could your company not have done without you” packing.

I would say “probably nothing,” because frankly if I wasn’t in that position, someone else probably would have been and they probably would have been able to do anything I could have done, because I don’t think I’m god’s gift to software development. It’s a job. I do it at a level commensurate with my pay. I’m not a singular snowflake.

And judging by the demeanor this article was written in, OP is a dime a dozen.

You’re forgetting the most important function of a job interview: making the interviewer feel smart and important.

> If you’ve worked more than 4 jobs in the last 4 years, you’re in the danger zone. Many companies will discard a CV quickly if we don’t think you’ll stick around until next year.

I mostly agree, but I think 2 jobs in 4 years? Probably fine. There's a line, and I don't think it's very clear cut.

Personally, I wish we could stop judging individuals without understanding the context. There may be a million different reasons for someone that needs frequent job changes in a four year periods. Asking good questions to candidates will be far more informative and useful to the business than having a set of rules for dismissal or judgement.

Furthermore, the company is rarely/never accountable for swiftly laying people off individuals that may otherwise be excellent workers.

Frankly, if a company is discarding CVs based on perceived loyalty, then I perhaps those same companies to provide candidates with a contract reciprocates that loyalty via generous raises and job security.

> I wish we could stop judging individuals without understanding the context. There may be a million different reasons... Asking good questions to candidates will be far more informative

You won't even get to the "good questions" phase (i.e., get past the screening) if your resume is full of <1 year stints.

> Furthermore, the company is rarely/never accountable for swiftly laying people off individuals that may otherwise be excellent workers.

I've seen tons of resumes where people have done 12 companies in 10 years. think it's unlikely that was due to constant layoffs.

> Frankly, if a company is discarding CVs based on perceived loyalty, then I perhaps those same companies to provide candidates with a contract reciprocates that loyalty via generous raises and job security.

It's not about a noble ideal of loyalty. A person who leaves companies in 9-12 months is unlikely to have anything significant done in years (due to ramp-up time, etc). Not worth the risk to bring them onto your team, knowing their pattern is to be gone soon.

This filter may seem unfair, but I have found several short stints on a CV to be a strong signal that they may be short lived with us, too.

Which is the completely obvious conclusion if you think about it from the company’s and not the candidate’s perspective.

> I wish we could stop judging individuals without understanding the context

"judging individuals without (enough) context" is basically what resume screening is, sadly. There may be 10 resumes that are otherwise equally strong, but one has this "issue". Then that issue might cost the opportunity to give more context. That's just how screening works.

It's useful as a Bayesian prior. Repeated past behavior is a reasonable predictor for future behavior. There may be context that explains it, but hiring is really expensive and you want to get someone who will stick more than a year.

Leave a job per year for 4 years is at least a yellow flag to me.

I do a lot of interviewing

> There's a line, and I don't think it's very clear cut.

is spot on. I would also say 2 jobs in 4 years is ok, but if you have nothing but two year stints - I treat that as a negative.

I agree. Any given shortish stint can be for one of a million reasons. Two can just be luck of the draw especially in startup world. But at some point, things become patterns and, unless you're OK with the pattern, it's probably foolish to think that things will be different this time.

I know this is true but it stings to see this as someone who has unfortunately done a lot of job hopping. It all "made sense" at the time, and looking back I wonder what I should have done differently, but at this point I really don't want to job hop anymore. This is how I explain my story to hiring managers:

* Startup ABC: 3 years -> Quit for a job that allowed me to break into a niche.

* Company BigCo: 9 Months -> Got asked to return to ABC as a leader, related to niche. "Great opportunity", didn't have a record of job hopping at the time, took it!

* Startup ABC: (Another) 3 years -> Got tired of the grind and quit for a job at Startup XYZ. Seemed reasonable at the time.

* Startup XYZ: 3 Months -> Toxic work environment, quit for mental health reasons. Requires the most explaining, but I felt totally justified and have since been vindicated by semi-public info about the org.

* Company HugeCo: 6 Months -> Got an offer from Meta that represented a 2x increase in comp (plus prestige of Big Tech). Hard to say no.

* Meta: 1 year -> Saw the writing on the wall my team was going to get crushed in layoffs and opportunistically jumped while I could. Ended up being correct about my team's fate btw.

* Startup JKL -> Been here for 4 months with no plan of leaving.

