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Has anyone had success hiring bootcamp grads?

I’ve interviewed dozens and their resume will say something like “Fellow at [bootcamp]” or “Instructor at [bootcamp]”, and it turns out they made a simple programming 101 app and taught a 1hr intro to JavaScript class.

None have ever passed an initial screening by me for mid level dev jobs, but I’m curious if anyone else has hired a bootcamp grad for a junior role and had a great experience.

I hire them and give them a task somewhere between support engineer that executes well documented code snippets in run books and junior engineer that does very basic CRUD web app development. Making internal dashboards for the customer success team, etc.

Give them about 32 hours of work a week and 8 hours of tutorials on other things. Build them up from there.

I still lose about 35% of them. A combo of firing for lack of ability and the devs getting upset and leaving when promotions and raises come slow. Because the ugly truth is a lot of the bootcampers hit a plateau. I have had a couple push through to my bar for senior, but most cap out in my mid range.

During the shortage the ability to hire and get solid mids out of 65% of them was a net positive. Right now though it is less important given the talent coming into the market.

> I still lose about 35% of them. A combo of firing for lack of ability and the devs getting upset and leaving when promotions and raises come slow.

I've had similar problems. We've had some bootcamp grads who were good to work with and acknowledged that they were still very junior. We've also had some bootcamp grads who felt entitled to mid-range to senior compensation after their first year, while still getting their bearings on basic developer work. It's hard to explain that, no, I will not give them a raise to match what we're paying people with 5+ years of experience after their bootcamp promised them $200K comp after a couple years in the industry.

Their bootcamp should have added the caveat: at a FAANG

> It's hard to explain that, no, I will not give them a raise to match what we're paying people with 5+ years of experience after their bootcamp promised them $200K comp after a couple years in the industry.

I dunno, I think what you have right there is pretty good explanation wise, haha.

Are they able to go elsewhere and find better pay?

I wouldn’t be surprised if they were able to in the 2020 to early 2022 job market. Today’s market will be a good litmus test to see if people with surface-level knowledge and limited experience can land $200k+ a year jobs in tech.

Have you observed any other path for new want-to-be developers other than boot camps that tends to yield better outcomes ?

Activity is the signal. Self taught but goes to a ton of meetups. Enrolled in one of the legit online master's programs, etc. Ofttimes bootcamps can appear on these resumes. Someone did a bootcamp, realized it wasn't enough and kept growing in a manner.

People who treat the bootcamp as the terminal level of knowledge plateau.

Can't the same be said for University? I know lots of classmates who didn't do anything outside of what's mandatory. They wouldn't have a GitHub account if they weren't forced to in a class for example.

Not the person you are asking, but I'd say a genuine interest in the field.

A couple of simple hobby projects and participation in meetups and chats can give both faster ramp-up (beyond very basic) and solid job leads. My 2c.

Do you build those apps from scratch? Or are you using something like Retool?

I recently advertised a role and had over 2000 applicants (yes, really). The vast majority of applicants went through bootcamps. Personally, I'm fine with that, heck, I'm Head of Engineering and I'm a university drop-out i.e. didn't even complete a course!

One thing that irked me was bootcamps that have clearly told students to mark on their CV that they were somehow employed at the bootcamp. When I'm getting 50+ applicants who are supposedly employees of the one "company" it immediately rings alarm bells and de-legitimises the whole thing. My advice to candidates, don't do it. Well, my other advice to candidates is cover letters, cover letters cover letters. No seriously, cover letters! When I'm getting 500+ candidates who have completed a bootcamp there's next to no way for me to differentiate between candidates based on CV and a few example projects on Github (though, yes, you should include those).

I’ve noticed that a lot of bootcamp grads are, in fact, legitimately hired by their bootcamps - just not to write code. They are often brought on term by term as TAs until they find work.

I suspect this practice is a bit disingenuous of the bootcamps, a way to pad their “successfully employed” rates while keeping labor costs low. But it is hard for me to fault the candidates for putting those experiences in their resume. They need that money to keep their job searches going, and recruiters are always biasing against gaps on the resume.

If you’re being paid by them for any reason, put it on your resume. (And if you’re not…move it to the education section, where it belongs.)

