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Ask HN: Why aren't code diagram generating tools more common?
132 points by lurker137 on June 4, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 108 comments
When I'm trying to get familiar with a new codebase it often takes me a long time to build a proper mental model of the whole system. Even with my own projects, it's easy to lose track of all the components and their interactions since they're constantly changing, and making hand-drawn diagrams is time consuming.

So my questions are:

- Why isn't diagram generation automated as part of the build process (UML or otherwise)?

- Why aren't code visualization tools more popular? The options out there seem outdated

- Would you want to use these tools? What would be your ideal tool?

Edit: looks like this is a duplicate question https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31569646

I can't delete it so feel free to discuss more

When I took on a tech lead role, I began to understand the importance better of having diagrams available for key parts of the system. It just becomes so much easier to explain to people and get them up to speed. I often find myself referring back to the diagrams as well to refresh my memory quickly.

After trying various diagramming tools and dragging around boxes and lines, I settled on PlantUML which makes diagrams much much easier to create and modify. It cuts out a lot of the pain of diagramming with the mouse which means there is less resistance to creating diagrams and I do it more.

To your question, "Why isn't diagram generation automated as part of the build process" - one thing I've found that would be difficult to solve is the level of detail you need in the diagram. For instance, in a very complex system with many decision branches, a diagram with every branch would not be helpful. There are cases where I want a high-level component overview but don't want to clutter up the diagram with lots of details. And yet there may b cases where I do want some more detail but may be only in a certain section of the code. I think this judgement of detail tradeoffs is what would be the hardest problem to solve for diagram generation tools. You want enough detail to be useful but not too much to be overkill.

I hear you on having detail to be useful and not an overkill. As echoed by others, I usually bookmark threads like these to find a tool that can help, I've found SourceTrail and CodeSee. Have you used either one?

One of the problems is: what is the language to describe these diagrams? We do have UML and it's various variants: PlantUML, Mermaid but these are too low level to prescribe conventions over how to use these to describe complex architectures. A sequence diagram could describe anything through customer journeys, rest api call patterns to call stacks within a VM. Granularity/level of abstraction needs to be captured or else you end up with metres squared of boxes that cannot be parsed at a glance unless you're Rainman.

The closest I found that solves this problem is https://c4model.com/ but you still need the code to turn your code into these markups. Can this be well inferred from code alone without framework specific interpreters? I doubt it.

And then you still need a frontend to zoom and navigate the ridiculous amount of hierarchy found within any modern software architecture, e.g microservices.

It also doesn't help microservices patterns also prescribe that you don't share repositories or code. So now you also need to pattern match untyped references across these codebases.

This is a lot of convention and tooling that I'm not sure exists.

Edit: and this is before even getting into version control and reconciling the target->as-is iterative loop.

I really enjoy(ed) using c4. Still need to figure out how to protect against screenshots though!

Protect against screenshots? Could you elaborate please

I believe the parent commentator is referring to how screenshots of a diagram generated at build or runtime are almost always out of date.

It’s better to generate a diagram as needed than to archive an outdated artifact that could lead to confusion.

We just treat them as any other artifact, a plantuml job builds it and it gets published under a certain URL.

Boxes and arrows are a bad representation for complex systems with detailed relationships. Legible diagrams are limited to high level representations of a system where many details are left out. Constructing useful high level views of complex systems requires human judgement.

Generation of legible diagrams could be accomplished on a domain or framework basis where code is subject to local patterns and can be structured "for" generation. We see this with things like OpenAPI schema generation.

Ultimately I think diagramming isn't prioritized because diagrams themselves aren't that valuable. They're just a medium for the actually valuable thing: high level representations.

I wonder if one could feedback into the other though?

I want this diagram from my code because it’s a simple way to understand the system, ok then you better refactor your code to match that simple abstraction…

> Why isn't diagram generation automated as part of the build process (UML or otherwise)?

I vaguely recall Visual Studio has this option where you can generate some sort of class diagram. It looked like shit the last time I used it (~2019) especially as your classes get more and more functions built into it. I also can't imagine how shitty it looks for codebases that have a significant coupling problem.

Furthermore, creating a UML diagram is a documentation process rather than something that should be automatically built in. I put it on the same level as writing a document in a word doc or something that's done as the project gets closer to being finished. Some places can live with it, a lot of places (actual software companies) probably do not as they move unreasonably fast (Agile) which does not even allow time for documentation or they just purposely neglect documentation.

> Why aren't code visualization tools more popular? The options out there seem outdated

Because they look like shit. I tried mermaid with markdown, I was not happy with the results, I tried plantUML back in 2019, I hated how it ended up looking, I hated how I have to install java for it, and I gave up on it pretty quickly.

The only code visualization tool I ever use is either draw.io or MS Visio. At lease there's a plugin for that for VS Code.

> Would you want to use these tools? What would be your ideal tool?

Markdown with vim option. It also must have an option to force a top-down flow approach and not freaking forcing it to be a left-right layout

>It looked like shit the last time I used it (~2019) especially as your classes get more and more functions built into it. I also can't imagine how shitty it looks for codebases that have a significant coupling problem.