So all in all, in the last 4 years I've had 4 jobs, the "danger zone" as the OP put it. I don't have any desire to change jobs again soon. How would you view my story? Would you see me as a serial job hopper? Someone who can't commit? Or someone who made a series of reasonable choices in isolation that resulted in a disjointed resume? Most of this took place between 2019-2022 when the job market was on fire, and I don't necessarily regret it (after all, my salary tripled during this time). But I know how it looks.

The yellow flag to me is less the job hopping and more that you were only obviously successful at one company.

I hopped jobs four times in four years between 1995 and 1999. Believe me, back then it really made sense (man, I miss the 90's). Although I've stayed everywhere I've worked since for at least three years (average five), this still comes up as a negative when I interview.

The fact that you were at Meta massively outweighs the job hopping imo. So I think you're fine :)

Also, if you job hop a bit and then spend at least 2-3 years in a single job, you're totally fine. Nobody faults someone for hopping early on.

OP is an idiot. Nobody cares if you’re job hopping.

Whilst nice and settled now, I've had a pretty patchy history largely as a function of the sector I used to work in.

That said, doing recruiting, I tend to look at the longest stretch. If someone's not chalked up 1.5ish years in one organisation that's definitely a flag.

Definitely agree that the line is blurry. 2 in 4 years is fine, especially in 2023 when the most recent short stint can be explained by widespread layoffs

2. Instead of LaTex embrace typst.



I de-emphasize lists of languages and technologies but there's a reason to put them there, and that's for searching and indexing. When I'm looking at a resume I want to see concise and accurate descriptions of accomplishments at the beginning, but I don't think it's a detriment if somewhere there is a list of technologies.

Just make sure that everything on your resume is justified and you're able to answer questions about it. Don't put SQL if you can't answer interview questions about it.

I don’t get the LaTeX thing — won’t recruiters and managers just print your LinkedIn to PDF if they need to pass it around in hardcopy form?

Is LinkedIn often used as a resume? LinkedIn to me is a social media platform. At least in the software companies I've worked for, and applied to, I've only ever seen actual resumes around.

Many resumes are super wordy. It can be easier to skim a LinkedIn profile than suffer through those.

It's even easier to just toss the resume.

> even easier to just toss the resume

I'm not convinced resume editing is a skill correlated with anything I hire for.

Effective communication is absolutely something I'm looking for in a candidate. The ability to communicate clearly and succinctly in writing is critical. I've worked with far too many people who'll respond to a question with paragraphs of narrative and reasoning and background information without actually giving a clear answer to the question.

There's a really tiny niche case where someone might notice or, if you point it out, be impressed or amused and have some say in the hiring process, but these will be weird rare situations that you can't predict anyway. I think you should do your resume with your most comfortable tool, and that might be LaTeX (in which case you can expand on it) or it might be Google docs and you know what? That's a pretty common documentation skill to want to have, too.

If I did get it in LaTeX I would probably question how much you think about your users, rather than looking clever around other devs.

LaTeX isn't the output format. You'd get it as a generated PDF.

The submission seems to suggest sending it in LaTeX to “impress” the hiring manager.

> The submission seems to suggest sending it in LaTeX to “impress” the hiring manager.

No, it did not. The author linked his resume as an example: A PDF generated from LaTeX.

Addendum: This only works if the hiring manager is a nerd like me

I don't have a LinkedIn, and it doesn't let me view a profile without an account, which forces me to pass on applications that don't have a CV attached.

Ironically, "Separate Entirely" (from the D.E.N.N.I.S. used in the Always Sunny episode) was changed to "Short Stints are Dangerous". From my point of view, "Separate Entirely" is better advice and it's justified by the given advice of "Short Stints are Dangerous". I "separate" my ego from the process because I know I'm being judged by someone's arbitrary system. "Short Stints are Dangerous" is the irony because it's actually part of someone's arbitrary judgement system. (I also understand that my interpretation is different from the episode of this comedy show. I mean to present it with this other interpretation.)

Some of the advice is pretty good, so it's not worth throwing it all out. Just take each piece of advice in turn rather than all or nothing. The "Drive Initiative" advice is solid, especially in terms of discovering what you'd like to accomplish in your job.

I like this perspective, especially with how harsh the hiring market is today

I've just been sending a url to all my employees for the last decade e.g. https://registry.jsonresume.org/thomasdavis (p.s. i built it initially)

If some recruiter or department asks for a PDF, I tell them to print the page or figure out a way lol

Hey, from one engineer to another, from a place of trying to be helpful, the resume looks very nice, but in the second sentence of your intro you write “use to” rather than “used to”.

Thank you.

It has probably been worded as such for about 8 years and no one has corrected it.

