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And in your day-to-day life, how does a deep understanding of the psyops being run against you and your countrymen do anything to help?

Knowledge is for action.

Your rights are being eroded, your purchase power is being drained, society around you is slowly collapsing.

Change that happens slowly is insidious to notice, but it surely is impossible if you choose to actively ignore it... until it becomes unbearable, and then it's even costlier to act.

How are you acting in response to this knowledge?

In a democracy the solution to problems is to spread the word and ensure many more people know, so that it can influence future elections. So exactly what he is doing here.

Yeah, I've tried doing it but nobody listens to me, they think I'm just stupid for having opinions "not like everybody else" or say "yeah, but what can we do about this?" or "yeah, but I don't trust that new candidate". I want to do something to better everyone's lives, but after seeing their actions day after day being anti-progress, I no longer care. Of course progress is as defined by me, they just have their own opinions which they consider as more valid. If all the people around me have other opinion about what's good for them, maybe I'm in the wrong? How would you deal with such situation?

So are you doing anything about it?

You will own nothing, and be happy.

Would you say ignorance is strength then?

Ignorance lets you live happily when you are not strong. Problem with strength is that it requires a lot of strength to get more strength.

The nice thing about strength though is that the more you get, the easier it gets to get more. Friction is greatest at rest. Maintaining existing strength has inertia.

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