That's the point, right? Visually representing the complexity of the system. I've used IntelliJ to do this before to show why modifying certain behavior was so slow and error-prone. In that case there were 3-4 classes with heavily overlapping functionality because, surprise, in the past there were multiple teams contributing to the same codebase that all did their own thing.

I think UML (etc...) was one of those things that look great on the surface but once you start diving deeper all the problems hidden under the surface become overwhelming. If a thing has been tried many times in the past and even with a lot of money thrown at it, yet it still disappeared into obscurity, then it's a pretty good sign that the idea wasn't great to begin with.

In practice it's the same problem as "noodle graph" visual programming. It works well in some niches (e.g. creating shaders in graphics programming, or sometimes describing AI tasks in game programming), but it completely breaks down outside those niches.

Plus, if it's as much work to create a diagram as it is to do much of the programming (not to mention maintaining it), you're just not going to do it.

One type of diagram I have found to be truly useful, though, is the sequence diagram. I needed to integrate someone else's library into my application, and having this was a huge help.

If anyone has a pointer to a good sequence-diagram generator (that runs on Mac, preferably), I'd be happy to hear about it!

PlantUML does sequence diagrams very nicely, using a pretty simple markup language. It becomes very easy to draw up sequence diagrams quite quickly after using it for a short period of time.

It's hard because programming is hard :-). I still believe UML is great, but the difficulty is to make the diagrams so precise that they convey crucial understanding, yet so abstract that they hide as much detail as possible.

That is nontrivial, and it is very hard to do well. But it is also the essential job necessary when designing software and then communicating the essence of that design.

My favourite tool btw is plantuml. It lets you describe diagrams (class, sequence, deployment) with text/algebra. Plantuml works well up to a point where the diagrams becomes to complex for the layout algorithm to do well.

I used to think of this as an annoyance, but now I think of it as a feature: It is a way for the universe to tell me that the model is becoming too complex. The layout algorithm serves as a proxy for everyone else that should parse the diagram, and if I can make the diagram better by simplifying, so be it.

Now, a human can do diagram layout better than plantuml, so a human can easily concoct diagrams that are both more complex and better looking than plantuml, but it is my firm belief that this usually not a good thing: It more often than not means that the message is lost in the complexity of the diagram.

Keep it simple!

I've already mentioned this on the other thread (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31569646), but my friend and I have been working on https://www.codeatlas.dev as a sideproject - it's a tool for creating pretty (2D!) visualisations of codebases, while providing additional insights via overlays (e.g. commit density, programming language or other results from static analysis like dead code/test coverage/etc.). For example here's the Kubernetes codebase visualised using codeatlas: https://www.codeatlas.dev/repo/kubernetes/kubernetes

At the moment, codeatlas is just the static gallery, but we're only a few weekends away from releasing a Github action that deploys this diagram on github pages for your own repos - if you're interested, feel free to watch this repo: https://github.com/codeatlasHQ/codebase-visualizer-action

OP, how close is this to what you had in mind in your question?

EDIT: fixed broken links :o

Just a heads up: Your links are broken. I think it's because you are using Reddit's syntax which HN doesn't support.

Ah thanks!

I've since been convinced that what I had in mind initially (generating a bunch of static diagrams with each build) is not very useful. Your site comes closer to what I think would be the better solution, an interactive diagram, but at the level of classes/functions and their interactions instead of files/folders. Your project looks great for exploring a Github repository though.

I’ve had this need a few times. Just a couple weeks ago I needed to quickly understand the set of package dependencies within a codebase and wrote some scripts that extracted a report as well as a graphviz file. I’ve done that a few times over the years. The biggest obstacle to a general purpose tool usually is the compiler front end that is needed to correctly parse the code to get the entities and relations you need to visualize. Without that it’s hard to write a reliable tool for extracting the information, and if you care about multiple languages you need multiple front ends.

People do want it (contrary to the common HN refrain of “well, I don’t want it so clearly nobody wants it”). We’ve had customers where I work specifically ask for these kinds of tools. They’re just harder than they seem to write, not only for the parsing reason I mention above. For many codebases you see a giant ball of spaghetti if you look at the full graph, or the layout algorithm gives you something gigantic and hard to browse. That’s a deficiency in graph visualization tools: again, a hard problem with little good tooling out there.

I’d love to see more work in this area since there do exist people who see value in it, contrary to the skeptics.

I agree that dependency graphs are the way to go - they show the structure of the code better than anything else. And yes, the problem is that the graphs show all of the details, whether they are important for gaining a good, overall picture of the system or not.

What you need is the ability to filter the graph. Narwhal and the nx mono-repo toolset has a pretty cool dependency graph feature built in. Here's a video of how they use it:


Where is the funding for this work? Customers want to solve end-to-end problems, now, so it's difficult to get support for deep work on a particular part of the visualization and analysis stack (for almost anything, not just code).

Maybe it'd be neat.. but, I think sometimes "the map is not the territory" goes both ways. - I probably want a diagram to be simpler than the actual system.

With a manually constructed diagram, I have leverage to handwave irrelevant details away.

Perhaps to compare with documentation: it's easy to automatically describe things like types, and maybe callgraphs, but there's value in having prose which explains details about the interface which the program's type doesn't reveal. - With diagrams to visualise a system, the significance (or incidental nature) of the relationships may be hard to pick automatically.