I'm a big fan of web page CVs too, perhaps I should amend to suggest this as a great alternative

I have interviewed quite a few now, and for me it might be:

(T)ech used before that meets job requirements,

(I)nitiatives taken,

(C)an my team work well with this person,

(K)nowledge acquiring capability on something - proxied by things like successful transitioning from different career path to programming or PHP to Golang etc



> In the recent round of tech layoffs, sometimes it’s unavoidable to have one or two shorter tenures - hiring managers are aware of this, and so this generally doesn’t count against you. But giving the appearance of job hopping in ‘peacetime’ is another thing entirely.

> If you’ve worked more than 4 jobs in the last 4 years, you’re in the danger zone. Many companies will discard a CV quickly if we don’t think you’ll stick around until next year.

I am so tired of this conversation. At this point, all I can do is shut up and be grateful to be rejected by these people if I ever have a spotty resume.

Sorry but this is a pretty nonsense post.

Thanks for the feedback - could you give any feedback for next time? I'm fairly new to writing.

(And yes I won't quit my day job!)

> No more lists

Good point from the point of view of the hiring manager. But there are people involved in the process often before the hiring manager sees a CV.

Speaking to a recruiter, they like lists of keywords. Helps them sort through large amounts of CVs. And this behaviour will result on the hiring manager getting similar lists on each CV.

I don't think using LaTeX for the resume matters. I've been using Markdown to build my resume for ages, and I've seen resumes that are handcrafted HTML, and I've seen resumes that are just a text file. The format only matters as much as it display something about you (if you're a web developer/frontend person, you should have a high quality web resume) and how it affects readability. Otherwise, I don't care as a hiring manager / interviewer.

If LaTeX helps you get it done and lets you generate multiple formats easily, go for it. I use pandoc + markdown to generate mine, and it supports LaTeX inputs as well. Don't expect the person reading the PDF attached in the hiring system 10 minutes before the interview call to care whether you used LaTeX or not, or even to comment on it.

A company that cares about your whether your resume using latex is probably a company I would not want to work for. They would probably spend all day in meetings arguing about tabs vs spaces and other geek minutiae instead of business outcomes.

Regarding the Latex suggestion, how would someone know if it was created using Latex? I’ve looked at many hundreds of resumes and have no idea if any of them were created using Latex.

This only really works if the hirer has used latex themselves. If you know you know.

I have the \LaTeX command in my skills line, which is really hard to typeset in anything other than LaTeX. Other engineers notice it unprompted.

Using Computer Modern is a a good indication. Also, mandatory XKCD: https://xkcd.com/1301/

Several points are things that have nothing to do with writing a resume:

'Name Recognition' - You should have worked at FAANG or large companies.

'Short stints' - You should have worked for 1.5+ years at each job.

'Drive Initiatives/Impact is King' - You should be driving features and taking ownership.

Those all take years to cultivate and are things you would obviously add to a Resume if you could. I guess the point is to not add in any fluffy BS. The authors point seems to be that people who have impressive credentials are good candidates?

This is a pretty fair criticism, thank you.

I did do my best on the re-drafts to try and ensure I was suggesting workarounds for the name recognition piece; but you're right that a lot of the points do boil down to "be very hireable".

Yeah no problem, I think every 'how to resume' article has a similar issue.

I have tried writing before and it is a huge pain so props for putting this together and getting it out there. Your style is fun and your writing is clear.

Thank you so much for saying that :)

"Impact is king"

No. Content is king, and unfortunately I don't see anything in particular in this article that I haven't heard 1000 times before.

The only dubiously unique point that this list contains (which is ironic because one of your points is complaining against lists) is your unusual emphasis on embracing latex. Unless you're E.E. Cummings, writing should be more about the substance and less about the styling, and yeah this is a subtle dig against Latex as well.

Meh, I would argue that latex gives you some power to automate mundane customization of the CV for slightly different jobs/companies without any hassle. For instance I have a script that orders my open source contributions and various side stints differently.

Imho the problem with LaTeX CVs is that they all look bleak and the same because it is (on purpose) tedious to create anything except the standard format.

I needed a sample LaTeX vita file in the early 1980's. I had logins on various math department servers, so I searched from root on each machine, and decided to base my vita on David Mumford's vita source file.

That says something about privacy in the era. I felt that what I did was entirely in the spirit of the default file permissions. Various people were nevertheless horrified when they learned that this search was even possible.

LaTeX's typesetting really stands out in a resume though. It looks gorgeous on screen or on paper. The spacing between letters and words is perfect.