Good bootcamps won't need to pad their employment numbers, because they'll be producing good quality candidates. So all you're really doing is highlighting the fact you went through a lower quality bootcamp. There's so many bootcamps I don't know which ones are legitimate and which are scams. Without that signal on the candidate's CV, I'd have no idea where the one the candidate has been through ranks. However, to me that's a clear indication that the bootcamp (or perhaps the candidate) are dodgy.

If the vast majority of applicants from one bootcamp claim to be employed by them then I can see why you would be suspicious, but I’d be hesitant to throw out all bootcamp grads who say they’ve been employed by their bootcamp.

There might be perfectly legitimate reasons to be employed. Maybe they were aiding instruction of earlier students as they got more experience, akin to a tutor or teaching assistant in colleges. Maybe they took a temporary job because they were unable to find a job right out of bootcamp, and the reasons for not being able to get a job don’t necessarily have to be negative (e.g. they had familial commitments).

Getting a job from a bootcamp is already hard and it wouldn’t quite sit right with me to reject someone outright for something that could be explainable. Perhaps if you are drowning in applicants then you are forced to be harsher out of practicality, but even then surely there’s a better filter then someone reporting what is ostensibly an experience applicable to job they’re pursuing.

> Good bootcamps won't need to pad their employment numbers, because they'll be producing good quality candidates

If you make this the metric to evaluate on, you're going to end up with the Ivy League scenario where bootcamps only admit people who would have succeeded anyway.

The POINT of education is to give people a chance to succeed who were likely to fail without it, and you have to accept a failure rate for that to work.

> One thing that irked me was bootcamps that have clearly told students to mark on their CV that they were somehow employed at the bootcamp.

I've seen this, too. At some point, everyone coming out of certain bootcamps was an "instructor" rather than just a graduate. I suspect one of them is running a scheme to have their own grads teach their own classes for reduced tuition.

I second the cover letter section. GitHub goes a long way, but it needs something unique. I know exactly what projects are taught at local bootcamps because they're in every single bootcamp grad's GitHub profile. Show me something you worked on by yourself.

You could probably message 3 random engineers at random companies and invite them to coffee and it'd be a better return on time invested for your career than writing cover letters. I'm not sure why you'd want to read 500 cover letters as opposed to reviewing 500 CVs.

And why on earth did you keep the job posting open to accumulate 2000+ applicants? Legal reasons?

> Well, my other advice to candidates is cover letters, cover letters cover letters. No seriously, cover letters!

I just throw the cover letters in the bin...

Yep, a lot of companies would bin them for unconscious bias reasons too.

That seems like a odd reason. Are they also tossing the resumes in the bin for potential bias?

I’m coming from the other side of things. I was a non-programmer with a programming passion that used programming as a part of my work voluntarily, but didn’t know the first thing about the kind of programming that companies hire for.

I took a coding boot camp when I decided to leave academia to join industry, and it was a useful primer on the “in” technologies that folks would be hiring for, and of the “style” of code that was fashionable at the time. I would not have hired any of my classmates (well, I might have hired one as a junior), but the bootcamp did what I needed it to do, exposing me to the “culture” of programming at tech companies.

I was hired as a mid-level and quickly progressed to senior at a large global tech company. I have been at a few different tech companies now and haven’t run into any major challenges or problems, and have only received positive feedback from my peers and managers.

If I were evaluating who I was then as a potential hire today, I’d probably consider me a risky hire with unknown potential. I think it helped that I had a number of usable “products” that I had made over the course of my career as a solo programmer that didn’t really fit any mold. I also think it helped that I didn’t have any trouble with basic algorithm brain teasers, finding them sort of fun at the time I was interviewing. I’ve never tried leetcode but I suspect I’ve only seen leetcode “easies.” Thankfully I haven’t had to do any of that for any of my subsequent jobs as I don’t think I’d have the patience for it anymore.

> If I were evaluating who I was then as a potential hire today, I’d probably consider me a risky hire with unknown potential

You would be wrong. The most important indicator the hiring manager saw in you is that you worked in academia. Hiring someone who worked in academia and also learned to code on the side is a lot different than hiring a middle aged soccer mom whose MLM scheme didn't work out. Both may have a 3 month bootcamp under their belt, but one has an entirely different work ethic.