Yes exactly. There are no tools that can build proper mental models.

Most of a system is either uninteresting or trivial. You need someone to tell you where the interesting part is.

Diagram generation is plagued by the same problems as the "Rational Rose" fantasy of automatic code generation from diagrams: trivial applications are trivial to diagram, and non-trivial ones defy it, as the complexity (dependencies tend to form dense, multiply connected graphs in these applications) quickly outstrips any straightforward mapping to a visual representation.

I wouldn't use these tools anyway, to be honest. They have some limited utility when constrained to small components/parts of an application (e.g., self-contained libraries), but for understanding systems as a whole there is too much to have effective reverse-engineering into a visualization (in my opinion).

I think it's kind of like the AI Winter -- there was a period of time when the software industry really went down a stupid path in regards to diagram-based code generation. A lot of kool aid was drunk over promises of making it so that everyone would be able to program.

But, of course, it turns out, someone still needs to understand and be able to debug all the nuances that makes complex logic systems complex, especially when they're cobbled together from many underlying systems.

The real goal should be to take good programmers and magnify what they can do. But since the industry bought so hard into the naive vision, the industry is behind where it should be on a smarter vision.

The OP is asking for diagram generation not code generation.

Which are two sides of the same coin, transformation of code <-> Diagram.

The industry couldn't get the simple one of those (diagram -> code) to work well enough, how would they do the much more complex reverse?

Architectural and even library nuances can't be easily quantified to a particular UML symbol unless you go through the effort of classifying it for every library/design pattern, and keeping that up to date as well.

Not really the same thing. With diagram generation, the code is still the source of truth. There would just be a way to automatically visualize it.

With code generation, you would program by diagramming up front and then the code would be generated from that.

Speculating based on both writing large systems from scratch, and joining a group where a large confusing system was being used...

Diagrams are sometimes unnecessary overhead early in a project. Sometimes I’ve used them and seen other people use them for initial design planning, especially if management needs to be involved or approve the plans & schedule. But by a year later, the design has grown and changed, and everyone on board is so familiar with the code, but also so pressed for time and feature delivery, that making diagrams doesn’t make sense: nobody involved at this point needs them. Two years later, when the code is getting complicated and slowing down, and you’re onboarding some new people, that’s when it might help to sketch the flow of code.

FWIW, sometimes a good profiling tool will show you and let you explore call stacks, call graphs, execution charts, etc. I often reach for a profiler when I’m new to a codebase. Flame charts are a fave of mine. You can find flame charts in Chrome’s debug tools, or in compiled language profilers like vtune or valgrind. Here’s a decent article on how to use them https://www.brendangregg.com/FlameGraphs/cpuflamegraphs.html

Another issue is that well designed code bases diagram themselves by their module structure, while diagrams for poorly designed code bases may not help understand them at all. When code has too many side effects, or things are poorly or misleadingly named, when class boundaries aren’t well defined or the code has a lot of spaghetti, diagrams might not really help.

IMO two things worth doing are: get a mentor in any new codebase any time you can, and 2) start building your own arsenal of code diagramming tools, rather than wondering why or waiting for others to do it. Demonstrate the value of diagramming code to people around you and see if you can get it to catch on.

The thing with profiling tools is that they're more focused on the details than the big picture at the system level. I'll definitely be using flame graphs more though, thanks for the tip. Also you are absolutely right about waiting for others to make the tools, but sometimes the tools don't exist for a good reason that I wouldn't have realized otherwise.

Yep, that’s totally true. Profiling & debugging tools are designed for sampling the behavior and performance, and not primarily for understanding architecture. Still, they’re great for inspecting call stacks, which can be pretty damn helpful for certain parts of understanding the code.

IMO there’s no real substitute for getting the design explained by the people who designed it. (Of course this isn’t always possible, but when it is, take advantage.) Automated tools can never prioritize the explanation nor summarize what parts are critical or tricky vs what parts are incidental or trivial, and they can’t tell you which parts should be redesigned because they were slapdash vs which parts look ugly to a newbie but have a long list of hard to see requirements, and touching things should be done with extreme care. Good diagrams are very helpful, but best used as a supplement to in-person stories, in my opinion.

CASE Tools with round-trip engineering need to make a comeback.

To answer your question, people do use various tools to extract Class Hierarchies, Call Graphs, Cross-Reference listing etc. The other HN thread that you have linked to contains some details. Lots of people do use them. You can easily add Doxygen/CFlow etc. to your make files to generate the diagrams during every build. The key thing for usage is that do not try to comprehend the entire system as a whole (all but impossible for large systems) but localize your study to a module at a time. Once you have the different pieces mapped out, you can combine them by hand.

Fully agree. A diagram is ok to describe a flow, but for complex code or systems, round tripping is a necessity, otherwise the diagram is or quickly becomes inaccurate and worse than useless. In the 90s I tried software called TogetherJ, it seemed to support round tripping really well, so well maintaining code was the same as maintaining diagrams, and led to better quality in both, along with documentation and other benefits such as relaying higher order concepts. I just did a search for togetherj and the only reference I could find was a 20 year old forum mention. Weird. I suppose there must be high end enterprise CASE software that still supports this approach, though I'm guessing most people abuse it so it's no longer respected. I think these things happen in cycles, as we can 'orchestrate' larger systems with meta descriptions of components, they become more valuable.

