I woke up this morning to an email from YouTube stating that my channel is banned for repeated violations. They didn’t specify what I violated but it could be anything from copyright to hate speech.
Let me explain the content of all 5 videos on my 11 year + old channel.
1) a video of a squirrel that carried half a loaf of French bread along a fence and jumped into a tree. He dropped the bread during the jump but somehow managed to one hand/paw catch the bread and save it.
2) a friend of mine who was unable to ride a spring horse on a playground.
3)my son reacting to a scene from the movie hot rod(cool beans) this was a private video.
4) music video of my own music. No samples or other copyrighted material contained.
5) another music video also with no copyrighted material.
I submitted a request to the YouTube forum but I suspect that is a black hole where support requests go to die.
I’m not really all that upset and I have all the videos that are on the channel locally but the 1 strike you are banned seems awfully extreme. The fact that I wasn’t told that something was flagged or given any sort of heads up is really what bothers me. How can I get YouTubes attention?
I've had this discussion with Googlers here before and this is apparently what they actually believe.
* They're content with algorithmic approaches to spam prevention and other moderation that results in numerous false positives and don't see the problem with that.
* They think their support channels are more than adequate.
* They think their bans result solely in bad actors being harmed and don't realize that shady businesses that actually do spam have endless fake companies at their disposal to keep on trucking.