That specific example seems sorta yikes opinion for somebody with hiring power. Aren't people who get targeted by MLMs victims? More importantly, what does that say about how hard they work? Or being a mom?

It‘s a stereotype for the sake of a stereotype. I don‘t think anyone identifies with such a narrow unrealistic stereotype, so there is no point in arguing for an entirely hypothetical marginalized group.

By the way, hiring is all about judging people‘s past work, and I‘m sorry to pop your bubble if you think past MLM work or having large gaps in your employment history doesn‘t reflect bad on anyone.

> I'm coming from the other side of things. I was a non-programmer with a programming passion that used programming as a part of my work voluntarily

I would love to ask why didn't you pursue programming in the first place, but last time I did that the person explained to me that they have a complex, chronic, hard to diagnose rare digestive tract disease and they went to study nutritional science specifically so that they could at least figure out what to eat to not makes things worse.

Honestly, I thought there was more glory AND autonomy in academia than in "industry." I came from a family that valued education and learning and monastic-like traditions over things like money or productivity. With the way my blinders had been fashioned, it simply didn't occur to me until later in my life that doing "problem solving for hire" was a viable life-path, and that software as a pursuit in and of itself offered me everything academia offered me and more.

I have a couple of bootcamp grads who are good. Thing is, I’m 99% sure they’d have been good without the bootcamp time as well.*

Overall, I’ve had a terrible experience with the bootcamp “mills” that cram people though dozens in a batch and where all of them have some bullshit story about how they did customer interviews and then built an inventory manager or CRM or e-commerce site for this (made-up) business. The story rhymes with a story that would be relevant but it’s 100% veneer with no backer.

They’ll have a GitHub link on their resume. On it, you can see the same code as 5 other applicants. All the green days are clustered together and all stop abruptly at the same time as each other.

Those candidates are what a lot of people think of when they think bootcamp.

tl;dr: bad bootcamps are bad. I don't think I've ever crossed paths with a Lambda School/BloomTech grad to have an opinion on their program.

* this is the type of bootcamp experience that reads to me like the rare positive exception: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33826116

That's a very rare exception: the mid-career professional that has already coded in a professional setting, and used the bootcamp to figure out how to market himself for SE roles.

Most bootcamp students will be young and not know the rules of the game, or the cultural signifiers that make them look 'employable'.

The companies who have hired them successfully (that I know of) tend to understand two critical things:

- You have to have an environment where they can learn - You have to have staff who can actually mentor them up

If you don't have either of those (which many startups don't, just due to not simply having the time/bandwidth) then hiring them can be detrimental.

So to answer your question: I know a few, but these companies that can do it are few and far between, and that's the dirty secret here unfortunately. The schools themselves seem to select for "can we place this person here and get our money" rather than necessarily where they can grow.

I've met some people with physics and accounting degrees who took boot camps and had success, but the people I've seen succeed were already problem solvers and math-aware. They just needed to know the language and routines.

On the other hand, I dropped out of school and have been programming for a majority of my life. I was never accused of being incompetent or underperforming, but there was a point in my career where I was not going to progress without deeper math skills. That said, it only takes a couple years to learn.

Can you elaborate on how/where you got your deeper math skills?

Books. A lot of people gave me books, many college-level books are free on the internet in PDF form. I also had to read back through algebra and calculus to pick up on some concepts I had forgotten. Earlier in my search I used Udemy and Khan Academy. There's good courses on both but they really only get you so far, imo.

> many college-level books are free on the internet in PDF form

As are many of the college-level lecture notes, assignments, and answer keys.

I'd be interested to hear more about this, as someone potentially in a similar position. What kinds of problems did you come up against where you felt your math skills were a limiting factor? What branches of math did you focus on learning?