I remember both Rational Rose and TogetherJ CASE tools. Round-trip engineering was supposed to be practiced by both Domain Experts and Programmers each modifying their models and still having them all consistent with each other. But what happened in practice was that only Programmers used them who did not see the utility of updating a UML class hierarchy instead of directly updating the Class itself. That and the exorbitant pricing is why they fell out of favour. It is really a shame because with the explosion of distributed apps using a variety of languages/tools a single uniform interface modeling all aspects of the software is sorely needed.

PS: Came across the book Software Visualization - Visualizing the Structure, Behaviour and Evolution of Software by Stephan Diehl which seems to provide a good survey of the field.

Any high level diagram usually needs one of the architects to produce it manually in the context of the audience and what aspect they specifically need to know about the structure/logic

In most complex systems the part where the magic happens is likely impossible for a tool to identify so would get lost in the noise of the cruft around it -- even for monoliths using frameworks and especially for anything distributed across microservices, and it's usually that aspect that is of most interest

> - Why isn't diagram generation automated as part of the build process (UML or otherwise)?

This is very hard. And since it's hard, it's not automated. And since it's not automated, it goes out of date very quickly. I think that's the fundamental issue: keeping around evergreen documentation is a lot of overhead. There is no connection between the code and the diagrams, so it's too easy to change the code and not realize that the diagram needs to be updated too.

Another thing is that it's really the most useful for new members. If you've been working on the infra for a while, you already know the structure and you don't need the diagram. So teams tend to just avoid the diagrams altogether.

Completely agree. And what ends up happening is that when generating diagrams doesn't turn into tradition, it does end up being forgotten and contributes to more time spent by members in understanding the entire codebase. I find it hard to believe that there isn't a tool that is being built for this though so I know we'll eventually have it.

One issue is that a general visualization tool might have have a lot of problems jumping from a codebase in language X to a codebase in language Y (let alone a mixed codebase). MS seems to have this Code Map tool but it looks like it's for C# / VB mainly, with some C++ support.


In many cases it might really be faster and easier to just diagram things out with a pad of paper and a pencil compared to setting up a tool like this and getting all the parts working correctly without any bugs.

That said, a virtual reality 3D tool for visualizing code base dependencies, internal structure, what parts call what other parts, internal exception handling etc. would be pretty cool. Maybe it's an area where AI machine learning could do something.

That tool from Microsoft comes closest to what I think would be ideal, generated diagrams that aren't static and where you can include/exclude and move around components. It would definitely have to be language specific, but once things catch on IDEs implement language specific plugins soon after.

- Why isn't diagram generation automated as part of the build process (UML or otherwise)?

It's another thing that can break, another element that needs to be maintained. In my experience there are very few pieces of code that will be able to run indefinitely without ever being updated, fixed, or re-examined at some point. The cost of adding more processes is not one-time, and it can be difficult to figure out what the time bounds are.

- Why aren't code visualization tools more popular? The options out there seem outdated

People who are interested in the structure of code are typically engineers, capable of writing and reading the codebase of interest. A UML diagram may be a way to understand an element of the system, but things such as in-line comments in the codebase itself are often more instructive on structure and function.

- Would you want to use these tools? What would be your ideal tool?

When I was in high school, if I didn't want to read, say Crime & Punishment, I could buy the Cliff's Notes version, and get a chapter-by-chapter summary of major characters, events, and literary techniques. In many ways, it contained all of the information of the book without the substance.

But importantly, it took significantly less time to read and fully process than the book, while being written in the same language. In code, it is already extremely easy to look thru header files, or collapse every function in your IDE to get a high-level overview of what data and methods exist. You can then dive in immediately to anything you would like to understand better ("what does 'UpdateSignificanceValue' really mean") and there's no mental overhead in translating from an encoded diagram into whatever your mental model is. This is why I do not personally see value in code visualization -- outside of notes I take that are relevant to any specific problem I am working on.

This isn't a tool for generating diagrams from actual code, but I have really enjoyed using PlantUML lately while putting together design or architecture proposals: https://plantuml.com

As someone who is not a very visual person at all, I found it really nice to use to make my design docs more comprehensible to visual learners. I've gotten good feedback about designs every time I've used the tool.

Even a few very basic UML diagrams (Use Cases, Class, Sequence) can form a very effective introduction to a system.

I feel that people have just embraced Agile blindly and simply forgot about basic modelling.

Embraced or been forced into it? If you want to do long term planning and design, good luck. Everyone wants to continuously change their mind on what they want/need and have the software react yet they also somehow assume this approach creates well defined systems when it does quite the opposite. Adaptation can still create reliable and well defined systems but the rate of adaptation needs to be reasonable. In agile that simply isn't the case, it's just a way to pass consumer demand and responsibility for meeting that demand right down to developers while arbitrarily placing budgetary and time constraints around that process. Development teams are often acting as small businesses anymore with similar risks but less rewards with a middle men sitting between them and the consumer, unless you work at a large tech company where that's still a little bit insulated although not entirely when product lines are killed off.

