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Even tools have value; better to be a tool of the state than an obstacle of an adversary.

I'm not American, and I'm rather proud that my elected representatives voted against joining the USA in the Iraq invasion. Americans voted for the Iraq invasion. It was popular[0]. It still remains reasonably popular, with slightly more Americans opposing it than supporting it in 2018[1]. Despite two decades of expenditure, pain and suffering.

0: https://news.gallup.com/poll/8038/seventytwo-percent-america...

1: https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/03/19/iraq-war-co...

That adversary is that of the state that you identify with. Neither state cares about you one iota.

The second invasion was on a false pretense of WMDs. The government in concert with the media manipulated and deceived the public.

You are a pawn. Pawns have NO value in of themselves. They are used solely to advance the cause of a side. They will be sacrificed to do so.

You can take solace in identifying with an entity that cares for you not one iota.

Waitbutwhy writes extensively about this phenomenon. It is called tribalism and delusion.


us vs them, good vs evil

It has all the hallmarks.

"A superglue story also jacks up the Us > Them values. The story needs to be all about good guys and bad guys, with a crisp, clear distinction between the two. The good guys must be good in every way—in knowledge, talent, motivation, and virtue. They’re good now, they were always good in the past, and they’ll continue to be good in the future. The bad guys are the opposite—they are and always have been stupid, ignorant, malicious, and morally backwards. Strife between the good guys and bad guys is always the fault of the bad guys"

There were plenty of media outlets that doubted the WMD story. There’s no widespread collision between media and government.

Nope. All the major outlets were pushing it. ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox. Also go find out how many representatives were for the war.


296-133, 77-23

There's nothing shocking about that many representatives voting in favor of something that had over two thirds public support. In fact, it looks appropriate.

As for the media, the foreign and public press weren't so in favor. But I'll be the last to suggest that American media isn't terrible. It is.

Yeah, it's not as though there weren't protests against the invasion, and widespread media coverage thereof.

And all the protests accomplished jackshit. Can't you see that that is the point? Your opinion and protests have no effect. Your protests are just plausible deniability.


Weapons of mass destruction


The protests failed to invigorate change, not unlike anti mask protests today, because the message wasn't persuasive enough to sufficiently many people.

That's democracy. It's not great, but it's better than the alternatives.

Entrenched special interests driving policy is what the US is. Even an erstwhile democracy can fall into a stuck state.

Democracies can be perverted and also have a history of destroying themselves. See Greek history.

Still better than totalitarianism or fascism.

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