Well, I've worked in cryptography orchestration (not actual cryptography, but I needed to understand how it worked from a basic POV) and in reliability engineering which is very stats heavy. Both of those became limited as I got more senior. For instance, a lot of problems can be identified by bucketing them in distributions - I didn't even really know or understand the math for representing a distribution. The long tail of where I actually used that was in a program that I used to create mock data for a set of devices my company was working on that simulated real household resource usage. These same math skills also became problematic as I started to need to learn/understand better applications of algorithms and data structures. There's a lot of assumptions baked in to things like asymptotics that you won't get without a background in math as well. You can certainly memorize certain things, but that has diminishing returns imo. I think I answered the last part above, but I refresh algebra and calculus. I read a stats book, took a Discreet course on Udemy, and read a lot on DS&A. I think that covers it. Took me about 3-4 years to chew through most of what I learned in my spare time.

I've hired 2 bootcamp grads from Turing in Denver. They were great and have both gone on to senior roles.

I mentored another woman in a bootcamp about ten years ago and she later went on to be a senior engineer at HashiCorp. She then got a PhD in Mathematics and eventually got into an academic role in cryptography/security/privacy.

I only have a high school diploma and I've had a successful 20+ year career in software. Honestly, there are people that are driven that go through all sorts of education pathways. I don't see a bootcamp certification being a strong signal towards success or failure. It's just a tool that folks can use.

Was also going to comment about Turing school. I've worked with Turing school grads who were really strong, as well as Galvanize/gSchool grads from the period when Turning and Galvanize were still the same thing. I think Turing School's non-profit (not for profit?) status affects its practices a lot, as I know it has smaller cohort sizes and pretty rigorous entry requirements.

In my mind, code bootcamps are just like anything else in the realm of professional education - there's a ton of scammy and low quality stuff out there, but there are genuine upsides to the format and some people are served really well and come out as strong engineers.

I changed careers with a bootcamp. I’d say about 20% of the class was “hire-able”. But everyone “graduated”.

A number of us has made good careers of it, but yeah the largest % were not capable. It was so bad it made the camp pretty painful at times.

After graduating I was worried about walking into a skeptical audience after they encountered some of my classmates….

> Has anyone had success hiring bootcamp grads?

Yes and no, because it depends on your expectations. At the last company I worked at, I made sure to have a chat with management to understand what they were looking for before I did my round in the interview loop. I also advised on what potential questions to probe with since I had some insight having worked as a lead instructor at a bootcamp. Sometimes that meant I would thumbs down an otherwise promising bootcamp candidate because they were weaker on say, the frontend when we needed a frontend junior dev. Our VP of Eng had already understood that and we batted way above average… at first.

Then C-level management took that as a sign that all we needed was juniors and cut the budget for hiring mid+ roles in the then hot hiring market. After a long dry spell (rejected offers), we relented and hired more bootcamp grads into junior roles. That eventually flipped the ratio of juniors to non-juniors which will never go well because you end up with an environment that can’t support their growth. On top of that, C-level management expected that more staff == immediate improvements on velocity and were vocally disappointed when we slowed down. We expected it and tried communicating it - ramping juniors sucks up time, they won’t be a net positive until waaaay later, but of course, they knew better.

Looking back on that experience, I learned a lot about the importance of managing upwards and setting very very clear expectations. Because that’s where I see a lot of these hiring situations go wrong. You need to make an honest assessment of both what qualities you need in a junior and of your own environment to know if they work for your company, bootcamp or otherwise.

The range of quality is extremely high in bootcamps. I've interviewed many bootcamp grads the median quality is pretty low. However, I went through a bootcamp (Code Fellows in Seattle) and almost my entire cohort went on to eventually join a FAANG, technical co-founder, or something fairly prestigious.

The curriculum, the teaching style, and the aptitude/ drive of the cohort matters a lot.

Fellow bootcamp grad here.

This is what drives me nuts. My bootcamp has a legitimately high placement rate (90% hired as SWE or dev within 90 days), that is audited externally, but somehow it is in the same category as something that takes 1/4 the time with a legitimately terrible curriculum.

There needs to be some better differentiator for vocational training.

I'm really interested in your last sentence there -

Something that I learned before I converted fully to SWE is that most other domains of engineering have this class of job I'll call a "tech." In the hardware world they're electricians, or electronics lab techs, in mechanical they're mechanics, and in the other domains you'll call them lab techs or factory techs.