Ultimately, you just create and endless amount of complex work that keeps developers continuously busy. On the bright side there's a never ending amount of tedious work wrestling systems back into some manageable form, on the downside that work is miserable, in my opinion because much of it can be removed whth proper planning. At some point, expectations eventually meet reality no matter how many developers management burns through, at some point it's clearly not an issue with technology, it's an issue with approach and project management. By that time the organization has had enough turnover in those above and below those pushing agile that those issues too can be hand waived away and the cycle repeats.

Absolutely this! Communication of design is an enormous gap that has emerged in the last could of decades.

>I feel that people have just embraced Agile blindly and simply forgot about basic modelling.

Very Good Point!

If you only look at things piecemeal and never holistically, the need for modeling and corresponding tools decreases.

At the beginning of my career I worked for a company that was started with two reverse-engineering tools: one to produce low-level, single method/function flowcharts and another for automatic extraction of high level components and connections between them. It retired the former and later - the latter and pivoted to static analysis tools: finding logical errors, security vulnerabilities, enforcing coding standards. So I have first-hand knowledge of what worked and what did not work.

The main problem with low-level code visualization was that it did not add much to the well-formatted code representation in most cases. As for the high-level architecture extraction tool, which is more close to the question in the article, many links on the diagram do not just involve header inclusion, module import, method calls etc that are relatively easy to extract (not without its own challenges with virtual and indirect calls though). Users wanted to see Inter process communications (socket, queues, pipes, http connections) and extracting those is an uphill battle though we introduced some of it (lots of custom, platform specific code). Between this and knowing which connections are important and which are less so, automatically extracted diagrams were of limited value.

What were the two tools used?

Not sure I understand the question but the two tools company started with were (1) visualizing control flow graph of a single method/function (2) extracting hierarchical components from directory or package structure and relationships between them (imports, includes, calls etc). The ones that ended up being used were byproducts of the “compilers” that we had to implement: finding logical errors and security vulnerabilities based on control flow and data flow analysis (pretty much what conventional compilers like clang and gcc do for code generation and optimization).

I totally agree that having visual diagrams of a code base can be super helpful, especially when getting familiar with the code, or onboarding a new engineer. However I don't think we see automated tools because generating a useful diagram from source code is not a solved problem.

Fundamentally I think that the useful kind of software or system diagrams are always abstractions of the actual code. Figuring out the correct abstraction for the intended purpose requires either experience or a lot of trial and error. It may be possible for very specific applications, but I kind of doubt there is an algorithm to generate the content for a useful system diagram from the raw code.

Then there is the problem of rendering and layout out the diagram automatically. We have Graphviz and Mermaid, and probably others I haven't heard of, and while these do an okay job, I've never found their layout algorithms to be particularly great.

Overall, I don't think anything is going to be as useful as a manually drawn diagram, made with a specific intent in mind.

I find those diagrams a lot more confusing than just reading and having a mental model of the code.

It's a very valid criticism of diagram "systems" like UML. But, "read the code" doesn't scale. It makes it brutal when onboarding new team members who will not understand the "tao" of the system without a fireside chat with the original developers. And, usually, the OG devs are long gone...

The tao that can be sequence diagrammed is not the true tao, either.

Seems like someone asked the same question just 3 days ago. Here is the discussion if you're interested: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31569646

I always had the same feeling, and I found out about aphantasia in the last few years: I do wonder if these are related?

As of February 2022, GitHub supports Mermaid diagrams directly: https://github.blog/2022-02-14-include-diagrams-markdown-fil...

This may help with adoption.

Did not know about this, but thanks, seems quite useful!

The problem facing these tools is a catch-22 really - diagrams are useful when understanding big messy codebases but big messy codebases are hard to visualise.

For instance, I frequently build small paper diagrams of different code paths through a component and nearly always find leaky abstractions, mixed layers of abstractions, weird cyclical dependencies, etc. etc. and there really is no clear way to diagram this. Instead, you sort of have to make judgements and assumptions to make the diagram concise and understandable; the sort of decisions that machines just aren't that good at.

On the other side, when code is simple and easy to follow then the pay off of building a diagram just isn't there.

"... make the diagram concise and understandable; the sort of decisions that machines just aren't that good at. ..."

Exactly. I've found that there is no perfect tool and I'm closing in on 40 years of writing software. I use a blend of UML, IE (James Martin's Information Engineering), etc. Anything that makes it "easy-to-grok". Draw.io generally does what I want it to do; there is no feedback loop back to the codebase. It's really just to help onboard new helping hands.

I'm starting to see all the problems with static diagram creation. I still think there can be more work in this area, maybe a full dynamic solution separate from the IDE that just helps you navigate the maze and make your own diagrams. With all the work that's been going into making developers' lives easier surely someone could focus on the exploring codebase part.

Paper and pencil is definitely the way to go. If i make something that turns out to be useful I’ll make a digital version after.

> Why aren't code visualization tools more popular? The options out there seem outdated

In my experience these tools generally exist to facilitate bikeshedding. The academic nature of UML makes it pretty useless in the real-world.

