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I think you'd like Richard Rorty's book "Achieving Our Country" where he defines the Cultural Left vs the Progressive Left. It was written in 1998 and may very well have predicted the "Left will eat itself" state that we're in.

Regarding Spencer, believe what you want about violence as an instrument, but also remember that this guy openly calls for "Black Genocide" and would more than likely carry it out given any sort of power. I don't know how you might combat that without counterviolence, but it's certainly not "engaging" him and "hearing him out."

Thanks for the recommendation, I'm looking for new reading material so I just threw it in the cart over on Amazon.

and would more than likely carry it out given any sort of power

Sure. That's a great thought absolutely; except he has no power to enact such a policy (admittedly not the strongest counter point), and he certainly had no power that day while being interviewed to enact such a policy (probably a comparatively stronger counterpoint).

In the absence of power wielded to actively 'genocide' blacks like myself and others, pre-emptive assault says what about the assailant and those encouraging him?

That said, at the highest level-I don't disagree. I just wonder-again, where this road ends when we're looking for reasons to excuse pre-emptive physical assault at the presence of disagreeable ideas? Where and when do we begin to get uncomfortable with people getting slugged on the sidewalk for wearing a sign that says "I hate niggers?" (http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/uncyclopedia/images/5/53...)

I was hoping the image was from Die Hard: With a Vengeance before I clicked.

In regards to Spencer's power - few other people were being interviewed that day, at length. And even less people were making speeches in Washington DC.

All this said, the American legal system has a great history of protecting the KKK, the Nazi party, and the Nationalist Movement's free speech and despite my post is very unwilling to

Also, a Nazi shot an anarchist at a protest (https://twincitiesgdc.org/2017/01/22/seattleshootingpr/) soon after somebody punched Spencer. Why aren't people defending the anarchist on Twitter, at length, ad nauseum. It's just really... weird, I guess.

Not presupposing any conclusions here, just trying to further the discussion.

IMO it's the weakest of the series not including the reboots in the 2000's which I don't even consider canon and there's nothing you can say to convince me otherwise :P

I hadn't heard about the shooting, but I think you've asked a pretty interesting question-one I will admit just looking at the reaction to Spencer alone I'm afraid to find an answer to.

Regardless of which "side" is more in the right or alternatively (see what I did there?) wrong about it, however you want to define "it", things are escalating towards a weird place and the terminus doesn't look pretty just by how we've gone about the last few weeks.

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