It's a highly technical role with a different entry point that has a harder path to a higher tier of compensation, but also contains a pathway to management and more integration at an organizational level (similar to technical vs management tracks for engineers).

What's different is that domains outside SWE have pretty well-defined ways for people to enter into the "tech" position. Vocational training, like through trade schools, community colleges, the military, etc. We do not have that in software, yet.

Bootcamps are like an experiment into the vocational training to develop a "tech" for software development. Our industry is still very young, so we haven't found a way to define the roles for people that go through that training, and people don't know how it fits in or what the job responsibilities/management should look like yet. I think the model of treating a bootcamp grad like a potential junior engineer is wrong - it's really a separate track for career development.

I’ve hired quite a few mostly from the old DevBootcamp before it was acquired by Kaplan and spun down.

Like most companies, we hired them into our apprenticeship program and then they worked their way up from there.

Most of them now are senior engineers or moved into management across the globe.

I’d say DevBootcamp seems to have put out some of the strongest students and they’ve done extremely well for themselves with strong representation at FAANG and other “good” tech companies.

Can’t speak for the other camps besides saying I cant think who made it through our apprentice code day.

Glad to hear our students worked out for you! We tried hard to give students a career, not just their first job.

Some of the other anecdotes in this thread are disheartening, for sure.

Flatiron, Hack Reactor, and Hackbright also had similar reputations early on. A very different landscape now.

I graduated from a bootcamp 6-7 years ago and had several offers for entry level positions from smaller companies I wanted to work at - that said I have a degree in math and have taken several coding classes and have done some self learning projects already so I was ahead of the pack and went overboard on all of our projects. Like some of the others have said, maybe 20-30% were employable out of the bootcamp

It's like asking, has anyone had success hiring college grads? My data science bootcamp had actual Harvard and MIT degree holders (bachelor's, I don't mean their extension / online certificate programs). I guarantee you they had much better experience getting their resumes seen than the guys with no degrees. I'm in another bootcamp-esque program for SWE's and some participants have joined Google, but most have joined random second-tier companies or startups.

I hired a bootcamp grad and she's doing well. She did already have a mechanical engineer degree though and did program as part of that degree and so has a good mindset for solving problems. I hired her explicitly as a junior role though, I can't imagine hiring a bootcamp grad into a mid-level role directly - that would seem to be setting them up to fail?

Yeah, we found an amazing engineer through one of the bootcamp programs. It might have helped that she had a math degree and so she probably started with an analytical approach but either way, she did really well. This was in a rapidly growing enterprise software company with rigorous reviews.

There was definitely some bias against it in a few corners of our group but by and large, most didn't care. Ironically, the guy on the team that didn't like her because she came from a coding bootcamp (he had a CS degree) was by far my worst performer.

> It might have helped that she had a math degree

May be that’s my own biases speaking (and my degree), but I’ve spent all my professional life in a firm belief that a math degree is way more preferential than a CS degree for an SWE job. Like you should hire a CS graduate only when there is no math graduates willing to take the job (but we never had a shortage of those feeding on the Moscow State).

If forced to rationalize this belief, I would say that CS is just a subset of math, and not that intellectually challenging actually, so a person that has chosen a CS course over a math one has voluntarily agreed to narrow his intellectual perspective in order to possibly get a better pay in the future.

(Hides quickly).

I was a bootcamp grad that was hired for a junior level role (5 years ago)

It was rough at first but I had a chip on my shoulder and voluntarily worked 10-11 hours a days for 2 years straight to make up the time difference and learn all the things I needed to learn

I was a good hire (and was also bored AF living in Ohio)

I was a bootcamp grad in 2013. Myself and my classmates are now mostly filling Staff+ roles, many working in FAANG level companies. So, yes, many people have hired bootcampers and had a good experience.

I have heard that early classes from bootcamps tend to have great people, while the later classes are both more "dillute" in terms of raw talent and more starved of instruction time (as the bootcamp pinches pennies to make a profit).

I have worked with bootcamp grads who are amazing engineers and ones who are terrible, same with ivy league CS grads.