Something that could be useful is having a tool that uses knowledge about code to help you build a mindmap (but does not just puke the whole thing out). Huge bonus points for allowing the user to create late-bound relations and conceptual boundaries. Finally, one of these tools should be able to compare its output with the source, and indicate what has changed (through deletion/addition, or via VCS diff).

A decade or so ago, I was tasked with auto-generating documentation, including diagrams (super- and subclasses, to begin with), of a fairly large system in a domain-specific language developed over the past couple of decades. The language had a kind of multiple inheritance (a traitlike system), and at the time around 1500 types/classes/traits/mixins/whatevers, with the entire system all queryable at runtime (and indeed that’s how I generated it—someone else provided Python bindings to the system, then I traversed it all in Python). Just to amuse myself, I generated one class diagram of the entire system. It was around 30 metres wide and I think 30cm high when I zeroed all the margins and padding I could in GraphViz. Flipping its orientation, I got it to be 15 metres tall and almost 1 metre wide. I figured it could be fun physical wallpaper for the office, but in the end settled for just a labelless rendering with random line colours as a desktop background. It was pretty.

But more seriously, it depends on how complex the system is and how it’s modelled. The case I was working with then transferred excellently to such diagrams (shallow and deep inheritance, and other forms of composition and linkage, with every box a link) and key-value property sheets about the types and the likes, but I don’t think I’ve encountered another system where anything even vaguely like that would work particularly well.

That's a great point, I doubt there can be one single modeling solution for all systems. I imagine a modern tool would be more like a suite with many options for common use cases. And it would be essential to be able to narrow down on specific subsystems maybe using something like a gitignore file

I have used visualization generation tools but have found them of limited utility to me. When the generator is built into an IDE, the artifact it generates is less useful than the IDE itself, which typically provides a structural (symbol tree) view of the code as well as symbolic navigation ("Go to definition/references").

A visualization can be helpful as an artifact for non-technical colleagues, but I always end up hand-rolling those diagrams to highlight a specific aspect of the system and hide irrelevant features.

Because no one has created a good enough one yet. Maybe you can. I am in desperate need for something like that and often just write diagrams on a piece of paper for code paths I am trying to understand or debug. Many things were just ideas for decades until someone figured out the right way to do it. This is one of them. You'll know you're close when coding with the diagram is faster/better/easier than without.

Not sure which language you need, but I worked on a tool called Codemap that visualizes any Javascript/Python codebase. I also made a Hacker News post which may be interesting to you. - Codemap https://codemap.app - HN post https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24241998

Let me know if that works in your scenario :)

There's a few that comes to mind: SourceTrail and CodeSee.io

I made this node/tree editor 20 years ago: http://move.rupy.se/file/logic.html

It has been used for database schemas, game story creation, cutting up sprites among other things...

Lately I made my own node database so I don't need this tool any longer, but I'm sure it will prove useful eventually again!

They can't even really diagram databases effectively, and that's "just" data.

Maybe you'd need a three dimensional model (really it's likely n-dimensional/hyperdimensional), 2D might not be enough.

Programming models get so convoluted with regards to state and interactions, both in-memory/in-process state and the stored state in databases/files.

Jurassic Park's 3D filesystem was a pie in the sky idea, what, 30 years ago? Holy crap it was 29 years ago or so. We've had REVOLUTIONS in 3D processing and games, and never even stratched the surface of basic 3D visualizations of code or data or filesystems or machine networks or the like.

And then even if you represent a diagram, it's useless without time visualization/traces, as kind of referred to by the RR debugger post. So for active code, you'd need simulation or actual run data to show what it does visually to be effective.

Really what's being dealt with here is probably related to theory of computation, and various results like the undecidability of the halting problem. The halting problem shows that even for very basic languages that are minimally Turing complete, the complexity shoots VERY QUICKLY to massive degrees of infinity/uncomputability.

So some catch-all visualizer for even general classes of Turing complete languages is probably impossible.

Maybe something like "this is a java spring app with well regimented separationg of data/domain classes and service classes"...

Even then once you get to database persistence ... wow.

And the amount of data you'd need to store for test runs.

Spring + TDD enforces a certain simplicity to a codebase, so perhaps you could make effective classes of visualization and tracing/replay visualization for that.

But it is telling these tools don't really exist, and attempts like UML were largely abandoned.

I think the problem is much harder than we think it is. In my experience, when you "hand build" a model of a codebase, either in your head, in your head plus notes, or in an actual diagram, you make *a lot* of executive decisions: what relationships you focus on, at what level, whether to include implicit or dynamic relationships, etc. None of this is easily automatable, and some might be virtually impossible to.

Compare that to something like a call graph, or a module dependency diagram. The last will be more complete, but will convey *much less* information than the later.

This varies with technology, some will be more friendly than others to this kind of tool, I think that the more dynamic, the worse, but even in very static and consistent language, I would not bet on any tool being better than the brain's parser for a long time.

We have scripts that generate textual diagrams as part of our CI process (mermaid or PlantUML, depending on the case), so our Markdown documentation files (e.g. README.md) always have up-to-date diagrams and people don't have to complain "why did no one update this diagram in 6 months".

