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And real question how much trust the "allies" can place in any equipment from USA...

Let's imagine this as personal relationships.

On the one hand, your trusted and long-term partner shares a credit card and bank account with you, so you're aware that they know how and where you're spending money. You spend a lot of time together at home, so it's likely they're listening into your phone calls.

On the other hand, a malicious individual has infiltrated your bank account and installed surveillance equipment in your home.

These two situations are not the same.

Is the malicious individual the NSA backdooring Juniper and other firewalls, is it China, or both?

It's obviously China.

We might not like everything our partners do, but there's a reason we have a basis of trust with them and not with clearly adversarial and malicious entities.

There is hard proof that both Belgium and Germany had various networks/major telcos compromised. And I would not be at all surprised if there were others.

It's been a few generations since either Belgium or Germany had concentration camps, and both are allies of the Five Eyes, to varying extents.

What on earth does that have to do with this?

China has concentration camps; Germany and Belgium do not.

They aren't your partner. You are a pawn. Stop identifying with entities that have no interest in your welfare.

Of course they're interested in my welfare; even a pawn has value to the state. Moreover, the five eyes are all representative democracies; China is not.

A pawn has value to the state as a tool. One such example is to be used as cannon fodder.

The US democracy is fake. Entrenched interests hold virtually all power.

You have 6 trillion dollars and thousands of lives lost over fake wars. Where are those WMDs? Why didn't we pull out after getting bin Laden in Pakistan?

Go back a generation to the Vietnam War. 50k American lives lost.

History keeps on repeating itself and people are oblivious.

Even tools have value; better to be a tool of the state than an obstacle of an adversary.

I'm not American, and I'm rather proud that my elected representatives voted against joining the USA in the Iraq invasion. Americans voted for the Iraq invasion. It was popular[0]. It still remains reasonably popular, with slightly more Americans opposing it than supporting it in 2018[1]. Despite two decades of expenditure, pain and suffering.

0: https://news.gallup.com/poll/8038/seventytwo-percent-america...

1: https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/03/19/iraq-war-co...

That adversary is that of the state that you identify with. Neither state cares about you one iota.

The second invasion was on a false pretense of WMDs. The government in concert with the media manipulated and deceived the public.

You are a pawn. Pawns have NO value in of themselves. They are used solely to advance the cause of a side. They will be sacrificed to do so.

You can take solace in identifying with an entity that cares for you not one iota.

Waitbutwhy writes extensively about this phenomenon. It is called tribalism and delusion.


us vs them, good vs evil

It has all the hallmarks.

"A superglue story also jacks up the Us > Them values. The story needs to be all about good guys and bad guys, with a crisp, clear distinction between the two. The good guys must be good in every way—in knowledge, talent, motivation, and virtue. They’re good now, they were always good in the past, and they’ll continue to be good in the future. The bad guys are the opposite—they are and always have been stupid, ignorant, malicious, and morally backwards. Strife between the good guys and bad guys is always the fault of the bad guys"

There were plenty of media outlets that doubted the WMD story. There’s no widespread collision between media and government.

Nope. All the major outlets were pushing it. ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox. Also go find out how many representatives were for the war.


296-133, 77-23

There's nothing shocking about that many representatives voting in favor of something that had over two thirds public support. In fact, it looks appropriate.

As for the media, the foreign and public press weren't so in favor. But I'll be the last to suggest that American media isn't terrible. It is.

Yeah, it's not as though there weren't protests against the invasion, and widespread media coverage thereof.

And all the protests accomplished jackshit. Can't you see that that is the point? Your opinion and protests have no effect. Your protests are just plausible deniability.


Weapons of mass destruction


The protests failed to invigorate change, not unlike anti mask protests today, because the message wasn't persuasive enough to sufficiently many people.

That's democracy. It's not great, but it's better than the alternatives.

Entrenched special interests driving policy is what the US is. Even an erstwhile democracy can fall into a stuck state.

Democracies can be perverted and also have a history of destroying themselves. See Greek history.

Still better than totalitarianism or fascism.


Especially if we’re talking about five eyes countries, the other countries involved are on board with this sort of thing. It’s not about what’s being done but who has control when we’re talking about national security. As for how much it matters to the citizens what the difference is…well I’m probably less likely to get in trouble if China has my information actually.

Your trusted friend reads all your correspondence and listens to all your phone calls, and in free time is also a mass murderer (Iraq, Afghanistan).

You’ve got weird friends.

"Let's imagine this as personal relationships"

Antopomorphism of giant bureaucracies is either naivity or schisophrenia.

Just like "Consumers Have Human-like Relationships with Brands". I work in a big corp, it's a constant battle to make it treat humans as humans, and a losing one.

Metaphors aren't meant to be literal, they're meant to be demonstrative for illustrative purposes.

If you have an agreement with [country A] to work together in pursuit of the same goals, and you don't have an agreement with [country B] to work together in pursuit of the same goals. Which one would you trust more?

Building alliances is nearly synonymous with building trust.

Any country that doesn't want others to read its communications is going to have to produce its own telecoms equipment, because the temptation of a country to put backdoors in it is just too high.

Shouldn't be too much of a worry since the next 2 largest vendors of telecom equipment are European (Nokia and Ericsson). Although, Nokia owns the remnants of a bunch of US companies like Lucent and Motorola Networks so they may be more connected to the US.

Those are also compromised. Phillips telecoms used to have trapdoors for the NSA and so did Ericsson.

Some of the Nokia routers from the early 2000s made in Oregon also did allegedly.




The Greek wiretapping case involving Ericsson equipment was not due to a “trapdoor” but a malicious implant installed by a threat actor. This is documented in an excellent article by the IEEE [1]

Darknet Diaries produced a podcast on the whole affair which makes for great listening. The podcast episode includes additional details which have surfaced after the IEEE article mentioned [2]

[1] https://spectrum.ieee.org/the-athens-affair

[2] https://darknetdiaries.com/episode/64/

I would say the biggest and most important chunks of both came from Nortel. Vast majority of what we consider as 4G and 5G was developed at Nortel and during the collapse was scooped up by Ericson/Nokia and Huawei (though the latter mostly just hired ex-Nortel researchers and engineers).

Not 5G. The reason why Huawei became a leader in 5G is that they created all their technology around the discoveries of Erdal Arikan and bet the whole farm on it:



> Vast majority of what we consider as 4G and 5G was developed at Nortel and during the collapse was scooped up by Ericson

This is simply not true.

Source: worked for Ericsson for 17 years. Worker on both 4G and 5G / cloud native. Also worked with ex Nortel people.

> Vast majority of what we consider as 4G and 5G was developed at Nortel

Citation needed here.

The company was dead years before they drafted the first spec for 4G.

The last clear report we had was from 2013 and the answer then was "Trust. LOL!"

It's not simply a matter of trust. You should assume it's all insecure. It's a matter of whose interests align with yours the most.

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