I do think there was a bit of a gold rush with fly-by-night programs popping up everywhere; as a result the quality bar for bootcamp grads has probably shifted down on average, but I expect there are still some very talented trying to jumpstart a new career this way.

Early movers in the space like DevBootcamp and App Academy were able to be quite selective about who they took, often picking primarily non-CS grads from elite universities looking to redeploy high levels of baseline intelligence and communication skills into a more lucrative field than whatever they studied at university. That was definitely my motivation once I realized I might never afford a middle-class lifestyle (e.g. homeownership, children) if I kept going in the scientific field I trained for.

Filling out staff roles at FANG? Not at the FANG company I work at. I’ve never met a single boot camp person, and absolutely zero staff engineers are boot camp grads that I know of, unless they scrubbed it from their LinkedIn and never talk about it.

> I’ve never met a single boot camp person, and absolutely zero staff engineers are boot camp grads that I know of, unless they scrubbed it from their LinkedIn and never talk about it.

This comment has the same energy as the person I once worked with who told me (a lesbian) with total confidence that they'd never met a gay person before. Just because you aren't aware doesn't mean it's not happening all around you.

It's very common for graduates to not talk about it, precisely because of the attitudes you see in these comments. It's easily left off LinkedIn because the experience only lasts a few months. And after you've had some success at the first job, it's not relevant anyway.

How many people do you know in the industry without CS degrees? A lot of those folks came in through bootcamps, whether they cop to it or not.

I considered it a shameful secret for years, and it's only now as I approach my tenth anniversary in the industry that I've become more open about it -- I'm confident my work now speaks for itself.

I'm skeptical of that claim as well. I happen to have a roster of product and engineering employees at a FAANG company.

It doesn't include any information about their education but what I can do is pick a selection of the staff level engineers at random and look them up on LinkedIn.

Here's the highest level of education attained by the first 50 I looked at:

7 had a PhD in Computer Science

1 had a PhD in Physics

1 PhD in Electrical Engineering

12 had a master's degree in Computer Science

1 had a master's degree in Computer Engineering

1 had a master's degree in Information Management

13 had a bachelor's degree in Computer Science

1 had a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering

1 had a bachelor's degree in Information Technology

6 did not list any educational experience

6 I could not find on LinkedIn

I did not see any that mentioned a coding bootcamp explicitly.

My claim was not that all or even most Staff engineers at prominent companies come from bootcamp backgrounds but that bootcampers can and have achieved this level of success. My bootcamp cohort was over 9 years ago... anybody who didn't wash out in the very early days has had plenty of time to grow and make significant contributions. Not sure why people find this surprising.

Can also confirm worked at multiple faang never seen anyone with a bootcamp. Sorry to break it to you but It's pretty rare.

I personally know people from my one bootcamp that have worked at Google and Apple. That’s without having looked to see if there are others I don’t know.

People tend to play down their bootcamp experiences because of stigma associated with it. It’s possible that there are bootcamp grads that don’t mention it because a lot of people think lesser of them.

I think the point of contention is with "Staff+" roles. I'm at a Big Tech company and we've seen lots of success with bootcampers, but I've noticed many of them hit a wall around Senior or Staff. Though I worked with an engineer who was super intelligent and a blast to work with and she is now a Staff engineer and was from a bootcamp. (At the time we were smaller and didn't really have any Staff level roles.) We've also had several bootcamp engineers move onto other Big Tech/FAANG companies so I have no idea what they're up to there.

I can see why folks might want to hide their bootcamp path if they already have past non-bootcamp experience they can point to. In all fairness, most engineers, whether top-10 CS school or bootcamper, tend to hit a wall around Senior or Staff. Without knowing the true denominator of bootcampers we've hired, I can't properly answer the question of whether bootcampers tend to do better, the same, or worse at these levels than average.

Everyone I worked with had a undergrad is CS/math/engineering and plenty had masters / PhDs. That's generally what the profile of devs at faang looks like. I'm sure there are some people who have different backgrounds but it's not common.

> How many people do you know in the industry without CS degrees? A lot of those folks came in through bootcamps, whether they cop to it or not.