When UML was 'cool' I remember that at work some poor soul was tasked with producing UML diagrams using a $$$ tool, of course the tool failed and the poor guy had to manually produce most of the diagrams, which were obsolete quickly..

I was so happy not being the one doing this useless task..

At one time I had a diagram of our database schema. Every table with its columns and data types was in its own now with arrows indicating foreign key relationships. Each table was color coded and then then grouped into related areas of concern (user tables over here, retailer tables over there, etc.) We had our print shop print it out at the largest size they could (about 3x5 feet) and hung it on the wall. We referred to it all the time, but it was a pain to maintain as the schema changed and overtime it became too much of a hassle so we stopped updating it. I think the same thing would happen with a system diagram. It sounds good and is helpful, but over time it won’t be maintained and will be abandoned.

Full ERDs have always been more valuable to me in the making than in the having largely for that reason. But I've gotten a lot of mileage out of generating ephemeral slices of the foreign key graph from the "viewpoint" of a given table, as here: https://di.nmfay.com/exploring-databases-visually

Theoretically a proper tool would be able to generate this on the fly - lots of tools to do this on the database side. I’m not aware of many good tools that can do this on the application side - perhaps someone can chime in with some platform specific examples?

But the tool cannot automatically color code certain tables and visually group them together. That is where the real value lies.

I think a tool that did that based on naming conventions would be pretty neat - group tables if they share a prefix “user_” for example. Seems like it would be a straightforward enough implementation in some existing tooling.

Yeah.. in a world with infinite time and no compromise, documentations + diagrams are nice. In practice, working on this means not working on something else, potentially more important. Trade-offs are hard and not fun :(

I’ve felt the same problem. IntelliJ markdown files have support for mermaid is and plant uml diagrams. You have to Google/tick a box to enable it though.

I find creation of a sequence diagram with class instances as columns and method names as arrows can help visualise things.

Too many dimensions in software to draw it properly on a flat screen. Software is more like a hairy graph where each node is connected to tens of other nodes, and automatic tools can't figure what nodes are important. Even with a 3D VR immersive interface, that's still a nearly impossible task. Edit: and layout of components is just one thing, the same components would look very different on "message flow" and "initialization sequence" diagrams, while combining both diagrams into one would create a mess.

In the future mainstream languages will probably have annotations to describe "role" of various things, specifically to enable diagram generators.

Diagrams are traditionally used during the design process, if they are used at all. I've seen sequence diagrams on some recent projects. Class diagrams and others? Not so much. Often such diagrams represent an idealistic view, lacking detail, and often deliberately disconnected from reality (otherwise, the diagrams would be a real mess.)

Also I have rarely seen diagrams generated from code, the main exception being database ERDs ("reverse engineering.") Usually, those diagrams are also a mess.

Also, I almost forgot to mention: with "Agile", there usually is no design process. We'll just "fix it in the next sprint."

The GitHub repo visualizer was especially useful for me https://githubnext.com/projects/repo-visualization

I'd say the question was "solved" by Prograph CPX in the 1990s, except the diagram WAS the code.


You'd have high level classes, and low-level nitty gritty. You could edit your code as it was running (and then continue).

People prefer text (weirdly).

If there was software for automated code diagramming to help me quickly wrap my head around a new codebase, I would buy it instantly (assuming it was licensed like, say, Sublime Text and not like Adobe Creative Cloud).

I keep bookmarking threads like this one, but I haven't found anything useful for me. The closest one was SourceTrail, which is unfortunately not developed anymore.

With so much hiring and onboarding going on, I am surprised there isn't a market (or an offering) for such tools.

I was also on that SourceTrail path and eventually found CodeSee.io through some dev communities I'm a part of. Let me know if it works for you, I could only test it on personal projects since they only offer generating diagrams and code reviews on Github codebases and we use Bitbucket at work.

Something like this?

NDepend Dependency Graph https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23fBxM2v22k

Thanks for this, I'll have to try it first but this looks like exactly what I hoped for (it's a shame that it is only for .NET and Visual Studio though)

A while back I did a demo and wanted a diagram to show what was going on. I stumbled on http://www.plantuml.com which did exactly what I wanted: it took mark up and turned it into an image that could be embedded in a github markdown document.

That said, diagrams can either be rare, focused, and useful; or common, unfocused, and distracting. Automated processes tend to generate the latter.

Because most code diagrams would look like a solid black square.

It's more the layers of wrappers around the black box I have trouble with. Maybe it's just a Java problem

I would say the strongest use case in my experience is the reverse engineer who is trying to understand an executable. In this case tools like IDA Pro have diagram generation built in and all kinds of plug ins. However, it’s because staring at machine code listings makes your eyeballs bleed. I have a feeling we don’t have this more generally because high level source is decent to read and navigate and developers are the only one who needs to do so.

I am trying to answer a lot of these questions based on the idea of software literacy - so do we understand books using diagrams connecting pages and paragraphs? No, maybe concepts, maybe characters, but in the main any diagram involving time plus more than one other dimension has never been successfully written in a flat piece of paper.