I don't understand the obsession with LaTeX. Nobody realistically would care if you coded your resume in LaTeX because it's such a small "project" (a la "hello world") and there's nearly no real-world applications for that. Word templates work just fine and can be exported to PDF when needed.

This type of analysis always falls into the trap that assumes there's a global marker that separates good resumes from bad resumes. There's also some extra assumptions like what tool that was used to produce the resume matters. I know LaTeX quite well but use a Word document for my resume.

For me personally, I write my resume in an honest way that reflects what I'd like to show and discuss. It is a teaser for discussions to follow and isn't necessarily meant to tell the whole story, so there's a lot of little short nuggets. I have a lot of detail in the resume, perhaps more than I should and certainly more than recommended by so-called resume experts, but it always seems to work in terms of finding me interesting roles. The thing is that by honestly crafting my resume rather than gamifying it, it filters out roles that aren't a good natural fit for me. And I can always tell when someone would be nice to work with and that there's some shared philosophy because they commented on the non-technical portions of my resume, like my hobbies and inerests, the personality, or my influences (almost all non-technical despite me being in software and engineering) sections.

My resume and experience is weird, but I normally like to find weird roles. The greatest complement Inhave received was that my resume was "interesting", with the connotation of they weren't sure what to think of it but liked it. And I'm just a normal person who looks for interesting roles who probably can't (and doesn't want to be) hired at a FAANG. My Amazon interview was miserable. And it was clear my resume wasn't paid attention to. Would have made it easy to turn down the role if I was offered it, which I wasn't.

You should buy a boat. Then they’ll have to hire you, because of the implication.

It's baffling to me how many "senior web developers" don't have their CV hosted on a website. Regardless of whether it's plain HTML on a CDN or a hectic fully 3d WebGL demo, a senior dev should have a domain with a https secured connection expressly for showing that they can in fact deploy and maintain a production instance.

The recruiter needs a PDF? Have a version linked to at the top of the document, or let them know that they can just press CTRL+P and your beautiful hand crafted css media queries will lay out an equivalent copy ready to be printed.

Like a lot of the other comments here, a LaTeX resume signals to me that the applicant probably spends more time code-golfing than implementing practical solutions.

> spends more time code-golfing than implementing practical solutions.

Code golfing is a too-frequent requirement for interviews.

Many companies seem happy to miss out on the senior developers who avoid interview requirements to write code to do a fiddly string manipulation test within 2 minutes.

>Regardless of whether it's plain HTML on a CDN or a hectic fully 3d WebGL demo, a senior dev should have a domain with a https secured connection expressly for showing that they can in fact deploy and maintain a production instance.

I just don't think this really tells you anything meaningful. At least not with any certainty. I can setup a site on GitHub pages and push to main and that's all I need to do. Virtually no skill is needed to even do this.

> Like a lot of the other comments here, a LaTeX resume signals to me that the applicant probably spends more time code-golfing than implementing practical solutions.

Do you usually decompile pdfs to find traces of LaTeX to fuel your meaningless spite?

I have a word document I can email to people, and I don’t need to prove I’m something with a more elaborate setup.

Why? LaTeX is one of the most useful programming languages to know these days.

Which should be obvious from the fact that there's so many companies seeking out LaTeX experts. Oh wait...

Embrace LaTeX.... eh.

Tried that with 2 column, and later standard looking resume formats. Always got mangled by the auto-parser. Less of an issue with the MS Word ones.

No LaTeX. Use Word like a civilized person. Everything goes through an ATS now, and those like Word documents. Hiring managers, HR, and recruiters will thank you.

> Everything goes through an ATS now, and those like Word documents.

No worthwhile ATS system is going to have trouble parsing a PDF generated from LaTeX. This is a myth that just gets trotted about.

Fair comment.

using the "dennis" system to describe the average hiring managers is incredibly apt.

the entire process now is just designed to see how desperate you are. it's impossible to go through it without losing some dignity.

"Impact is king."

That's the cult at where I presently work. Engineer-led org.

As opposed to working in the UK government, where Charles is king.


A previous employer of mine established promotion guidelines based on the scope of someone's impact - individual, team, department, company, industry. But they never specified the direction of the impact.

There are so many ways for "impact" to go wrong during promotions and performance reviews.

I think my favorite were projects that just didn't have any metrics. Or that claimed to have metrics, but somehow they were never shared...

>Hire me… because of the implication

Are these hiring managers in danger??

You certainly wouldn't be any danger!

So they are in danger!!

No one's in any danger!

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