People without CS degrees or degrees at all are fairly common, including at staff level and above. Many of these people have been in the industry since before bootcamps became a thing.

Previous comment showing a sample of 50 staff engineers shows only 1/50 having a non CS or CS adjacent degree and only 6 didn't show any degree. So idk if I would call that 'fairly common'.

I’m very biased because I went to a bootcamp. However, it was very focused on placement and had good access to roles. I felt more than qualified for an entry level role, and completed progressively more serious projects.

I had a few friends wash out of their tech jobs, and we certainly had some people that were never very good. Most of us were good enough for and entry role, and a few of us were slightly overqualified.

I’m now at a really great and highly technical company.

Some of these programs have serious problems. I think the ones with ISAs are the worst offenders.

I've hired quite a few, and generally speaking they've all turned out great. Having said that, the volume of resumes that come in to the ones that I've actually hired is vast. Myself and my recruiters have probably sifted through 10,000 bootcamp resumes per 1 hire. You have to be ruthless about who you actually talk to.

Another tip would be, don't interview a bootcamp grad for mid-level jobs.

Nope, that was also my experience. They either fell apart when asked to do a programming problem that required coming up with a data structure on their own (not one right answer, but not given to them) or on simple programming challenges when asked to adjust for a rule change.

I have hired them and taught a class. Rule of thumb if you can find they were top 1 to 3 in the class they’re probably a good if not great junior dev candidate.

My golden 2 pieces of advice to bootcamp grads:

Don’t use the resume template the bootcamp gives you. If 2/3 of your resume is “software projects” you’re probably getting screened out at this point even if you’re actually good, it’s a tell.

Second, since you’ll still need to include one or two, spend time polishing the heck out of them and make sure they are online and working! Best if they’re not a microblog, recipe/beer picker, or pokedex. Do the same polishing for your personal site. If it looks like crap you’re probably getting screened out on this, too.

> hired a bootcamp grad for a junior role and had a great experience.

Yes, but most interview candidates from bootcamps couldn't pass the tech screen, and most of the hires were mediocre. One was stellar.

One of my best new hires is a bootcamp grad with 0 real world experience. But he's a huge outlier, very self motivated, hardworking.

Personality type tends to trump experience. Unless of course you need a specialist to hit the ground running out of the gate.

In general, I have not hired many bootcamp grads over the years. They tend to present as very non-technical in most cases

bootcamp grads not being immediately good when hired makes sense in the context that even CS majors with at least 4 years of coding experience generally suck when they start. What could you possibly expect from somebody with 3-6 months experience?

bootcamp grads make more sense to be brought on as some sort of intern level hire with similar expectations

Hit or miss really. Like anyone hiring is difficult but I wouldn't shy away from hiring someone with a bootcamp experience

I have, and through many years of training (and more importantly, tons of hard work + raw talent on their part) have watched a few become very senior engineers / senior leaders in engineering management. This was years ago and they were from one of the bootcamps that only gets paid if you get a job as a software engineer.

My partner went to Makersquare (since bought & rebranded Hack Reactor).

They joined a successful small e-commerce site (Javascript), then a few years later joined Loon (Google X) (Python), and sensing the wind switched to another Google X project before Loon shut down.

They're doing pretty well, if I say so myself.

> My partner went to Makersquare (since bought & rebranded Hack Reactor)

Which in 2018 was bought and integrated into Galvanize!

lol I can't keep up!

The interesting thing is that much of the value of a diploma/certification is in the "brand" backing it.

In any case, I don't think my partner was counting on the value of the Makersquare brand as anything other than getting their foot in the industry, so that's done and gone.

Yes. One of our best mid-level developers finished a boot camp in 2020. Excellent mix of coding and communications skills.

Bootcamps are scams stealing money from the clueless.

I've hired Code Louisville [1] graduates across multiple roles now. This is a totally free program in Louisville, KY and does a great job of getting people setup for a new career. CL grads are all over the Louisville area doing amazing work.

Of course, all these programs are what you make of them. The best graduates are people that were really invested in learning and took advantage of the curriculum and mentors. For those that put in the work, they come out punching way above their years of experience.

1: https://www.codelouisville.org/


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