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I don't think turning off for-profit news media is sticking my head in the sand. I still talk to the people I care about.

I wasn't asking for suggestions though. I was asking if you act upon the information that news media spits at you.

And it sounds like you don't, and are embarrassed about that.

I am not embarrassed about anything, sounds to me like you're projecting your own emotions onto me.

I understand that your argument is "if you don't do anything about X, it is worthless to know about X", which is a defeatist attitude. You may choose to surrender yourself to your fate, and may even come up with a bunch of reasons why it's more pleasant to live that way, but if I'm locked up in a jail, I'll be spending my days trying to escape, even if in vain. Any action has a better chance of getting me out than trying to forget that I'm in jail.

That isn't my argument.

My argument is that consuming news media like CNN or Fox is unhealthy.

You're now comparing the consumption of news media to attempting to break out of prison.

Can you not see the psychic prison with which you are confined?

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