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I’ve hired quite a few mostly from the old DevBootcamp before it was acquired by Kaplan and spun down.

Like most companies, we hired them into our apprenticeship program and then they worked their way up from there.

Most of them now are senior engineers or moved into management across the globe.

I’d say DevBootcamp seems to have put out some of the strongest students and they’ve done extremely well for themselves with strong representation at FAANG and other “good” tech companies.

Can’t speak for the other camps besides saying I cant think who made it through our apprentice code day.

Glad to hear our students worked out for you! We tried hard to give students a career, not just their first job.

Some of the other anecdotes in this thread are disheartening, for sure.

Flatiron, Hack Reactor, and Hackbright also had similar reputations early on. A very different landscape now.

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