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This is the stuff that is exhausting.

Why focus on it? What good does it bring to you?

"Why keep looking at the stars through these telescopes? We all know the Earth is at the center of the Universe, the Pope said so. What good does it bring to you?"

I find it disingenuous to conflate “consuming news media” with “looking at the stars through telescopes”…

It's reality.

And in your day-to-day life, how does a deep understanding of the psyops being run against you and your countrymen do anything to help?

Knowledge is for action.

Your rights are being eroded, your purchase power is being drained, society around you is slowly collapsing.

Change that happens slowly is insidious to notice, but it surely is impossible if you choose to actively ignore it... until it becomes unbearable, and then it's even costlier to act.

How are you acting in response to this knowledge?

In a democracy the solution to problems is to spread the word and ensure many more people know, so that it can influence future elections. So exactly what he is doing here.

Yeah, I've tried doing it but nobody listens to me, they think I'm just stupid for having opinions "not like everybody else" or say "yeah, but what can we do about this?" or "yeah, but I don't trust that new candidate". I want to do something to better everyone's lives, but after seeing their actions day after day being anti-progress, I no longer care. Of course progress is as defined by me, they just have their own opinions which they consider as more valid. If all the people around me have other opinion about what's good for them, maybe I'm in the wrong? How would you deal with such situation?

So are you doing anything about it?

You will own nothing, and be happy.

Would you say ignorance is strength then?

Ignorance lets you live happily when you are not strong. Problem with strength is that it requires a lot of strength to get more strength.

The nice thing about strength though is that the more you get, the easier it gets to get more. Friction is greatest at rest. Maintaining existing strength has inertia.


When my friends have problems, I help them.

I volunteer my time to refurbish computers that were headed to e-waste for free distribution to struggling families.

I vote, especially focusing on local elections and measures.

I just don't think paying attention to news media is doing people any favors. It's kind of telling to me that you've compared not consuming news media to literally excusing genocide. That's how entrenched this industry is in our society...

I'm sorry you choose to spend your time sniffing farts. You could take the attention you gave news media and give it to your wife that is stressed out from you going to the bar. Maybe you'd want to sniff your own farts less then?

What's the exact difference between ignoring media when they tell you a genocide is being done, and when they tell you human rights are being taken away? That one is worse than another? Where do we draw the line, then - at death? So labor camps are okay, but gas chambers are not?

What do you do with the information news media gives you?

Do you act on it?

You act on it, or if you're powerless, spread it around to others until hopefully it reaches someone who's powerful and cares. Or just make a politically charged rap rock band. Anything is better than sticking your head in the sand.

I don't think turning off for-profit news media is sticking my head in the sand. I still talk to the people I care about.

I wasn't asking for suggestions though. I was asking if you act upon the information that news media spits at you.

And it sounds like you don't, and are embarrassed about that.

I am not embarrassed about anything, sounds to me like you're projecting your own emotions onto me.

I understand that your argument is "if you don't do anything about X, it is worthless to know about X", which is a defeatist attitude. You may choose to surrender yourself to your fate, and may even come up with a bunch of reasons why it's more pleasant to live that way, but if I'm locked up in a jail, I'll be spending my days trying to escape, even if in vain. Any action has a better chance of getting me out than trying to forget that I'm in jail.

That isn't my argument.

My argument is that consuming news media like CNN or Fox is unhealthy.

You're now comparing the consumption of news media to attempting to break out of prison.

Can you not see the psychic prison with which you are confined?

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