Edit: another way of thinking about time is mutability so perhaps functional languages are more amenable to graphing.

because a code diagram is no different than reading the actual code, it'll be just as confusing. the learning occurs when you create the diagram yourself.

The diagram can also be a view into the thoughts and motivations behind the implementation. Which can help the next programmer know the design and why certain design decisions were made.

But not everyone thinks about designs as 2-D pictures. I'd argue there's selection pressure that favors programmers being good spellers and symbol-manipulators. Some people find it intuitive to think of concepts as boxes and the relationships between those concepts as lines. Or maybe to think of a 2-D grid of actions/dependencies with deliverables on the vertical axis and work-steps on the horizontal.

But not everyone likes these kinds of visualizations. Some prefer a text-based description. And some designs don't fit any obvious pictorial representation.

It would be funny if there was a single explanation, like, “The tool for creating simple visualizations that helps you understand codebases doesn’t exist yet.”

> - Why isn't diagram generation automated as part of the build process (UML or otherwise)?

I've had a related thought/desire percolating... roughly: I wonder what interesting levers we could build if it was normalized (for both toolchains and projects) to create and publish the plaintext relationship graphs in a common easily-reused format.

I'll self-reply to elaborate a bit.

For a concrete example, I've been developing a tool (https://github.com/abathur/resholve) that can ~build/link Bash/Shell scripts--i.e., rewrite them with external executables converted to absolute paths. (This helps ensure dependencies are known, declared, present, and don't have to be on the global PATH for the script to execute cleanly.)

There's a devilish sub-problem, which is that any given executable can potentially exec arbitrary arguments. For now I handle this with a very crude automated binary/executable analysis that needs to be augmented by human source analysis. Deep multi-language source analysis wouldn't be very scalable, but I suspect fairly-standardized structural annotations could improve the results in a scalable way.

I have to imagine there are other applications of the same information.

I haven't tried it, but the thing that I found fascinating about the Ballerina language is that it automatically generates sequence diagrams. Seems like a very powerful feature. https://ballerina.io/

I have found ctags extremely useful and effective.


Often these side artifacts turn into a make-work time-sink. Stuck on a hard problem? Distract yourself with a new ToDo app. Fix the auto diagram generator.

Honestly, freehand diagrams are best. You’ll exercise your own understanding of the code base as you draw.

Because most generated diagrams of code has very little actual value. Sometimes it fools you into thinking you understand how a system works. Which I would argue has negative value.

I think the main reason is that it is slower than having a mental model.

One reason it is slower is that it is is difficult to create a map like diagram where you zoom in to get greater detail.

for reverse engineers this is the norm. IDA, BinaryNinja, Ghidra, etc... which to see more of it for higher level languages.

dot graphs are popular with many tools but often barely or not interactive at all.

they are not useful at all.

I want to see the big picture, what they can generate are direct translations of the code down to the line level.

i think the hype is producing working solutions over documentation

I'm surprised no one's mentioned Simulink, LabVIEW, Pure Data, and GNU Radio where your code is the graph.

Sticking to the spirit of the question, I will categorize the tools mentioned in the comments. They solve very different problems, so the "ideal tool" absolutely depends on the task at hand. I think this rough categorization can help to select the right tool for the job.

The first class of tools are drawing tools. These tools aim to aid design and communication. plantUML http://www.plantuml.com/ is best suited to manual use. I use plantUML when sketching out designs. It's great for thinking about and communicating state machines, system architecture, and server-client or multiprocess interactions. The problems solved by plantUML can also be solved by general GUI diagramming software like Visio or LibreOffice Draw. I'll not dawdle on the pros and cons.

A second class of tools are static analysis tools. These are more of a microscope than they are a sketch pad. They operate on existing code and the user input comes as filters or options to get the desired level of detail. The examples here all produce graphviz .dot files:

bazel query for dependency graphs - https://bazel.build/docs/query-how-to

Doxygen C call graphs and struct inheritance graphs - https://www.doxygen.nl/manual/diagrams.html

radare2 generates call graphs from an .elf file - https://reverseengineering.stackexchange.com/a/9120

A DBC visualizer (CAN bus protocol specification file) - https://github.com/driftregion/dbcview (mine)

These tools are great not only for probing the depths of an unfamiliar codebase but also because they give insights to people already familiar with that codebase. For example: statically generated callgraphs showed that some debugging hooks had been left in. They've also shown duplicate code paths.

A third class of tools mentioned in the comments are dynamic analysis tools: profilers, tracers, debuggers. These are the oscilloscopes and signal analyzers of software engineering. These seem to be outside OP's query.

> Why isn't diagram generation automated as part of the build process (UML or otherwise)?

The output of class 1 and 2 tools is used in builds. Doxygen supports plantUML (class 1) and callgraph generation (class 2). Class 1 is obviously manual, and class 2 is also manual for reasons that others have mentioned here: namely adjusting to get the right level of detail. The text output of class 3 tools is often used in CI as a pass-fail indicator.

> Why aren't code visualization tools more popular? The options out there seem outdated.

My anecdotal experience is that these tools are specialized and therefore have a small audience. They solve problems related to design and analysis of software which is a small part of "real world" (sorry) software development.


the hype is producing working solutions over docs

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